
Götterdämmerung and Aftermath

German Atom Bomb and WMDs - Part 2

The Miracle Explosives

Liquid Air 

It seems that the Germans were on to a new way to make and store energy. It was the process of liquefying air.

Air is a combination of many gases but its main components are nitrogen and oxygen in a ratio of roughly seventy percent and twenty percent, respectively.

There is a history of research and breakthroughs regarding means to liquify air prior to World War Two.

A commercial means to liquify air was developed by the Frenchman, Georges Claude, who worked with the Germans.1 Given a method to liquify air, liquified air seems to have been produced and stored by the Germans for later use. There may also have been a break-through in storage. 

To make it a liquid, the gas must be artificially cooled until it reaches a temperature were it turns from a gas to a liquid.

Some gases are harder to liquify than others. Usually, the difficulty comes from reaching a temperature low enough to liquify the gas. Once a gas has been liquified, it can usually be stored under pressure. This means storing the liquified gas in steel containers.

One source says that liquid hydrogen as well as liquid air can not be stored under pressure because of their low boiling points. Instead, it must be stored at normal atmospheric pressure in thermos bottles or Dewar flasks. 2

This is a system in which a metal bottle is encased within another metal bottle with a space in between where the air has been removed. With a vacuum between the two bottles, the inner bottle is filled with the liquid to be kept cold.

The vacuum is an excellent insulator and so the contents of the bottle are kept cold or hot, depending on application, for an extended period of time. Additionally, a small hole or valve can be placed in the bottle, allowing a measured quantity of liquid gas to escape and expand to a gas.

Heat is absorbed in this expansion process, cooling the remaining liquid gas in the bottle to offset any heat entering the bottle. This thermos-at-atmospheric-pressure explanation is fine but somehow does not conform to what was observed during the war. 

Apparently, the Germans were making liquified air, storing it under pressure, and extracting its stored energy at a later date.

As early as 1930, the "Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" [Reichs Works Association], concerned itself with liquified air and its energy potential almost as much as it concerned itself with sources of new energy. 3 This organization was set up with the express purpose of energy independence for Germany.

The exact application to which the liquified air was to be put was not explained but it was given a considerable volume of print in their publications.

During the war, all sorts of plans were made to utilize the liquid air that must have been on hand. Plans were made to ignite it in new engines. 4

Liquified air facilities fell under the control of the SS, which is a sure sign that this was a valued commodity with a real role to play in the war. 5

These roles included powering submarine as well as aircraft engines. 6 But the information that tells us the Germans were able to store liquid air, presumably under pressure in a closed container, comes from their work to used liquid air as an explosive in artillery shells. 


R. Lusar, "Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung"
[German weapons and secret weapons of WWII and their subsequent development]
T. F. Lehmanns Verlag München, 1956

In the chapter 'Sonderwaffen' [Special weapons] the author mentions a "Flüssiger Luft-Werfer" [Liquid air thrower]:

"At the beginning of the Russian campaign the German army had a remarkable weapon that aroused the greatest sensation. It consisted of "Minengefäße" [mine-vessels], filled with liquid air that had a terrible effect.

After their use on 16 June 1942 near Tim on the Dnieper the Soviet Union demanded that use of this weapon should cease threatening to wage a gas-war if their demand was denied".

Later in the same chapter the author again uses his term "Minengefäße" to indicate weapons fired from "Nebelwerfers".

"A completely new pioneering device for the forcing of fixed fortifications was developed under the name "Schlaganfall" [stroke]: A gas mixture was blown into the fortifications and then detonated. 

"Tests were commenced with Firedamp, feared in the mining industry, then experimented with methane or hydrogen mixtures. However, it was difficult to achieve a controllable ignition.

"Tests with acetylene obtained from calcium carbide also led to self-ignition in numerous cases. The best effect was a mixture of 80 per cent carbon oxide with 20 per cent ethylene.

"In use, the gas was brought into the vicinity of the fortress, a hole was blown in the armor with a small hollow charge, and the gas was blown in. The ignition then took place electrically through a glow plug inserted with a probe.

"In 1942, the first pioneer unit was equipped with this weapon, now called "Taifun": It had more than 500 such gas bottles.

"An attack against the inter-connected cellar rooms in the inner city of Kharkov failed, the necessary high concentration could not be achieved.

In the autumn of 1943 some operations on the Kerch peninsula were carried out with moderate success. 

"The opponent considered the use of this weapon as a banned chemical weapon use. Because of this, Generaloberst Erwin Jänecke, then the commander-in-chief of the 17th Army, was condemned to death by the Russians.

"He was, however, later pardoned and released from captivity in October 1955. In March 1945 there was still a special unit with typhoon equipment at the Army Sturmpionier-Brigade 46".

There is a report from late 1943 about a projectile containing phosphorous and other chemicals that absorb oxygen.

The effective radius on impact is given as a few hundreds meters.

There is also a report of a larger version. B.I.O.S. Report No. 142 refers to an "Oxygen Bomb" Factory located at Nordhausen. The effect of the bomb is killing all life in a circle of several kilometers. The length of the bomb is given as 17 meters.

This information comes from a G-2 source working in conjunction with the U.S. Seventh Army, on or about 21 October 1944. 7

In that source a prisoner of war was interviewed.

The prisoner claimed that 105 mm Howitzer cannons had been modified to fire a liquid air-filled shells. The German word "Pressluft" is inserted into the English text and presumably was the word employed by the prisoner.

The barrel of this gun was about half meter longer than the normal German 105 mm Howitzer, and, on both sides of the breech there was a vent 2-3 cm wide. The projectile itself is somewhat longer that the standard for that gun.

The new shell, without the powder charge is about the same as the length of the normal 105 mm projectile and the cartridge case combined. The firing of this gun was somewhat out of the ordinary. The crew stood off 10 meters away from the gun at time of firing. The explosion made a muffled sound and smoke came through the vents in the breech.

The smoke itself was described as having the effect of vomiting gas and caused the lungs to ache which way why the crew withdrew to the 10 meter distance. This description seems to indicate that the projectiles themselves were fired using liquid air as a propulsion source. 

In test firings, 30 cows and horses were spread out over a 2.5 km diameter area. Four projectiles were fired. All the animals were killed. It was discovered that the animals died because their lungs had been crushed. 

At time of the tests a Col. Kurt Kruse, the commanding officer of the artillery school made an odd comment: 

"Let us hope that in the field the same result will be attained. Then V-2 will be achieved". 

The first sentence is not surprising. Every military man hopes his weapons will work in practice as they do in testing. It is the second statement which is noteworthy and which raises the question as to if liquid air was intended as an explosive warhead for the V-2 rocket.

According to one source, this is exactly what was in the works and an American OSS report from 8 October 1944 is cited—a date very close to the one discussed here. 8. The use of liquid air as an explosive is probably only one small part of its significance. 

During the period of the Third Reich, the Germans envisioned liquid air as a source of energy.

They did not need to go abroad to get it, the raw material, air, was everywhere. No prospecting equipment, pipelines or refinery was necessary.

Liquid air could be manufactured at leisure, then bottled and stored for later use. Its energy could be extracted halfway around the world.

The ultimate German flying machine may have been a saucer that manufactured and burnt its own liquid air as it flew.

This is an idea hinted at by flying saucer pioneer Renato Vesco 9 and which has recently been taken up again by researcher Klaus-Peter Rothkugel who has written about this on many occasions.

A lot of people like to cite Renato Vesco as a source of "reputable information". This is largely based on the belief that he was supposed to have been was a licensed pilot and a fully-licensed aircraft engineer, who specialised in aerospace and ramjet developments.

The same biographers frequently claimed that he attended the University of Rome and, before World War II, studied at the German Institute for Aerial Development; and that during the war he worked with the Germans at Fiat’s secret Lake Garda installations, in Italy.

He is said to have become a senior member of the Italian Association of Aerotechnics in 1943 and, in 1944, to have commanded the technical section of the Italian Air Force.

In 1946–47 Vesco, served in the "Reparto Tecnico Caccia" and during the 1960s, worked for the Italian Air Ministry of Defense as an undercover technical agent, investigating the UFO mystery.

Unfortunately, Vesco was born in 1924. World War II started in 1939.

• How could he have attended the University of Rome and studied at the German Institute for Aerial Development by the time he was 14 or 15 years old? 
• How likely is it that he was a senior member of the Italian Association of Aerotechnics since the ripe old age of 18 or 19? 
• How did he come to command "the technical section of the Italian Air Force" by the time he was 19 or 20 years old?

The highly-respected Italian researcher Maurizio Verga —who actually met Vesco— gives a quite different accounting of Vesco's life and activities:

• Between 1942 and 1944, he submitted a 50-page proposal for a stratospheric fast jet-fighter to the Luftwaffe in Gallarate. His tender was tacitly rebuffed.
• In 1943 he joined the MVSN, presumably to fight the Allied invasion of his homeland. Not long after, though, Italy capitulated. 
• He promptly volunteered for the Air Force of the "Repubblica di Salò". Instead of becoming a pilot, however, he was immediately put to work in an office, as a book-keeper. He was only allowed to fly toward the end of the war, when the situation grew sufficiently desperate. 
• After the war, he joined the new Italian Air Force. In spite of the fact that he had actually flown in combat, he was made a private. As such, he was stationed at the Galatina airfield, near Lecce in southern Italy, until July 1947.
• Between 1956 and the early 1960s, he worked as an engine technician aboard various merchant ships.
• He returned to Genoa in the mid-1960s, where he lived as a recluse until the day he died.


In the liquid air Howitzer shell and the V-2 warhead, we think of the utilization of liquid air as a burning or explosive force.

To do this, of course, liquid air must burn. Oxygen itself doesn't really burn; but it is necessary for combustion. We seem to be left with nitrogen as the combustible material under consideration. Nitrogen is mentioned in a U.S. government file describing liquid air used as an explosive shell. 

-- BIOS Report Number 142: Liquid Air Bomb. 

A liquid air bomb design using coal dust may have been a forerunner to Dr. Mario Zippermayr's fuel-air bomb using nitrogen, usually thought of as an inert gas.

This is true as a practical matter in our daily lives, but nitrogen will burn if it gets hot enough. Thunder is evidence of this.

During a discharge of lightning, atmospheric nitrogen is burnt by the heat generated by the lightning. Nitrogen rapidly combines with atmospheric oxygen, causing a low-pressure area in its wake. Thunder is the sound generated by the gasses of the atmosphere slamming that pocket of low pressure, burnt nitrogen, shut once more.

The fallout is "fixed nitrogen", molecules of nitrogen combined with oxygen, falling to earth which are used by plant life as fertilizer. The point is that nitrogen will burn given enough heat. 

A second method to extract energy from liquid air involves its rapid transformation from a frozen liquid [liquid Nitrogen at-147 degrees C] to a gas as the result of heating.

Here we encounter the patent of Karl Nowak.

Nowak was an Austrian who found that when matter in its cold, liquid state is heated rapidly, for instance injected into a combustion chamber on an engine, it expands with a tremendous rate of force. Nowak made all sorts of claims as to the power of that force but for us it is probably only necessary to recognize the principle.

If liquid air were injected into a combustion chamber, such as that of an automobile engine, and it was sufficiently heated, such as with a high voltage discharge, not only would a force of expansion arise from the burning of the gasses, but prior to the burning and just before ignition, a force would have generated based upon the rapid heating of the liquid air by the spark discharge.

A second expansion would take place upon the burning of the fuel itself, a reaction with which we are all familiar.

The basics of this liquid air discussion are that the Germans succeeded in finding a simple new source oi energy, one that was not based on foreign sources and which could be produced and transported relatively easily and one that has apparently been forgotten today. 


1. Vesco, Renato, "Intercept UFO", 1976, Pinacle Books, Inc., New York 
2. Van Nostrand, "Scientific Encyclopedia", 1958,  D. van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York 
3. 'Weltdynamismus Streifzug durch technisches Neuland an Hand von biologischen Symbolen', 1930, commissioned by the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft "Das kommendende Deutschland", Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag, Berlin 
4. Vesco, Renato, Intercept UFO, 1976. 
5. ibid.
6. ibid
7. Office of the Director of Intelligence [G-2], file: MU 500, CSDIC [West], Ref. No. 578, Interrogation Reports and Correspondence on Prisoners of War ["Mis-Y"], 1943-1945, The National Archives, Record Group 165: Records of the War Department Genera and Special Staffs 
8. Georg, Friedrich, 2003, "Hitlers Siegeswaffen Band 2: Star Wars 1947 Teil A: Von der V-1 bis zur A-9: unkonventionelle Kurz - und Mittelstreckenwaffen", Amun-Verlag, Zella Mehlis 
9. Vesco, Renato, 1976

 -- Henry Stevens, "Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology"


Four items of literature appear to relate to the explosive tested at Ohrdruf in March 1945:

British Security Coordination [BSC] was the largest integrated Intelligence network enterprise in history.

a. Its Director was Sir William Stevenson, a Canadian industrialist. His code-name was "Intrepid". In his autobiography, "A Man Called Intrepid", Sphere Books, 1977, Stevenson relates: 

"One of the BSC agents submitted a report, sealed and stamped 'This is of Particular Secrecy' which told of '...liquid air bombs being developed in Germany... of terrific destructive effect'.

The reader should not be misled into thinking that these were modern common-or-garden "liquid air bombs": Stevenson noted that they were "as powerful as rockets with atomic warheads".

b. The book "German Secret Weapons", Ballantyne Press, UK, also Libr. Edit. San Martin, Madrid, 1975, was authored by Brian Ford [military scientist], Barrie Pitt [academic historian] and Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart [military historian].

It states:

"The Whirlwind Bomb produced an artificial hurricane of fire and is absolutely authentic even though it may seem improbable. The explosive was developed and tested by Dr. Zippermayr at Lofer, an experimental Luftwaffe institute in the Tyrol.

"The explosive was pulverized coal dust and liquid air. Its effect was sufficient to create an artificial typhoon and was intended initially as an anti-aircraft weapon able to destroy aircraft by excessive turbulence. The effective radius of action was 914 metres".

c. There is a 4-page declassified US Intelligence document of the Salzburg Detachment of the US Forces Austria Counter-Intelligence Corps, describing Dr. Zippermayr interrogated at Lofer on 3 August  1945.

His laboratories were established at Lofer with head office at Weimarerstrasse 87, Vienna. Staff was 35, work financed by RLM and under direction of Chef der Technischen Luftrüstung.

-- US Forces Austria Counter-Intelligence Corps, Salzburg Detachment, Zell am See report 4 August 1945, Case No S/Z/55 Dr Mario Zippermayr; NARA RG 319 Entry 82a Reports and messages, ALSOS Mission.

Zippermayr worked on three projects of which one was the Enzian/Schmetterling anti-aircraft rockets "charged with a coal dust explosive so strong that the concussion could break the wings of a bomber".

This item "was proved successful by August 1943, but orders for its production were not issued until 9 March 1945".

Unlike other German missiles like the Rheinmetall-Borsig "Rheintochter" or Henschel Hs 117 "Schmetterling" which were precision weapons designed to effectively destroy one aircraft at a time, the "Enzian" was designed to create a explosion and shockwave large enough to knock down several bombers at once.


d. An extract from BIOS [British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee] Final Report 142[g] 'Information obtained from Targets of Opportunity in the Sonthofen Area', [HMSO London] detaills evidence of a 4.5km radius of forest flattened above Starnbergersee SW of Munich with destruction out to 12.5 kilometres. 

BIOS target numbers C28/8.211, C25/549, C6/137, C30/338, C4/268, C22/2182, C21/601

The report states that during 1944, an explosive mixture of 60% liquid air and 40% finely powdered coal dust invented by Dr. Mario Zippermayr was tested at Döberitz explosives ground near Berlin, and was found to be very destructive over a radius of up to 600 metres.

Waffen-SS scientists then became involved and added some kind of waxy substance to the explosive.

The bombs had to be filled immediately prior to the aircraft taking off. Bombs of 25 and 50 kgs were dropped on Starnberger See and photos taken.

Standartenführer Dr Alfred Klemm showed these to Rudolf Brandt [Himmler's Personal Administrative Officer]. The intensive explosion covered an area 4 to 4.5 km radius, and the explosion was still felt on a radius 12.5 km.

When the bomb was dropped on an airfield, much destruction was caused 12 km away, and all the trees on a hillside 5 to 6 km away were flat.

On a radius of 12.5 km. only the tops of the trees were destroyed.


Note the truly massive size and area of devastation caused by the relatively small fuel-air bomb, for the area covered by the second test is commensurate with the blast from a large atom bomb: 6 kilometers. This is only one step short of a modern fuel air bomb with its chain molecules and electrical, instantaneous, rather than slower chemical, detonation.

So in other words, regardless of whether or not the Nazis actually detonated atom bombs during World War Two, they did have a weapon of mass destruction as powerful as an atom bomb, and one that did not have radioactive side effects. Moreover, the weight of this bomb, while large, was within the capabilities of existing German bombers to carry.

Finally, it is to be noted that this test took place under the direct auspices of the SS, Himmler's representative himself being present for it. And that would place the weapon firmly within the orbit of Kammler's "think tank". 

German possession of even a prototype fuel-air bomb during World War Two causes a number of historical problems, and it is worth considering them and their implications.

First, the test of such a device during the war would give lie to the contemporary "public" history of the fuel-air bomb, since they are only supposed to be the off-shoot of American thermo-nuclear research and dating from the early 1980s.

Doubtless, the modern fuel-air bomb is nothing like the early German prototype, with its chain molecules and simultaneous electrical detonation, it is a lighter, and much more powerful device.

Second, if the technology existed for such enormous conventional bombs capable of wreaking strategic large scale destruction on the order of small atom bombs, why were untold billions spent on much more expensive atomic and thermonuclear bombs, whose side-effects included deadly radioactivity, and why was the charade continued for so long?

The existence of such weapons indicates that at some very profound, and little appreciated, level, the Cold War was a partial sham.

Third, the basic idea for such a weapon had, in fact, been explored by Austria [prior to its annexation by Germany], and then subsequently both by Italy and Germany in the years immediately prior to the war. The idea is simple, and the effects obvious.

So why did it take this long to obtain the weapon? Or is there a history that has not yet come to light?

Given the allegations of the German use of some weapon of extra-ordinary strategic explosive power on the Eastern Front, it seems likely that some similar type of weapon was already in use. The Zippermayr test may thus only have been a test, not of the concept itself, but of how large of a weapon could actually be made.

The results were probably beyond even the Nazis' wildest destructive dreams.

This waxy substance was a reagent of some kind which was said to interact with air during the development of the explosion, causing it to change its composition and so create meteorological change in the atmosphere.

When detonated the bomb would create a huge explosion with a latter unnatural electrical storm effect at ground level, consuming all oxygen and burning everything alive in a 4.5 km radius - a form of plasma weapon.

However, the decision to proceed with this bomb was only granted on 9 March 1945 and was to be constructed at the Jonastal S-3 complex as well as the German discs.

The complex was never finished in time and worked stopped that same month.

Göring's statement upon his arrest in May 1945 is significant: He claimed to have led a revolt against Luftwaffe use of a bomb "which could have destroyed all civilisation".

The bomb was not a nuclear weapon, and it appears to have been a conventional explosive which used a reagent or catalyst produced by Tesla methodology or similar for its inexplicable effect.

The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht [OKW, High Command] and Luftwaffe war diaries and all copies of them for the period March 1945 have disappeared and are suspected to be in American keeping.


