
Götterdämmerung and Aftermath


Nazi Wonder Weapons and Their Impact on Ufology


Jason Colavito
21 August 2018

​"All About History" magazine is out with its September edition, and I am proud to announce that I have the cover story, on 'Hitler’s Super-Weapons', known as the Wunderwaffen.

The magazine is on newsstands in the U.K. and iis available worldwide through All About History’s website.
The article discusses the Nazi regime’s efforts to create fantastical weapons in a last-ditch effort to regain military advantage over the West, including Germany’s rocket program, its nuclear program, and even Himmler’s team of psychic remote viewers.

In the final couple of paragraphs, my article briefly outlines some of the ways that these weapons became embedded in popular culture, expanding in popular memory into nearly supernatural exemplars of demonic power.

However, while this was an important point, there wasn’t space to go into detail about the connection between the Wunderwaffen and some of the extreme views of history popular among the fringe.

​Since this is an interesting and important topic in its own right, I will present here the unpublished sections of my article, which were cut for space.

There is a small bit of overlap with the published piece, but the material below is almost entirely different from the material in the printed piece.

I urge you to buy the magazine and read my article on wonder weapons alongside the discussion of post-Nazi fringe views of the Wunderwaffen​.
Magical Weapons   

After the war, the United States brought former Nazi scientists to America to continue their work in rocketry as part of Operation Paperclip, which unintentionally reinforced the prestige of Nazi science even in the face of a growing understanding of Nazi atrocities.

In an effort to resolve the contradiction between the respect afforded to German scientists and the evil of Nazi Germany, some popular writers began to propose that Nazi scientific achievements had a supernatural origin.
In France in 1960, Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels published "The Morning of the Magicians", a book of occult philosophy that speculated wildly about lost civilizations, ancient visits from space aliens, and Adolf Hitler.

Bergier and Pauwels described the collapse of the Nazi Empire as the "Twilight of the Gods" from Germanic mythology, and to explain that trauma, they turned to the supernatural.

They cited the wonder weapons Hitler had built—the rockets and the planes and “infrared ray detectors” and entirely new fields of organic chemistry—and then they said that Hitler could achieve so much because he was in contact with space aliens, or demons, or both—what they considered supernatural cosmic evil.

Pauwels and Bergier nvented the Vril society, but there was a real group that formed the basis for their mythos.


Maria Orsic was invented in the late 1980's by a Viennese group called "Tempelhof Gesellschaft", who gave a new spin to the Vril Society mythos, this time involving Nazi UFO's.

According to the authors, Hitler had studied under occult mentors, had the mind of a medium, and could communicate with powers beyond the Earth.

This remade the tragedy of the Second World War into something noble, "where it ceases to be absurd and becomes worth living, despite the suffering entailed, because it is a spiritual level".

Despite this, "it has obviously not been our intention to revalorize the philosophy of Nazism", the authors warned.

"But it is inherent in, and has influenced events".

Later writers would not be so cautious about embracing the image of omnipotent Nazis.

In the immediate aftermath of the war, some, like the Chilean diplomat and “Esoteric Hitlerist” Miguel Serrano, even considered Hitler a messianic spiritual leader, who never died but lived on under the ice in Antarctica, waiting to lead humanity to an Aryan enlightenment.
These ideas were hugely influential, and they merged seamlessly with science fiction’s efforts to process the horror of the war years.

In science fiction, the idea of Nazis as masters of time and space emerged immediately after the war.

Robert Heinlein published "Rocket Ship Galileo", about a Nazi moon base, in 1947, and the concept reappeared in 1950 in the Dimension X radio serial.

Even "Star Wars" modeled its storm troopers on the Nazis.

By the 1970s, an imaginary vision of all-powerful Nazis with impossible super-weapons was widespread.

It was in those years that German-Canadian Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel published "UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon?" alleging that the Nazis made use of alien technology.

Later books from his pen would elaborate a fantastical myth of Hitler’s alien-powered Antarctic spaceport.

