
Götterdämmerung and Aftermath

The Coming of the 4th Reich

According to author Renato Vesco, the “foo-fighters” were actually the Feuerball, or fire ball, which was, "a highly original flying machine... circular and armored, more or less resembling the shell of a tortoise, and was powered by a special turbojet engine, also flat and circular, whose principles of operation... generated a great halo of luminous flames....

"Radio-controlled at the moment of take-off, it then automatically followed enemy aircraft, attracted by their exhaust flames, and approached close enough without collision to wreck their radar gear". 

Vesco claimed that the basic principles of the Feuerball were later applied to a “symmetrical circular aircraft” known as the Kugelblitz, or ball lightning, an automatic fighter that became an “authentic antecedent of the present-day flying saucers".

 He said this innovative craft was destroyed after a “single lucky wartime mission” by retreating SS troops.

Even though the public has been conditioned for more than sixty years to dismiss any notion of flying saucers, or UFOs, the accumulation of evidence available today makes it impossible to reject the reality of such craft out of hand.

Obviously, the Nazis were experimenting with new and exotic energy technology.

The extraordinary development of the Feuerball may have provided the first public glimpse into the heart of Nazi super-science.

Several writers have produced articles about the Nazi development of flying saucers.

British author W. A. Harbinson claimed that he got his ideas after discovering post-war German articles mentioning a former Luftwaffe engineer, Flugkapitän Rudolf Schriever.

According to information gleaned by Harbinson from articles in "Der Spiegel", "Bild am Sonntag", "Luftfahrt International", and other German publications, Schriever claimed to have designed a “flying top” prototype in 1941, which was actually test-flown in June 1942.

In 1944, Schriever said he constructed a larger, jet version of his circular craft, with the help of scientists Klaus Habermohl, Otto Miethe, and an Italian, Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo.

Drawings of this saucer were published in the 1959 book "German Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Their Later Development", by Major Rudolf Lusar, an engineer who worked in the German Reichs-Patent Office and had access to many original plans and documents. Lusar described the saucer as a ring of separate disks carrying adjustable jets rotating around a fixed cockpit. The entire craft had a height of 105 feet and could fly vertically or horizontally, depending on the positioning of the jets.

Schriever later said the Allied advance into Germany put an end to his “flying disc” experiments, with all equipment and designs lost or destroyed.

However, Georg Klein told the post-war German press that he had witnessed the Schriever disc, or something like it, test-flown in February 1945. Schriever reportedly died in the late 1950s and, according to a 1975 issue of "Luftfahrt International", notes and sketches related to a large flying saucer were found in his effects. The periodical also stated that Schriever maintained until his death that his original saucer concept must have been made operational prior to war’s end.

This possibility is acknowledged by British author Brian Ford, who wrote: 

"There are supposed to have been ‘flying saucers’ too, which were near the final stages of development, and indeed it may be that some progress was made toward the construction of small, disc-like aircraft, but the results were destroyed, apparently before they fell into enemy hands".

 That someone was flying highly unconventional disc-shaped objects shortly after World War II was made plain by the now-public comments of U.S. Army Lieutenant General Nathan Twining, then in charge of the Army Air Forces’ Air Material Command [AMC]. In mid-1947, two years after the war ended, “flying saucers” were being reported both in Europe and America. General Twining wrote that the "phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious". 

He went on to describe attributes of such discs as having “extreme rates of climb, maneuverability [particularly in roll] and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend[ing] belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely".

 Allowing a small glimpse into the reality of such radical technology, Twining concluded:

"It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge -provided extensive detailed development is undertaken- to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object which would be capable of an approximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds".

Farrell notred: 

“Thus, there is sufficient reason, due to the science of bomb-making and the political and military realities of the war after America’s entry, that the Germans took the decision to develop only a Uranium bomb, since that afforded the best, most direct, and technologically least complicated route to acquisition of a bomb". 

If technical knowledge in the 1940s was advanced enough to construct a workable flying saucer, the public was never to hear about it

Beginning in the late 1940s, a national security “lid” was placed on the subject.

Another amazing - and chilling - aspect of Nazi technology involved their development of nuclear weapons. Researcher and author Josph P. Farrell concluded from new material released from the former East Germany that the Nazis were much closer to developing an atomic bomb than previously accepted by postwar writers. 

He characterized the idea that the Germans had neither the talent nor the capability to construct an operational atomic bomb -recall the well-known story of the destruction of the heavy-water plant in Norway by commandos- an “Allied Legend” designed to distract the public from a horrible reality. 

“[A]ll the evidence points to the conclusion that there was a large, very well-funded, and very secret German isotope- enrichment program during the war, a program successfully disguised during the war by the Nazis and covered up after the war by the Allied Legend”, wrote Farrell, after concluding that the conventional story that “the German failure to obtain the atom bomb because they never had a functioning reactor is simply utter scientific nonsense because a reactor is needed only if one wants to produce Plutonium. It is an unneeded, and expensive, development, if one only wants to make a uranium A-bomb".

Plus, there is the cryptic remark made by Kurt Diebner, a physicist involved with the Nazi atomic bomb project. 

Surreptitiously recorded by British Intelligence during postwar internment at Farm Hall, England, Diebner mentioned a “photo-chemical process” to enrich Uranium bypassing the need for a centrifuge.

Since no modern researcher understands what process was referred to by Diebner, this may mean that the Nazis discovered a method of isotope separation and Uranium enrichment that even now remains classified.

No credible satisfactory explanation of the Bell's purpose has ever emerged and indeed it's very existence is still disputed. Facts would suggest however, that the Bell used a hitherto barely mentioned alternate method to acquire fissile Uranium for Atomic weaponry. 

A photo-chemistry method mentioned in secretly recorded conversations between Nazi scientists interned at Farm Hall near Cambridge after the War. 

At Farm Hall after the war, captured Nazi nuclear scientists repeatedly referred to obtaining fissile material from a photo-chemistry process. 

Our history books are silent on this method. 

Hypothetically this device worked in that vapourised Mercury was spun in a magnetic field to provide excited electrons. Mercury is known to fluoresce easily. 

Under the influence of an elctro-magnetic filed electrons would disassociate from their atomic nucleii and would swirl around the machine much like a doughnut shaped plasma.  

As photons collided with free electrons those collision would generate X-Rays. The spinning of these electrons, probably in an evacuated low pressure chamber with just small amounts of mercury vapour, would lead to faster and faster speeds. With each rotation more and more electrons would be stripped from the Mercury perhaps causing double and triple ionisation. 

Plasma is an electrically induced state of matter beyond those which we are normally used to, like solids, liquids, or gas. Plasma is present in Lightning. 


During their incarceration at Farm Hall scientists, Gerlach, Diebner and Harteck all referred to the photo-chemistry method for obtaining fissile Uranium, yet historical accounts of World War 2 remain utterly silent on what the process was which they referred to. 

Whilst the science of photo chemistry is understood, the role it played in Nazi science is not mentioned and remains classified

Photochemistry relies upon ionisation of an intermediary element to create a plasma. In this case using Mercury. X-Rays would be generated from the ionised plasma. Sporrenberg referred to use of Beryllium oxide inside the Bell centrifuge. Beryllium is known to donate slow neutrons when bombarded by X-Rays. 

There are slow neutrons and fast neutrons. 

Fast neutrons are only useful in fission for the splitting of atoms. 

The Nazis were attempting to achieve fusion, or the adding of neutrons and protons to Thorium 232 to transform it into Uranium 233. 

An element is defined by the number of Protons in its nucleus. Normally the number of Protons and neutrons are the same, but in an isotope the number of Protons remains the same, but the number of neutrons can vary in a small percentage of atoms. This could be excess or lower numbers of neutrons. 

For Thorium to transmute to Uranium requires taking up extra protons. When Protons are emitted that is called Beta radiation.Thorium has only one naturally occurring isotope therefore when converted to Uranium it would be relatively free from impurity.

More than 0.5% contamination renders U233 impossible to use in nuclear weapons. 

Sporrenberg mentioned Xerum 525 placed at the central axis of the centrifuge. From his descriptions it can be postulated that Xerum 525 was probably paraffin impregnated with Beryllium oxide and Thorium oxide. Sporrenberg mentions red mercury which is Mercury [II] Iodide. This would have caused the red or pinkish colour which the jelly had. Red Mercury scintillates under X-Rays and is used as a super-conductor. Paraffin works by creating a large cross section, or target and by slowing down fast particles. 

Spin Polarisation 

The Project began with Heeres Versuchanstalt No.10 - Wehrmacht Laboratory in January 1942. The project office was originally located at Torgau. From November 1943 the project office relocated to Neumakt west of Breslau [modern Wroclaw]. 

During the War Torgau was a penal centre where prisoners were employed in explosives manufacture. Dr Ing Ernst Nagelstein visited a conference in Switzerland on 2 November 1944 where he disclosed to an OSS agent present that the Auer Company was refining Thorium to metal. He added there was no known industrial use for Thorium. He also added that Otto Hahn was working on an A-bomb using either Uranium or Thorium. 

Thorium was mined in Silesia near the Bell's location. Even larger stocks were available in France.  

On 1 November 1943, the Project moved into to a complex built beneath Gandau air base. It operated in partnership with private joint ventures by Fürstenau und Co. GmbH, AEG, Siemens and Bosch, and it involved a powerful Tesla Coil, or Van der Graff generator built near Frankfurt am Main. 

Radiation from high voltage discharges were reported to have stopped engines of bomber aircraft flying overhead. This prompted a special Allied investigation called Project 1217 to investigate whether radiation discharges were a new form of weapon. 

Documents captured by ALSOS at Strassburg, often referred to as the Goudsmitt Papers which were classified after the War, today reveal drawings of a tall standing device, looking like a Van der Graff generator, or perhaps a Tesla Coil. At the very top inside it's spherical head was a spinning device. In the margin are notes describing 5 million volts! 

Nazi research papers captured at Strassburg concerning wartime nuclear projects were classified and archived in USA. 

One report has a diagram of a tall cylindrical device said in the plan to generate 5 Million Electron Volts [5MeV]. This device resembled a giant Van der Graff generator and had no obvious purpose for a conventional nuclear reactor.

Adding to the idea that the Nazis already had perfected a method of enriching Uranium are the words of nuclear scientist Karl Wirtz, who was also secretly taped at Farm Hall. 

Upon learning of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Otto Hahn, who discovered atomic fission, commented, 

"They can only have done that if they have uranium isotope separation” .

To which Wirtz agreed by responding: 

“They have it too", a clear indication that he knew of a German separation process. 

Farrell noted: 

"Thus, there is sufficient reason, due to the science of bomb-making and the political and military realities of the war after America’s entry, that the Germans took the decision to develop only a Uranium bomb, since that afforded the best, most direct, and technologically least complicated route to acquisition of a bomb

Based on his research, Farrell wrote: 

"American progress in the Plutonium bomb, from the moment [physicist Enrico] Fermi successfully completed and tested a functioning reactor in the squash court at the University of Chicago, appeared to be running fairly smoothly, until fairly late in the war, when it was discovered that in order to make a bomb from Plutonium, the critical mass would have to be assembled much faster than any existing Allied fuse technologies could accomplish. 