Russia tests giant fuel-air bomb
BBC News
12 September 2007 
The Russian air force has tested a giant fuel-air bomb which the military says is the biggest non-nuclear explosive device in the world.  

Russian TV showed a Tupolev bomber dropping the bomb over a test range, a powerful explosion and a four-storey building reduced to rubble.

Claims it is bigger than the MOAB, a US device of similar destructive power, seem plausible, analysts say.

Such bombs are mainly designed to destroy underground targets.

The name MOAB officially stands for "Massive Ordnance Air Burst" but has unofficially been interpreted as "Mother Of All Bombs".

The Russian bomb, which has no known official name, has been dubbed Father of All Bombs by its designers, Russia's "Channel One News" says in its report.

It contains about seven tons of high explosives compared with more than eight for the MOAB but is four times more powerful because it uses a new type of explosive developed with the use of nanotechnology, according to the channel.

"Test results of the new airborne weapon have shown that its efficiency and power is commensurate with a nuclear weapon," Gen Alexander Rukshin, Russian deputy armed forces chief of staff, told the channel.

It has, he says, "no match in the world".

Psychological value 

Robert Hewson, editor of Jane's "Air-launched Weapons", believes that the Russian claims are plausible given the country's track record in developing, and using, fuel-air devices.

"I think the likelihood is that this is the world's biggest non-nuclear bomb," he told the BBC News website.

"You can argue about the numbers and how you scale this but the Russians have a long and proven history of developing weapons in the thermobaric class."

Russia used such weapons in Afghanistan and Chechnya, Hewson says, and he suspects that the bomb shown on TV was conceived for the Chechen conflict but never actually used because of the sheer scale of the destruction it could wreak.

He believes that the test blast was a "statement" by Russia comparable in its psychological effect to America's demonstration of the Moab just before the 2003 invasion of Iraq - a demonstration never followed up by its actual use.

"The Russians are in a phase of needing to make statements at the moment and have done the same thing," Hewson says.

The giant bomb was transported by a Tu-160 'Blackjack' supersonic bomber, itself in the news recently when Russia revived the Soviet practice of sending heavy bombers out on long-range flights.


The suggestion at this point is that by late 1944, Waffen-SS scientists in Germany had developed a catalyst or reagent, apparently a waxy substance, maybe a plasmoid of some kind, which when added to a conventional explosive containing liquid air vastly magnified the effect, killing everything within a three mile radius by blast, tremendous heat and suffocation.

It appears also to have had undesirable meteorological effects.


The Electromagnetic Vampire

What I am calling the "electromagnetic vampire" is so unique that I feel it must be discussed. Its implications in the modern world, in our current "Security State", are obvious. 

The uncovering of this device is not my work. This report comes to us from Dr. Axel Stoll in his book "Hochtechnologie im Dritten Reich". The topic of interest arises as Dr. Stoll is discussing a German base in Tibet during the Second World War.

He mentions that Tibet fought with the Germans in this conflict and that SS men were actually trained in Tibet.

This association argues for a German underground base in Tibet and Dr. Stoll goes on to describe possible provisions for security in German underground bases and describes an example of a German electro-magnetic security system. 

The example he uses is the early Reich Chancellery.

The lower floors of the Reich Chancellery were flooded during the latter stages of the war. This tactic was used numerous times on high-value underground facilities to prevent the advancing Allied Powers from learning Nazi secrets. Therefore, there may be other examples still out there.

The device under discussion is some sort of electro-magnetic cage. Dr. Stoll calls it an "energetischen Käfig" or "elektromagnetische Birne".

Within the area of this cage a special electro-magnetic field was present. This cage would be used to surround a specific room or area within the larger facility.

Presumably, within this room, objects of tremendous value would be stored and therefore needed ultimate security, even more security than simply housing them within this high-security underground facility. 

Dr. Stoll is unable to name his sources for security reasons, but goes on to tell a fascinating story.

In the former East German Democratic Republic [DDR], strong, able-bodied divers, who were former members of the State Security Service [MfS] of that communist government were detailed to dive into the Reich Chancellery and surrounding vicinity with the goal of recovering documents, material stores and technology.

These operatives were not boy scouts, nor was East Germany a worker's paradise in the 1970s and 1980s, which is the period in which this story takes place.

The DDR is the country which spawned the dreaded secret police, the "Stasi". Stasi was one of the most efficient, innovative and ruthless Itelligence organizations ever conceived. Stasi could be thought of as the KGB coupled with German innovative efficiency.

It is from this hard background that the divers were lowered by ropes into the black pool which were the lower floors of the Reich Chancellery. 

What the divers encountered in the blackness was terror itself.

Some of the divers, described by Dr. Stoll, surfaced with prolific symptoms. Their faces were contorted into a horrible grimaces. The problem was that this terribly distorted expression would not relax. Their contorted faces were frozen into a masks of permanent deformity.

Not only were they disfigured but somehow they had been aged during the dive. Now they appeared to be visibly older, perhaps aging up to fifteen years in a few minutes. But that was not all. Functioning like an almost perfect security system, the divers could not remember what had happened during their dive.

Their memories had been blanked out. This was not temporary amnesia. This amnesia proved to be life-long. 

Dr. Stoll, a Geophysicist, explains the workings of the device this way.

Within the cage, "Käfig", which is the space to be secured, a human body encounters an almost null-point of energy near the physical center of the device. At this point, energy is actually drawn out of the human body. This withdrawal of energy alters the human body and the human being, as a rule, for the worst. This sucking away of human energy can lead to death.

This electro-magnetic or psychic vampire constitutes the ultimate in security systems. Imagine marketing a home security system boasting to suck the life out of intruders. Imagine this system in place in all truly sensitive government facilities today. 

Source: Stoll, Axel, Ph.D., 2001, "Hochtechnologie Im Dritten Reich: Reichsdeutsche Entwicklungen und die vermutlich wahre Herkunft der 'UFOs', Amun-Verlag, Schleusesiedlung 2, D- 98553 Schleusingen, Germany 29 

-- Henry Stevens, "Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology"

"The East came West - Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist Volunteers in the German Armed Forces 1941-1945" edited by Antonio J. Munoz, has exact figures and bibliography about the hundreds of thousand of the collaborators from Asia.

There are also some very interesting photos of Asians in their colourful outfits that fought bravely side by side with the Germans: Turkmenes, Indians, even some Koreans, to name but a few.

Some were volunteers, some were captured non-Russian soldiers of the Soviet Army, natives of the oriental Soviet Republics, who had been given the choice either to stay in PoW camps or to join the Wehrmacht, or even the Waffen-SS.

They were badly needed for the garrisons, as "Ersatz" Units, in France when the troops originally stationed there had to be transferred to the Eastern front, where the losses were enormous. 

The Germans did not segregate their troops.

Blacks, Asians, Arabs and Whites all fought and lived and died side-by-side.

A sharp contrast to the American and British treatment of non-whites that fought for them. These unfortunate troops were often used as cannon fodder and not even allowed to fight with white troops.

Tibetans in German Uniforms

In "Victims of Yalta" by Nikolai Tolstoy, there is the story of two Tibetans being captured by the Allies in Normandy.

It took some time to establish their identity because no-one could identify their language, let alone speak it.

They were supposedly Tibetan shepherds who had wandered across the border from the Asian fringe of the Soviet Union near China, and had been drafted into the Soviet army, were captured by the Germans, then drafted into service and sent to defend Normandy.

In a footnote in "The Last Battle" Cornelius Ryan mentions that he was with Allied interrogators who were questioning two Asian men captured in German uniforms.

It was later learned that these two men were Tibetans who were press ganged into the Red Army and were captured when the Germans invaded and were press ganged into the Wehrmacht.

"When the American troops took the beach of Normandy, on 6 June 1944, they discovered to their surprise that, in one of the sectors where they had just fought and died, all the prisoners made to the enemy were not German 'Aryans', but Asians. 

"Initially they thought that it was a detachment that the Japanese army had sent in aid of the Reich.

"But the reality was more incredible, for those Orientals were a series of combatants from various Asian countries who had taken up arms at Hitler's service.

"During the Second World War, the phenomenon of the foreign volunteers in the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS was so broad that, in addition to the thousands of Europeans and Arabs who went through their ranks, also did a multitude of Asians. 

"The most well-known case was that of the Legion SS Indian composed of Hindu soldiers who craved the independence of the British Empire, as well as the anti-Communist Turkestanos [Kazakh, Uzbeks, Tajik, Alexander, Tuvans…] of the Legion Turkestan, the Buddhist Riders Of the Kalmyk Cavalry Corps, the Tartars of the "Idel-Ural" legion and even a lesser number of Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thais, Indonesians and Tibetans, among others".

 - Rubén Villamor, "Hitler's Asians. Volunteers from India, Central Asia and Far East in the German Army 1941-1945 "

A certain number of Tibetans, about 1,000, had been in German service in the later years of the war.

Their unit was wiped out completely by Soviet troops during the siege of Berlin in Spring 1945.

The final battle was fought around the communications control center.

Many dead soldiers were found at the ruined communications control center.

Though the Tibetans were neither Hitler's Schutzstaffel, nor members of his Entourage, they fought to the end, after Hitler had killed himself. 

"During the 1940s Tibetan volunteers formed brigades attached to the Cossack regiments fighting Communism with NS Germany.

"The Tibetans with their endurance of sub-zero temperatures, and refusal to surrender made them among the toughest fighters against the Soviets.

"They were exceptional horsemen and staged some of the last cavalry charges in history. It was the remnants of these brigades that the Soviet army found in the ruins of Berlin, having fought to the last".

- W. Grimwald, ''Germany and Tibet'

Agehananda Barati [Leopold Fischer], a Professor of Sanskrit and Anthropology at Syracuse University and a former member of Hitler’s "Free India Legion", claimed the rumor about Tibetans in Berlin fighting for Nazi Germany was not true.

The Mystery of Dead Tibetans in Berlin 

On 25 April 1945, Soviet troops were patrolling around the capital of Nazi Germany, Berlin, lying in ruins.

They spotted seven bodies with the badge of the SS [Schutzstaffel], in a cellar. They seemed to be German soldiers, nothing unusual. But there was one thing unusual. One of the seven bodies was surrounded by other six bodies in a circle. They glanced at them and passed.

But one soldier found that the way they had been killed was strange. He stopped other soldiers. They looked at the dead German soldiers carefully again. The hands of a dead soldier in the center had been joined firmly as if he had been praying, and both hands were covered with green gloves.

But the most surprising thing was that the dead soldiers' faces were beyond doubt the faces of Asians, particularly from Tibet. Not only the soldier in the center but also all other bodies around him were Tibetans.

 "What's this all about?"

The Soviet soldiers were stunned at the inexplicable scene in front of them.

But it was apparent that the Tibetans had not been killed but that they had committed some ritual suicide.

The dead wore German military uniforms, but with neither identification badges nor identification paper. They were laid on the floor in a perfect array. They had disemboweled themselves with ceremonial daggers.

Since then, hundreds [some sources claim "thousands"] of Tibetan corpses in SS uniforms were found one after another in every nook and cranny of Berlin.

In "Conspiracy Files" by David Southwell and Sean Twist, it is noted "...this element of the war tends to be glossed over in history books..."

"In Berlin there was a Tibetan monk, nicknamed “the man with the green gloves", who had correctly foretold in the Press, on three occasions, the number of Hitlerian deputies elected to the Reichstag, and who was regularly visited by Hitler. He was said by the Initiates to possess the keys to the kingdom of Agarthi … 

"It was in 1926 that a small Hindu and Tibetan colony settled in Berlin and Munich.

"When the Russians entered Berlin, they found among the corpses a thousand volunteers for death in German uniform without any papers or badges, of Himalayan origin. 

"As soon as the [Nazi] movement began to acquire extensive funds, it organised a number of expeditions to Tibet, which succeeded one another practically without interruption until 1943".

- Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier,  "The Morning of the Magicians"

None of these occult detailse have any basis in fact. No green-gloved Tibetan monk lived in Berlin to advise Hitler. 

Furthermore, far from a constant succession of German expeditions to Tibet from 1926-1943, only a single German expedition went to that country, that of 1938-1939.

There were also no Tibetan colonies in Munich, Berlin or other cities, no Tibetan monks, and no troop of uniformed Tibetans in Germany. 

In fact, in the first half of the twentieth century only a single Tibetan lived in Germany: He was Albert Tafel’s interpreter, whom Tafel had brought with him after his expedition in 1907.

There is also no proof at all for the claim of a thousand uniformed Tibetan corpses. 

This story may be a legend arising from the fact that in the Second World War Mongolian Kalmyks had fought on the side of the Germans, although at the end of the war there were almost no Kalmyks in Berlin. 

Nonetheless, it was thus that the myth arose. 

Once Pauwels and Bergier had provided this basic stock of myths relating to the occult inspiration of Nazism, further authors were tempted into a sensational field.

Trevor Ravenscroft added to this repertoire of myths in his widely read work, also translated into several languages, "The Spear of Destiny":

"It was largely through the initiative of Professor Karl Haushofer and other members of the Vril Society in Berlin and Munich that exploratory teams were sent out to Tibet - a succession of German expeditions which took place annually from 1926 to 1942.....

"Three years after the first contact had been made with the Adepts of Agarthi and Shamballah, a Tibetan community was established in Germany with branches in Berlin, Munich, and Nuremberg.

"During the final months of the war the lamas from Tibet were utterly neglected by the Nazis. They had failed in their mission to harness the powers of Lucifer to the Nazi cause. 

"To show his personal disfavour Hitler ordered that they should live on the same reduced rations as the inmates of the Concentration Camps. 

"When the Russians reached their quarters in the suburbs of Berlin, they discovered their naked bodies lying in orderly rows, each with a ceremonial knife piercing the abdomen".

- Isrun Engelhardt, 'Nazis of Tibet: A Twentieth Century Myth' 

Several Tibertan monks were found by Russian forces entering Berlin at the end of the war. The monks, allegedly, were in SS uniforms and had committed ritual suicide.
Since the 1938-1939 Schäff
er Expedition is known not to have brought out Tibetan monks, but only a an entire priceless copy of the ancient Tibetan epic collection of the "Kang Shuur," the question becomes, when were these monks smuggled out of Tibet into Nazi Germany, by what route, and for what purpose?

The most likely possibility was sometime around the period of the massive German ofensive on the southern Russian Front in the summer of 1942.

It is a little known fact that the Wehrmacht sent armed long-range reconnaissance units as far east as Astrakhan on the northern Caspian Sea, but beyond sewing confusion behind Russian lines, there was little military value in such an operation. 

However, it is possible that commando/engineer units of the WafFen SS might have been included in these units:

Once the units had penetrated as far east as was operationally safe, the commando units would have been released to continue onward through Kazakstan and on into Tibet, utilizing Nazi intelligence contacts in these Muslim areas to smooth their passage through hostile territory.

In Tibet, a make-shift airfield could have been constructed able to handle long-range aircraft. The Tibetans would have then been flown back to Germany.

While a hazardous enterprise, it would have been far safer than attempting to smuggle the monks out through British India and back to Germany via U-Boat, which, in any case, would have required more trips than would have been required by even one of the large Junkers 290s or the enormous Junkers 390s.

As for the purpose of such an operation, this is relatively transparent, the monks' expertise would have been required if Himmler’s SS was to translate its copy of the "Kang Shuur" completely and accurately.

- Joseph P. Farrell

During the early 1940s Axis engineers developed a Sonic cannon that could cause fatal vibrations in its target body 

A methane gas combustion chamber leading to two parabolic dishes pulse-detonated at roughly 44 Hz. 

This infrasound, magnified by the dish reflectors, caused vertigo and nausea at 200–400 metres by vibrating the middle ear bones and shaking the cochlear fluid within the inner ear. 

At distances of 50–200 metres, the sound waves could act on organ tissues and fluids by repeatedly compressing and releasing compressive resistant organs such as the kidneys, spleen, and liver. 

It had little detectable effect on malleable organs such as the heart, stomach and intestines, and lung tissue was affected at only the closest ranges as atmospheric air is highly compressible and only the blood rich alveoli resist compression. 

In practice, the weapon system was highly vulnerable to enemy fire. Rifle, bazooka and mortar rounds easily deformed the parabolic reflectors, rendering the wave amplification ineffective.

In the later phases of World War II, Nazi Germany increasingly put its hopes on research into technologically revolutionary secret weapons, the Wunderwaffen.

Among the directed-energy weapons the Nazis investigated were X-Ray beam weapons developed under Heinz Schmellenmeier, Richard Gans and Fritz Houtermans. 

They built an electron accelerator called "Rheotron" [later called "Betatron" by the Americans] to generate hard X-Ray synchrotron beams for the Reichsluftfahrtministerium [RLM]. 

The intent was to pre-ionize ignition in aircraft engines and hence serve as anti-aircraft directed energy weapons [DEW] and bring planes down to lower altitudes, into the reach of the Flak. 

More than a decade before, an obscure idea in a German research journal, of Max Steenbeck at Siemens-Schuckert in 1935, had led the US scientist Ernest Lawrence to invent Cyclotrons, machines to whirl protons and other sub-atomic fragments and accelerate them to high energies.

Schmellenmeier's idea was to investigate whether these new machines could be made into weapons. 

The effectiveness of conventional German anti-aircraft guns had been reduced by Allied bombers flying high, out of range of the guns, and wreaking increasing havoc on German cities. Perhaps Schmellenmeier's new weapon could hit such targets in the stratosphere. 

The idea was to whirl electrons round in a ring to create intense microwave radiation. This would then be beamed at enemy airplanes and interfere with engine ignition or blind the crew. The device was called the "Rheotron". 

On a paper, it sounded very impressive, a new superweapon to complement the V1 and the V2 "Vergeltungswaffen" [retaliation weapons] then being readied. 

However the idea of such a "death ray" was not new. In 1935, Britain had set up a committee to study the new methods of air defense. Soon it appeared that the beam power needed was unattainable, but the technology was soon refocused into what became to known as "radar".

Norwegian born Dr Rolf Widerøe wrote in his autobiography,  "The Infancy of Particle Accelerators" that he worked on a particle accelerator X-Ray transformer for this project at Hamburg in 1943:

"I eventually found out why the German Air Force was so interested in the Betatron. 

"Physicist Dr. Ernst Schiebold from Leipzig, a specialist on non-destructive testing of materials using X-Rays among other methods, had had the idea that it would be possible to build an X-Ray tube....[that] would cause the X-Rays to be emitted in a narrow bundle. 

"With sufficiently high voltage it would then be possible to achieve high radiation intensities at long distances. Thus it may even be possible to kill the pilots".

The Philips subsidiary Valvo also participated and much of the engineering was performed by CHF Müller & Co.

Widerøe later rescued the device from the rubble of Dresden and delivered it to General Patton's 3rd Army at Burggrub near Beyreuth about 14 April 1945. 

It disappeared into US black projects in New Mexico, brought back to the USA by Operation LUSTY [LUftwaffe Secret TechnologY], the United States Army Air Forces effort to capture and evaluate German aeronautical technology during and after World War II. 

Another approach was Ernst Schiebolds "Röntgenkanone" developed from 1943 in Großostheim near Aschaffenburg. This employed a particle accelerator cupped from beneath by a Beryllium parabolic mirror with a bundle of nine beryllium rods as an anode at it's core, to be aimed at Allied bomber formations. The Company Richert Seifert & Co from Hamburg was largely responsible for its manufacture.

Microwave weapons were investigated together with the Japanese.