Zündel admitted to "Skeptic" magazine that the books were lies meant to raise cash, but it didn’t matter. The myth of Hitler as extra-terrestrial wizard-king had taken root, and the Nazis became a sort of fetish, simultaneously the root of evil and, like Satan, somehow negative proof of the divine.
Indeed, the fetishization of the Nazis’ supposed command of technology and science had led to disturbing situations where polemicists and presenters found themselves praising Hitler and the Nazis in the hope of touching the divine, or an ET simulacrum of it.

Evangelical broadcaster Jon Pounders, for example, rhapsodized over Nazi wonder weapons on his "Now You See It" YouTube broadcast:

"Even though they were evil things, they did some really amazing things as well that really boggles my mind",” he said a couple of years ago.

One of the stars of "Ancient Aliens", Giorgio Tsoukalos, speculated on air that the Nazis reverse engineered flying saucers to create their own aircraft, and he cited the work of Jan van Helsing, a Nazi sympathizer convicted in France of anti-Semitic agitation, to prove the wonderful extent of Hitler’s science.

To seek Nazi wonder-weapons had become akin to hunting for the treasures the Nazis themselves sought, like the Spear of Destiny and the Holy Grail—magical talismans that connected the cosmos to the seeker.

Also, in recent years, the myth has appealed to Indiana Jones fantasies, a character whose adventures were inspired by Nazi treasure hunts and, of all things, the same ancient astronaut books from which "Ancient Aliens" emerged.


The Nazi Time Machine

The practical and fantastical threads of interest in Nazi research had started to pull together with growing speculation about wonder weapons derived from space alien technology, but it took Polish researcher Igor Witkowski to push fantasies about Nazi wonder weapons to a new extreme.
In his 2000 book "Prawda o Wunderwaffe" [The Truth about the Wonder Weapon], Witkowski claimed that Polish Intelligence gave him access to classified documents outlining the history of a device called Die Glocke.

This bell-shaped metal device, standing about 15 feet high and 9 wide, was said to have been developed by SS scientists at the defunct Wenceslaus Mine along the current Czech-Polish border.

Witkowski was unsure what the Bell was intended to do, but he reported that its effects were detrimental to plants and animals and that the Bell could have been an anti-gravity engine.

A series of alleged secret scientific experiments were carried out by the Nazis for the development of a weapon with technology linked to anti-gravity or nuclear energy.

The project, under the command of SS Hans Kammler, had two departments with special tasks:

The SS-E-IV or "Entwicklungsbüro IV" [Development Center IV] and the SS-U-13. 

It is assumed that the purpose of these experiments was to obtain:

  • a "propellant without propellant" or an "anti-gravitational engine"
  • a "time machine" that could open some dimensional doors and perhaps be able to use a "wormhole"
  • a weapon that would have had the ability to emit a gravity generator impulse able to develop an energy that would move an object with an acceleration of 1,000 g.

Thus, it was found that a torsion field of sufficient intensity could alter the space around the generator.

Greater torsion fields were generated, more space was altered.

And when space was altered, time was also altered.

No authentic records of the Bell have ever been produced publicly, and Witkowski alleges that he was shown records but could only transcribe them, not make copies.

Similarly, no Nazi-era records of the device have ever been found:

The Wenceslaus Mine was closed and flooded in 1939. The area was the site of factory facilities called the Molke Werke, used by the Dynamit Nobel company to manufacture explosives used in the "Riese" tunnel projects, as well as ammunition. 

A circle of concrete pillars where the Bell was alleged to take off and land, called the "Henge" by believers, appears to be only the remains of the base of a cooling tower.


There has been an attempt to discredit the story of the Nazi Bell recently -in various UFO-related sites- by attacking the idea that the structure at Ludwigsdorff, call "the Henge" and which Igor Witkowski and Nick Cook call "the Flytrap" was nothing but a support base for a cooling tower for an electrical power plant.

Witkowski has argued that this was some sort of outdoor test rig for the device in his mamouth examination of Nazi secret weapons, "The Truth About the Wunderwaffe", and Nick Cook elaborated on the idea in his bestseller, "The Hunt for Zero Point".