“Moreover, there was so little margin of error, since the fuses in an implosion device would have to fire as close to simultaneously as possible, that Allied engineers began to despair of making a Plutonium bomb work....

"A strong prima facie case has been outlined that Nazi Germany developed and successfully tested, and perhaps used, a Uranium atom bomb before the end of World War II”.

Farrell was not alone in this assessment.

In 2005, Berlin historian Rainer Karlsch, in a book titled "Hitlers Bombe", claimed that the Nazis indeed tested nuclear weapons on Rügen Island near Ohrdruf, Thuringia, site of a subsidiary concentration camp to the infamous Buchenwald. Reportedly, many prisoners were killed during these tests, which were conducted under the supervision of the SS. 

Karlsch’s primary evidence consists of "vouchers for "tests" and a patent for a Plutonium weapon dated 1941. He also claimed to have found traces of radioactivity in soil from the site. However, in February 2006, the German government reported no abnormal radiation levels at the site, even after taking into account elevated levels due to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Russia.

Although Nazi armaments minister Speer was questioned about a mysterious blast at Ohrdruf during the Nuremberg war crimes trials, no significant information on a nuclear test was found, either because it never happened or because a post-war cover-up was quite successful. 

Mainstream historians, at the mercy of carefully concocted cover stories in both Germany and the USA, have remained sceptical that Nazi scientists could have advanced their nuclear knowledge to the point of actual testing.

However, evidence that the Nazis were planning a nuclear strike near the end of the war came from varied sources, including a news article in the "Washington Post" dated 29 June 1945, which reported on an amazing find by Allied troops in Norway: 

"R.A.F. [Royal Air Force] officers said today that the Germans had nearly completed preparations for bombing New York from a 'colossal air field' near Oslo when the war ended. Forty giant bombers with a 7,000-mile range were found on this base - 'the largest Luftwaffe field I have ever seen', one officer said". 

"They were a new type bomber developed by Heinkel. They now are being dismantled for study. German ground crews said the planes were held in readiness for a mission to New York". 

It should also be noted that the Nazis had two prototypes of the Junkers-390, a massive six- engine modification of the Junkers-290, known to have made flights to Japanese bases in Manchuria.

In late 1944, a JU-390 was flown from a base in Bordeaux, France, to within twelve miles of New York City, snapped photographs of the skyline, and returned - a non-stop flight of thirty-two hours.

What weapon was to be transported by these massive bombers? 

After the war, authorities discovered a feasibility study by the German Luftwaffe detailing the blast effects of an atomic bomb over New York’s Manhattan Island.

The Nazi study was based on an atomic bomb in the 15-17 kiloton range, approximately the same yield as the Little Boy Uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If Nazi Germany had a nuclear weapon, they surely must have tested it - a collection of disparate sources seems to indicate this was accomplished. 

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, in a “Political Testament” written shortly before his death at the hands of Partisans in April 1945, stated: 

"The wonder weapons are the hope.

"It is laughable and senseless for us to threaten at this moment, without a basis in reality for these threats. 

"The well-known mass destruction bombs are nearly ready. In only a few days, with the utmost meticulous intelligence, Hitler will probably execute this fearful blow, because he will have full confidence....

"It appears there are three bombs - and each has an astonishing operation. The construction of each is fearfully complex and of a lengthy time of completion". 

Mussolini’s mention of three bombs is intriguing because of a statement by a former Russian military translator who served on the staff of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky, the officer who took Japan’s surrender to the Soviet Union in 1945. 

As reported by the German magazine "Der Spiegel in 1992", Piotr Titarenko had written a letter to the Communist Party Central Committee, in which he stated that three atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.

One of these, dropped on Nagasaki prior to the blast of 9 August 1945, failed to detonate and subsequently was given to the Soviet Union by Japanese officials. If Titarenko’s account is accurate, this would mean that America had three atomic bombs on hand in the summer of 1945. Yet, a report to Manhattan Project leader Robert Oppenheimer just days after President Roosevelt died on 12 April 1945, stated that not enough enriched Uranium existed to create a viable critical mass for even one atomic bomb. 

News stories in Britain point to a possible Nazi atomic bomb test in 1944. An 11 August 1945, article in London’s "Daily Telegraph" reported, Britain prepared for the possibility of an atomic bomb attack on this country by Germany in August 1944: 

"It can now be disclosed that details of the expected effect of such a bomb were revealed in a highly secret memorandum which was sent that summer to the chiefs of Scotland Yard, chief constables of provincial forces and senior officials of the defense services". 

Another odd story also was published in England’s "Daily Mail" on 14 October  1944, under the headline “Berlin Is 'ilent' 60 Hours, Still No Phones”.

The story, filed by a correspondent from Stockholm, stated that all telephone service in Berlin had been interrupted for three days with "no explanation for the hold-up, which has lasted longer than on any previous occasion".

The story ended by saying:

"It is pointed out, moreover, in responsible quarters that if the stoppage were purely the technical result of bomb damage, as the Germans claimed, it should have been repaired by now".

A modern readership would know that such disruption can be caused by the electromagnetic pulse associated with a nuclear detonation.

Other intriguing hints of a German atomic test came in the form of three separate Itelligence reports.

A once-classified U.S. military Intelligence report dated 19 August 1945, and titled  "Investigations, Research, Developments and Practical Use of the German Atomic Bomb" details the experience of a German pilot named Hans Zinsser, a Flak rocket expert, while piloting a Heinkel bomber over northern Germany. Note that his experience coincides with the dates of the Berlin telephone black- out.

Zinsser reported:

"At the beginning of October 1944, I flew from Ludwigslust [south of Lübeck] about 12 to 15 km from an atomic bomb test station, when I noticed a strong, bright illumination of the whole atmosphere, lasting about 2 seconds. The clearly visible pressure wave escaped the approaching and following cloud formed by the explosion.

"This wave had a diameter of about 1 km when it became visible and the color of the cloud changed frequently.... Personal observations of the colors of the explosion cloud found an almost blue-violet shade.

"During this manifestation reddish-colored rims were to be seen, changing to a dirty-like shade in very rapid succession. The combustion was lightly felt from my observation plane in the form of pulling and pushing.... About an hour later... I passed through the almost complete overcast [between 3,000 and 4,000 meter altitude].

"A cloud shaped like a mushroom with turbulent billowing sections [at about 7,000 meter altitude] stood, without any seeming connections, over the spot where the explosion took place. 

"Strong electrical disturbances and the impossibility to continue radio communications turned up. Because of the P-38s operating in the area Wittenberg-Mersburg I had to turn to the north but observed a better visibility at the bottom of the cloud where the explosion occured [si].

It does not seem very clear why these experiments took place in such crowded areas. 

Then there was the report of an Italian officer, Luigi Romersa, who claimed to have been present at the testing of a “disintegration bomb” on the night of 11-12 October 1944. 

Romersa was granted a special pass from Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or German High Command, to visit the test site on the island of Rügen. 

Romersa was a special envoy from Mussolini, who had wanted more information since Hitler had mentioned to him "a bomb with a force which will surprise the whole world".

 According to Romersa, he and others were told the "disintegration bomb" was "the most powerful explosive that has yet been developed" and that "nothing can withstand it".

They were sent to a Bunker about a mile from the actual test site. He also was warned against radioactivity. 

“"Around 4 P.M. in the twilight, shadows appeared, running toward our Bunker", recalled Romersa. They were soldiers and they had on a strange type of "diving suit".’

They entered and quickly shut the door. "Everything is kaput", one of them said as he removed his protective clothing. 

"We also eventually had to put on white, coarse, fibrous cloaks. I cannot say what the material was made of, but I had the impression that it could have been asbestos. The headgear has a piece of Glimmerglas [mica glass?] in front of the eyes". 

After making their way to the test site proper, Romersa stated: 

"The houses that I had seen only an hour earlier had disappeared, broken into little pebbles of debris. As we drew nearer [to the point of explosion], the more fearsome was the devastation. The grass had the same color as leather. The few trees that still stood upright had no more leaves". 

Romersa’s credibility is supported by the fact that he eventually came to the United States, where he was granted a high-security clearance. 

A third report dated 19 December 1944, but only declassified by the National Security Agency in 1978, is titled "Reports on the Atom-splitting Bomb",  purporting to be a decoded intercept of a message from the Japanese embassy in Stockholm to headquarters in Tokyo. It reads: 

"This bomb is revolutionary in its results, and will completely upset all ordinary precepts of warfare hitherto established. I am sending you, in one group, all those reports on what is called the atom- splitting bomb. 

"It is a fact that in June of 1943, the German Army tried out an utterly new type of weapon against the Russians at a location 150 kilometers southeast of Kursk. Although it was the entire 19th Infantry Regiment of the Russians which was thus attacked, only a few bombs [each round up to 5 kilograms] sufficed to utterly wipe them out to the last man. 

"The following is according to a statement by Lieutenant Colonel... Kenji, adviser to the attaché in Hungary and formerly... in this country, who by chance saw the actual scene immediately after the above took place: 

“All the men and the horses [within radius of] the explosion of the shells were charred black and even their ammunition had all been detonated. Moreover, it is a fact that the same type of war material was tried out in the Crimea too. At that time the Russians claimed that this was poison gas, and protested that if Germany were ever again to use it, Russia, too, would use poison gas'.

" ... Recently the British authorities warned their people of the possibility that they might undergo attack by German atom-splitting bombs. The American authorities have likewise warned that the American east coast might be the area chosen for a blind attack by some sort of flying bomb..."

The Japanese report then goes into a remarkably accurate description of the splitting of the atom, ending with the statement: 

"[T]he German atom-splitting device is the Neuman disintegrator. Enormous energy is directed into the central part of the atom and this generates an atomic pressure of several tens of thousands of tons per square inch. This device can split the relatively unstable atoms of such elements as Uranium. Moreover, it brings into being a store of explosive atomic energy.... That is, a bomb deriving its force from the release of atomic energy".

ome elements of the Japanese report were obviously in error, such as the confusion over descriptions of a fission versus a fusion bomb and the date of the Kursk offensive, which did not begin until 5 July 1943. Mistakes notwithstanding, it is clear that Japanese Intelligence was firmly convinced that the Germans had used a revolutionary type of weapon on the Eastern Front. 

But if the Nazis had deployed a tactical nuke or other exotic weapon on the Eastern Front, why would the Soviets have kept such an attack secret? Farrell pointed out that had Nazi Germany used such a weapon, it would most likely have been against the Russians, whom the Nazis considered "sub-human" in Nazi ideology.

Fully one-half of the 50 million casualties of the war occurred in Russia, and several massive explosions, such as the one that destroyed a section of Sevastopol, have never been fully explained.

It was announced that a hundred-foot below-ground ammunition Bunker was destroyed after being struck by a lucky shot from 'Dora', a 31 1/2- inch German railway gun considered the largest in the world. Such attacks were never reported by Soviet leader Josef Stalin, due to the fear of losing control over a panicked and war-weary Russian population. 