The Junkers Ju-390 six-engine transport aircraft was one of the first aircraft in the world equipped for mid-air refueling, a technique pioneered by the Luftwaffe.  

Juan Peron, a colonel in the Argentine military, vice president of the Argentine federal government, Secretary of War of the Argentine federal government, and later president of the Argentine federal government, built a modern laboratory for German scientists for research into plasmas and high voltage at a location near Bariloche, Argentina. 

One of General Hans Kammler's tasks was the evacuation of the Nazi Bell [Glocke] device from the Riese Complex.  Geoffrey Brooks unequivocally maintains that the Bell and  Hans Kammler were transported in a Ju-390 to Argentina, and then taken to the plasma and high voltage laboratory at a location near Bariloche, Argentina. 

Files relating to a super aviation fuel and advanced aircraft probably were on this flight in the long-range Ju-390 transport aircraft that flew non-stop from Norway to Gualeguay aerodrome in Entre Rios province, Argentina — about a 26-hour flight. 

Passengers on this flight probably included Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.

According to several 1945 claims, a six-engine German transport plane arrived at a private aerodrome at Puntas de Gualeguay in Argentina 195 km north of Buenos Aires where it unloaded a Bell device and its passengers. 

There is a place in Argentina with high fences that was guarded 24 hours a day by armed guards up to 1982 that is called the "New Eagles Nest". 

There is evidence that Adolf Hitler lived in the Bariloche area of Argentina until 1982 when he passed away at the age of 93.

According to Geoffrey Brooks, whose information in this regard corroborates Igor Witkowski’s own discovery of the Bell’s classification as "Kriegsentscheidend" - War Decisive the Bell rated higher than the atom bomb in the German High Command’s estimation.  

While this may seem odd or unusual, it should be recalled that a similar classification scheme has been alleged for captured "'UFO" technology in the post-war USA, rating it higher than the hydrogen bomb

Nazi Germany did have something like Los Alamos and what some thought was a secret nuclear project at the "Riese" Complex. 120 Danish and Norwegian scientists were said to have been employed at the site, and 63 of the 120 are said to have been executed by the SS at the end of the war to keep secret the research conducted there. 

The Riese Complex was home for two top secret SS research groups, SS-E-IV and SS-U-13. 

A newspaper correspondent of a leading daily newspaper in Argentina has stated in writing that he inspected official documents confirming that "the German anti-gravity experiments SS-E-IV and SS-U-13, together with the notorious Bell arrived aboard a Junkers Ju-390 long-range transport aircraft that flew non-stop from Norway to Gualeguay aerodrome in Entre Rios province, Argentina, in 1945", probably departing from Bodo airbase in Norway.


The long range Junkers Ju-390 – disguised as a Swedish civilian aircraft, last seen in Portuguese Guinea, where it refueled for its trans-Atlantic flight, in late April 1945, 
is said to have taken high ranking German officers and scientists with an 
undisclosed cargo from Munich to Uruguay in South America.

The Nazi Bell was referred to in a classified Intelligence report of Argentina's Economic Ministry in 1945 [declassified 1993[ and again in classified Polish post-war interrogations of Jakob Sporrenberg which were declassified in 1998. 

These reports were cross corroborated by Tom Agoston's interviews with Kammler's deputy SS Col Dr Wilhelm Voss who was in hiding from the Nuremberg trials.  

"The highest known priority for any project in the Third Reich was '"Kriegsentscheidened' - decisive for the war.

"Only one single project was awarded this category by protocol of the Army Weapons Office session of 21 July 1942:

"The AEG [Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft AG] electrical giant's project 'Charite Anlage'.

Directed by Dr Richard Krämer, it involved the use of tremendous voltages in a Plasma Physics project "which will last until at least the end of the war". It is known that this project involved spinning containers of mercury at fantastic speeds within a ceramic bell-shaped object". 



The Bell was in fact a heavy particle accelerator used as an artificial neutron source to breed Protactinium 233 from Thorium 232. Protactinium would naturally degrade after 27 days into pure bomb grade Uranium 233

Uranium 233 derived from spent reactor waste is often contaminated by Uranium 232 when Thorium 230 gets bombarded by a second neutron, but in a particle accelerator this process does not have time to occur and thus U232 contamination is as low as one part per million and thus as safe to handle as weapons grade Plutonium.  

According to speech notes recently uncovered in KGB archives, Heisenberg advocated harvesting Protactinium for a nuclear weapon at the Harneck Haus conference in July 1942.

Later whilst interned at Farm Hall Cambridgeshire after the War, Heisenberg also identified harvesting Protactinium as one of three methods of obtaining fissile material for a nuclear bomb.

The other two of course, being to either enrich U235, or to reprocess Plutonium from spent fuel in a thermal nuclear  reactor… Our history books tell us all about these other two methods in Nazi Germany but are strangely silent on the Protactinium harvesting project.

Dr Erich Bagge developed the world's first practical method for separating Uranium isotpes at Keil Unavernin in February 1942. Prior to that there was only experimentation with particle acceleration at a laboratory scale. 

Dr Paul Harteck took the centrifuge to an industrial scale after the 1943 Hamburg raids destroyed Bagge's work. This was work in conjunction with Harteck and his assistant Wilhelm Groth at Technische Hochschule Hamburg. As early as 1939 Harteck was openly proposing to build an atomic bomb. 

The Manhatten Project was not even formed until August 1942 and then they heavily recruited Jewish nuclear physicists to teach them the latest German thinking on isotope separation becuase Germany was the acknowledged world leader in that field. 

By early 1943 Dr Hans Martin and Dr Kuhn developed a thermal convection centrifuge with Krupp Industries at Hamburg. Later after the war several engineers who worked on this thermal convection centrifuge were taken to the Soviet Union to replicate the device for the Soviets.

One of those men Guernot Zippe, a German aircraft engineer later defected to the West where he shared that technology for commercial reward. That centrifuge which is the most advanced and efficient in the world, became known as the Zippe centrifuge, but in fact it was a Nazi invention.

It was 3,000 percent more efficient at enriching Uranium 235 than the method used by the Manhattan Project thus cheaper to operate too. It had maximum priority for access to strategic raw materials and manufacturing. 

The Nazis had this incredible technology before May 1943 yet failed to put it into mass production. Why? Because the Nazi Bell particle accelerator was even more efficient, cheaper and effective.   

The Nazis did not need a huge and costly equivalent to the Manhattan Project because they had cheaper and smarter technology.   

Dr Adolf von Engel and Prof Max Steenbeck first wrote about this particle accelerator concept in 1934 in the publication "Elektrische Gasentladungen". 

Professor Steenbeck and Dr Rudenberg applied for the first patent for a particle accelerator DE 656378 on the 1st March 1933, issued 4 February 1938 

A patent application was made by Swiss Plasma physicist  Dr Walter Dallenbach for a particle accelerator which today we would call a Spherical Tokamak on 12 March 1935. That patent number DE 665619 was granted 8 September 1938.


A tokamak  is a device that uses magnetic field to confine plasma in the shape of a torus.

Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus in a helical shape.

Such a helical field can be generated by adding a toroidal field [traveling around the torus in circles] and a poloidal field [traveling in circles orthogonal to the toroidal field].

In a tokamak, the toroidal field is produced by electromagnets that surround the torus, and the poloidal field is the result of a toroidal electric current that flows inside the plasma.

This current is induced inside the plasma with a second set of electro-magnets.

The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices; one of the most-researched candidates for producing controlled thermo-nuclear fusion power.

Magnetic fields are used for confinement since no solid material could withstand the extremely high temperature of the plasma.

Professor Max Steenbeck working under contract for Siemens with Dr Heinz Eiwald developed a prototype machine at Berlin Lichterfelde.

It is recorded in Eiwald's notes and published research papers.

Dr Rolf Wideroe an acclaimed scientist who has worked on CERN wrote about the Siemens particle accelerator in his autobiography. Wideroe was one of those who personally removed the Siemens accelerator from Dresden after that city was bombed in February 1945 and delivered it to Patton's Army at Burggrub. 

Another place one can read about the particle accelerator beam weapon surrendered to Patton at Burggrub is in the book "Science, Technology and National Socialism", by Monika Renneberg and Mark Walker. 

In 1943 Steenbeck breached security by publishing details in the science magazine "Naturwissenschaften" issue 19/20 [number 31]. In English the title read "Acceleration of Electrons by Electric Vortex Fields." In that article Steenbeck mentions a "secret project at Siemens" for a machine built in 1935/36. 

Prof Steenbeck applied on 7 March 1935 on behalf of Siemens for a particle accelerator Patent number DE 698867 which was published 6 December 1940. The same device was also granted an Austrian Patent number 153324. 

Dallenbach built another particle accelerator machine at Bisingen specifically for transmuting Thorium into Protactinium for the Nazi A-bomb project. 

OSS files refer to interviewing  Dr Ing Ernst Naggelstein in Switzerland in November 1944 who disclosed the work of Prof Otto Hahn on Thorium at his laboratory in Tailfingen next to Bisingen.

There is a detailed report with drawings of the Bisingen device by the engineer Carl Heinrich Florenz Müller who built it for Dallenbach which are in Switzerland at the ETH Library in Zürich [entitled "Über die Elektroneenerzeugung im Strahlentransformator" ETH Lib Hs903:47].

Dallenbach's Patent can be found dated 1943 in G-209 of the so called Gouldsmitt Papers captured by ALSOS at Strassbourg University in late 1944. 

OSS files also refer to Dallenbach's particle accelerator which Heisenberg called a Super Klystron. It was Heisenberg who recommended Dallenbach to Speer and arranged backing from AEG for the project at Bisingen.

For evidence one could read evaluations by Oppenheimer of the Manhattan Project concerning the OSS report of November 1944 on Dallenbach's particle accelerator project which are held in NA RG77, MED Foreign Intelligence Unit, entry 22, box 166, folder 32.24.

Thorium was mined in Silesia near the Bell's location. Even larger stocks were available in France. When the Allies landed at Normandy in 1944, Germany urgently shipped tons of French Thorium eastwards deep into Germany by rail. Why ship it so urgently and what made it so important? 

At Farm Hall in Allied captivity Dr Karl Wirtz was secretly recorded referring to the same device which could modulate it's frequency to the oscilation frequency of an atom. Farm Hall recordings were classified top secret until relatively recently. 

The Nazi Bell was initially housed in a basement beneath the Charity hospital in Berlin and thus the project was known as 'Charite Anlage'.  

From November 1943 the Nazi Bell was housed in an underground laboratory beneath Gandau airfield on the western outskirts of Breslau, now known as the Polish city of Wroclaw. 

It was shifted from Gandau in November 1944 to Fürstenstein Castle and later in December 1944 located inside Wenceslas mine, in a giant complex called Riese.

After 22 July 1944, the SS took over all nuclear projects from Heereswaffenamt. with a host of other codenames issued by SS Armaments office, Forschungen Entwicklungen, Patente [research development work patents] FEP headed by Admiral Wilhelm Rhein.

The armaments office was headed by SS Brigadeführer Heinrich Gärtner. The Bell project itself was  headed by SS Obergruppenführer Emil Mazuw.

SS Lt General Dr Hans Kammler has often been mentioned in relation to the Bell project however Kammler’s command appears connected more with armaments production whilst Mazuw’s command was focused on research and development. It is possible however given his responsability for nuclear weapons that he was connected with the weaponisation of material produced by the Bell.

Although the fleeing Nazis tried to flood and collapse various underground complexes they were reopened and examined by Soviet and Polish forces in 1946 before being flooded again. The Soviets asked themselves the same question and undoubtedly somewhere in Russia there is a huge file in their archives on this subject.     

Following the war Professor Manfred von Ardenne led two Soviet scientists Nicolai Flyerov [aka N.I. Frolov] and Igor Kurchatov to the Wenceslas mine and gave them a description of installing what he called a cyclotron in the mine. 

It is also worth noting that Ardenne disclosed to Frolov that whilst Ardenne had installed one cyclotron like device in the mine at Ludwikowice, called Ludwigsdorf in German, he said there was already another one inside the mine.

This mine was abandoned before the war. Above ground there was a power station with two steam cooling towers. The bases of these have become known by various names like the “Henge” after Stonehenge, or the Fly Trap. Bizarre claims are made by some that these are related to Nazi UFOs.  

In "Two against Hitler: Stealing the Nazis' best-kept secrets" by John van Houten Dippel, it is disclosed Erwin Respondek, a German Reichstag Treasury official, secretly leaked details of the Nazi Atomic project to Sam Woods in Switzerland until he was arrested by the Gestapo. He was freed from his death sentence when the SS took over the nuclear project and sent to parley with the Allies.

Respondek disclosed to the OSS three underground tests in July 1943: a series of earthquakes in the Schwabian Alps 4, 14 and 22 July 1943 at 9 degrees east, 48.2 degrees North, close to Bisingen where German atomic scientists had relocated. A 1943 OSS report found in the Woods Memorandum to US secretary of State Cordell Hull refers to these tests.

-- 1943 Intelligence reports of Woods in NA, RG 59

These tests are corroborated by seismic records. 

The weapons allegedly weighed 4-5 kilograms and used the principle of crushing Lithium into Deuterium at huge pressures & temperatures to generate fast neutron X-rays, known as a plasma pinch. Ironically this method was also known to the Manhattan Project in 1942 when the exiled scientist Enrico Fermi tried to persuade the Americans to develop this concept. The Manhattan Committee rejected a miniaturized nuclear warhead with plasma pinch technology as too technologically challenging.

These plasma pinch X-rays caused a fusion reaction between molten Lithium from the hollow charge liners and Deuteride coating the fissile target. The neutron flux was high enough that it created uniform criticality throughout the whole fissile mass, thus ignited fission in small, sub critical quantities of bomb grade Uranium.

The fissile target is understood to have been a mere 150 grams of Uranium 233. This method avoided the need for a massive Uranium 235 enrichment project. The quantity of fissile material required were much more modest than the enriched material required for Allied nuclear weapons and in turn demanded a project much smaller than Oak Ridge for harvesting fissile material.

In 1943 Dr Walter Dallenbach's patron AEG’s chairman Hermann Bücher boasted to Respondek that he had—or would have—a new weapon capable of destroying the Allies.

Dallenbach was cited by Respondek as according to Bücher having solicited funding for the super cyclotron at Bisingen on the basis of developing a powerful new weapon using uranium, capable of destroying the Allies. 

-- Source: Harrison to State Dept no.2958, 14 May 1943, NA RG 84, decimal files 863-864, Bern Confidential file, box 14.

Respondek also revealed to the OSS that Heisenberg worked closely with Dr. Dallenbach at a secret facility known as 'Forschungsstelle D' at Bisingen, in Germany just north of Zürich, to develop the Nazi Bell. 

Dallenbach was contracted by AEG and his laboratory was located at Bisingen.

Dallenbach scrupulously avoided giving any impression that he was anything other than a neutral during the war, however he was a fervent Nazi and several slip-ups by Nazi officials and his own deputy, revealed that he was working on an atomic bomb project vital to Germany’s war effort.

Dallenbach himself maintained his work was pure research yet during his time in Germany the Nazis refused to fund any scientific work not vital to the war effort.

Serious funding was awarded to Dr Erich Bagge for mass production of his isotope sluice in April 1944 [465,000RM]. Harteck built two Uranium centrifuge plants, one at Celle and another underground at Kandern. The most serious plant was a photo-fission plant in Silesia under Projekt SS/1040.

-- Photo-fission: B. Arakatsu, Y. Uemura, M. Sonoda, S. Shimizu, K. Kimura, and K. Muraoka: Paper 'Photo-Fission of Uranium and Thorium Produced by the R-Rays of Lithium and Fluorine Bombarded with High Speed Protons', Proc. Phys.-Math. Soc., Japan, 23, 440-445 [1941] 

Boris Pash, who commanded the Alsos Mission during World War II,  captured a Nazi Bell device at Bisingen about May 1945 and this was left for the French after ALSOS took all the documentation. 

An Austrian newspaper after the war suggested that yet another Bell device was found by ALSOS in the transformer room at Melk, Roggendorff - Austria.

A team of scientists from Vienna had worked for Kammler’s SS Führungsstab B-9 at Melk on what appears to have been both an enrichment plant and a reactor design which did not require heavy water.     

Furthermore a giant underground transformer room at Jonastal, between Arnstadt and Ohrdruf, may have contained yet more Nazi Bell machines.


The contents of Jonastal remain classified by US authorities. 

The codename for this area was "Olga". Slightly east of here was Leipzig where Dr Kurt Diebner worked on the Nazi A-bomb.

Just to the north of Arnstadt was Rudisleben where Kammler was trying to develop a  massive three stage rocket at the Pilsen Skoda works, known under the codename V-101. Diebner was developing an extremely heavy nuclear warhead for the V-101.

The prototype of this rocket was also designated the EMW A-12. It was a design by Dr Büdewald and Dr Teichmann which weighed 149 tons at launch. It was mentioned in Friedrich Georg's book "Siegeswaffen Band 2, Star Wars 1947". The first stage used clustered solid aluminium perchlorate rockets.

Nazi Germany could congratulate itself when it marched into what remained of the Czech Republic in March 1939. As well as a large booty of arms and munitions from what was regarded as one of the best prepared armies in Europe, the Nazis also took possession of some impressive weapons producers, notably Škoda Plzeň and Zbrojovka Brno.

But while using the arms production capacity now on hand for the new wars on the horizon, the Nazis appeared slow to take advantage of the technical knowledge and research facilities that had been developed in Bohemia and Moravia.

But as WWII began to turn against the Nazis in the key year of 1943, they decided to try and get the most out of the Czech researchers, technicians, and scientists at their disposal and decided to group them together in a new research facility that would be set up at Příbram in buildings that had been used by the national mining authority.

In August 1944  a 38-strong team of German rocket scientists and researchers were evacuated from West Prussia to Příbram to prevent their capture from the advancing Red Army. 

They joined the existing staff which numbered just over 300. 

The head of the German team was one of Germany’s top rocket scientists, Rolf Engel, an enthusiastic Nazi who also had the SS rank of Hauptsturmführer.

Engel, together with a young and eventually more famous Wernher von Braun, had been among a small group to develop German rocket science in the early 1930s. One of his top assistants was the Swede Nils Werner Larsson.
The end of the war was fast approaching and by the Russians had already overrun the Germans’ main rocket research facilities at Peenemünde in early 1945 and most of their fixed launch sites. But the research in Příbram continued. 

Michal Plavec, curator of the aviation collection at the National Technical Museum in Prague, writes: continues: 

"It was really at the end of the war and a lot of projects were left only on paper. But the significance was that when the war would be ended later then some of the projects on paper could be put into practice.

"I think that one of the most influential projects was the so-called V-101 rocket, a long distance rocket whose weight was 140 tonnes of which 100 tonnes of fuel, with a velocity of around 2,000 kilometers per hour with an altitude of some 200 kilometres and range of 1,800 kilometers".

However megalomaniac the projects seemed in the background of the crumbling and shrinking Third Reich, Germany has invested massive resources in rocket science – it’s estimated that the sums far exceeded the US spending on developing the atomic bomb.

And the scientists had become world leaders in a domain whose strategic significance was to become all too clear with the dawning of the nuclear era.


Rudisleben is associated with the Polte II underground factory which appears linked to Jonas Valley by a long tunnel according to one of the few surviving camp inmates.

Polte II built V1, V2 and V3 weapons.

There is much confusion what the term V3 refers to in this context -  it appears to mean Dr. Wolf Trommsdorf's D-6000 ramjet cruise missile with transatlantic range. 