Witkowski had pointed out to Cook some metal bolts, which were visible on the top of the structure, right above every column.

He concluded that those bolts had once absorbed the physical force of a heavy apparatus that must have been placed in the middle of the structure, possibly the Bell.

When Cook asked Witkowski what it was, Witkowski said "I am not sure. But whatever it is -whatever it was- I believe the Germans managed to complete it.

"In this light it is difficult to see, but some of the original green paint remains. You do not camouflage something that is half finished. It makes no sense".

Later, he stated that he believes it to be a test-rig. Cook stated that "I didn't buy Witkowsk's test-rig thesis, but then again I wasn't dismissing it either".

The argument basically may be shown by a comparison of the base structure of a modern cooling tower. 

There can be no denying that there is a strong resemblance, and that the Henge like structure at Ludwigsdorff could have been the foundation for a cooling tower. After all, it is well known that there was an entire electrical power plant there

The problem for the "cooling tower hypothesis" is that the media's investigative powers were somewhat superficial, for had they bothered to consult Witkowski's research, on p. 272, there are two overhead views of the Ludwigsdorff complex, aerial views showing The Henge, one dating from 1954, with no cooling tower. 

The point is, that it also states on that page that this is similar to Allied aeial photographs from autumn of 1944 - "on which, for the first time, the mysterious ring-like structure first appeared".

Ring like structure, but no cooling tower.

In 2006 Joseph P. Farrell commented in his book, SS Brotherhood of the Bell, on "a very odd object that looks like a large concrete henge, self-evidently a test rig of some sort". 

Farrell goes on to state:

"Witkowski also provided this author with more information that was not available when his book was published.

"Rainer Karlsch, a German historian who recently published a book in Germany on Hitler's nuclear program, also mentioned in his book that a team of physicists from a German universityin Giessen has carried out a lot of research in Ludwikowice, namely in [the Henge]. 

The result is such that there are isotopes in the construction [in the reinforcement], which can only be the result of irradiation by a strong beam of neutrons, thus that there must have been some kind of device accelerating ions, rather heavy ones.

It could be calculated what was the intensity of the radiation in 1945 and generally it was very high.


"In other words, whatever had been tested at the Henge -and there is every indication that it was the Bell- it not only required a sturdy structure to keep it down but also it gave off strong, heavy, radiation".


Nevertheless, the idea of a bell-shaped anti-gravity machine—basically, a Nazi flying saucer—electrified those that speculate about the outer fringes of history.

One was British writer Nick Cook, who popularized Witkowski’s claims in English:

He alleged in 2001 that a pseudonymous “Dr. Dan Marckus” working as a professor at a British university, whose identity he purposely obscured, informed him that the Nazis had developed a frightening new form of physics tinged with the occult, so dangerous that it could open vistas of cosmic horror.

altThere was no evidence for an idea better suited to H. P. Lovecraft’s Depression-era science fiction stories of inter-dimensional terror than to serious science.




Cook alleged that "Marckus" had explained the true purpose of the Bell:

To generate a torsion field -a pseudo-scientific quantum state- allowing for faster than light travel, that could bend space and time to create a "fucking time machine".  

It was not the most credible of claims, rendered tasteless by Cook’s speculation that the SS followed Holocaust protocols in executing the time machine scientists, whose existence he never bothered to prove.

62 0f the120 Danish and Norwegian nuclear scientists employed in the Bell Research are claimed to have been executed, but there is no documentation of this.

Nevertheless, Cook heavily influenced Joseph P. Farrell, an American author who wrote about theology in the 1980s before turning to UFOs, ancient high technology, and other speculative topics in the 2000s.

In the mid-2000s, Farrell became fascinated by Nazi wonder weapons and published "Reich of the Black Sun" to explore this interest.

Farrell expanded on the foundation Cook laid, repeating and enhancing many of Marckus’ claims.

Was the Nazi Bell used to travel through time?  

There is a quantum physics theory that is called Many-Worlds, and it states that every conceivable time-line exists in separate parallel worlds, and is equal as the world we inhabit.