The use of a super-weapon on the Eastern Front also might explain why more is not known about this issue. Accurate war news from Russia was extremely hard to come by during the war and grew more so during the Cold War. To make public the use of a nuclear or unconventional weapon "would have been a propaganda disaster for Stalin’s government", noted Farrell. Faced with an enemy of superior tactical and operational competence in conventional arms, the Red Army often had to resort to threats of execution against its own soldiers just to maintain order and discipline in its ranks and prevent mass desertion. Acknowledgment of the existence and use of such weapons by the mortal enemy of Communist Russia could conceivably have ruined Russian morale and cost Stalin the war, and perhaps even toppled his government. 

If the Nazis had operational atomic weapons, is it possible they were transferred to the United States? 

Documents exist showing that America’s secret development of the atomic bomb, the Manhattan Project, could not have produced enough enriched Uranium to make a bomb by mid-1945. Since only a Plutonium bomb was tested at Alamogordo, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, researchers have wondered where America acquired the Uranium bomb dropped on Japan less than a month later. Some have speculated that the United States used a Nazi bomb or used Nazi enriched Uranium to manufacture its bombs. 

The Trinity bomb exploded near Alamogordo, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, was a Plutonium bomb. Why then would the United States first drop " Little Boy", an untested IUranium bomb, on Japan on 6 August 1945?

“A rational explanation is [that] ‘Little Boy’ was not tested by the Americans because... [t]he Americans did not need to test it, because its German designers already had,” surmised Farrell. 

This idea is supported by the statement of German authors Edgar Meyer and Thomas Mehner that J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the atomic bomb,” maintained that the bomb dropped on Japan was of "German provenance".

Of course, this idea would fly in the face of the long-accepted Allied Legend that Germany simply couldn’t manufacture an atomic bomb by the war’s end. Where could the Nazis have obtained enriched Uranium for such a bomb? One potential source was the secure underground laboratory of Baron Manfred von Ardenne, built in Lichterfelde outside Berlin, which contained a 2-million-volt electrostatic generator and a cyclotron. 

In 1941, von Ardenne, along with Fritz Houtermans, had calculated the critical mass needed to create U-235. It should be noted that Hitler visited the laboratory toward the end of the war, at a time when he spoke enthusiastically of a new wonder weapon that would turn the tide in Germany’s favor. Some researchers contend that the Nazi development of a Uranium bomb was kept secret because the work was not part of the German military-industrial system but hidden within the German Postal Service. 

According to Carter Plymton Hydrick, author of a well-documented book "Critical Mass: How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States’ Atomic Bom": 

"[A]ll of Ardenne’s facilities... were provided by an ongoing funding made available through, the patronage of one man, Reich minister of posts and a member of the Reich President’s Research Council on Nuclear Affairs, Wilhelm Ohnesorge.

"Reportedly, Hitler once remarked that while his party and military leadership worried about how to win the war, it was his postal minister who brought him the solution" 

Farrell explained that the Reichspost was, “awash with money, and could therefore have provided some of the massive funding necessary to the [Uranium enrichment] project, a true ‘black budget’ operation in every sense.” Another source may have been a giant synthetic-rubber plant built by I.G. Farben next to Auschwitz, the notorious death camp. 

The site was chosen for its proximity to transportation hubs, both rail lines and rivers, as well as the nearby supply of slave labor found at the Auschwitz camp. This site probably was also selected with the idea that the Allies would not bomb a concentration camp, a supposition that proved correct. Yet, despite the facts -established during the Nuremberg trials- that more than $2 Billion in today’s dollars were spent; that 300,000 slave laborers had been used in both the construction and operation of this plant; and that it had consumed more electricity than Berlin, not one pound of Buna, or synthetic rubber, was ever produced. So, what was produced? 

"The facility has all of the characteristics of a Uranium enrichment plant", noted Hydrick, adding, "the various components of the German atomic bomb efforts could have been implemented with a high degree of secrecy, even from other high-level Nazis, given Bormann’s close-knit relationships with Ohnesorge; Hermann Schmitz, who was chief of I.G. Farben; [Rudolf ] Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz; and Heinrich Müller, who, among his many other duties as head of the Gestapo, oversaw the supplying of forced laborers to Auschwitz".

 A theory has been offered that, late in the war, certain Nazis arranged the transfer of enriched Uranium to the United States in exchange for immunity from prosecution. 

At the heart of this transfer theory lies the saga of a Nazi submarine - the U-234. 

Unterseeboot-234 was originally designed as a mine-layer but was converted to a cargo carrier prior to its only mission into enemy waters: the last German shipment to its Ally, Japan. It sailed from Kiel in March 1945, with a most unusual cargo consisting of several high-level German officials, including Dr. Heinz Schlicke, the inventor of fuses for atomic bombs, and two Japanese officers - Air Force Colonel Genzo Shosi and Navy Captain Hideo Tomonaga. Also listed on the boat’s manifest of 240 metric tons of cargo were two dismantled Me-262 jet fighters, ten gold-lined cylinders containing 560 kilograms of Uranium oxide, wooden barrels of "water", and infrared proximity fuses. 

On 14 May 1945, six days after the German surrender, the U-234 was intercepted by the 'USS Sutton' and taken into captivity. Oddly enough, the sub had been overflown several times by Allied aircraft but never fired upon. The circumstances implied a pre-planned meeting and surrender. 

Here the mystery began. 

ho issued the orders for this enemy sub to surrender, and why to the Americans? Upon arrival at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, it appeared that some of the boat’s cargo was missing. The two Japanese officers, after learning that the ship’s captain planned to surrender, had committed suicide and were buried at sea with full honors. But, suspiciously, the two Me-262s were missing, as well as the Uranium oxide. In fact, when the U.S. Navy prepared its own manifest for the U-234, there was no accounting for seventy tons of cargo. 

Dr. Velma Hunt, a Colorado environmental scientist, said she uncovered information that the U-Boat made a secret stop at South Portland, Maine, sometime between 14 and 17 May  1945, where the cargo in question could have been unloaded. 

There has been controversy as to whether this Uranium had been enriched enough for use as a weapon. Cook noted that the gold-lined cylinders indicated the Uranium was emitting gamma radiation, which meant the normally harmless Uranium oxide had been brought to enrichment through the use of a working nuclear reactor. 

"And yet, officially, there had been no nuclear reactor in Germany capable of fulfilling this task", wrote Cook. “[At least] not in Speer’s orbit of operations".

Farrell further explains:

"The use of gold-lined cylinders is explainable by the fact that Uranium, a highly corrosive metal, is easily contaminated if it comes into contact with other unstable elements. Gold, whose radioactive shielding properties are as great as lead, is also, unlike lead, a highly pure and stable element, and is therefore the element of choice when storing or shipping highly enriched and pure Uuranium for long periods of time, such as a voyage. Thus, the Uranium oxide on board the U-234 was highly enriched Uranium, and most likely, highly enriched U-235, the last stage, perhaps, before being reduced to weapons grade or to metallization for a bomb [if it was already in weapons grade purity]"

Farrell’s deduction is an anecdote regarding the German crew of the U-234. Some crew members were amused when they saw the Japanese officers bring on board cargo marked “U-235”. They apparently thought their Japanese guests couldn’t even get the number of the boat correct. Some now believe the labels indicated the presence of Uranium 235, the only isotope found in nature that has the ability to cause an expanding fission chain reaction - in other words, the element needed for a Uranium fission bomb. Uranium that has undergone an extraction process to boost its U-235 proportion is known as enriched Uranium. 

Wolfgang Hirschfeld, radioman on the U-234, stated the submarine’s orders were "only to sail on the orders of the highest level. Führer HQ". He also revealed after the war that crew members believed Japan had succeeded in testing an atomic weapon before their departure from Germany in March 1945. 

The U-234 met an inglorious end in November 1947, when it was used as a torpedo target and sunk off Cape Cod. 

Hydrick published copies of documents from the National Archives to show a connection between the Manhattan Project and the U-234.

One such document is a secret cable from the commander of naval operations directing that a three-man party take possession of the sub’s cargo. In addition to two naval officers was the name of Major John E. Vance with the Army Corps of Engineers, the department of the army under which the Manhattan Project operated. A few days after the visit by Vance, a manifest of the cargo indicated the Uranium was no longer in navy possession. Furthermore, telephone transcripts between Manhattan ntelligence officers about a week later stated a captured shipment of Uranium powder was being tested by a person identified only as "Vance".

 "That there could have been another ‘Vance’ who was working with Uranium powder - especially '‘captured’ Uranium powder - is improbable,” noted Hydrick. 

But author Henry Stevens found an even more disturbing cover-up. After receiving a statement from the National Archives denying that any canisters containing fissionable material was onboard the U-234, Stevens, recalling that the submarine had surrendered to the USS Sutton, wrote to the Naval Historical Center at the Washington Navy Yard requesting a cargo manifest from the U-234 in the files of the Sutton. For a $5 microfiche charge, Stevens received the manifest that was identical to the one from the National Archives except that the Uranium oxide canisters were listed. This discrepancy in the manifests can only be explained by someone altering the documents. 

A Plutonium bomb, such as the one Manhattan scientists were developing, required a critical mass to be achieved within 1/3000th of a second, a speed far exceeding the capabilities of fuses available at that time. According to Farrell, there is evidence to support the idea that the necessary fuses were obtained from U-234 passenger Dr. Schlicke.

A message from the chief of Naval Operations to the authorities in Portsmouth, where the U-234 was taken after its surrender, indicated that Dr. Schlicke along with his fuses were to be taken to Washington accompanied by naval officers. Once there, the doctor was scheduled to present a lecture on his fuses in the presence of a “Mr. Alvarez", apparently meaning Dr. Luis Walter Alvarez, the man who is credited with producing fuses for the Plutonium bomb. Alvarez and his student Lawrence Johnson are credited with designing the exploding-bridgewire detonators for the spherical implosives used in the Trinity bomb test as well as the Nagasaki bomb. 

On 3 March 1945, President Roosevelt received an ominous memo from Senator James F. Byrnes, a Democrat from South Carolina and a long-time confidant to the president. 

This "Memorandum for the President” stated: "I understand that the expenditures for the Manhattan Project are approaching 2 Billion dollars with no definite assurance yet of production.... "

Even eminent scientists may continue a project rather than concede its failure. Byrnes, who went on to become a secretary of state and a Supreme Court justice, was voicing the concern of many that the atom bomb project was foundering and might even prove a failure. Byrnes may have been aware of a letter dated 28 December 1944, in which Eric Jette, chief metallurgist at Los Alamos, expressed reservations over the lack of sufficient amounts of Uranium for the atomic bomb. He wrote: A study of the shipment of [weapons grade uranium] for the past three months shows the following... :  At present rate we will have 10 kilos by 7 February and 15 kilos about 1 May.

According to Hydrick, Edward Hammel, a metallurgist who worked at Los Alamos, where enriched Uranium was made into material for the atomic bomb, reported that very little enriched Uuranium was received there until less than a month before the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Little Boy, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, carried 64.15 kilograms of enriched Uranium, virtually the entire quantity that could have been produced since mid-1944 by the enrichment facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, even working around the clock.

One explanation for the lack of enriched Uranium was that some of this fissionable material had been used to produce Plutonium in Enrico Fermi’s breeder reactors at Hanford, Washington. 

The mounting pressure on Manhattan Project directors to produce a bomb before the planned invasion of the Japanese home islands must have been terrific.