Various UFO addicts refer to Nazi claimants of so called "circular aircraft" and extra-polate that to mean a disc craft but "disc" is not the original word used.

At first they were called circular aircraft. 

The Trommsdorff D-6000 was like a long circular tube with wings.

This 'Interkontinentalflugkörper' was originally intended to be released, Mistel fashion, by high altitude bombers such as the He-277 at altitudes of 46,000ft and 0.67 Mach, to ignite the engines. It would then climb to 80,000ft flying at 2.8 Mach much like the SR-71 cruise altitude, continuing its flight to the USA as a robot similar in concept to the V-1.

-- Claus Reuter,  "The V2 and the German, Russian and American Rocket Program" 

The lack of suitable launch aircraft to carry Trommsdorff D-6000  9000kg weight to 46,000 feet for launch was the over-riding issue. 

Later, a catapult launch was alternatively proposed.

Two auxiliary starter rockets would accelerate the 10.24 meter long D-6000,  1.12 meters in diameter and 9 tons of fly weight at the end of the catapult to 850 m/s.

Then the ramjet would deploy the aircraft-similar-projectile at a cruising speed of 4248 km/h. At a planned altitude of 24 kilometers, the D-6000 was able to achieve a range of 5300 kilometers including the 300 kilometer descent flight. 

Nazi Germany had very limited resources and in 1944, all efforts were being directed towards break-though wonder weapons, and faced a long uphill slog to create an A-bomb from Plutonium or Uranium enrichment, but with a high energy Proton generator in the Nazi Bell, Germany could bombard Thorium 232 to produce Uranium 233 which could easily be used in a gun detonator type, A-bomb. 

By using Thorium the Nazis could breed Uranium 233 for a bomb without costly enrichment.   

Colonel Juan Peron operated a Spanish spy ring which penetrated Los Alamos. The Germans had regular transcripts of telephone calls between FDR and General Groves and knew of the Manhattan Project from day one in 1942.  When Paris was liberated the ALSOS mission made a bee line for the Champs d'Elysee offices of a scientific newspaper called "Celastiq" where they liberated said transcripts. 

In addition to internal security violations related to the use of foreign workers on key atomic installation construction programs, the Germans had tapped the Churchill/FDR telephone and later decrypted the Churchill/FDR radiotelegraphy system.

In 1942, the Nazis got serious about nuclear research. Officially the Nuclear research project of the German Post office was abandoned. In truth it was handed to 'Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft' - the civil project under Heisenberg. 

Borman and Göring however secretly funded the Heereswaffenamt [HWA] a top secret military project associated with Dr Kurt Diebner and Dr Paul Harteck.

There were heated arguments within the German scientific community over the direction of nuclear research. Heisenberg's group preferred a reactor using Uranium and heavy water as moderator. Its research, however, had been going on at a snail's pace. Heisenberg just seemed unable to grasp some fundamental principles of making an atomic bomb.

This group seemed to believe that a whole reactor would have to be dropped as a nuclear bomb. Even the scientists involved admitted that no atomic bomb could be built before the end of the war.

Another group, led by Paul Harteck and backed by Dr. Wilhelm Ohnesorge, head of the Reich Post Office, opted for the low-temperature [-80C] reactor. A low-temperature reactor would produce neither heat nor power, but would leave radioactive material behind in the forms of spent fuel, radioactive isotopes and Plutonium.

These by-products, except Plutonium, of course, did not amount to an atomic bomb, but there was another possibility. Fine sand and dust could be mixed with the radioactive material to make themselves radioactive [such a device is now known as "dirty bomb"].

Packed around the high explosive warheads of the V-1 and V-2, the radioactive dust could spread far and wide, and knock out large cities like London. Harteck, however, met oppositions from Heisenberg, who disagreed with Harteck and withheld crucial materials. As a result, Harteck and others' work did not amount to much.


There was also a Kriegsmarine project based at Hamburg and later at Stettin trying to create nuclear powered versions of the Type XXI Elektro U-boat. 

Meantime Heisenberg was working on a heavy water reactor to try and breed Plutonium, in association with Dr Fritz Houtermans. This could have led to a Plutonium A-bomb, but that path required at least five years.

The  so called Caultrons, used at Oak Ridge were built in USA by an expatriate German scientist named Kerst, using patent rights for the Siemens "Betatron" plasma particle accelerator. Patent rights were sold to General Electric just a day before the invasion of Poland in 1939 and probably based on GE's insider knowledge that the invasion was about to happen. 

The route followed to the bomb by the Manhattan Project was technologically backward and inept relative to the Nazi path, since the Caultrons used something like ten percent of the USA's national grid so were not the most favorite concept. Caultrons were a step way below spherical Tokamaks in efficiency. 

A document called the Monsanto report was prepared for Arthur Compton at the end of WW2 based upon captured German scientific documents. NA file G371 'Report by Monsanto scientists Weinberg and Nordheim to A.H Compton of Manhattan project on state of Nazi nuclear science in WW2', dated 8 November 1945 stated: 

"Point III. What was the state of German theory of the chain reaction?"
"Answer.  Generally we would say their approach was in no wise inferior to ours; in some respects it was superior".

What was different between the Nazi and Allied A-bomb concepts were that the Nazis came up with a concept based in applied physics which enabled them to detonate a small A-bomb with far less fissile Uranium or Plutonium.

In 1942/43 Germany developed an A-bomb using Uranium 233 and Deuterium [according to patents]. By late in the war the SS had a new underground project aimed at using Plutonium and Trittium located east of Melk on the banks of the  Donau River in Austria under the codename "Quartz II" 

The biggest difference was that the Nazi bomb concepts could utilize as little as 150 grams of fissile Uranium whilst the Allied Uranium bomb needed 56 kilograms of U235 to achieve critical mass. 

The Allied Uranium bomb was about as low tech approach as one could get.

The Plutonium bomb was slightly more sophisticated perhaps, but still required a critical mass of Plutonium. 

Because the Nazis could build a bomb without the need to first obtain 56 kilograms of Uranium the idea of using some sort of particle accelerator to obtain smaller amounts became a viable concept. 

Arthur Compton tried but failed to make a successful Uranium centrifuge, whilst Nazi Germany created four different types ranging from a dozen to thirty times more efficient than Manhattan's porous barrier enrichment method.

Caultrons used by Manhattan were based on a design whose patent rights were purchased by General Electric in September 1939 from Siemens. In fact Manhattan's Plutonium bomb was too sophisticated for US scientists and engineers who were relegated to making the Uranium bomb.

The Nagasaki bomb was built almost exclusively by exiled expatriate scientists trained in Germany. By the end of WW2 ALSOS captured at least three spherical Tokamak particle accelerators built in Nazi Germany.

Dr Erich Schumann and Dr Walter Trinks developed and patented tactical nuclear weapons based on a technical understanding far superior than that possessed by the Manhattan project, using opposed hollow charges with Lithium liners smashed into a core of Uranium coated with Lithium Deuteride.

This approach causes a Deuteron beam to ignite sub critical amounts of Uranium. With variations on the same theme, this is how all tactical nukes work.

Nazi nuclear scientists were familiar with using Lithium and Deuterium to cause nuclear fusion at least as early as 1936. These weapons are primarily fission weapons however they are ignited by a fusion reaction. 

This was referred to in one of the wartime Gouldsmitt Papers G-303, "Attempts to initiate nuclear reactions by the action of explosive materials" by Walter Herrmann, Georg Hartwig, Heinz Rackwitz, Walter Trinks, H. Schaub.

It was also noted in patent No. 977863; "Procedures for the ignition of thermonuclear reactions by means of convergent detonation compression shocks".

Atomic Bomb Discovery of Germans Told 
by William H. Stoneman
Chicago Daily News Service

LONDON, 19 July 1945. One of the strangest security leaks since V-Day in Europe was registered yesterday when an Australian R.A.F. officer broadcast a description of the Uranium bomb.

Speaking from Melbourne, Wing-Comdr, A.G. Pither of the R.A.A.F. declared that if the war had lasted six months longer the Germans would have employed a 21-pound Uranium disintegration bomb having the force of a one ton V-2 warhead.

Heisenberg's pupil Friedwart Winterberg over the years has referred to nuclear explosions utilizing as little as 150 grams of fissile material. [see "A Third Way Towards the Controlled Release of Nuclear Energy by Fission and Fusion" University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, USA, 8 March 2004]

Critical Mass is determined not by the weight of fissile material but by the neutron flux.

In other words the density of neutrons passing a particular location. If the density is high enough one can cause a fission explosion in a few grams of Uranium. 

A neutron reflector is only one very crude and primitive way of increasing the density or neutron flux by re-reflecting some escaping neutrons back into the mass.

The Hiroshima bomb was 56 kg of 80% enriched 235U. One slug was fired down a five inch gun barrel into three concentric rings of 235U which were instantly fused and welded together into a sphere on detonation. Of this 56kg ball of 235U only 780 grams actually underwent fission... whilst the rest was blown apart.

A very crude and inefficient bomb by today's standards. Today one could take the entire 780 grams mentioned and combust all of it. 

Tactical nuclear weapons are made possible by the artificial generation of huge amounts of neutron flux by initiation of nuclear fusion.

Nazi scientists first learned of nuclear fusion by chance from adding Deuterium into the plasma flux of electric arc furnaces, employed to reduce Lithium for U-Boat batteries. This chance discovery became the source of intense research 1940-41 at the University of Prague.

Tactical nukes work because the smashing together of Lithium and Deuterium by conventional explosives creates Deuteron beams with intense Neutron fluxes.

Foo Fighters were associated with specific locations in Germany where Particle Accelerators were in operation. When the power to low aspect ratio spherical Tokamaks is shut down suddenly, they give off plasma discharges which float up into the atmosphere as Ball Lightning. When spotted by Allied pilots they were named Foo Fighters. 
That is a simple and plausible explanation for Foo Fighters - they were not aircraft.

The Nazis found a superior path but abandoned it for political reasons. Hitler was given an ultimatum for use of biological and nuclear weapons before he was ready to deploy his own weapons of mass destruction.

Germany was also manufacturing thousands of tons of Tabun-B near Breslau from August 1943,  and were stock-piling artillery rounds and aircraft bombs filled with nerve gas for a planned offensive in October 1944 according to an OSS report from Switzerland dated November 1944. 

A prisoner of Gross Rosen revealed after the war that prototypes of the V-1 and V-2 with nerve gas warheads were being developed in a factory at Breslau.

After the war General Walther Dornberger revealed during internment that Hitler hinted at using the V-2 with more than just two tons of explosive. 

They never used Sarin or Soman, because it is suspected that Hitler, a victim of gas warfare himself, was left scarred by that experience and did not wish to initiate a chemical exchange.

Despite continued urging from Bormann and Field marshal Ferdinand Schörner, Hitler flatly refused to load exploding canisters of Sarin gas into V-2 rockets which would have turned Europe into a graveyard. 

This was discussed in a private meeting with Schörner and Dönitz after the Führer's explosion on 22 April 1945 when he discovered he had been lied to about the Steiner counter attack-and declared "the war is lost". 

Both Linge and Güunsche told this to their Russian interrogators and the Americans twisted it around to say that he feared the Russians had a secret gas - they didn't.

Frank J. Dinan, PhD, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY, shares his insight as to what would have happened if Hitler had chosen to use the deadly nerve gas Tabun, that he alone possessed, to oppose the D-Day landings

General Omar Bradley, commander of all of the American forces landing on D-Day, writing in his memoir, "A Soldier’s Story", commented on how relieved he was that the Germans did not use gas as a weapon on D-Day.

"When D-Day finally ended without a whiff of gas, I was vastly relieved. For even a light sprinkling of a persistent gas could have forced a decision in one of history’s climactic battles". 

If General Bradley’s fears were correct, the Allies could have been forced back into the sea with enormous casualties.

The political repercussions of a D-Day defeat for Roosevelt, Churchill and Eisenhower, the three men most responsible for the landings would have been devastating.

Would another invasion attempt be made? Surely not soon. The war would have been prolonged and could have resulted in the Allies using their still developing atomic bombs against Germany rather than Japan. 

Seeing Tabun’s effectiveness as a weapon and the lack of an Allied response, Hitler certainly would have used it against the Russians.

Would Stalin then, frustrated by Tabun’s use and by the loss of a long promised Allied second front, have sued for a separate peace?

Now confident that no nerve gas retaliatory attacks were forthcoming, it is likely that Hitler would have launched his rapidly improving V2 rockets now filled with Tabun against Allied targets with devastating effect. 

The Tabun story began on 23 December 1936, when a single drop of that newly-made chemical fell to the floor of a laboratory in Germany. The two men working there immediately suffered diminished vision, labored breathing and a loss of muscle control. Ironically, Tabun was made to be an insecticide that was toxic to insects but harmless to humans.

The Nazi government required that all discoveries of potential military value be passed along to them.

The men’s employer, the giant I.G. Farben Corporation, complied, and its representatives were soon called to Berlin to discuss Tabun with the military.

Demonstrations of Tabun’s lethal effects at extra-ordinarily low concentrations made its potential as a devastating weapon obvious. Everything about Tabun was immediately classified as top secret and few were aware of its existence.

A weapon oriented Tabun research program began and construction of a plant designed for its production soon started.

By mid 1943 thousands of tons of Tabun had been produced, loaded into artillery shells and bombs that were moved to storage sites throughout Germany. The secrecy that surrounded Tabun was so effective that the Allies had no hint of its existence and had no comparable weapons to retaliate with if the Nazis used it.

Nerve agents such as Tabun, are among the deadliest chemicals ever devised and are now classified as weapons of mass destruction by the United Nations.

They exert their deadly effects by inhalation and absorption through the skin.

In the body they prevent the action of a key enzyme that regulates all nerve transmission processes.

A nerve impulse is transmitted along a nerve pathway by a chemical called a neuro-transmitter. Once it has done its job, the neuro-transmitter must be immediately removed or the nerve transmission process repeats itself uncontrollably. Tabun prevents this removal and a victim’s ability to see, breathe and control bodily functions is rapidly lost.

Death soon follows.

On D-Day, 6 June 1944, the largest invasion armada ever assembled assaulted the Normandy beaches of France. Allied troops stormed ashore and gradually overcame determined German resistance to establish narrow, tenuous beachheads.

The invaders were tightly packed together and pinned on the beach with the sea at their backs and the German defenders before them.

There was no going back; it was a clear case of advance or die. By nightfall, nearly 100,000 Allied troops had landed and about 10,000 of their comrades were either dead or wounded.

Allied forces slowly fought their way inland. Within two weeks they had progressed far enough to allow a makeshift port to be built and soon 20,000 tons per day of supplies were being landed. At this point, although much fierce fighting and many casualties were still to come, the fate of Hitler’s Third Reich was effectively sealed.

But did this have to be the case?

Allied confidence that Germany had not developed new war gasses of any significance was so great that General Bernard Montgomery, Commander of the British and Canadian D-Day forces, ordered that all gas protection equipment be left behind when his troops departed England on D-Day.

American soldiers carried only a gas mask but no rubber protective gear to stop gasses from being absorbed through clothing and skin. They would have quickly become casualties to Tabun.

Earlier, in the summer of 1940, the British had formulated plans to use gas to repel what then seemed a likely cross Channel invasion of their island by Nazi forces.

They recognized that gas would be a much more effective weapon than explosives to use against an invading army tightly packed together on a narrow invasion beach.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill was so convinced that the use of mustard gas, much less effective than Tabun, would stop a German invasion and drive the invaders back into the sea that he urged the military to use its entire supply of mustard gas on the first day of an attack.

Why then didn’t Hitler, certainly no humanitarian, use the far deadlier Tabun, that he alone possessed, to defeat the Allies on D-Day?

The answer to this question centers on one fateful meeting and an event that occurred in the closing days of World War I when then corporal Adolf Hitler was temporally blinded by gas and was hospitalized at the war’s end. This experience gave Hitler a life-long aversion to poison gas warfare. 

By 1943, the tide of war had turned against Germany and Hitler came under increasing pressure from fanatical Nazi leaders to use Tabun.

He resisted, maintaining that it would only be used in response to a nerve gas attack on Germany. But their pressure was unrelenting, and in the fall of 1943, Hitler agreed to discuss Tabun’s use with Otto Ambros, Germany’s leading expert on chemical warfare and Albert Speer, the Reich’s Minister for Armaments.

In his book, "Inside the Third Reich", Speer relates that at that meeting Ambros told Hitler that he doubted that Germany had a monopoly on Tabun.

He stated that Tabun had appeared in the chemical literature as early as 1902, that I.G. Farben had patented Tabun in 1937, and that since 1939, no mention of phosphorus insecticide chemistry had appeared in the scientific literature of the Allied nations. Ambros argued that these facts indicated that the Allies had nerve weapons and had imposed strict censorship on them to prevent Germany from realizing their deadly nature.

After hearing Ambros’ arguments, Hitler never again seriously considered Tabun’s use.

We know now that Ambros was wrong. The Allies knew nothing about nerve weapons until the war ended.

But what we can never know with certainty is whether Ambros deliberately mislead Hitler as a result of his own misgivings about Tabun’s use, or if he believed the information that he gave to Hitler was correct. However several facts indicate that, whatever the reason, Ambros may have deliberately misled Hitler.

Ambros was a Director of I.G. Farben Industries and knew that although Tabun had been patented, the patent was held in complete secrecy.

It did not issue publicly until well after the war ended and was not available to the Allies.

An extensive search of the scientific literature over the period 1896 to 1911 recently conducted by experts failed to reveal any report of Tabun’s existence or mention of any such highly toxic chemicals.

Ambros’ claim that nothing about phosphorus chemicals appeared in Allies’ scientific literature was correct, but this was a result of their efforts to prevent Germany from considering the use of these materials as insecticides.

Disease has always been a major enemy of armies during wars and Allied policy dictated that all information on insecticides was classified as secret.

This caused the lack of publication that Ambros reported to Hitler.

We can never be sure what might have happened if Tabun had been used but we know this: What the little known chemist, Otto Ambros told Adolf Hitler at their fateful 1943 meeting saved countless lives, shortened history’s most horrific war and may have prevented a tragic D-Day defeat.

German Poison Gas [1914 - 1944] 
By Richard A. Widmann

When the public thinks about the topic of German or Nazi poison gas development and usage throughout the years leading up to and including the Second World War, images of vast extermination programs and the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other concentration camps immediately leap to mind.

The Holocaust story however suggests that the Nazis utilized methods, equipment and gas that were put to use in a way and for a purpose other than for which they were designed.

It is suggested that, in a rather primitive way, the various Concentration camp personnel developed different methods to put into effect what is argued was a co-ordinated extermination program for Jews.

The traditional Holocaust story suggests the importance of adapting equipment and methods to put into effect a centrally organized program for mass-murder.

It will be argued that had the Nazi leadership designed a program for the mass extermination of Jews that the weapons of such mass destruction were already developed and could have easily been used.

Nazi chemical warfare development was the most sophisticated in the world.

The poison gas developed during the years leading up to the Second World War make the traditional Holocaust story absurd. There is no reason whatsoever that the Nazis would have needed to adapt Soviet tanks or divert the use of Zyklon B from delousing programs designed to keep inmates alive to programs of extermination. [1]

The weapons required for an extermination program not only existed but were manufactured in quantities that would have supported such a program had one been ordered.

To understand German poison gas capabilities during World War Two, it is important to consider briefly the use of poison gases during World War One.

During the First World War both sides used large quantities of poison gas. Over 1.3 million tons of chemical were used throughout the war in agents ranging from simple tear gas to mustard gas. [2] At the time that the war began, Germany had the leading chemical industry of any of the combatants; in fact, they were the leaders in the entire world.

The major chemical factories were situated in the Ruhr and were known as the Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben. [3]

The introduction of chemical warfare was actively lobbied by I.G. Farben and by its head, Carl Duisberg.

Duisberg not only urged that the German high command use poison gas at a special conference in 1914, he personally studied the toxicity of the various war gases. [4]

Duisberg also supported Fritz Haber, Germany's leading scientist at the time and head of its premier scientific laboratory, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry in Berlin.

In his studies of the effects of poison gas, Haber noted that exposure to a low concentration of a poisonous gas for a long time often had the same effect [death] as exposure to a high concentration for a short time. He formulated a mathematical relationship between the gas concentration and necessary exposure time. This relationship became known as Haber’s rule. [5]

During World War I, the Germans and the Allies both used several types of poison gas rather effectively. These ranged from chlorine gas early in the war to phosgene gas which was introduced by I.G. Farben. Phosgene was about 18 times as powerful as chlorine gas. Concentrations as low as 1/50,000 were deadly. [6]

Throughout this period, the Germans would develop and initiate the use of several new gases only to have them copied by the Allies.

In July 1917, I.G. Farben created a new gas initially called "Yellow Cross" by German artillerymen. Yellow Cross was more lethal than anything that had come before. This gas, dichlorethyl sulphide came to be known as "mustard gas".

Troops that were attacked by mustard gas initially reported only mild irritation to the eyes. It appeared to do little or nothing and many troops did not bother to put on their gas masks when they encountered the gas. Within a day, however, they would be in terrible pain.

Troops developed moist red patches on their skin that grew into large yellow blisters up to a foot long. Those hit with mustard gas would die a slow agonizing death. In a ten day period the Germans used over a million shells containing 2,500 tons of mustard gas against Allied positions. [7]

As a side note, the British too would use mustard gas in the final days of the war. In one attack on 14 October 1917 Adolf Hitler would be temporarily blinded by a British attack against the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. [8]

The Interwar Years

In the years following the First World War, the major combatants announced their opposition to the use of chemical warfare. In Geneva in 1925 representatives of the major powers signed a legal constraint against the use of chemical warfare.

Still, during the “interwar” years, various European powers did in fact use poison gas. Among them were the British [against the Soviets in 1919], the Italians [against the Ethiopians in 1935], and the Japanese [against the Chinese in 1937] [9]

Throughout these years I.G. Farben continued to expand its scientific base.

From the laboratories of Bayer, one part of the I.G. Farben cartel, a scientist, Gerhardt Schrader, made a major breakthrough. On 23 December 1936 he prepared a new chemical as part of a part of a study of potential pesticides. During the test, Schrader used his new compound on lice in a concentration of 1/200,000. All of the lice died within a few seconds. [10]

By January of 1937, Schrader discovered that his new agent had unpleasant side effects on humans. The compound that Schrader developed was Tabun, the worlds’ first nerve gas.

Tabun represented an exponential leap in toxicity level of poison gases. Even in very small amounts, the inhalation or absorption through the skin of Tabun affected the central nervous system and resulted in almost immediate convulsions and death. [11] Tabun was so lethal that it quickly became clear that it could not be used as an insecticide.

Schrader, however contacted the war ministry and tests were carried out for the Wehrmacht.

By 1938, Schrader was moved to a new location to develop new compounds for the Wehrmacht. He discovered yet another compound, isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate which he named Sarin.

In the initial tests of Sarin gas on animals, it was discovered that Sarin was ten times as lethal as Tabun. [12] At the close of the war, German chemists were actively engaged in the development of Soman gas. Soman, another organic chemical related to Tabun, was estimated to be 200 times more deadly than Tabun.

Poison Gas and the Holocaust Story

Despite the toxicity and huge stores of these lethal nerve gases, the Holocaust story developed around the use of two gases, carbon monoxide and Zyklon B.

Zyklon B was developed during the 1920s when scientists working at Fritz Haber’s institute developed this cyanide gas formulation to be used as an insecticide, especially as a fumigant for grain stores. [13] I.G. Farben, interestingly would sell the production rights of Zyklon B right before the war to two private firms, Tesch and Stabenow, of Hamburg and DEGESCH, of Dessau.

As the story goes, four out of six of the principal "killing centers” used carbon monoxide gas, which allegedly was generated through the use of rather disparate equipment.

In Chelmno, according to Arno Mayer prisoners were “herded into the vans in which they were asphyxiated with carbon monoxide fumes".

He goes on to note, "There was nothing particularly modern or industrial about either the installations or the operations at Chelmno-Rzuchow". [14]

The second alleged killing center was Belzec. There we are told that after using bottled carbon monoxide, the operatives switched to using exhaust fumes from trucks.[15]

In Sobibor, we are told that the gas was generated through an engine. If we are to believe Kurt Gerstein, Zyklon B was delivered there for sinister purposes as well. [16]

At times we have also read of a submarine engine at Sobibor used to generate CO to kill Jewish inmates. [17]

In Treblinka we read of carbon monoxide pumped into a chamber from the Diesel exhaust of a captured Soviet tank.

Even the orthodox Holocaust story contains an episode in which Auschwitz Commandant Höss visits Treblinka and concludes that the killing method there is inefficient. [18]

The final two "extermination centers" Majdanek and Auschwitz are said to have used Zyklon B as the agent of extermination.

The killing process described at Auschwitz requires that someone climbs a ladder above the "gas chamber" opens the can of Zyklon B with a special can opener and shakes out the solidified pellets of hydrogen cyanide into a special shaft in the supporting column of the chamber where the pellets would over time turn into a gaseous state. [19]

The absurdity of the Zyklon B story is that even orthodox Holocaust historians like Jean-Claude Pressac and Robert Jan van Pelt have admitted that typhus epidemics experienced at the camps required that everything be deloused and that "tons of Zyklon B were needed to save [Auschwitz]". [20]

So, the story goes, that on one hand, the Nazis were using Zyklon B to delouse the camps and thereby prevent the spread of typhus, while on the other hand they were using the same agent to kill the very inmates whose lives they were attempting to save.

The Holocaust gassing story suggests a lack of co-ordination by the Nazi government. There is a simultaneous adoption of varied methods, which would have yielded varied results to carry out what is typically described as a "centralized industrial genocide".

In fact, the official Holocaust story itself suggests that the program was anything but centrally organized and the methods were evolved in a rather chaotic manner in the field.

Based on the development of sophisticated poison gases including Tabun and Sarin, and their manufacture in huge quantities, the official Holocaust story appears absurd. [21]

Holocaust historians have yet to answer the question why the Nazis would not have used Tabun or Sarin had they wanted to carry out an extermination of the Jews.

Furthermore, even in the final days of the war, when the Nazi leadership sought out new-sophisticated weaponry, they did not use their stockpiles of poison gas on either front.

This stands in stark contrast to the popular image of Nazi methods and thinking.

There is little doubt that the Soviets discovered significant quantities of Zyklon B when they arrived at Auschwitz and Majdanek that were there to combat typhus rather than to kill the inmate population.

Similarly the tales of submarine engines and captured Soviet tanks pouring out Diesel exhaust for mass murder appear to be nothing more than the result of wartime propaganda. Had the Nazi leadership wanted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, they had far more sophisticated and lethal means to carry out such a plan.

The official Holocaust gassing story requires a suspension of reason and a belief in the absurd.


1. Jean-Claude Pressac and Robert-Jan van Pelt, "The Machinery of Mass Murder at Auschwitz". Chapter 8 of 'Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp'. Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum, editors. Indiana University Press. Bloomington and Indianapolis.
Pressac and van Pelt recount the incredible story of the Nazi SS utilizing 95% of Zyklon B shipments to Auschwitz for delousing purposes in order to keep inmates alive, while siphoning off 5% to operate the alleged gas chambers to execute the same inmate population.
2. David Tschanz, 'A Whiff of Death: Chemical Warfare in the World Wars'. "Command Issue" 33, Mar-Apr 1995. XTR Corporation, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
3. The Empire of I.G. Farben.
4. Tschanz
6. Tschanz
7. Tschanz
8. William Moore, "Gas Attack! Chemical Warfare 1915-18 and afterwards". Leo Cooper, New York, 1987
9. Tschanz.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. M. Szöllösi-Janze [2001)] 'Pesticides and war: the case of Fritz Haber'. "European Review" 9: 97–108
14. Arno J. Mayer, "Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? The 'Final Solution' in History". Pantheon Books, New York, 1988.
15. Mayer
16. For a thorough analysis see Henri Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein, Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, CA, 1989.
17. Friedrich Paul Berg, 'The Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth Within a Myth'. Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1984. Institute for Historical Review
18. Raul Hilberg, "The Destruction of the European Jews", Quadrangle Books, Chicago, 1967
19. Pressac and van Pelt
20. Ibid, p. 215.
21. In a reworked version of his classic article on the Diesel gas chambers, Friedrich Berg made exactly such a claim. In fact he renamed his article, 'The Diesel Gas Chambers: Ideal for Torture - Absurd for Murder'. See Ernst Gauss, "Dissecting the Holocaust", Theses & Dissertations Press, 2000.


altThere is reference in a diplomatic signal from the Japanese embassy in Stockholm about Germany's use of small nuclear weapons, which the Japanese claim were used on the Eastern front in 1943.

This report, declassified by the National Security Agency only in 1978 is entitled simply "Reports on the Atom-Splitting Bomb".

Some elements of the Japanese report were obviously in error, such as the confusion over descriptions of a fission versus a fusion bomb and the date of the Kursk offensive, which did not begin until 5 July 1943.

Mistakes notwithstanding, it is clear that Japanese Intelligence was firmly convinced that the Germans had used a revolutionary type of weapon on the Eastern Front.

The content is reproduced in its their entirety.

This bomb is revolutionary in its results, and it will completely upset all ordinary precepts of warfare hitherto established.

I am sending you, in one group, all those reports on what is called the atom-splitting bomb: 

It is a fact that in June of 1943 the German Army tried out an utterly new type of weapon against the Russians at a location 150 kilometers southeast of Kursk.

Although it was the entire 19th Infantry Regiment of the Russians which was thus attacked, only a few bombs [each round up to 5 kilograms] sufficed to utterly wipe them out to the last man. 

The following is according to a statement by Lieutenant-Colonel UE [?] I KENJI, advisor to the attache in Hungary and formerly [on duty?] in this country, who by chance saw the actual scene immediately after the above took place:

"All the men and the horses [within the area of?] the explosion of the shells were charred black and even their ammunition had all been detonated". 

Moreover, it is a fact that the same type of war material was tried out in the Crimea, too. At that time the Russians claimed that this was poison-gas, and protested that if Germany were ever again to use it, Russia too, would use poison-gas. 

There is also the fact that recently in London -in the period between October and the 15 November- the loss of life and the damage to business buildings through fires of unknown origin was great. It is clear, judging especially by the articles about a new weapon of this type, which have appeared from time to time recently in British and American magazines - that even our enemy has already begun to study this type. 

To generalize on the basis of all these reports: I am convinced that the most important technical advance in the present great war is in the realization of the atom-splitting bomb.

Therefore, the central authorities are planning, through research on this type of weapon, to speed up the matter of rendering the weapon practical. And for my part, I am convinced of the necessity for taking urgent steps to effect this end. 

The following are the facts I have learned regarding its technical data: 

Recently the British authorities warned their people of the possibility that they might undergo attacks by German atom-splitting bombs.

The American military authorities have likewise warned that the American east coast might be the area chosen for a blind attack by some sort of flying bomb.

It was called the German V-3. To be specific, this device is based on the principle of the explosion of the nuclei of the atoms in heavy hydrogen derived from heavy water. Germany has a large plant [for this?] in the vicinity of Rjukan, Norway, which has from time to time been bombed by English planes. 

Naturally, there have been plenty of examples even before this of successful attempts at smashing individual atoms. However, as far as the demonstration of any practical results is concerned, they seem not to have been able to split large numbers of atoms in a single group. That is, they require for the splitting of each single atom a force that will disintegrate the electron orbit. 

On the other hand, the stuff that the Germans are using has, apparently, a very much greater specific gravity than anything heretofore used. In this connection, allusions have been made to SIRIUS and stars of the "White Dwarf" group. [Their specific gravity is (6?) 1 thousand, and the weight of one cubic inch is 1 ton].

In general, atoms cannot be compressed into the nuclear density. However, the terrific pressures and extremes of temperature in the "White Dwarfs" cause the bursting of the atoms and A-GENSHI HAKAI DAN. That is, a bomb deriving its force from the release of atomic energy. 

There are, moreover, radiations from the exterior of these stars composed of what is left of the atoms which are only the nuclei, very small in volume. 

According to the English newspaper accounts, the German atom-splitting device is the NEUMAN disintegrator. Enormous energy is directed into the central part of the atom and this generates at atomic pressure of several tons of thousands of tons [sic] per square inch. This device can split the relatively unstable atoms of such elements as Uranium.

Moreover, it brings into being a store of explosive atomic energy.

The end of this amazing intercept then reads:

Inter 12 Dec 44 [1,2] Japanese:

Rec'd 12 Dec 44; Trans; 14 Dec 44 [3020-B], apparently references to when the message was intercepted by American Intelligence, its original language [Japanese], when the message was received, when it was translated, and by whom [3020-B]. 

-- Edgar Mayer and Thomas Mehner, "Hitler und die Bombe" [Rottenburg: Kopp Verlag, 2002], citing "Stockholm to Tokyo, No. 232.9 December 1944 [War Department], National Archives, RG 457, SRA 14628-32, declassified 1 October 1978.

The date of this document two days before the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge must have set off alarm bells in the offices of Allied Intelligence personnel both during and after the war.

While it is certainly clear that the Japanese attache Stockholm seems to be somewhat confused about the nature of nuclear fission, a number of startling things stand out in the document: 

(1) The Germans were, according to the report, using weapons of mass destruction of some type on the Eastern Front, but had apparently for some reason refrained from using them on the Western Allies; 

(a) The areas specifically mentioned were Kursk, in the approximate location of the southern pincer of the German offensive, which took place in July, and not June, of 1943, and the Crimean peninsula; 

(b) The time mentioned was 1943, though since the only major action to have occurred in the Crimea was in 1942 with the massive German artillery bombardment, one must also conclude that the time frame stretched back into 1942; 

At this juncture is it worth pausing to consider briefly the German siege of the Russian fortress of Sevastopol, scene of the most colossal artillery bombardment of the war, as it bears directly on the interpretation of this intercept. 

The siege was led by Colonel-General [later Field Marshal] Erich von Manstein's 11th Army. Von Manstein assembled 1,300 artillery pieces -the largest concentration of heavy and super-heavy artillery deployed by any Power during the war- and pounded Sevastopol with this mighty arsenal twenty-four hours a day for five clays.

These were no ordinary heavy field pieces. 

Two mortar regiments -the 1st Heavy Mortar Regiment and the 70th Mortar Regiment - as well as the 1st and 4th Mortar Battalions, had been concentrated in front of the fortress under the special command of Colonel Nieman- altogether 21 batteries with 576 barrels, including the batteries of the 1st Heavy Mortar regiment with the 11- and 12 1/2 inch high explosive and incendiary oil shells...


Several of the 16 1/2 inch "Big Bertha" Krupp cannon and their old Austrian Skoda counter-parts were massed against the Russian positions, along with the even more colossal "Karl" and "Thor" mortars, gigantic self-propelled 24 inch mortars firing shells that weighed over two tons.

But even "Karl" was not quite the last word in gunnery.

That last word was stationed at Bakhchisary, in the Gardens of the ancient residence of the Tartar Khans, and was called "Dora," or occasionally "Heavy Gustav".

It was the heaviest gun of the last war. Its caliber was 31 1/2 inches.

Sixty railway carriages were needed to transport the parts of the monster.

Its 107-foot barrel ejected high-explosive projectiles of 4800 kg -i.e., nearly five tons- over a distance of 29 miles.

Or it could hurl even heavier armour-piercing missiles, weighing seven tons, at targets nearly 24 miles away.

The missile together with its cartridge measured nearly twenty-six feet in length.

Erect that would be about [the] height of a two-storey house.

These data are sufficient to show that here the conventional gun had been enlarged to gigantic, almost super-dimensional scale - indeed, to a point where one might question the economic return obtained from such a weapon.

Yet one single round from "Dora" destroyed an ammunition dump in Sevastopol although it was situated 100 feet below ground.


"So horrendous was the bombardment from this massed heavy and super-heavy artillery that the German General Staff estimated that over 500 rounds fell on Russian positions per second during the five days' artillery and aerial bombardment, a massive expenditure of ammunition.

"The rain of steel on the Russian positions pulverized Russian morale and was often so thunderous that eardrums burst. At the end of the battle, the city and environs of Sevastopol were ruined, two entire Soviet armies had been obliterated, and over 90,000 prisoners were taken".

-- Paul Carrell, "Hitler Moves East", 1941-1943 [Ballantine Books, 1971]

Why are these details significant? First, note the reference to "incendiary oil shells".

These shells are the indication that unusual weaponry was deployed by the Germans at Sevastopol and delivered through conventional -though quite large- artillery pieces.

The German Army did possess such shells and deployed them frequently and with no little effectiveness on the Eastern Front. 

But might there have been an even more fearsome weapon?

The Germans indeed developed an early version of a modern "fuel-air" bomb, a conventional explosive with the explosive power of a tactical nuclear weapon.

Given the great weight of such projectiles, and the German lack of sufficient heavy-lift aircraft to deliver them, it is possible if not likely that super-heavy artillery was used to deploy them.

This would also explain another curiosity in the Japanese military attache's statement: the Germans apparently did not deploy weapons of mass destruction against cities, but only against military targets that would have been within the range of such weapons. 

To resume the analysis of the Japanese statement:

(2) The Germans may have been seriously pursuing the hydrogen bomb, since reactions of the nuclei of heavy water atoms -containing deuterium and tritium- are essential in thermo-nuclear fusion reactions, a point highlighted by the Japanese delegate [though he confuses these reactions with fission reactions of atom bombs].

3) The enormous temperatures of atom bombs are used as detonators in conventional hydrogen bombs;

(4) In desperation the Russians appeal to have been ready to resort to the use of poison gas against the Germans if they did not "cease and desist"; 

(5) The Russians believe the weapons to have been "poison gas" of some sort, either a cover story put out by the Russians, or a result of field reports being made by Russian soldiers who were ignorant of the type of weapon deployed against them [The detail of "charred bodies" and exploded ammunition certainly point to non-conventional weaponry.

A fuel-air device would at least account for the charring. The tremendous heat produced by such a bomb could also conceivably detonate ammunition.

Likewise, radio-active burns with its characteristic blistering effects might well have been misunderstood by Russian field soldiers and officers, who would most likely not have been familiar with nuclear energy, as the effects of poison gas] and finally, and most sensationally,

(6) According to the Japanese cable, the Germans appeared to have gained their specialized knowledge via some connection to the star system of Sirius and that knowledge involved some exotic form of very dense matter, a statement that strains credulity even today. 

It is this last point that directs our attention to the most fantastic and arcane recesses of wartime German secret weapons research, for if the allegation has even a partial basis in truth, then it indicates that at some highly secret level, physics, and the esoteric, were being pursued by the Nazi regime in some very extraordinary ways. 