If the submarine’s cargo did indeed include U-235 and Dr. Schlicke’s fuses, its acquisition by the United States solved two pressing problems of the Manhattan atomic bomb project - a lack of sufficient amounts of Uranium and adequate fuses. The American bomb-makers may have been greatly relieved that the two major problems facing the Manhattan Project were solved with the surrender of the U-234.

"The fact that U-234 arrived on American soil carrying 560 kilograms of Uranium that was enriched and went on to be used in the bombs that were dropped on Japan can scarcely be argued any longer except by those who refuse to consider the evidence",” concluded Hydrick.

While it may remain a controversy whether the acquisition of the U-234 was a fortuitous capture or the planned transfer of technology from Germany to the United States, the evidence strongly indicates the latter.

If additional Uranium was obtained from the U-234, this would have provided more than could ever have been produced by the Manhattan Project, and the equivalent of about eight Hiroshima bombs. It also means the German nuclear program was much further advanced than believed by conventional historians.

In late July 1945, atomic bomb components -and perhaps additional German Uranium bombs- were delivered to Tinian Island in the Pacific following a secret and rushed voyage from California by the 'USS Indianapolis'. After delivering its deadly cargo, this Portland-class heavy cruiser suffered the largest single at-sea loss of life in U.S. naval history and became the last American ship sunk in World War II after being torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in the Philippines.

Farrell voiced the suspicion that the 'Indianapolis' may have delivered much more than America’s atomic bomb - it may have carried a German bomb in addition to its cargo of Uranium and fuses.

He was supported by Stevens, who wrote that the, "unexploded German atomic bombs fell into the hands of the Americans at the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, two months before the ‘first’ explosion of an atomic weapon in the New Mexico desert. What a present for the Americans!

“All they did was to put new tail fins on the bombs, repaint them, and drop them on Japan. Naturally, the American scientists involved with the Manhattan Project were given credit".

But if the Nazis had developed a working atomic bomb, why was it not used as Allied armies closed in on Germany? One answer seems to be that they did not have a reliable delivery system in place.

The Nazis’ V-3, a smooth-bore 150-mm gun dubbed the Centipede, designed to launch large-finned shells into London, along with its multistage A-10 rocket, was still undependable.

Witkowski voiced his suspicions that the fatal flight of Lieutenant Joseph Kennedy, older brother to the future president, might have been an ill-fated attempt to destroy the V-3 complex at Mimoyecques, France.

The giant airfield in Norway, home to the massive six-engine bombers, had not yet been completed. This idea was echoed by Stevens, who became convinced that the Third Reich produced an atomic bomb.

"The Germans did make atomic bombs", he stated emphatically. "Not only did they make atomic bombs, they made Uranium as well as Plutonium bombs and other atomic weapons which remain somewhat of a mystery. What the Germans could not do, in these dying days of the Third Reich, was to match up one of these nuclear weapons with an effective delivery system. The reasons for this differ with each weapon, individually, and run the [gamut] from mistake to treachery to incompetence".

One thought that must have crossed the minds of Nazi leaders was the total destruction of Germany that would have resulted from the use of a nuclear weapon. The devastation of London or New York would not have materially altered the course of the war in the spring of 1945. And the retaliation of the Allies would have been unimaginable. Further, high-ranking Nazis, such as Hitler’s secretary Martin Bormann, who by war’s end had become the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, realized the war was lost, and used advanced technology as a bargaining chip with the Western Allies.

Hydrick proposed just that intriguing possibility: that the U-234 was purposely handed over to U.S. authorities on the order of Bormann in exchange for immunity as part of a covert plan for the continuation of Nazi research. Although there was criticism over Hydrick’s technical descriptions of both the atomic bomb and its detonators, his mass of documentation concerning the transfer of nuclear technology from Germany to America is compelling. Hydrick’s claim is supported by Farrell, who wrote:

"I have argued that most likely all of it [extra uranium and even atom bombs] came from Nazi Germany, courtesy of Nazi Party Reichsleiter Bormann and SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler".

But Farrell had an even more horrifying thought about why the Nazis did not drop an atomic bomb. Considering Nazi research into quantum physics and energy manipulation, Farrell speculated that their atomic bombs “were being developed as detonators for something far more destructive".

Since only a few scattered plans to Nazi super-science were recovered after the war, the question arises, "What became of their advanced technology?" There has never been a public answer.

However , the answer to this question may be found by studying the man in charge of Germany’s high-tech weapons programs, Dr. Engineer Hans Kammler.

Kammler, whose name has been largely lost to history, may have played a large role in developing and hiding away the technology secrets of Hitler’s Third Reich. Kammler did not have higher purposes in mind when he set out to develop rockets and energy manipulation. He was searching for new weapons. 

Beginning in 1943, Kammler took control of all “special tasks,” which included “Kammler special construction” - the creation of secret underground facilities as well as exotic weapons programs. His official title was SS Obergruppenführer, or lieutenant general, and he had worked his way up to command the Third Reich’s most precious war time secrets.

iIn mid-1943, SS chief Heinrich Himmler sent a letter to Armaments minister Speer. “With this letter, I inform you that I, as SS Reichsführer... do hereby take charge of the manufacture of the A-4 instrument", it read. The A-4 rocket was later designated by Hitler as the V-2.

Himmler then placed Kammler in charge of the project, one of Germany’s most secret high-tech weapons systems. Due to the devastation brought on by incessant Allied air raids, by the end of 1944, Kammler had taken control of weapons research as well as the construction of underground factories and concentration camps. 

"“Thus -just a few weeks before the end of the war- he had become commissioner general for all important weapons", wrote Speer, who later bemoaned the fact that Himmler’s SS gradually assumed total control over Germany’s weaponry, production, and research.

In connection with his new responsibilities, Kammler created an SS Sonderkommando, or special command, independent from the normal German military and bureaucracy.

"“What Kammler had established was a ‘special projects office,’ a forerunner of the entity that had been run by the bright young colonels of the USAF’s stealth program in the 1970s and 1980s", noted Cook. It was "a place of vision, where imagination could run free, unfettered by the restraints of accountability. Exactly the kind of place, in fact, you’d expect to find anti-gravity technology, if such an impossible thing existed".

Kammler also had use of computer technology that was only dreamed of in American science fiction stories.

“Dr. Kammler had the benefit of knowledge, hardware and software that was developed by the computing pioneer, Dr. Konrad Zuse", wrote Stevens.

In spite of everything churned out by the computer industry and "history" as we know it, Dr. Zuse built the first digital computer in 1938 and the first programmable software language, Plankaikül. He also was instrumental in developing magnetic tape as a computer storage medium.

By 1944 the Germans were using computers, the Zuse-built Z-3, to plot the course of ballistic attack by the V-2 at Peenemünde and Nordhausen.

Stevens, who spent more than fifteen years researching the Reich’s most secret technology, including flying saucers, wrote:

"By the end of the war a whole new research and production command and control structure had been set up which reduced or replaced the figures we normally think of as running the Third Reich, such as, for instance, Hermann Göring and Albert Speer. It was Kammler and his Sonderkommando that became the repository for the Reich’s most advanced technology, going far beyond the rockets and flying discs".

But Kammler’s immediate concern was the V-2 rocket program. Kammler worked closely with Wernher von Braun and his superior, Luftwaffe Major General Walter Dornberger. Von Braun, who had been a member of the SS since 1940, carried the rank of SS Sturmbannführer, or major.

Alarmed by progress on the V-2 rockets, Britain’s Bomber Command sent 597 bombers on the night of 16-17 August 1943, to raid Peenemünde - Germany’s top-secret rocket facility built on an island at the mouth of the Oder River near the border of Germany and Poland.

Because of a navigation “blunder", much of the underground and well-camouflaged Peenemünde site was left undamaged.

Brian Ford described the results:

"Eeven so, over 800 of the people on the island were killed....

"After this, it was realized that some of the facility had better be dispersed throughout Germany; thus the theoretical development facility was moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, development went to Nordhausen and Bleicherode, and the main wind-tunnel and ancillary equipment went down to Kochel, some 24 miles south of Munich.

"This was christened Wasserbau Versuchsanstalt Kochelsee -experimental waterworks project- and gave rise to the most thorough research center for long-range rocket development that, at the time, could have been envisioned".

Mary Bennett and David S. Percy, authors of "Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistleblowers", speculated that the British air raid on Peenemünde was designed not to knock out the V-rocket site but to force it to move to safer environs, to ensure the safety of the rocket program. They showed how the raid bombed the site’s northern peninsula rather than the main facility, due to misplaced target indicators. These authors noted that of the eight hundred personnel who died in the air raid, about half were mostly Russians from the prisoner labor force and the other half were technicians and their families. After this raid, the irreplaceable Hermann Oberth was transferred to the safety of the Reinsdorf works near Wittenberg, to continue his work.

"Instructions from the highest level, it seems, had been to target personnel and certainly not the V-2 rocket production facilities. It was clearly CRUCIAL that these rockets, plans and parts were spared", they stated.

"Someone with high authority wanted this Nazi technology available to them after the war".

Nick Cook also saw the connection between such exotic technology and the mysterious Hans Kammler.

"There was, via the Kammler trail, a mounting body of evidence that the Nazis, in their desperation to win the war, had been experimenting with a form of science the rest of the world have never remotely considered", he wrote.

And that somewhere in this cauldron of ideas, a new technology had been born; one that was so far ahead of its time it had been suppressed for more than half a century.

One clue to what this revolutionary technology might involve was found in the capture of physicist Walter Gerlach, one of the Nazi scientists brought to the United States after the war. Gerlach has been connected with the German attempts to build an atomic bomb, yet his background indicated even more esoteric knowledge.

In 1921, Gerlach received a Nobel Prize, not for nuclear research but for magnetic spin polarization, dealing with the momentum of electrons of atoms situated in a magnetic field. Such work had little to do with the atomic bomb but much to do with energy manipulation to include anti-gravity.

In 1931, a paper titled “About Gravitation, Vortices and Waves in Rotating Media” was published by O.C. Hilgenberg, a student of Gerlach, which indicated the focus of Gerlach’s work.

“And yet, after the war, Gerlach, who died in 1979, apparently never returned to these subject matters, nor did he make any references to them; almost as if he had been forbidden to do so", noted Cook.

Interestingly, Gerlach’s wartime work diaries were confiscated by U.S. authorities and remain classified today.

At the turn of the current century, both Cook and the Polish military journalist Witkowski tracked Kammler and his top-secret Nazi energy work to the Wenzeslaus Mine, located about 215 miles west of Warsaw in Lower Silesia, near the border with Czechoslovakia. This mine is in Ludwikowice Klodzkie, formerly Ludwigsdorf.

The location was perfect for security purposes as it was outside Germany yet within the Greater Third Reich. Additionally, Kammler spoke fluent Czech.

During their journey, Witkowski revealed his access to a formerly classified Soviet document detailing the interrogation at the end of the war of a Rudolf Schuster, who had been a member of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, or Reich Central Security Office, Nazi Germany’s version of the Department of Homeland Security.

Schuster revealed that in June of 1944, he was transferred to a special evacuation Kommando called General Plan 1945, formed by Martin Bormann to evacuate valuable science and technology from the Reich. 