To anyone familiar with the wealth of material on alternative research into the Giza compound in Egypt, the reference to Sirius will immediately conjure images of Egyptian religion, its preoccupation with death, with the Osiris myth, and to the Sirian star system.

In this regard it is important to note that the extreme density of the material described by the Japanese envoy resembles nothing so much as a construct of modern post-war theoretical physics called "dark matter".

In all likelihood his report greatly overestimates the mass of this material -if it existed at all- but nonetheless it is crucial to observe that it is material far beyond the ordinary density of matter.


The idea of a "Superbomb" was first patented prior to World War Two in Austria, and a modification of the idea was patented in Germany in 1943. [German patent 905.847, 16 March 1943]

Its inventor, Dr. Karl Nowak, explained the reason for his invention as being to create a superbomb without the radio-active fallout effects that were evident from atomic and thermonuclear explosions. In other words, the Nazis were already looking past the thermonuclear age toward the creation of second and third generation weapons systems that would give the same offensive and strategic 'punch' but without the side effects.

In theory, the bomb is workable, but was way beyond the technological capabilities of Germany, or any other power, in that time period. Basically, the idea was to create a state of matter in which, through ultra-low temperatures approaching absolute zero, matter would be super-compressed.

The idea was then to detonate this material, subjecting it to sudden stress and heat, to create a sudden and massive expansion and explosion, and therewith, an enormous, H-bomb sized blast. Thus, there may have been a basis in actual German secret research for the incredible claim of the Japanese military attache in Stockholm's 1943 report to Tokyo that the Germans were investigating the properties of super-dense matter for weaponization.

According to news reports of January 2016, the United States military is replacing the fixed tail section of the B61 bomb with steerable fins and adding other advanced technology. The result is a bomb that can make more accurate nuclear strikes and a warhead whose destructive power can be adjusted to minimize collateral damage and radio-active fallout.


Professor Friedrich Lachner, assistant for twenty years to Professor Heinricj Mache at the Department for Technical Physics at the University of Vienna, wrote a letter from exile in Argentina a few years ago to German researchers, Mayer and Mehner, claiming Germany produced 15 nukes. 

-- Edgar Mayer and Thomas Mehner, “Hitler und die, Bombe" [Rottenburg: Kopp Verlag, 2002] 

These were tactical nukes, based directly on the Nazi patents of Dr Erich Schumann and Dr Walter Trinks in 1942. Warheads weighed 4kg. with about 0.5 kiloton yields, of which two were captured by the Soviets.

Heisenberg was the head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft [Institute], which was not at the heart of the Nazi bomb project. The Army Ordnance Dept [Heereswaffenamt] was.

It was led by Kurt Diebner, contracted to run specific trials at Kummersdorf in 1942 experimenting with miniature tactical nuclear weapons using hollow charge explosives. 

A WW2 He-177 pilot, Peter Brill, a few years ago came forward at a reunion and mentioned he had been stationed at Werneuchen [which trained night fighter flying]  in 1944 to train as a celestial navigator in preparation for a planned He-177 attack on New York.

In May 1944 the British repatriated General der Panzertruppe Hans Cramer, reportedly because of his problems with asthma, to meet with Hitler and convey a warning that Churchill was contemplating dropping Anthrax over Germany unless Hitler abandoned his nuclear project.  

It is also referred to by Dr Paul Harteck in Farm Hall transcripts 6-7 August 1945; also in "Virus House" by David  Irving. 

Rainer Karlsch reveals in his book that in July 1944 Schumann was warned to halt all work on the Nazi atomic bomb.  

A letter from Professor Paul Harteck to Josef Borkin, concerns Allied threats in 1944 to force abandonment of nuclear weapons projects, and  Japanese signals reveal Soviet threats to use poison gas against Germany.

In August 1944, Churchill warned Hitler via Romania’s Marshall Antonescu that the RAF would deliver Anthrax spores all over Germany,  if a single German nuclear weapon was used against the British isles. 

-- Evidence of Anthrax attack threat to force Hitler to abandon nuclear weapons, “Germany and the Second World War,” by Bernhard Kröner, Rolf-Dieter Müller, Hans Umbreit; "Germany and the Second World War: Organization and "Organization and Mobilization of the German Sphere of Power: Wartime administration, economy, and manpower resources 1942-1944"; Volume 5, Part 1;
Andreas Hillgruber, ed., "Staatsmänner und Diplomaten bei Hitler."..."Destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu Regime 1940–1944" [Chicago, 1999]
This is also referred to by Dr Paul Harteck in Farm Hall transcripts 6-7 August 1945; also in "Virus House" by David  Irving.

Germany had no antibiotics and would have faced starvation within 2 weeks had Anthrax been used.

On 5 August 1944, Hitler, Ribbentrop and Keitel  met with Antonescu and discussed the tremendous destructive power of Germany's new 'wonder weapon'. 

Hitler described Germany’s latest work on "new explosives, whose development was already advanced to the experimental stage".

Hitler confided his view that the jump from modern explosives to this one was the biggest since gunpowder.

Antonescu, when arrested by the Russians and questioned for war crimes, later quoted Hitler  saying:

"These weapons, for example, have such colossal force that all human life is destroyed within three, or four kilometres of its point of impact".

He also said he would not unleash this weapon until Germany could adequately defend itself against similar weapons which the Allies threatened Germany with. 

By late 1944, Germany lacked air superiority over its own skies and German bombers could not survive over British airspace during 1944, except for a few fast non-precision night attacks by He-177 bombers which had to dive from great height over Europe and escape at sea level.

Bombing the UK was not a possibility by then, the last Luftwaffe reconnaissance flight over England was on 10 April 1945 by an Arado 234.

On 14 February 1945, Hitler spoke to Dr Erwin Giesing, who had treated his shattered eardrums until October 1944 after the failed 20 July plot.

"Germany is in a tough spot, but I’ll get her out of it.  The British and Americans have miscalculated badly.... In no time at all I’m going to start using my Victory weapon [Siegwaffe] and then the war will come to a glorious end. 

"Some time ago we solved the problem of nuclear fission, and we have developed it so far that we can exploit the energy for armaments purposes [Rüstungszwecke]. 

"They won’t even know what hit them!  Its the weapon of the future.  With it Germany’s future is assured.  It was Providence that allowed me to perceive this final path to victory.

"The West Wall will stand fast and then our Siegwaffe will decide the war in a very short time.... And if the war should go against us, then we must all die bravely. I shall remain at the head of my forces and die in action.  But Providence has brought me this far unscathed, and I shall continue along this prescribed path undeterred by whatever may befall me".

-- Giesing wrote his account of this conversation with Hitler from memory on 21 June 1945—six weeks before Hiroshima.

The origin of Hitler’s optimism is puzzling. 

Scientists under Professors Werner Heisenberg and Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker had been studying nuclear fission and atomic bomb physics since 1939, and they had started building an experimental atomic pile at Haigerloch in 1944; in December the Reich chief of nuclear research, Professor Walther Gerlach, appealed to Bormann for exemption for them from Volkssturm service and mentioned their "atomic bomb" research as justification.  

Bormann may have been Hitler’s source.

In a previously classified document by the 'Headquarters Mediterranean Allied Air Forces Target Intelligence Section', reference is made to a bomb with a destructive effect of several kilometres and a radioactive warhead for the V-2.  

Evidence in PRO file WO.208/4178, GRGG 341, is a report of secretly recorded conversations by Maj General Dornberger with fellow German Generals, at the internment camp CSDIC Camp 11, which was entered in evidence at Nuremberg trials.

Dornberger had commented that Hitler intended to use V-2s, fitted with the Schumann-Trinks designed tactical nuclear weapon.


In "Hitler's Rocket Soldiers", by Barber & Keur pub. Tattered Flag 2011, there is mention of a conversation, overheard by a certain Helmuth Frenk who was employed in testing the V2 and was fairly senior:

" ....Frenk clearly recollected overhearing a most illuminating conversation that took place between von Braun and a visiting dignitary: 'Once by accident, I overheard an exchange between von Braun and a visitor, who asked: 'Why do you not use an atomic bomb in the V2?' With a sneer, von Braun replied: 'Because we do not have one!' 

Who the visitor was is not revealed and the date is also not made clear. 

Also within the paragraph, it is also suggested that, "....Frenk never heard of any attempt to use Phosphorus as was sometimes rumoured.

"Similarly, the use of biological or chemical weapons, as far as he was aware, was simply not considered".

Douglas Dietrich was librarian of the U.S. Department of Defense, responsible for the destruction of archived WW2 records in the Presidio military base in San Francisco.

He claims to have destroyed documents about German use of tactical nukes against the Soviets in Pomerania at the end of WW2.

An American Intelligence report dated 15 June 1945 about German  Technical Transfer to Japan during WW2, noted the interrogation of  Japanese officer who disclosed during 1944 Germany had transferred  details of a match-box sized warhead with a blast radius of 1,200 metres. 

Nazi patents hidden in the personal papers of Dr Walter Trinks detail a  warhead using just 150 grams of Uranium 233, which would make a marble sized warhead core.

Enough is known about this nuclear warhead to say that it was a small boosted fission weapon weighing 5 kilograms.

It had two opposed hollow charges with conical Lithium liners containing a small marble of Uranium at the centre in a vacuum. the marble was coated with a Deuterite in order to ignite a fusion reaction to boost fission.

During January 1945 Japan began manufacturing their own V-2 rockets at the Mukden Arsenal in order to arm it with these sub kiloton nuclear warheads, as a tactical threat.  

Apparently the Germans did make an attempt to bomb New York with a Junkers Ju-390 on 17-18 September 1944. The aircraft, with black and green camouflage paint,  is on the seabed just off Owl's Point, Maine, USA. On 28 September the bodies of three Luftwaffe aviators were recovered from the waters of nearby Penobscot River and were taken to the nearby Coast Guard station. 

At first locals were told to keep quiet as an enemy submarine had been sunk there, however several people had seen the plane wreck. FBI and Secret service then told witnesses never to say anything. 

Many years later, a constructor's plate for the aircraft was removed by a recreational diver with the nickname "Plouise" [possibly Patricia Louise Gray] from Vermont, who announced it was a Junkers RMZ tag and the aircraft had six engines.

There was no point in a raid on USA by a single aircraft with anything less than a nuclear weapon. It was a once only window of opportunity to strike, because after a first raid had tipped off US air defences there would never be another chance to strike New York.

Hitler was obsessed with bombing New York and in 1943 Göring and the Supreme Command of the Luftwaffe [Oberkommando der Luftwaffe] had drawn up plans for a nuclear attack on New York resulting in a map.

On this map of lower Manhattan Island are concentric circles detailing the blast and heat damage radii of an atomic bomb detonation over New York City.

But the most unusual aspect of this "study" is that it shows the detonation of an atom bomb in the 15-17 kiloton range, approximately the same yield as the Little Boy Uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima, an odd "coincidence".

The Luftwaffe's intentions are quite obvious and clear. The destruction of the financial and business center of New York City would alone have been an unparalleled military and psychological blow against the American war effort.

Beyond this, given the fact that New York City was an important point of embarkation for American shipping and troops, as well as a naval base, and a transportation hub for the entire American northeast, such a blow would have been incalculable.

For the Nazi leadership, such a blow would have made military and political sense. It would have demonstrated conclusively to the United States that Germany was capable of mounting significant military operations against the American mainland, and at levels of destructive capability that were militarily, economically, and psychologically devastating.

From their point of view, such a blow would arguably been seen as weakening American resolve and perhaps, after a succession of similar such blows against prominent targets such as Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC or Norfolk, would conceivably have led to America's exit from the war, leaving Britain to follow not far behind.

The war against the Soviet Union could then either have been prosecuted without mercy until the inevitable Soviet capitulation, or at the minimum, a negotiated peace highly favorable to the Reich. 

In October of 1943, then, such a study was a tempting prospect. But is there any indication that the OKL's "study map" was anything more than a study? 

Why not use the "weapon" tactically against airfields or Soviet ground forces?

If the Americans laboured from 1942 to 1945 and only produced three nuclear weapons in that time including: "Trinity", "Little Boy"  and "Fat Man", why did they specifically use them on undamaged Japanese cities rather than tactically in the battle for Okinawa?

The answer is they were too precious and too rare to be wasted tactically and a devastating attack on New York would have greater impact.

A Soviet tank division could be replaced. A couple of squadrons on an airfield could also have been replaced. Other airfields could be pressed into service within days or hours with new units.

Such tactical use would have been meaningless compared to a knock out blow against New York which Hitler was apparently fixated upon.


The Messerschmitt Me-163 rocket fighter aircraft, perhaps better known as the 'Komet',
was possibly the most radical German manned fighter aircraft design to actually enter the WW II combat theatre.

Here Me-163 Komet fighters of the Luftwaffe climb vertically through an 8th Air Force bomber formation and its top fighter cover
before swooping down on the "heavies" for their short 
but often deadly attack.

The Reich Air Ministry [RLM] first learned of the American B-29 'Superfortress' heavy bomber in late 1942.

These concerns were heightened in in March/April 1944, when YB-29 'Hobo Queen,' painted in European Theatre Operations ETO green camouflage, made a well-publicised appearance at RAF Bovingdon, which had been mentioned in an American-published "Sternenbanner" German language propaganda leaflet from Leap Year Day in 1944, meant to be circulated within the Reich.

There were at one time plans to equip 9 Groups with the B-29 in the U.K. replacing the B-24 and having bases in Northern Ireland. 

The B-29 was spotted by the Germans overflying Austria in daylight far too high to intercept. It remained in the U.K. until returning to the USA on 10 May 1944.  

The performance estimates of this aircraft were a cause for great concern in the Luftwaffe.

The B-29 had a maximum speed of around 560 km/h [348 mph)] and would attack in a cruise at about 360 km/h [224 mph] at 8,000-10,000 m [26,247-32,810 ft], an altitude where no current Luftwaffe aircraft was effective, and for which the only effective Wehrmacht anti-aircraft gun was the rarely-deployed 12.8 cm FlaK 40, which could effectively fire to an altitude of 14,800 metres [48,600 ft].

To counter the B-29, the Luftwaffe would need new day fighters and bomber destroyers with greatly enhanced performance at extreme altitude.

The fighter chosen was the Focke-Wulf Ta 152H. This was based on the Fw 190D with longer wings and the new high-altitude "E" model of the Junkers Jumo 213 engine.


The Focke-Wulf Ta 152, arguably the finest aircraft of WW2, was a German high-altitude fighter-interceptor designed by Kurt Tank and produced by Focke-Wulf.
It was intended to be made in at least three versions—the Ta 152H 'Höhenjäger' [high-altitude fighter] the Ta 152C designed for medium-altitude operations and ground-attack using a different engine and smaller wing, and the Ta 152E fighter-reconnaissance aircraft with the engine of the H model and the wing of the C model


An alternative was the Messerschmitt Me 155B, a long-winged development of the Bf 109 which had already undergone several stages of design and would ultimately be built in prototype form by Blohm & Voss.

The centre-line thrust twin Dornier Do 335, powered with two of the competing Daimler-Benz DB 603 engines also offered a service ceiling of some 11,400 m [37,500 ft], but the promising Dornier heavy fighter and 'Zerstörer' was still under development solely with prototype airframes flying, and the first production examples expected to enter operational service late in 1944.

For the bomber destroyer and night fighter roles, the Ta 154 and Heinkel He 219 had the performance needed to catch the bomber; however, both designs only gained that performance by mounting low aspect ratio wings which were inadequate for flight at high altitude and resultingly produced too high a wing loading.  

In development was the Ju 388 'Störtebeker' a multi-role aircraft based on the Ju 88 airframe by way of the Ju 188.


It differed from its predecessors in being intended for high altitude operation, with design features such as a pressurized cockpit for its crew.

By the summer of it 1944, it was clear that B-29 bombers were being sent to the Pacific and would not be operating over Germany anytime soon.

"During July 1944 Heisenberg was visited in Berlin by Maj Bernd von Brauchitsch, Göring’s adjutant, with a report that the German legation in Lisbon had learned of an American threat to drop an Atomic Bomb on Dresden during the next six weeks if Germany did not sue for peace in some way before then". 

 -- Irving, David. "Virus House". 'Abandonment of nuclear research under threat of retaliation by USA via Lisbon to bomb Dresden' 

-- Operation "Epsilon" [conversation between Karl Wirtz, von Weizsäcker and Heisenberg 6-7 August 1945] National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, RG 77, Entry 22, Box 164 [Farm Hall Transcripts].

The USA was anxious about OSS Intelligence reports it had been receiving since 1943 discussing advances in the German Atomic bomb and preparations to use Tabun B nerve gas. 

in  the secretly recorded Farm Hall transcripts of conversations between German Atomic scientists in August 1945, it was also discussed between Heisenberg and Harteck in British captivity. 

-- Operation “Epsilon” [ 6-7 August 1945] National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, RG 77, Entry 22, Box 164 [Farm Hall Transcripts]

-- "Germany and the Second World War" by Bernhard R. Kröner, Rolf-Dieter Müller, Hans Umbreit, Oxford University Press, 2003

The German "Transozean Press Agency" published details of the Manhattan project widely in Germany during October 1944.

The Manhattan Project itself may have operated discreetly but US nuclear aims and objectives were no secret and were known by Germany in 1939,  since Heisenberg's visit to USA that year where he was approached to help USA develop an atomic bomb.

It is more than likely there were such threats made and there were probably some form of secret peace feelers in 1944.

Hitler had first proposed during early 1940 through US envoy Sumner Welles some form of armistice with Britain and France and settlement over Poland so that Germany could be free to deal with Russia and this was revived several times during the War including the famous flight of Rudolf Hess to Scotland in 1941.

Hitler again explored in late 1944 the prospect of a separate peace in the West but continuing to fight the Soviets in the East. There appears to have been at the very least some humoring of Hitler if not an actual agreement for capitulation to US forces. 

At the Nuremberg Trials the British produced in evidence against Maj General Walter Dornberger secretly recorded conversations he had with other German generals during British internment at CSDIC camp 11. 

Dornberger gave a number of comments about the German atomic bomb which remain classified even today. He also described Hitler's intention to use unconventional warheads on the V-2 rocket.

Dornberger went on to describe secret surrender talks which he and von Braun had at Lisbon in December 1944. 

In late 1943 Roosevelt had sent Moe Berg as a special OSS envoy to Rome whilst it was still under German occupation. Wernher von Braun's brother Sigismund was a diplomat at the Vatican and private talks were held there which resulted in further talks between Wernher von Braun and two GEC officials at Lisbon in December 1944.

-- "The Secret History of the Rockets and Flying Craft of the Third Reich" by Friederich Georg. English language edition published by Helion & Company Ltd. in the UK citing a previously classified document by the Headquarters Mediterranean Allied Air Forces Target Intelligence Section.

It should be recalled that 450 Penemünde scientists and engineers were sent by train south to Oberammergau to await the Americans. 

Dornberger noted he and von Braun were freed from arrest at the barracks in Oberammergau by SS Lt Gen Dr Hans Kammler who drove them west to Oberjoch, where they came in contact with the 772th Tank Batalion at Reutte.

When Dornberger went to work for Bell, Bell recruited another former German army scientist, Krafft Ehricke, "who had been an adviser on the German wartime atom bomb project" according to Jack Manno, "Arming The Heavens" [Dodd, Mead & Co., 1948]. 

Manno also said that Wolfgang Noggerath was brought in and put in charge of what became the Polaris missile. Willy Fiedler was brought in and made chief of planning of the underwater launch systems for submarines.

altRheinbote [Rhine Messenger] was a German short range ballistic rocket developed by Rheinmetall-Borsig at Berlin-Marienfelde during World War II.

It was intended to replace, or at least supplement, large-bore artillery by providing fire support at long ranges in an easily transportable form.

One of the problems for the German military, and indeed any mobile military force, is the weight of the artillery and, more importantly, its ammunition supply.

Battlefield rockets were intended to circumvent the problems, which led to the development of Rheinbote.

The Rheinbote was the successor of the earlier Rheintochter [Rhine Maiden].

Developed in 1943 by the Rheinmetall-Borsig company, Rheinbote was a four-stage solid-fuelled rocket, and the only long-range battlefield ballistic missile to enter service in World War II.

he first test flights were carried out that year. Several changes were made to the system, but the basic design remained the same. It measured 11.4 m [37 ft 5 in], with fins at the tail and one set of additional fins at each stage. The propellant was a diglycol dinitrate mix, which enable test models to achieve 6,800 km/h [4,200 mph; 3,700 kmh], the fastest rocket of the period.

The Rheinbote carried a 40 kg [88 lb] warhead [just 6.5% of the missile's total weight] to a height of 78,000 m [256,000 ft], for an effective range of 160 km [99 mi; 86 nmi]; it reached over 220 km [140 mi; 120 nmi] in testing. For shorter ranges, some of the stages could be removed.

It was launched from a simple rail on a mobile trailer, based on the one used to transport the V-2. It was aimed simply by pointing the trailer and elevating the launch gantry; guidance was based on careful aiming of the launcher, with each stage of the missile having six slightly canted fins which caused the missile to spin, reducing inaccuracies.

In autumn 1944 talks were held between the Leiter der Einsatzleitung Heeresartillerieabteilung 709, Lieutenant Colonel Tröller, and SS-Obergruppenführer Kammler on the use of the 'Rheinbote' for a nuclear payload.

As to the threat to bomb Dresden in 1944, USA expected to have sufficient Plutonium for their first bomb in 1944 however the first operation of Hanford B reactor resulted in severe Xenon-135 poisoning of the reactor. It had to be de-fueled and restarted with fresh fuel which delayed Plutonium production until the end of 1944.

The nuclear attack on Dresden that was planned, was only withdrawn in October 1944.

 "Hitler promptly canceled all bomber construction and abandoned plans for a major offensive in October 1944 intended to use nukes and stockpiled Tabun B nerve gas deployed by the Arado 234-C5 bomber or Dornier 217P/He-277".

The German "Transozean Press Agency" published details of the Manhattan project widely in Germany during October 1944.

The Manhattan Project itself may have operated discreetly but US nuclear aims and objectives were no secret and were known by Germany in 1939, since Heisenberg's visit to the USA where he was approached to help the USA develop an atomic bomb.

The "Dresden Story": A wartime atomic mystery

One of the strangest stories regarding the Nazis and the atomic bomb is the one that the German physicist Werner Heisenberg told at Farm Hall about being asked about an apparent rumor that the United States was planning to use an atomic bomb against Dresden.

The Farm Hall transcripts reports him telling it several times during his internment, and it changed slightly each time he told it. Here’s the first version:

"About a year ago, I heard from Segner from the Foreign Office that the Americans had threatened to drop a uranium bomb on Dresden if we didn’t surrender soon. At the time I was asked whether I thought it possible, and, with complete conviction, I replied: 'No'."

In a later version, he says he replied that it was possible — perhaps a face-saving maneuver, since by the second time Heisenberg tells the story, he has now started to believe that the reports of the atomic attack against Hiroshima were accurate.

Heisenberg repeated it several times over the course of his six month stay at Farm Hall.

There is an interesting follow-up on this story. The leak in question is a weird one and worth sharing. 

In August 1944, a German science magazine, the "Physikalische Blätter" [Physical Pages], ran a short, anonymous piece titled 'Another Utopia':

"Transocean Service" transmits a report cabled to Stockholm’s "Tidnigen" from London: 

""In the United States scientific research for a new bomb is underway.

"The material is Uranium, and if the forces bound in this element could be liberated, explosive forces of so far unimagined power could be created.

"A 5-kilogram bomb could made a hole one kilometer deep and with a radius of 40 kilometers. In a circle of 150 kilometers all buildings were be smashed".

The math on the energy release is way off by any measure — the damage radius described is well over 100 megatons, which is around what you would get if you combined 5 kg of Uranium with 5 kg of anti-matter [a pure E=mc2 conversion], much less if it fissioned with perfect efficiency [which would 'only' release 85 kilotons]

The rule of thumb is that the completely fissioning of a kilogram of fissile material produces about 17 kilotons of yield. Either they have carried a few decimal points incorrectly or they are just really confused.

Was this a "legitimate" leak? That is, did it derive from disclosure of confidential information? It is hard to tell.

The fact that it pinpoints the United States as making an atomic bomb out of Uranium seems accurate, but everything else seems to be sketchy and confused. It is true that the Plutonium bomb used only around 6 kg of material… but that almost seems like a coincidence given the rest of what they are talking about here.

Anyway, the interesting bit comes 20 years later, in 1964. "Physikalische Blätter" was [and is] still around, and they ran a story on their wartime leak story.

Much of it is repetitive fluff, a by-the-book [for 1964] accounting of Allied and German nuclear research.

But along with this, they did attempt to track down the origin of the leak — with no success. But they did decide, thoughtfully, to try and assess the impact of the leak by surveying a few of the Farm Hall physicists to see whether they were aware of the 'Another Utopia' story.

Otto Hahn wrote back that he "knew nothing" of the article at the time, and added that while they knew that there were people abroad probably working on the subject of atomic bombs, and that the stopping of all publications about the subject probably indicated the work was secret, that nonetheless they didn’t suspect that the United States would actually be able to produce such weapons in time for use in the war.

He then suggested that the "Physikalische Blätter" should get in touch with Heisenberg, since he was more plugged into such matters than Hahn.

And they did get in touch with Heisenberg, whose first response was that he hadn’t seen the article, was surprised to hear about it, suspected it was based on "vague rumors", but said he would love if they sent him a copy so he could evaluate it further .5

They did this, of course, and his second response was the more interesting one. He said that rumors of this sort occurred repeatedly because of articles related to atomic energy that had already been published, and he did not let such rumors occupy him much during the war. But then Heisenberg wrote:

"Perhaps I should mention here an exception. In the summer of 1944 [probably early July], an aide of Göring’s came to me with a message from a German representative in Lisbon that there was a pronounced American threat against the German government, that an atomic bomb would be dropped on Dresden in the next six weeks if the government did not immediately sue for peace.

"The exact conditions of where the message came from were not communicated to me. I was asked by Göring’s adjutant if I thought it was possible that the Americans had already created an atomic bomb. I was understandably made very uncomfortable by this question, because of the large responsibility connected to my answer.

"I said that I thought it was extremely unlikely, but not impossible, for the Americans to have such a weapon at this time, and I tried to explain that the production of the weapon would in any case require an enormous industrial effort, and that I could not imagine that the Americans had already done it".

And so the Dresden atomic bomb rumor raises its head again, no less confounding than before. But here we have a little more information on the source: It is supposedly from an agent in Lisbon, Portugal. Which is interesting.

There was a Nazi double-agent in Lisbon who was assigned to learning about the Manhattan Project.  General Groves had written a "note to file" about a meeting he had with the Military Policy Committee on 21 June 1944, where he describes this incident and his response to it. In his notes, Groves wrote the following:

"This refers to the German agents who came to this country through Portugal, and the messages that were sent back to Germany in their behalf. These people were picked up as soon as they got into the United States and the messages were framed by me. There was considerable argument by my creeps as to these messages.

"I overruled them and did not deny that certain work was being done. It was pinpointed at certain universities and certain people, none of whom had anything to do with the project. The amount of the work was minimized, and an attempt to convince the Germans that it was an academic effort and that nothing would come of it.

"The creeps wanted to say that nothing was being done and that checks at various places had indicated that all potential personnel was being used on other work — I think radar".

-- Leslie Groves, Notes on the Military Policy Committee of 21 June 1944 [undated, but prior to 1964], Leslie R. Groves Papers, National Archives and Records Administration, RG 200, Entry 7530M, Box 4, 'Working Papers'.

This coincides very well with the timing of Heisenberg’s supposed query — apparently originating in Nazi agents in Portugal — regarding whether Dresden would be atomic bombed.

The geographical and chronological proximity is a rather impressive overlap; could something have gone wrong, or gotten scrambled, in Groves’ attempt to manipulate one of the few German atomic espionage attempts? I.e., Groves had wanted to suggest that the American program was small and unimportant; somebody instead reported back that it was massive and almost ready to go. It seems not impossible, though this is admittedly scant evidence.

But, here’s the twist. Arguably the exaggerated outcome would have been [and in fact was] as good an outcome as Groves’ intended minimization, if not a better one.

Heisenberg looked at the six-weeks-to-an-atomic-Dresden claim and said, no way — that doesn’t make any sense. He came away from the whole thing convinced it was just ridiculous wartime nonsense.

If the report he had gotten was, "do you believe that the only people working on nuclear fission are a bunch of no-names, instead of Bethe and Fermi and Oppenheimer and Wheeler and all of those other physics luminaries we know the Americans have?", might that not have raised his suspicions even more?

Lastly, is it possible the Dresden threat could have been real? The "Physikalische Blätter" story got picked up by the "Washington Post", and they got in touch with Richard G. Hewlett, the Atomic Energy Commission’s official historian.

He thought Heisenberg’s story was pretty nuts: "I can’t possibly believe there was an actual threat from the U.S. Government".

-- Howard Simons, 'Were We Vulnerable: Swedish Report in World War II Tipped U.S. A-Bomb Hand', "Washington Post" [27 December 1964]. Simons’ story butchers many of the facts, including getting the nationality of "Physikalische Blätter", and even misspells Hewlett’s name

This was, obviously, because the US was still a year away from an atomic bomb at the time, and the idea of it being some kind of legitimate, diplomatic threat seems pretty out of character.

Roosevelt did ask Groves about using the bomb against Germany in December 1944 — so maybe, somewhere, this kind of idea was kicking around inside the heads of some people who knew about the Manhattan Project work but didn’t know how close it was to completion — maybe even someone who was working some kind of diplomatic/espionage backchannel. .

As it was, Dresden was of course catastrophically attacked. Over the course of three days in February 1945, some 1,250 Allied heavy bombers pounded the city with incendiaries and high explosives, killing well over 20,000 people and burning the heart out of a city that until that point had been spared the horrors of area bombing.

Could Dresden have been kept "pristine" on the theory that it might have been a good atomic bombing target, in the same way that Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kokura, and Niigata had been?

The "Physikalische Blätter" speculated that maybe this was the case, though there is no evidence that supports this conclusion.

-- 'Dresden – Schicksal und Warnung', "Physikalische Blätter" 21, no. 4 [1965]

The selection of Dresden as a target has its own trajectory that seems independent of any possible atomic narrative, and the idea that it would have been selected as a possible atomic bomb target as early as the summer of 1944 seems rather far-fetched.

It should be noted, as well, that the narrative about the atomic bomb in mid-1960s Germany was very much tinged by the Cold War context; it was a common thread of discussion in both the West and the East that the United States would be willing to throw Germany under the bus if it came to a real confrontation with the Soviets.

Still, it’s an interesting constellation of stories: the leak, Heisenberg’s query, and Groves’ attempt at misinformation.

If Groves’ misinformation attempt really did result in the query to Heisenberg, what tremendous irony would abound. Ironic that Groves’ attempt to minimize the effort would result in a exaggerated interpretation; irony that the exaggerated interpretation would lead to total dismissal by the expert.


Dresden was targeted in February 1945 because it housed Max Steenbeck's plasma physics laboratory vital to Dallenbach's project and the Allies wanted it destroyed before Dresden fell to the Soviets. In fact the laboratory survived Dresden's bombing and afterwards equipment was evacuated south by Dr Rolf Wideroe to Kreis Ebermannstadt.

Twenty years after Kammler's "Bell" went missing, a remarkably similar object reportedly crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, in a wooded area in the country. 

altThere had been some speculation [e.g. NASA's James Oberg] that the object in the Kecksburg Incident may have been debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet satellite.

Kosmos 96 had a bell- or acorn-like shape similar to the object reported by eyewitnesses [though much smaller than witnesses reported].

However, in a 1991 report, US Space Command concluded that Kosmos 96 crashed in Canada at 3:18 a.m. on 9 December 1965, about 13 hours before the fireball thought to be the Kecksburg object undergoing re-entry was recorded at 4:45 p.m.

In addition, in a 2003 interview Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris at the NASA Johnson Space Center Nicholas L. Johnson stated:

"I can tell you categorically, that there is no way that any debris from Kosmos 96 could have landed in Pennsylvania anywhere around 4:45 p.m. [...]

"That’s an absolute. Orbital mechanics is very strict".

There are a number of curious data points, however, that would appear to connect Kammler's "Bell" with the Kecksburg's "Acorn".

Both objects are described in very similar terms, as "acorn" or "bell" shaped, and both objects are described as having similar, if not identical, dimensions, being approximately 9 to 12 feet in diameter and 12 to 15 feet in height; 

In fact, it is on only one point that the two objects differ, if indeed they are two distinct objects, and that is the consistent testimony by witnesses who actually saw the Kecksburg "acorn" UFO, that some strange form of writing existed around the bumper of the object, resembling hieroglyphics to some, but without the animal and people pictures, and resembling geometrical forms according to a few others. No similar statements exist for Kammler's Bell.

But even this may not necessarily be a sufficient reason to dismiss the possible connection.

The kind of writing described may have been a form of runes, a form of writing in which the occult-oriented SS was also interested. These types of symbols can sometimes resemble geometric objects that some witnesses associate with the writing on the Kecksburg UFO. It is much more difficult, however, to find a resemblance between them and "hieroglyphic" writing. 


According to the Joint Intelligence [Sub-] Committee:

"Unless the migration of important German scientists and technicians into the Soviet zone is immediately stopped, we believe that the Soviet Union within a relatively short time may equal United States developments in the fields of atomic research and guided missiles and may be ahead of U.S. development in other fields of great military importance, including infrared, television and jet propulsion.

'In the field of atomic research for example, we estimate that German assistance already has cut substantially, probably by several years, the time needed for the USSR to achieve practical results". 

Source: JIC 317/10 RG 218 JCS CCS 471-9 [1/5/45] Sect. 3 1/5/45.

The Russians seized a 60 ton cyclotron and a plasma-ionic isotope separation installation at the workshop of Manfred von Ardenne. In Austria, the Russians acquired nearly 340 kg of metallic Uranium.

From 1945 to 1950, Nikolaus Riehl was in charge of Uranium production in Russia.

In 1951, Peter Adolf Thiessen was awarded the Stalin Prize, First Class for his work in Uranium enrichment.

In 1953, Manfred von Ardenne was awarded the Stalin Prize, First Class for his work on the Russian atomic bomb.


Alsos was an effort at the end of World War II by the Allies [principally Britain and the United States], branched off from the Manhattan Project, to investigate the German nuclear energy project, seize German nuclear resources, materials and personnel to further American research and to prevent their capture by the Soviets, and to discern how far the Germans had gone towards creating an atomic bomb. 

The personnel of the project followed close behind the front lines, first into Italy, and then into France and Germany, searching for personnel, records, material, and sites involved. 

Nuclear intelligence teams moved quickly from Freudenstadt through Horb to Haigerloch in southwest Germany.

Troops taking part in this operation [dubbed "Task Force A"] captured a German atomic pile at Haigerloch that only needed additional heavy water to become operational.

Nearby at Hechingen they uncovered the heavy water plant shipped from Norway after the 'Operation Freshman' and 'Operation Gunnerside' attacks.

Alsos is sometimes mistakenly written ALSOS by sources including the U.S. Army, perhaps because it does not look like a usual English word and is thus falsely assumed to be an acronym.

In fact, Alsos is Greek for "grove", and so this designation is a play on the name of Major General Leslie M. Groves, the military director of the Manhattan Engineer District [the Manhattan Project], the Allied wartime effort to develop an atomic bomb [which itself was sparked out of fears of a German weapon].

Groves was the major impetus behind the project, in part because of his desire to make sure that German technology and personnel did not fall into Soviet hands, so as to prolong the anticipated American monopoly on nuclear weapons as long as possible.

Establishment history teaches us, and correctly as far as it goes, that Heisenberg and the other highly visible Nobel-prize-winning German physicists did not have the resources in their heavy-water experiments to develop the bomb; Germany, it seems, did not have an adequate industrial base.

However, this is a misleading half-truth, for Germany had developed the Bomb, as reported in an article that appeared in the "Evening Standard" on 7 August 1945, one day after the Little Boy atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, titled 'Germans Timed Atomic Bomb for October'.

The article reads as follows:

"The Germans had an atom bomb which would have been ready by October.

'A colossal blast effect was claimed for the German bomb. It was said it would wipe out everything inside a radius of six miles, said B.U.P. to-day. The German atomic plans were uncovered four months ago, when an Allied search party walked into a small silk factory at Celle, north of Hanover.

"A laboratory of two rooms was buried away in the heart of the factory. A famous research scientist was still at work. He was flown to Britain the same day. This man, with others, had been working on the atom bomb for months. The Nazi Government poured out money on it. Apparently they did not expect immediate results".

The extent of damage, some 12 miles in diameter, is beyond the blast damage of a large atomic bomb or a comparable fuel-air bomb which the Nazis also had developed. This is the blast diameter of a hydrogen bomb.

It should be recalled that Dr. Edward Teller actually first thought of, and proposed to the Allies, the hydrogen bomb in 1944.


Samuel Goudsmit was the technical/scientific leader of Alsos, and Lt. Col. Boris Pash, a former Manhattan Project security officer, was its military leader.

Major League baseball player, attorney, and linguist, Moe Berg contributed in various phases.

The project managed to find and remove many of the German research effort's personnel and a good bit of the surviving records and equipment.

Most of the senior research personnel [including Werner Heisenberg, Otto Hahn, and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker] were sequestered at Farm Hall in England for several months. Their discussions were secretly taped, and transcripts of those tapes have been released.

In the end, Alsos concluded that the Allies had surpassed the German atomic bomb effort monumentally by 1942.

Compared to the Manhattan Project, one of the largest scientific endeavors of all time, the German project was considerably underfunded and understaffed, and it is questionable whether Germany would have had the resources or isolation which were required for the Allies to produce such a weapon.

Goudsmit, in a monograph published two years after the end of the war, further concluded that a principal reason for the failure of the German project was that science could not flourish under totalitarianism — an argument seemingly rebutted by the German advances on other technologies, such as world’s first jet fighter Messerschmitt Me 262, first stealth fighter-bomber Horten Ho 229, first ballistic missile V-2 and Soviet Union's development of a nuclear weapon by 1949.


German Digital Computers

Computers have the ability to make rapid mathematical calculations and to take mountains of raw data and organize it for us in ways which give us new insight into problems.

This organizational ability was picked up on immediately by Dr. Kammler. Dr. Kammler had the benefit of knowledge, hardware and software that was developed by the computer pioneer, Dr. Konrad Zuse. 1

In spite of everything churned out by the computer industry and "history" as we know it, Dr. Zuse built the first digital computer in 1938 1. and the first programmable software language, "Plankaikuel" 2. He was also instrumental in developing magnetic tape as a computer storage medium 3. 

By 1944 the Germans were using computers, the Zuse built Z-3, to plot the course of ballistic attack by the V-2 at Peenemünde and Nordhausen. 4. 