Schuster, who was not privy to the plan’s overall agenda, nevertheless located much of these evacuation activities in the area of the Wenzeslaus Mine. Schuster’s testimony, coupled with other information, convinced Cook that the Bormann evacuation plan had been one of the Nazis’ greatest secrets. 

"There has never been any official acknowledgment of the existence of the special evacuation Kommando", he wrote.  "It was this unacknowledged evacuation operation that saved the Reich’s most precious technology". 

Once at the mine site, Cook and Witkowski found remnants of what once had been a secret SS testing and production facility that may have even included a giant early super-conductor.

In 1931, the Wenzeslaus Mine suffered an accident that caused bankruptcy and a takeover by the Polish government. With the occupation of Poland, the mine was reconditioned by the Nazis as a gigantic science center. 

“The whole area, in the center of which was located the main left shaft, proved to be the interior of a deep valley, which was accessible only through two ‘mountain passes’,” noted Witkowski.

"Since the remnants of watchtowers could be seen in them, it was obvious that the whole area had been closely guarded, and its configuration caused that in this way the whole valley was physically cut off [from] the outside world. 

"This valley, about three hundred yards across, was bisected by rail lines, and lined with a variety of structures, concrete Bbunkers, and guard stations, many covered with dirt and trees to act as camouflage.

Today the site is virtually ruins and overgrown with trees and vegetation. 

Cook saw that:

"The Germans had gone to a great deal of trouble to ensure that the place looked pretty much as it had always looked since mining operations began here at the turn of the last century, a clear indication that whatever had happened here during the war had been deeply secret....

"Almost everything that was known about the Wenzeslaus Mine had been handed down from [SS General Jakob] Sporrenberg [the officer appointed to command the ‘northern route’ of General Plan 1945’s evacuation Kommando]. 

"It had been run by the SS, had employed slave-labor and had been sealed from the outside world by a triple ring of check points and heavily armed guards". 

Sporrenberg’s testimony and affidavits, the only known description of the strange experiments at the mine, were given during a postwar trial in Poland. He was found guilty of war crimes and executed. 

In the closing days of the war, most of the local population was evacuated westward. In fleeing the Russians, many of these refugees died during the fighting or froze in one of the coldest winters on record. Today, most of the local residents are newcomers with no recollection of what transpired at the mine during the war.

A central shaft led downward to the original mine as well as a labyrinth of additional underground facilities dug by the Germans. 

But what most intrigued Cook and Witkowski was a huge circular concrete structure.

Green camouflage paint was still visible on the edges.

The circular structure was formed by twelve thick columns supporting a dodecagon-shaped reinforcing concrete ring about ninety feet in diameter.

Initially, Witkowski thought this might be the remains of a cooling tower. 

He abandoned this idea once he saw cooling towers at a different location on photographs of the area, taken in 1934. 

Next he thought of the structure as a "fly trap", similar to those used to test helicopters and other hovering aircraft.

Yet, this answer was not satisfactory either in that the researchers found a concrete duct containing thick electric cables leading to a power-generating station. 

Learning that high-voltage current cannot be used in mines with the potential for flammable gas -such as the Wenzeslaus Mine- Cook and Witkowski determined that the structure had nothing to do with mining but was used in connection with the strange experiments described to his captors by the SS officer Sporrenberg. 

These experiments centered around a bell-shaped object - appropriately enough codenamed Die Glocke, or the Bell - which was housed in a concrete chamber hundreds of feet underground. 

The Bell was part of a weapons project administered in part by the SS Armaments office, or Forschungen Entwicklungen, Patente [research development section patents] FEP headed by Admiral Wilhelm Rhein.

The armaments office was overall headed by SS Brigadeführer Heinrich Gärtner. The Bell project was led by SS Obergruppenfuhrer Emil Mazauw.

SS Lt General Dr Hans Kammler is often associated with the Bell project however Kammler’s command appears connected more with armaments production whilst Mauzaw’s command was focused on research and development.

It is possible however given Kammler's responsibility for nuclear weapons that he was connected with the weaponisation of material produced by the Bell.


According to the research of Witkowski and Cook, the Bell was made from hard, heavy metal and cylindrical in shape with a semicircular cap and hook or clamping device on top. 

Huge quantities of electricity were fed into it through thick cables dropping into the housing chamber from the outside. Inside the Bell was a thermos-like tube encased in lead and filled with a metallic liquid. 

During operation, the Bell was covered by a ceramic material, apparently to act as insulation. 

Inside, two contra-rotating cylinders filled with a mercury-like and violet-colored substance spun a vortex of energy, which emitted a strange phosphorescent blue ligh.t 

It made such a buzzing sound that operators nicknamed it the Bienenstock, or beehive. 

Due to the phosphorescent light and reports that operators suffered from nervous-system disruption, headaches, and a metallic taste. 

Witkowski concluded the Bell’s operation involved iodizing radiation as well as a very strong magnetic field of energy. 

Very little is known for certain about the Bell.

Was te Bell  a heavy particle accelerator used as an artificial neutron source to breed Protactinium 233 from Thorium 232?

 Protactinium would naturally degrade after 27 days into pure bomb grade Uranium 233

Uranium 233 derived from spent reactor waste is often contaminated by Uranium 232 when Thorium 230 gets bombarded by a second neutron, but in a particle accelerator this process does not have time to occur and thus U232 contamination is as low as one part per million and thus as safe to handle as weapons grade Plutonium.  

According to speech notes recently uncovered in KGB archives, Heisenberg advocated harvesting Protactinium for a nuclear weapon at the Harneck Haus conference in July 1942. 

Later whilst interned at Farm Hall Cambridgeshire after the War, Heisenberg also identified harvesting Protactinium as one of three methods of obtaining fissile material for a nuclear bomb.

The other two of course, being to either enrich U235, or to reprocess Plutonium from spent fuel in a thermal nuclear  reactor... Our history books tell us all about these other two methods in Nazi Germany but are strangely silent on the Protactinium harvesting project. Why is that?

The wartime Chairman of AEG, Herman Bucher revealed to OSS informant Erwin Respondek that his company was funding development of a Heavy Particle Accelerator for the Atomic Bomb Project at Bisingen.

The process harnessed the fluorescent quality of Mercury to cause collisions between electrons and photons, which in result released thermal neutrons.

The device was surrounded by a concave beryllium mirror to reflect neutrons back into a mass of Thorium oxide placed at the core. The machine generated this X-ray plasma in orbit around an axle which spun two carefully frequency  phased contra-rotating drums.  

Respondek also revealed to the OSS that Heisenberg worked closely with Swiss engineer Dr Walter Dallenbach at a secret facility known as "Forschungsstelle D" at Bisingen to develop the Nazi Bell.

A report by the OSS in November 1944, cited information from an engineer named Ernst Nagglestein who related Otto Hahn's laboratory at Tailfingen in a town close to Bisingen was using Thorium to obtain Uranium for an Atomic Bomb.

The Bell was given the highest  -and perhaps most unique- classification possible in the Third Reich. 

In captured documents, experimenters with the Bell were said to be working on something "Kriegsentscheidend", or decisive for the war. 

Top-secret German weapons, including the V rockets, were classified "Kriegswichtig", or important to the war. 

One major reason that so little is known about the Bell was the loss of the scientists involved in the project. 

"They were taken out and shot by the SS between the 28 April and the 4 May 1945", explained Witkowski. Records show that there were 62 of them, many of them Germans. 

Of the other Nazi engineers or scientists claimed, or thought to be involved with the Nazi Bell, were Prof Kurt Debus, Dr Ronald Richter, Ing Otto Cerny, Dr Otto Ambros, Dr Elizabeth Adler and Ing Dr Richard Kremer.

Witkowski  in his book noted from Polish Intelligence sources that the SS shot 66 scientists involved with the Bell to prevent their falling into Soviet hands.

These however may have been captured Soviet and eastern European "guest workers".

There are two distinct bodies of scientists and engineers involved. Those who developed the device itself Like Richter, Kremer, Cerny and Debus, were more in the realm of high voltage electrical engineers. Ambros, Adler and Gerlach on the other hand were more likely concerned with the applications of the Bell device.

Dr Elizabeth Adler was a mathematician said to have been evacuated with the Bell and Debus on a Junkers Ju-390 flight in April 1945.

Mathematics play an important role in calculating particle deflection in quantum physics. No record of Adler survives the war, however Gerlach's assistant before the war was a talented mathematician Miss Elisabeth Borman who had also worked for Max Born. It is known that their favorite hotel in Stockholm was the Adler Hotel.

Dr Otto Ambros was expert in Chemical warfare and chairman of Albert Speer's "S" Committee. The Bell served two different projects. One for nuclear physics and the other for biological warfare research, in particular studying the effects of radiation exposure on Concentration camp inmates, animals and plants.

Bell Engineers

Kurt Debus is best known for his role in managing V-2 launches for the SS and later working for NASA on Apollo moon launches. He also had expertise however in the measurement of high voltage discharges. His official NASA biography says:

A common criticism of the Bell story is that the only reference to it's existence is from Witkowski's claim of Sporrenberg's post war testimony, however Debus also described the Bell. [Document dated 22 April 1943 Foreign Scientist Case Files, K Debus NARA/RG 28, US Nat. Archive, College Park, Maryland USA].

Another reference to the Bell's existence comes from Prof Meiczyslaw Moldovia, a former prisoner of Gross Rosen Concentration camp who worked at the technical office in Furstenstein Castle. 

Dr Otto Cerny revealed his role in the Nazi Bell in the early 1960s whilst working for NASA to Greg Rowe’s father. Greg recalled listening to the conversation as a child and recounted it for Henry Stevens. Cerny described it as something like a ring of stones with a hoop inside which sat the Bell. Cerny also mentioned a concave mirror above the axis through which one could see backwards.

The JIOA list of scientists most of whom were recruited for Operation Paperclip to work for USA. The list refers to Cerny as “Elec. Instal. on Supersonics” and that he had been attached to the technical University of Vienna. The Vienna technical university was involved with an underground SS nuclear facility at Melk and a nuclear research laboratory at Zell am See.

Kremer was a transformer engineer from Oberschönweide whom together with the AEG Research Institute was developing the Hochspannungsprojekt [High Voltages Project] under contract to Heereswaffenamt ;HWA]. This project was reborn under the SS in July 1944, codenamed Charite Anlage with the priority code reference SS/1040.

When Kremer was denounced to the Gestapo by Gerlach, AEG Research institute’s Prof Dr. Karl Ramsaur defended Kremer’s importance to the war effort and the highest priority work of Prof Dr E. Schumann, to secure Kremer’s release. Ramsaur’s letter links the Bell with German atomic bomb research.

Clues to Bell’s Purpose

Dr Eric Schumann of course was working on designs in 1943 with Dr Walter Trinks for hollow, shaped charge tactical atomic weapons using Uranium 233 as their fissile mass. These tactical nuclear weapons fired superhot slugs of Lithium at Beryllium and Lithium Deuteride to cause a brief rush of neutrons in what is termed a Duteron beam.

The question of course arises where would Schumann obtain extremely rare and hard to separate Uranium 233 - The possible answer is that the Bell produced Uranium 233 for Schumann. 