After the assassination attempt on Hitler in July, 1944, power, on many levels of German cultural, technological and military life was transferred to the SS.

Old-time Nazi bosses such as the Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer, sat back and watched helplessly as most of his empire was usurped by Dr. Hans Kammler.

This included Dr. Kammler taking over the most promising and most highly technical wartime projects. Dr. Kammler was able to assume this role in addition to his other responsibilities and to handle them all with the excellence for which he was known.

There is no doubt that Kammler had a genius.

The Z4 Computer 

The goal of the Z4, which was developed between 1942 and 1945, was to build the prototype for a machine that was intended to be produced in the thousands.

Unfortunately, the war that hope It took more than four years to build the Z4, which ended up being much smaller than was originally planned. In the case of the Z4, Konrad Zuse wanted to implement a sub-program principle. For this reason he planned six punch tape readers and two punch tape writers. However, lack of materials, the almost daily air raids, and the increasing difficulty of living in Berlin [which worsened daily] made it impossible to finish the Z4 completely. 

Perhaps we can imagine the Kammler Group Headquarters, somewhere in Czechoslovakia, probably underground and perhaps near Prague or Pilsen. There, behind a triple wall of security which the Allies never managed to break, Kammler's think-tank and laboratories selected and directed the production of weapons and secret technology for the Reich.

One of Kammler's secrets was that his organization was completely computerized. 4

Hollerith, Z-3, and Z-4 computers, software computer languages and magnetic tape storage devices made Kammler's headquarters look more late 1960s like than mid-1940sS.

In fact, German computers were so advanced that the Allied scientists and technicians failed even to understand the future when it stared them in the face. 

The citation comes from a British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee report: 

"D. Calculating Machine of Dipl. Ing. K. Zuse Associated with Josef Ernst were a group of people headed by Dipl. Ing. K. Zuse, of the Zuse Apparatebau, Berlin, who had been evacuated to Hinterstein in the last days of the war.

"They claimed to have invented and developed a new and exceptionally versatile calculating machine, which had an application in the solving of, for example, aerodynamic, ballistic, and statistical calculations.

"The apparatus itself is at Hinterstein, but is not assembled. Another team of specialists led by Dr. Simms, of the Ministry of Supply, who were passing through the area at the time were consulted, and one of their members, who had considerable experience of calculating machines gave it as his opinion that the apparatus did not embody any special features which were in advance of Allied knowledge". 5. 

The fact that Zuse and his computers were so advanced that the Allies didn't know what they were seeing, comes from the fact that they waited five years to approach Zuse, under Operation Paperclip, and offer him work in the United States.

When they did realize their error, at least two government missions were sent to Germany, with the backing of the US computer firm Remington-Rand.

Dr. Zuse resisted these advances since he had found work in Germany. In fact, he was directing his own computer company by this time and had found the funding to do so which was hard for that time and place. Eventually, a trip to the USA was planned but canceled. It is unknown if he ever gave the US computer maker the benefit of his knowledge. 6 

Today Dr. Zuse is held in high esteem in Germany and any Internet search using the words "Konrad Zuse" produce a plethora of old pictures and documentation. 


1. Georg, Friedrich, 2003, "Hitlers Siegeswaffen Band 2: Star Wars 1947 Teil A: Von der V-l bis zur A-9: unkonventionelle Kurz-und Mittelstreckenwaffen", Amun-Verlag, Schleusingen. 
2. ibid 
3.  ibid
4.  ibid
5. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee report number 142, "Information Obtained From Targets Of Opportunity In The Southern Area", page 9, London 
6. File of Konrad Zuse, Foreign Scientist Case Files, Record Group 330, box 186, [Paperclip Scientists], US National Records and Archives, College Park, MD. 23

-- Henry Stevens, "Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology"


The Soviets, however, benefited from Stalin's extensive spy network, which included at least two well-informed scientists at Los Alamos, Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall.

Both worked to prevent the United States from holding a nuclear monopoly over the world.

After President Harry S. Truman received word of the success of the Trinity test, his need for the help of the Soviet Union in the war against Japan was greatly diminished. 

The Soviet leader, Josef Stalin, had promised to join the war against Japan by 15 August 1945.  Truman and his advisors now were not sure they wanted this help. If use of the atomic bomb made victory possible without an invasion, then accepting Soviet help would only invite them into the discussions regarding the postwar fate of Japan. 

During the second week of Allied deliberations at Potsdam, on the evening of 24 July 1945, Truman approached Stalin without an interpreter and, as casually as he could, told him that the United States had a "new weapon of unusual destructive force". 

Stalin showed little interest, replying only that he hoped the United States would make "good use of it against the Japanese".  The reason for Stalin's composure became clear later: Soviet Intelligence had been receiving information about the atomic bomb program since fall 1941. 



On 6 August 1945, the B-29 'Enola Gay' delivered its payload and destroyed Hiroshima.

Japan’s leadership quickly sent a telegram to their ambassador in Moscow, hoping to appeal to Stalin for help.

Instead of offering aid, on 8 August, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov read to Japan’s ambassador a declaration of war.

The Soviets invaded Japan-held Manchuria on 9 August. The same day, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

The Soviets continued fighting in the north through September, capturing territories and islands at Japan’s fringes. But the United States closed in quickly and occupied Japan’s main islands. There would be no German-style partition.

Historians would later argue that this had been America’s goal all along.

However, declassified archives show a great deal of disagreement among U.S. officials over Soviet involvement in Japan.

Michael Kort, professor of social science at Boston University, contends U.S. President Harry S. Truman simply wanted the war over and viewed Soviet involvement as another way to achieve that.

"The documentary evidence is overwhelming that Truman wanted the Soviets to enter the war and that on 8 August, he was very pleased to learn that they had done so", Kort said.

As for the use of atomic bombs, opinion remains divided.

A Pew Research Center poll released in April showed that 56 percent of Americans believe it was justified. Among Japanese, 79 percent said it was not.

Hasegawa lays the blame for the tragic atomic bombing and the Soviet invasion at the feet of Japan’s wartime government. However, his research ultimately changed his thinking on some aspects.

The bomb played a part in Japan’s surrender, but it may not have been necessary, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, author of the 2005 book, "Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman and the Surrender of Japan", said.

Had the U.S. drawn Stalin into publicly supporting the Potsdam Declaration’s unconditional surrender demand, Japan might not have held out hope for a Soviet-brokered deal.

Had it guaranteed the emperor’s position, Japan might have surrendered earlier, Hasegawa said, though this is yet another point that draws endless historical debate.

The Russian researcher of nuclear history Pavel Oleynikov in his article 'German Scientists in the Soviet Atomic Project', in 'The Non Proliferation Review", summer 2000, states that the Soviet equivalent of ALSOS discovered "more than" 100 tons of refined Nazi Uranium stored in barrels at Neustadt am Glewe. 

In the same article Olynikov also comments that researchers Khariton and Kikoin discovered 100 tons of fairly pure Uranium in the bombed out remains of Oranienburg along with a huge collection of nuclear technical documents and specifications.


In Goudsmit's book "ALSOS - The Failure in German Science" [New York, 1947], there appears a sketch of the zenith of German scientists' achievement in the field.

The same diagram appears in the book authoured by Lt. Leslie Groves, military chief of the Manhattan Project. 

Both Goudsmit and Groves stated that the diagram and photos represent "the German Atom Bomb".

The bomb was an aluminium sphere, about the size of a medicine ball, and had a tall chimney. The latter enabled the radium-beryllium radio-active source to be introduced into the core of the reaction.

Within the sphere was layered alternately natural Uranium powder [551 kilos] and paraffin wax.

The Nobel Prize winner Professor Heisenberg was looked to as the pioneering genius of Germany's atomic project.

This was outwardly aimed at building a working atomic pile, a target which had not been reached by the end of hostilities five years later.

The excuse offered was that there was not enough heavy water available for the final successful experiment.

Since Heisenberg's assistant Dr Karl Wirtz stated in his 1987 book "Im Umkreis der Physik" that there was easily enough heavy water in aggregate to moderate a nuclear pile in 1944, and he could not understand the reluctance to go ahead and do so, attention is drawn to the possibility that the heavy water was needed in another area.

As he admitted, Heisenberg's experiments B-III and L-IV at Leipzig made calculations regarding the effectiveness of paraffin wax as a barrier and measured the capture of neutrons by U-238 Uranium material after they had been emitted by the radioactive source and been slowed by passage through heavy water.

Dr. Flannen, a US physicist, explained in an Internet article that these two experiments could only be explained if the aim was to design not a reactor, but a bomb.

By 1941 the Germans knew that isotopes of U-238 in capturing neutrons became transformed into isotopes of Plutonium, and Heisenberg was measuring where most such transformations took place. This would not be of much interest for reactor technology, but would be vital if building a bomb.

The paraffin wax would have a function as a bomb part in connection with a technical problem associated with plutonium isotopes.

In June 1942 at Leipzig, Heisenberg placed within an aluminium sphere about 750 kilos of natural uranium, placed a concentric sphere of heavy water at its centre, dropped the radioactive source down the chimney and sat back. Five weeks later there was a disastrous fire and the experiment was terminated. But - what was this experiment intended to prove?

The United States invested hundreds of millions of dollars into uranium enrichment plants and Plutonium breeder reactors. Germany, under heavy aerial bombardment and on a tight budget, could never have competed. What was needed was a nuclear device of small magnitude which could be mass-produced at small cost.

When an aluminium sphere of natural uranium powder is left to breed in the manner of Heisenberg's device, within about two years the Plutonium bred by U-238 capturing neutrons exceeds the figure of 7%. This is the magic figure for a nuclear explosion of some sort.

If several hundred such spheres were left to breed for two years in mid-1942, by late 1944 Germany would have had a small arsenal of little nuclear devices. All that was needed would be some means of setting them off.

It is thought likely that the store of spheres was kept underground in the Ohrdruf area and that the date for readiness would have been October or November 1945.

This would explain Stauffenberg's visits to Ohrdruf in July 1944 [see Arnstadt municipal documents: deposition of Cläre Werner]: He wanted to see whether there was any chance of Germany winning the war before he killed Hitler. 

The payload of the V-2 rocket was one ton, Heisenberg's sphere was about that.

A V-2 hit the ground at Mach-3, the impact velocity required to instantaneously assemble plutonium for the briefest nuclear explosion. 

Here we have not only an explanation for the apparently pathetic V-2 program, but also an explanation of what Professor Heisenberg was secretly attempting, on Hitler's orders, at Leipzig. 

From "Trotzdem" by Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel: 

"On 29 March 1944 while at tea with Hitler, he made particular mention to me of the V-weapons, which we have just begun to deploy.

"People should not over-estimate the effect of these weapons at the present time, said Hitler, because the accuracy of the missiles was still very poor. But, he went on, this would not always be the case, because at the moment all he wanted was to have rockets which were able to fly without any problem.

"Later, Hitler said, there would be an explosive which was like no normal explosive such as we know at the moment, but something entirely different, which would be powerful enough to effect a positive outcome to the war.

"He said that the development of this explosive was far advanced, and that it would soon go into production. For me, all this is completely new territory, and I can't imagine what he is talking about. Later, I hear that the explosive power of the new rocket will be based on atomic power". 

Between August 1944 and March 1945 a total of 1,045 V-2 rockets fell on and around London.

If every day ten rockets fell on London, each with a warhead which gave a small nuclear blast equivalent to 30 TNT plus radioactive fallout to last for a hundred years, Germany would have a weapon which might have convinced Britain it was no longer able to continue in the conflict.  

If Britain could be forced out of the war, even in late 1944 there was still a slim chance of success for Germany. 

How long could London have withstood even two or three such rockets fired on London every day? Each crater region would be unapproachable for years, maybe decades.

The effect of the fallout need not be mentioned.

"In general, it may be said that the Germans were about 6 months too late in the development and mass production of new weapons".

-- James Forrestal, US Navy Secretary, "New York Times", 28 August 1945. 

"The Germans were preparing rocket surprises for the whole world in general and England in particular which would have, it is believed, changed the course of the war if the invasion of Germany had been postponed for so short a time as half a year".  

-- Col Donald L Putt, Deputy Cmmdg.Gen. USAAF Intelligence, from his article in "Harper's Magazine", October 1946. 

"The V-2 rocket was just a toy compared to what the Germans had up their sleeve". 

-- British Intelligence CIOS Report XXXII-125 

The politically correct stance nowadays is that there were no miracle weapons in the Nazi pipeline and Hitler was all bluff. The three quotes above made immediately after the war suggest that it is the modern West which is bluffing by postulating it as an historical fact that Hitler had no miracle weapons. 

The first two quotes above put Hitler six months short of victory, or a negotiated peace, and from Colonel Putt's observation we see that the miracle explosive was rocket-borne. The technology of the time rules out a nuclear warhead. It had to be something conventional, or quasi-conventional. 

The A-9/A-10 rocket represented one of the earliest detailed studies of a multistage rocket, capable of crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

According to Wernher von Braun's own writings, the rocket of this class was envisioned as early as 1936, when the yet-to-be built propulsion testing stand in Peenemünde was designed to accommodate engines with the thrust up to 200 tons. It would be eight times more than needed for the A-4, but roughly enough for a transatlantic rocket.

The A-9/A-10 concept emerged far ahead of its time, but it was fueled by a dream of the Nazi government in Germany to bomb America, which also gave it its name - "Amerika Rakete".

To reach New York, the A-10 upper stage, would have to follow a string of radio-beacons deployed on submarines spread across the Atlantic. For its final guidance, the rocket could use a transmitter installed by Nazi agents in a window of a high-rise hotel in the heart of Manhattan. Another concept called for a manned version of the A-9 stage piloted by a semi-kamikaze pilot.

The manned version of the missile, would be equipped with a pressurized cockpit, featuring life-support systems, cartographic radar, and, apparently, an ejection seat, which would allow a pilot to bail out shortly before impacting the target.

The original concept of the A-10 rocket envisioned a test version with a propulsion system made of six combustion chambers, comparable to those on the A-4 rocket, but feeding a single nozzle. It could carry an A-4b-type rocket as its second stage, before the A-9 was ready. Like the A-4, the initial A-10 would burn mix of liquid oxygen with alcohol.

Peroxide-driven pumps would be used to feed combustion chambers. A follow-on version, intended for actual bombing missions, was expected to have a single engine, burning a mix of nitric acid and diesel oil.t

If given time for implementation of the project and combined with German nuclear ambitions, the A-9/A-10 could potentially have turned into a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of a regime, which had no hesitation of using it.

However the complexity of the rocket and immediate prospect of losing the war, forced the Peenemünde leadership to abandon the far-fetched idea around 1943, so the development center could concentrate on the all-but-flight-ready A-4.

Wernher von Braun calculated that a single-stage manned A-9 with ramjet combination could fly 3000 miles.

In his book "Leap of Faith" [publ. 2000] US 'Gemini' astronaut Gordon Cooper stated at Peenemünde in April 1945 the Germans had "a manned V-2"' ready to fly. This information came from "Jack Keutner" alias Dr Joachim Küttner, a former Peenemünde scientist.

American sources also stated at the war's end the Germans had "a prototype version of the V-2 with 3,000 miles range" which could have been mass-produced within six months. 

The Nazis built a giant underground factory for production of this new generation of missiles west of Arnstadt called Polte II. It was connected by a tunnel to Rudisleben north of Arnstadt and launches of longer range later generation V-2 towards Russia took place in March 1945. 

Amongst this complex of tunnels associated with Arnstadt and Jonsthal was a very long tunel for a ski ramp pointed at USA. It emerged elevated on the hillside above Ruhla. At least one resident of Ruhla reported night launches westwards from the mountain above Ruhla. Resident in the area were all ordered under curfew at night into air raid shelters but sometimes residents did not comply and saw strange sights.

The area was guarded by Ukrainian SS soldiers who were later recruited by the CIA. One Kz camp inmate told East German authorities long after the war of witnessing a huge long rocket on its sides on a carriage inside these tunnels. he said it was in two segments and the rear one had multiple rocket engines. He gave dimensions roughly twice as long as a standard V-2 rocket

The range of a V-2 was 200 miles. In June 1944, London was in range from anywhere along the French and Belgian coasts. Six months after the invasion - December 1944 - the German front line was far back from this 200 mile point.

The A9 was a winged version of the Peenemünde-designed A4 [V-2] missile.  The V-2 would fly a simple ballistic trajectory after its fuel was expended, essentially like a giant artillery shell, falling on a target some 200 miles away at about three times the speed of sound [2,000 mph].  Although this tremendous speed added greatly to the destructive power of the missile, there was another way it could be used.

By adding wings to the missile and modifying the guidance system, the designers redirected the kinetic energy of the falling projectile into extra range. As the rocket encountered thicker air on its descent, it would execute a high-g pullout and enter a shallow glide. In this way, speed could be traded for distance.

While the rocket would reach its target at subsonic speed, and might therefore be vulnerable to defenses, it would be able to strike a target some 400 miles away only seventeen minutes after launch. Design studies began as early as 1940. In addition to the wing modifications, the A9 would have been somewhat larger than the V-2 and its engine would have produced about thirty percent more thrust.

Development was suspended around 1941, but several V-2s were hastily modified in late 1944 to approximately the A9 configuration under the designation A4b. [Loss of the V-2 launch sites in France and the Low Countries after the D-Day invasion made it necessary to consider ways to continue V-2 attacks on England from sites in Germany].

The first A4b launch on 8 January 1945 was unsuccessful, but a second, on 25 January, went better. The missile was fired vertically and reached an altitude of 50 miles and a speed of about Mach 4 - 2,700 mph- becoming the world's first winged supersonic guided missile. One of the wings failed on the descent and the glide portion of the trajectory was not accomplished.

Apparently no further launches of the A4b were conducted.

The Germans had no intermediate rocket to hit London from Germany - the critical failure of German science.

Hence the need for the Ardennes Campaign [Battle of the Bulge] to recapture Antwerp which is 200 miles from London.


The movie, "The Battle of the Bulge" implies that the Germans were on the verge of developing a whole range of incredible new aerial weapons, and needed to prolong the war for a few more months in order to get their new jets, etc., into production, and the Battle of the Bulge was a part of this plan.

However just as these new weapons were about to go into mass production the German military failed to fully succeed in their battle plans to buy more time and prolong the war for a few more months, and the Allied invasion of Germany began. That particular victory may have been closer than most of us would dare to believe.

George Patton in an interview with "Time Magazine" on 27 August 1945, stated:

“Several times during the European phase of this war, victory was almost within Germany’s grasp […] Especially in the last months of the war, our margin of safety was slimmer than most of us suspected. The situation is known best to certain American military experts who have since inspected some of Germany’s underground research laboratories and war plants.

"Here they saw secret weapons […] Weapons which might conceivably have turned the trick for the Nazis if they could have used them boldly in a last desperate gamble. Some of these things can be revealed. Others cannot....yet".

Unfortunately he died a few months later.

In November 1944, according to Otto Skorzeny, all the talk was of "a dreadful weapon based on artificially bred radioactivity". [Otto Skorzeny, "Meine Kommandountertehmen", Universitas, 1993]

Such talk stemmed from among his own SS colleagues. But it was just talk. The budgetary restrictions, the diversification and experimentation into other interesting rockets and guided missiles, the invasion of Normandy and the time required to mass-produce a huge stock of the V-4 atomic explosives ensured that nothing would come of the weapon for American on which Hitler was basing all his hopes.

By the time they were finally ready even London was out of range.