Rainer Karlsch disclosed in his book "Hitler's Bombe" that Schumann and Trinks had a laboratory at Grief near Peenemünde where R/Admiral Otto Haxel experimented with superheated Lithium at 20,000 atmospheres, using hollow shaped charges.

Dr Ronald Richter experiment in late 1936 with arc furnaces whilst producing Lithium for U-Boat batteries. He discovered that by injecting Deterium into the plasma from Lithium, it would produce radiation. Richter could use the level of radiation produced to monitor the temperature inside the furnace. In 1942 Richeter was recruited to work on the Bell project.  

Bell as a Uranium/Plutonium Breeder? 

Otto Hahn experimented before the war with Lise Meitner on photo-fission techniques to determine the properties of slow neutrons and transmutation of elements. Hahn relied heavily upon Meitner who as a Jewish scientist fled to Stockholm in 1938.

Hahn used the excellent air mail service between Berlin and Stockholm throughout the war to seek Meitner’s advice and unwittingly was the prime security breech for Nazi Germany’s entire nuclear effort. Everything Hahn knew was relayed to MI5 through Operation Epsilon. 

Dr Ing Ernst Nagelstein contacted the OSS in Switzerland on 2 November 1944 and disclosed that the Auer Company was refining Thorium to metal and he claimed there was no known use in Germany  for Thorium.

There were large captured stocks of Thorium in France, which were suddenly removed to Germany in 1944 after the Normandy landings, Thorium was also mined in the Erzbirge, right next to the Wenceslas mine,  home to the Bell project. Nagelstein added that Otto Hahn was working on the Atomic bomb using either Thorium, or Uranium.

Other scientists known to have been involved included Dr Herman Oberth who in late September 1944 journeyed with Dr Herbert Jensen [nuclear physicist], Dr Edward Tholen and Dr Elizabeth Adler from Prague to Breslau. The Nazi Bell was located a short distance southwest of Breslau.  Oberth’s wartime expertise lay in developing special explosives. Schumann relied upon special high speed explosives for his shaped hollow charge mini nukes.

The importance of Schumann being linked with the Bell project is that he and Trinks had made a patent application for a hollow charge A-bomb which specified use of U233 as its fissile core. Thorium 232, if bombarded by Protons with less than 14MeV energy, may be transmuted to Uranium 233 without the risk of dangerous contamination by Uranium 232. This process is called Photo Fission, or Recoil Based Fuel Breeding. This method can also breed Plutonium 239 from Uranium 238.

While discussions and articles about energy manipulation -whether termed cold fusion, anti-gravity, or free energy- have been generally discouraged as science fiction in mainstream America, many credible writers have dealt with the subject.

In his 2003 book "Winning the War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-9/11 World", Colonel John B. Alexander noted:

"A potential link between super-conductor quantum mechanics and gravity has been inferred from recent quantum gravity research. Another approach to modifying gravity involved the manipulation of the quantum vacuum ZPE [Zero Point Energy found in the vacuum of space] field. One proposed experiment to manipulate the ZPE involves the use of ultra-high-intensity lasers to irradiate a magnetized vacuum. If any of these are successful it will change energy issues on Earth and our relationship with the universe by allowing deep space travel".

The idea of gaining mastery - and power - from the environment around us is nothing new. Such ideas were advanced by American physicist Thomas Townsend Brown, who, in the early 1920s, experimented with anti-gravity based on his understanding that a charged capacitor tended to move toward a positive plate when sufficiently energized in the hundred kilovolt and upward range. Brown contended that all matter is essentially an "electrical condition". It fact, it might be said that the concrete body of the universe is nothing more than an assemblage of energy which, in itself, is quite intangible.

Brown’s theories echoed those of U.S. electrical engineer Nikola Tesla whose discovery in 1888 of the rotating magnetic field led to alternating-current [(AC] electricity transmission. Tesla foresaw limitless free energy by simply tapping into the Earth’s natural magnetic energy field. In 1908, long before the idea of rotating magnetic fields was commonplace in science, Tesla stated:

"Every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake. By being set in motion this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter. Its movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state [stillness]. It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear.

"At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones spring into being. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his [own] suns and stars, his heat and light, he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man’s grandest deed, which would make him the master of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny".

The belief that anti-gravity or other exotic technologies were passed from the Nazis to the Allies has been further supported by sporadic periodical coverage of anti-gravity in the late 1940s and early 1950s. This was at a time before the total blackout of news concerning energy-manipulation experimentation was enforced as a "matter of national security". 

In 1956, the Swiss aviation journal "Interavia Aerospace Review" published an article titled 'Towards Flight Without Stress or Strain... or Weight'. The article carried the date line of Washington, D.C., and stated: 

"Electro-gravitics research, seeking the source of gravity and its control, has reached a stage where profound implications for the entire human race begin to emerge. Perhaps the most startling and immediate implications of all involve aircraft, guided missiles and free space flight of all kinds".

The article added: "There are gravity research projects in every major country of the world. A few are over 30 years old".

It also mentioned that, over and above theoretical research, there was empirical research into the "“study of matter in its super-cooled, super-conductive state, of jet electron streams, peculiar magnetic effects [and] the electrical mechanics of the atom’s shell".

 The article stated that the weight of some materials utilized in this research had been reduced by as much as 30 percent by "energizing" them. But in a premonition of what was to come, it added, "Security prevents disclosure of what precisely is meant by ‘energizing’ or in which country this work is underway”.

Proving the ability of super-conductors to produce anti-gravity effects, researchers at Pacific National Laboratory, in the late 1980s, cooled a ceramic super-conductor with liquid nitrogen and levitated a round magnet in midair. Some of the companies involved in this cutting- edge research, according to the "Interavia Aerospace Review" article, included

  • Lear, Inc.
  • Glenn L. Martin Company·
  • Sperry-Rand Corporation
  • Bell Aircraft
  • Clarke Electronics Laboratories
  • the U.S. General Electric Company

The names of these firms are especially noteworthy, because in his 2001 book on "Zero Point Energy", author NickCook cited another 1956 magazine article naming aviation experts Lawrence D. Bell, George S. Trimble, and William P. Lear as stating that work was then under way with "nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity".

 This article, from an unnamed publication and titled 'The G-Engines Are Coming!' may have let slip mention of an incredible new technology. “All matter within the ship would be influenced by the ship’s gravitation only", Lear was quoted as saying. "This way, no matter how fast you accelerated or changed course, your body would not feel it any more than it now feels the tremendous speed and acceleration of the earth".

During the 1960s and 1970s, public discussion of energy manipulation such as anti-gravity was virtually closed off, scorned as fantasy or conspiracy theory. Yet, it is clear that within government and military circles, work continued secretly in this area. Could it have been based on transferred Nazi super-science?

Bruce L. Cathie, a former New Zealand commercial pilot, theoretician, and an advocate of the existence of a worldwide energy grid, wrote in 1971:

"Somewhere, I knew [my proposed energy grid] system contained a clue to the truth of [Einstein’s] Unified Field which, he had postulated, permeates all of existence. I didn’t know at the time that this clue had already been found by scientists who were well ahead of me in the play.... for many years they have been carrying out full- scale research into the practical applications of the mathematical concept contained in that theory".

Cathie speculated:

The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating, or altering, the very structure of space itself; altering the space-time geometric matrix, which to us provides the illusion of form and distance. . . . for distance is an illusion. The only thing keeping places apart in space is time. If it were possible to move from one position to another in space in an infinitely small amount of time, or 'zero time', then both the positions would co-exist, according to our awareness. By speeding up the geometric of time we will be able to bring distant places within close proximity. This is the secret of UFOs - they travel by means of altering the spatial dimensions around them and repositioning in space-time.

 It is possible that the Bell was used for experimenting with time travel. This possibility is not as outrageous as it sounds, as many notable scientists and authors have written seriously about the possibility of time travel. Astronomer and Pulitzer Prize winner Carl Sagan, director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University at the time of his death in 1996, when asked about time travel, stated:

Right now we’re in one of those classic, wonderfully evocative moments in science when we don’t know, when there are those on both sides of the debate, and when what is at stake is very mystifying and very profound. If we could travel into the past, it’s mind-boggling what would be possible. For one thing, history would become an experimental science, which it certainly isn’t today. The possible insights into our own past and nature and origins would be dazzling. For another, we would be facing the deep paradoxes of interfering with the scheme of causality that has led to our own time and ourselves. I have no idea whether it’s possible, but it’s certainly worth exploring.

Jenny Randles, a science-oriented British author, presented compelling examples of recent discoveries in her 2005 book "Breaking the Time Barrier". which indicate the very real possibility of time travel. She noted that "a race to build a time machine has been going on since at least the Second World War.". 

After discussing "worm holes" in time and space, and other possible means of time travel, she pointed out: "... [F]rom our understanding of physics - if you travel faster than light, then you can overtake the flow of events that light happens to transmit. Since the passage of these events forms what we interpret as time, then by traveling faster than light you ought to travel through time. Spaceships that outstrip light speed are always going to moonlight as time machines".

Today, more than one scientist has claimed to have broken the light barrier, though official acceptance has been lacking.

Time Travelling Nazis 

The idea is preposterous, but the science is there and the Bell did exist.

No wonder certain powerful persons would go to any lengths to obtain or conceal such knowledge. Just such attempts began in the closing days of World War II, as the victors sought to learn the secrets of Nazi super-science. It is clear that certain members of the American military were keen to learn Nazi secrets, as shown by this portion of a 1945 letter from Major General Hugh J. Knerr to Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, the commander of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe:

"Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research. If we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited"

Consider the rush into Czechoslovaki a by General George S. Patton’s Third Army even as the Europe an war wound to a close.

"The madcap, and some would say, militarily and politically indefensible, Allied dash away from Berlin and to south-central Germany and Prague are consistent with American knowledge, at some very high level, of Kammler’s SS Sonderkommando black projects and secret weapons empire", wrote Farrell.

Vernon Bowen, whose 1950s-era book on UFOs was classified by the U.S. government, relates how one of Patton’s officers, Colonel Charles H. Reed, organized the escape of the Lippizan horses from the Spanish Riding School at the end of the war, an event memorialized in the 1963 Disney film "Miracle of the White Stallions". Bowen noted that Reed saved the horses, "while on his mission of persuading the head of German ntelligence to turn over to the U.S. the many truckloads of documents buried on the Czech-Austrian border - documents which are still secret today".

Could these documents have been Kammler’s technology files?

The Allies’ rejection of SS chief Heinrich Himmler’s last-minute offer to surrender may not have been due to the “frantic attempts of a desperate mass murderer to avoid his inevitable fate", as described by mainstream historians, but instead because Himmler had lost real control over the exotic technology. After all, Himmler was too high-profile a person to be allowed to live on after the war. He reportedly committed suicide by taking a poison capsule on 23 May 1945, after being caught trying to sneak through British lines disguised as a German Army private.

Hans Kammler, on the other hand, was largely unknown to the public, though he undoubtedly was high on the list of wanted Nazi war criminals, considering his involvement in the construction of concentration camps and their gas chambers as well as his participation in the leveling of the Warsaw ghetto.

"Unlike Himmler", noted Cook, "Kammler had something of value to deal - something tangible. By early April [1945], Hitler and Himmler had placed under his direct control every secret weapon system of any consequence within the Third Reich - weapons that had no counterpart in the inventories of the three powers that were now bearing down on central Germany from the east and the west". 

"The deal had already probably been cut between Kammler’s representatives and OSS [the U.S. Office of Strategic Services] station chief in Zürich, Allen Dulles, or via General Patton himself", Farrell surmised.

If such a deal was made with Patton, he did not live to see the results.

On 9 December 1945, while riding in his 1939 Cadillac staff car, Patton suffered a head injury when his car was struck by a 2 1/2-ton military truck that turned in front of them. Patton’s driver and a passenger, his chief of staff Major General Hobart "Hap” Gay, wer" uninjured. Paralyzed from the neck down, Patton was taken to a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, where he died on 21 December.

Since the war, there have been several conspiracy theories regarding Patton’s death - one being that he was killed by his own government. Most have concentrated on his vocal assertions that the United States should have carried the war on into Russia and put an end to Communism, plus his public advocacy of reinstating ranking Nazis to help rebuild Germany. Noting that Patton, whose forces drove straight to the heart of Nazi research in Czechoslovakia, may well have been aware of Kammler and his Nazi super-weapons, Farrell stated that if Patton was deliberately silenced, “then surely this [knowledge of Nazi super-science] is the most plausible motivation for the deed". 

Did knowledge of the incredible ability to manipulate energy die with top Nazis at the end of the war?

Consider the fate of Hans Kammler.

As the war drew to a close, Kammler made no secret that he intended to use both the V-2 scientists and rockets under his control as leverage for a deal with the Allies. On 2 April  1945, on Kammler’s orders, a special train carried rockets and five hundred technicians and engineers escorted by a hundred SS troopers to an Alpine redoubt in Bavaria. According to von Braun and Dornberger, Kammler planned to “bargain with the Americans or one of the other Allies for his own life in exchange for the leading German rocket specialists".

“[Kammler] came to me in early April in order to say good-bye", recalled Nazi Armaments minister Speer. "For the first time in our four-year association, Kammler did not display his usual dash. On the contrary, he seemed insecure and slippery with his vague, obscure hints about why I should transfer to Munich with him. He said efforts were being made in the SS to get rid of the Führer. He himself, however, was planning to contact the Americans. In exchange for their guaranty of freedom, he would offer them the entire technology of our jet planes, as well as the A-4 rocket and other important developments...."

On 4 April 1945, when von Braun pressed Kammler for permission to resume rocket research, the SS officer quietly announced that he was about to disappear for "an indefinite length of time". 

e was true to his word: no one saw Kammler again. As everyone knows, von Braun and Dornberger, along with other scientists and many of the V-2 rockets, eventually made their way to the United States, becoming founding members of its modern space program with no help from Kammler.

Jean Michel, himself an inmate of concentration camp Dora, which provided slave labor for Kammler’s rocket program, wrote of Kammler:

"The chief of the SS secret weapon empire, the man in Himmler’s confidence, disappeared without a trace. Even more disturbing is the fact that the architect of the concentration camps, builder of the gas chambers, executioner of Dora, overall chief of all the SS missiles has sunk into oblivion. There is the Bormann mystery, the Mengele enigma; as far as I know, no one, to this day, has taken much interest in the fate of SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler".

Michel, along with others, wondered: Why had the "‘cold and brutal calculator" described by Speer so abruptly discarded the trump cards he had so patiently accumulated? As the war drew to a close, Kammler, "had the good fortune to inspect the Czechoslovakian stretch of the front", wrote Witkowski. "After this event, nobody knew what became of him. Perhaps he died, though it is unlikely that this would never have been recorded". 

The reports of Kammler’s death are varied and mutually exclusive. One version has him committing suicide in a forest between Prague and Pilsen two days after Germany surrendered, while another said he was shot by his own SS aide in Prague. Another version was that he died in a shootout with Czech partisans. The Red Cross initially reported Kammler as "missing", but this was later changed to "dead" upon the testimony of a relative. The one common denominator regarding Kammler’s various death reports was that he was last seen in north central Czechoslovakia, in close proximity to the Wenzeslaus Mine - and the Bell.

US occupation forces conducted various inquiries into Kammler’s whereabouts, beginning with the headquarters of 12th Army ordering a complete inventory of all personnel involved in missile production on 21 May 1945. This resulted in the creation of a file for Kammler, stating that he was possibly in Munich. 

The United States Army Counter Intelligence Corps [CIC]  noted that he had been seen shortly prior to the arrival of US troops in Oberjoch; a 
eport from April 1946 listed Kammler among SS officers known to be outside Germany and considered to be of special interest to the CIC. 

The Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee [IOS] in London ordered a search for Kammler in early July 1945. 12th Army replied that he was last seen on 8 or 9 April in the Harz region.

Only in 1948 did the CIOS receive the information that Kammler reportedly fled to Prague and had committed suicide. 

In 1949 a report written by one Oskar Packe on Kammler was filed by the US Denazification office in Hesse. 

The report stated that Kammler had been arrested by US troops on 9 May 1945 at the Messerschmitt works at Oberammergau. However, Kammler and some other senior SS personnel had managed to escape in the direction of Austria or Italy. 

Packe disbelieved the reports about a suicide, as these were "refuted by the detailed information from the CIC "about arrest and escape".

Despite the lack of a body, no effort appeared to have been taken to establish the truth of Kammler’s death and, unlike his superior Bormann, Kammler was not tried in absentia at Nuremberg.

Kammler was not alone in his escape. Dozens of high-ranking former SS or party members simply disappeared. Many of them were associated with advanced technology programs.

Did Kammler and his cohorts escape with weapons plans for the amazing Bell project? Whoever controlled such secret technology was certainly in a strong position to strike a deal with one of the Allied nations. 

With secret projects in the hands of the fanatical SS and with factories and research facilities scattered over -and under- the countryside, it is entirely conceivable that saucers, Uranium weapons, the Bell, and other exotic technologies could have been developed without the knowledge of anyone except Himmler, Bormann, and Kammler. The high- profile Himmler had been taken out of the loop as far back as 1943. The fates of Bormann and Kammler remain unproven. 

“[T]he evidence is strong enough to suggest collusion at the highest levels between the United States and Nazi Germany governments -and that collusion extends down to those within U-234, its officers, crew and passengers- and has been maintained by powerful parties with vested interests on both sides of the Atlantic ever since", stated Hydrick. 

If the highest circle of America’s ruling elite indeed obtained Nazi super-science in the wake of World War II, it came with a price - one these pre-war, pro-Nazi sympathizers were willing to accept. When American authorities realized the alternative and nonlinear physics within Nazi science, they knew it was beyond the frame of reference of most U.S. scientists, which is why they recruited so many Germans and brought them to America.

The trouble was", recounted one government insider, “when the Americans took it all home with them, they found, too late, that it came infected with a virus - you take the science on, you take on aspects of the ideology as wel". 

At the heart of  he myth of Nazi UFOs lies the terrifying image of the Nazi super scientist.

It's an image compounded from the figures of Wernher von Braun, the rocket pioneer, and Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi surgeon who experimented on Jews and other persons consdered inferior by the Reich.

ln fact scientific research was hampered in the Reich by the aggressive anti-intellectualism of the Nazi elite. Far from being examples of science's essentially amoral nature, as some of the more recent anti-scientific literature coming largely from the Left would have it, these scientists were intensely politicised and conditioned to reject any scientific detachment.

Although Hitler stated that "research must remain free and unfettered by any restriction", he also condemned free scientific inquiry as absurd, and stated quite firmly that science was "devastating" because "it leads away from instinct".

Nazi attitudes to science were "always opportunistic, and scientific planning suffered from the varying whims imposed at different levels by the leadersrup principle".

The Messerschmidt 262 fighter, although designed in 1938, was, fortunately for the Allies, a victim of Hitler's ignorance as the F
ührer confused its role and Göring's production plans for the Luftwaffe d1d not include it It was therefore only built inl 1945 when Germany desperately needed a new form of aircraft.

The German atom bomb project similarly did not progress beyond a fairly primitive level, due to Hitler's reliance on conventional weaponry, and the attempts by Himmler to divert the scientists efforts into areas more favoured politically.

The V2, that symbol of Gerrnan technological terror, was built in spite of Hitler, not because of him. Hitler originally wanted to cancel the project, but it was supported by Waiter Dornberger, who managed to convince the F
ührer of the value of the work through an exposition of the technology by scientists working on the project

It must also be noted that German science suffered through the expulsion of Jews and politically suspect gentile staff from their university posts, many of whom, like Willy Ley, fled abroad to help the Americans. A number of leading German specialist scientists, to their credit, refused to swear the oath of allegiance.

Thus, from a position of scientific excellence before the Nazi seizure of power, German science experienced only "impoverishment and stagnation" that the regime's retardation of the military sciences was "not t he least among the factors that helped to seal its fate The anti-intellectualism that played a leading part in its rise was equally important among the causes of its downfall'.

For all the obscenity of his experiments, Mengele was a "medical mediocrity" and "'no information of medical value is known to have emerged from the tor tures inflicted on those [he] still called his patients". Not that it would have made him one whit better if there had.

Nevertheless, there is an issue here.

Some Nazi experiments have been used in the post-War era, such as film of person walking taken by X-Rays. According to a "Times" article of circa 1990, this film was still being used as teaching material at one of the London hospitals, even though the level of radiation used in the photograph would have killed the subject in a matter of hours.

The myth of Nazi saucers masks a real and justified concern over the morality of using personnel and material involved in so much suffering, such as the V2 scientists brought over in Paperclip and other N azi staff, who may be lurking elsewhere within the respectable scientific establishment.

Of those involved in the Nazi UFO projects, several are quite obscure.

There is, according to W.A. Harbinson, "no information on the background and fate of the Italian, Giuseppe Belluzzo".

Giuseppe Belluzzo [ Legnago , 25 November 1876 - Rome , 21 May 1952 ] was an engineer , politician and academic Italian , who held the post of Minister of National Economy between 1925 and 1928 and National Education Minister between 1928 and 1929 in the Mussolini Government .

He was an expert in the field of steam turbine design , for which he wrote at least fifty publications, many of them still very authoritative. The most celebrated of these writings is certainly the "Steam Turbines" , which soon became a highly appreciated educational tool in the prestigious Polytechnic of Milan , after it was published in 1905.
During the Milan Universal Exposition of 1906 . Belluzzo expressed the need to get Italy out of its backwardness from the technological and industrial point of view, and worked personally to carry out this task by collaborating in the foundation of the Milanese Industrial School [also known as Scola de Llegn]) in 1909 , of which he became a secretary.
Belluzzo had developed the first steam turbines for industrial use in Italy, later used on the main ships of the Royal Navy , such as on the battleship "Conte di Cavour" and on the "Littorio" . 

In 1907 he distinguished himself in the engineering field for being the first to realize the design of the first turbine locomotive, built in 1908 by the Società Anonima Officine Meccaniche of Milan .
As Minister of National Education , Belluzzo collaborated with the Mussolini government in order to introduce into Italian schools the so-called single text that was announced on the same day of its inauguration to the Minister of Education on 9 July 1928. .
In 1934 , Massone was appointed Senator of the Kingdom of Italy.  . In 1944 , following the liberation of Milan, Belluzzo was arrested by the National Liberation Committee , and later became a contributor to numerous magazines for which he published several articles of an economic nature.
On 24 March 1950, there appeared in the newspaper "Il Giornale d'Italia" an article entitled "Flying saucers were conceived in 1942 in Italy and in Germany" in which the Belluzzo claimed to have personally participated in the design of a flying saucer , starting from 1942. .
The magazine "Der Spiegel" in the 30 March 1950 issue reported an interview by Rudolf Schriever who stated that, near Prague, in the early forties there was a BMW factory that produced some of the aircraft known as "flying saucers".

Scientists such as Klaus Habermohl , the Italian engineer Giuseppe Belluzzo and Walther Miete [who had been part of the V2 project , but who then worked on disc projects] worked at the plant , followed Schriever's studies on a prototype of discoidal aircraft.

For all the alliance with Mussolini, the Nazis viewed Italians as inferior Latins, and t reated them accordingly.

It's therefore unlikely, though not impossible, that an Italian physicist was eo-opted into a Nazi project.

Fascist Italy did possess a noted aircraft engineer in a Giuseppe Belluzzo, who was a professor of engineering from the Milan Polytechnical Institute. This Belluzzo was the author of several treatises on engine construction . During the First World War he served on the war resources and industrial mobilisation boards. In the 1924 elections he became an M P, and then was appointed minister of national resources the following year.

In July 1928 he was transferred to the Ministry of Public Instruction, became a state minister in 1929 and a senator in 1934.

It's possible that there were two Giuseppe Belluzzos in the Italian aeronautical industry, but seems more likely that the Belluzzo mentioned in connection v.:ith the Nazi saucer was intended to be the same as the senator, or that the two men had sufficiently similar names for the physicist to become confused with the senator.

It appears to me that Belluzzo was an invention designed to give verisimilitude to the stories of the craft, while also shoring up the increasingly worn fiction that the Italians were somehow valued partners as the Fascist regime came increasingly under German control.

Habermohl similarly is an obscure figure.

Harbinson again states that "nothing is known of [him], other than what can be gleaned from the many unsubstantiated reports claiming that he worked on the saucer project in Breslau before being captured by the Russians".

Georg Klein, who allegedly witnessed one of the saucer's flights, is an equally nebulous character.

He appears to have been a member of Speer's Ministry for Armament and Ammunition before moving to Z
ürich after the War, where he continued to work in engineering.

Miethe, another of the technicians working on the saucer. was an engineer at Peenem
ünde. After the War he followed v on Braun and Domberger to America, where he was then hired by A V. Roe to work on the disc-shaped Avrocar.

Schriever himself apparently fled back to Brernerhaven in advance of t he Russians after the factory was taken by the advancing Russian and Czechoslovak patriots in 1945.

Aside from the stories of Klein and Schriever, there is the statement in 1980 by Heinrich Fleissner of Dasing in the "Neues Magazin" for the second of May that he had been part of the team building the craft at Peenem
ünde under the patronage of Göring. After the War the device and important notes were destroyed by the Wehrmacht.
Fleissner's Flying Saucer plans were assigned to Trans-Oceanic in Los Angeles in 1955 after being registered in Germany in 1954. They were finally registered with the US patent office, according to Harbinson, on 7 June 1960.

Apart from these stories, other engineers were allegedly experimenting with disc-shaped craft, the idea of which had first been developed in the 19th century by the mathematician Wilhelm Zachariae.
These included Arthur Sack, of Machem, who tried several experiments with models, and then piloted versions in I 939 and I 944. His model aircraft fared exceptionally badly, and the piloted version failed to take off on its first test flight . Although it did become airborne at the second test flight, it performed extremely poorly. His research was then ended by the advance of the Allies.

Even Messerschmidt got in on the act, supposedly testing the circular wing of their Me I63 in Augsberg, a statement which possibly accounts for the statement in "UFO Secrets of the Third Reich" that the SS under the Vril society were developing saucers there.

Viktor Schauberger's first flying saucer was a remote controlled model test flown in 1943  This went through the factory ceiling but was otherwise unviable.

He tried to develop the project in occupied Czechoslovakia, but this. like the other stories of saucer research, was similarly stopped by the Russian advance.

He also claimed that he was invited to America to assist their attempts to build a tlying saucer, but this project, too, was a disappointment and he returned to Germany in 1958.

Another scientist, Hermann Klaas from Muhlheim, also claimed to have worked on various remote controlled saucers during the War.

On the other hand, the Avrocar certainly existed, but was a major disappointment. Instead of the superb feats of which it was thought capable, the craft rose barely 30 feet into the air at its test flight in 1959. The project was cancel led soon after, and the plane put in a museum.

John Frost, who developed the craft, is supposed to have got the idea from former Nazi technicians, both according to the CIA and Georg Klein.

The CIA report, date 18 August 1953, stated that "flying saucers" have been known to be an actuality since the possibility of the construction was proven in plans drawn up by German engineers toward the end of World War II.  Miethe in particular is supposed to have been brought over in connection with Paperclip.

Clifford J. Hurtak, one of the talking heads on the Naz1 UFO video, claimed that through his long association with one of the generals involved in Paperclip he was aware of Nazi technology hidden from the public. Later on in the same video, he contradicts himself by stating that the aforementioned military gentleman never mentioned any Nazi saucer technology, thus bearing out the quote at the beginning of the video:: "Tthose who know do not speak, and those who speak do not know".

Von Braun's team comprised about 200 or so scientists. Miethe could very well have been one of them, though for his work on the V2 rather than involvement in any secret saucer projects

In any case, his exi stence should be relatively easy to trace, for those with sufficient time and interest.

The major sources for information on the Nazis' Project Saucer are Major Rudolph Lusar's "German Secret Weapons of World War II", published in 1959, and Renate Vesco's "lntercettali Senza Sparare", which appeared first as an article in the magazine "Argosy", and then in book fonn, being translated into English as "Intercept But Don't Shoot", and "Intercept UFO", in 1969 - 1971.

More recently it's been reissued as part of a work on Nazi UFOs by V. Gordon Childress, an American author specialising in sensational claims. Vesco's book in particular has been the subject of increasing scepticism as to the validity of its claims, with Kevin M cC lure in particular stating that he "may not be what he is made to seem".

Cert ainly the failure of so many of the Germany flying disc experiments cast grave doubts on his assertion that the devices could climb to a safe altitude above the Allied aircraft when hit, let alone the height of 40,000 alleged by Georg Klein.

Similarly, official patronage of these project s by Goering, He ss, Hitler and possibly Belluzzo are also unlikely. G
öring's plans for the Luftwaffe did not envisage even relatively conventional craft such as the Me 262, because he did not believe in jet power, so it seems unlikely he would have supported the development of flying saucers except, perhaps, towards the very end of the War.

Schauberger's son, in an interview in "UFO Secrets of the Third Reich", claims that his father had an interview with Hitler at the F
ührer's Eagle's Nest, in which the Führer enthused about the possibility of developing the new technology and instructed him to carry on his research.

Hitler's table talk was extensively documented between 1941 and 1944 by Martin Bormann, and the result is a revealing, though unedifying, portrait of the dictator's mind.
Hitler sounded off about a number of things, including technology. He discussed the necessity of air-cooled engjnes with Dr. Porsche� and the desirability of finding alternative power sources, such as wind, for when the oil supplies were exhausted. Nowhere, however, does he mention Schauberger, implosion or any similar concepts.
This doesn't necessarily mean that he was unaware of them - he doesn't mention the V I or V2 in his table talk either, but it does suggest that at the most such projects were not a very pressing concern. Even if Hitler had met Schauberger, which does not seem likely, the silence suggests that at the most Schauberger's was only one of a number of projects in which the Führer had no special interest.
There's a similar problem with Belluzzo. If the Italian physicist and aircraft engineer are one and the same, then the interest of such an important person as the senator on the project would surely have left a far more extensive amount of corroborative evidence. There's none, bar the statement by Schriever.
Italian aviation anyway suffered from the same handicaps as the German aircraft industry, though far more acutely. The Regia Aeronautica was riven by conflict between chiefs of staff and squabbles with the army and navy. An Italian jet aircraft, the Camproni-Campini, had flown in 1940, but the initial successes of the FIAT biplane delayed development of modem fighters, as did the decision to continue using radial engines instead of the more effective liquid-cooled in-line engines used el sewhere.
Furthermore, the Italian airforce did not, unlike the Germans or the British, develop strategic bombers, adequate ground attack aircraft nor dive bombers, and even neglected to use Whitehead aerial torpedoes despite their availability and use by the Navy. Given this poor performance in conventional air warfare, it's unlikely that the Germans would have invited aid from the Italians in the development of so radicaJ an aircraft as their alleged saucers.
There's also a problem of evidence. All the accounts so far state that the devices were destroyed to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Allies.

On the other hand, it's claimed that several of the scientists working on the projects went to work for the Americans and that the devices played an important part in harrying an Allied raid over Wiener Neustadt, an industrial suburb of Vienna. If these devices were sufficiently numerous to attack Allied aircraft, then some, at least, should have survived the attempts at destruction.

The V 1 and V2 were another Nazi secret project which was horrifyingly revealed during the closing years of the War. Yet they too survived the end of the Reich and were shown publicly after the War in military parades as the Allies showed off some of the spoils of their opponents. They clearly existed.

If the saucers had existed in anything like the same numbers, they too, presumably, would have made an appearance before the curious eyes of the civilian public. But they didn't .

One of the other problems of the accounts of the development of the saucers is that all the accounts of their construction date from 1950, at the earliest.

They appeared at least three years into the flap generated by Kenneth Amold's own sighting in 1947.

This presents several possibilities.

The first is that there really were such projects being developed in Germany, but they were secret and the i mmediate post-War situation made it advisable for those involved to remain silent, if only because of a sense of guilt from their complicity in the regime's crimes. The sudden spate of interest in such craft may have suddenly made it respectable to talk about such projects with the coming of the saucers.

Secondly, that a number of scientists working on other unconventional German aircraft, such as the Horten brothers' flying wing design. confused these project s with the new saucer-shaped craft seen in the sky, and began recounting these confabulated fantasies as fact.

Or, lastly, that the appearance of the modern flying saucer allowed Nazi apologists to retail stories of Nazi flying saucers as fact in persuance of Nazi propaganda aims during the War.

This seems to be the aim of Wilhem Landig and Ernst Z
ündel, and may also be behind Vesco's accounts.

1969 - the year that Vesco's article first appeared in "Argosy" - was a time of renewed activity by the extreme Right in Italy. In that year alone there were 145 terrorist attacks carried out by the Far Right, 23 including a number of bomb attacks in Milan and Padua. This state of tension continued until I975 with waves of bombings. attempted coups and mass uprisings, 83 per cent of which were ascribed to Fascist groups.

Vesco could be using I talian involvement in the construction of a Nazi super weapon as a propaganda tool to win support for Fascism, just as Landig and Z
ündel were trying to do in their later account of Nazi polar bases .

On the other hand. it could be that Vesco simply took the opport unity suppl ied by renewed Fascist actions and the fading atmosphere of Hippie speculation into the Paranormal to sell a story without really having any extremist political motive.