On the other hand, wormholes are tunnels made out of space-time fabric that connect very far distances in space in a much shorter distance. Space-time fabric was proposed by Einstein back in the days [1915 to be exact].

Wormholes exist naturally and theoretical physicist John Weeler said it’s possible wormholes to appear spontaneously anywhere and to suddenly disappear, and he has a hypothesis called “quantum foam hypothesis” backing it up.

Did the Nazi’s create a wormhole with the Nazi Bell and plummet somewhere in time?

Where is the device now?

Farrell had already speculated in passing in an earlier book, "The Giza Death Star Deployed", that the Nazi Bell and the Keckbsburg UFO were one and the same, but now in "Black Sun", he chose to make the case at length.


Rather than explaining how the Bell could possibly be a functional time machine, he instead attempted to prove his case by comparing the UFO to the Bell, and alleging that their similar size and shape suggested they were the same object.

Disconfirming claims were dismissed—the "Egyptian" hieroglyphs of Kecksburg became Germanic "runes", for example.

"It may have been a Nazi secret weapons project, that inadvertently got away from its testers, was brought back under control, and deliberately crashed, only to be retrieved again", Farrell wrote.

He went on to write several more books about the Bell, expanding his claims with each new release.

Both he and Cook believed that the American government had taken over such technologies after the war, and that doing so opened the users of Nazi science to the risk of becoming evil like the Nazis.

There was more than a little fear of science in such post-modern speculations about the dangers of unchecked research.
Farrell’s claims might never have circulated beyond an extreme fringe of World War II and UFO enthusiasts if not for the insatiable appetite of the media for sensational content.

Farrell’s books were published by David Childress, himself the author of a speculative books covering Nazi occultism, Nazi UFO research, and Nazi wonder weapons.

Childress also happened to be a regular contributor to the "Ancient Aliens television series".

Information from a German website reveals that a scientific institution investigating earth energies at specific cultural-historical locations and geomantic sites in Germany was the first to obtain permission to survey the structure of Wewelsburg and its surroundings and came to significant conclusions.

In brief the research determined that most scientific data about Wewelsburg prior to the very recent survey seems fabricated. The castle appears to have been built with a particular scientific aim in mind. The presence of certain strong subterranean currents was established by scientific method. It was found that Wewelsburg continues to emit ELF radiations. 

It is therefore considered probable that there must have been a functioning "Glocke" or Bell unit at Wewelsburg.

The Nazi Death Star

Throughout the Second World War, the town of Hillersleben, Germany was home to one of the Third Reich’s most crucial weapons research centers. At a sprawling facility nestled in the forested hills, a contingent of 150 engineers and physicists developed and evaluated all manner of experimental weapons.

altThe military masterminds’ most sinister ambitions were embodied in their behemoth Sonnengewehr, or “Sun Gun” project - an orbital weapon intended to exact fiery punishment upon the enemies of the Third Reich.

The Sun Gun was based on a design originally conceived by Hermann Oberth, a physicist who is widely credited as one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics. 

What interested the Nazi scientists, however, was his suggestion that a specially engineered 100-meter-wide concave mirror could be used to reflect sunlight into a concentrated point on the Earth.

But whereas Oberth’s design had peaceful intentions to use the intense heat to produce electricity with steam turbines the Nazis envisioned a colossal heat ray which could vanquish humanity.

Calculations indicated a parabolic mirror of at least three square kilometers to achieve the desired destructive power, about 100,000 times larger than Archimedes’ mythical death ray and an ideal orbit of 8,200 kilometers.

Once in position, the mirror’s curvature would converge the sun’s rays into a focal point on the Earth’s surface, pouring a column of raw, super-concentrated solar radiation upon the target site. 

Any nation lacking space-capable rockets would be utterly defenseless against the onslaught.

Once the desired destruction threshold was reached, the mirror would be tilted back into a safe orientation, facing away from the Earth.

Despite appearances, the Hillersleben researchers were not exclusively sinister. 

Nestled amongst the heat-ray-of-doom diagrams, scientists included notes describing the space station’s potential as a radio-relay satellite, a weather observation post, a launch pad for  interstellar rocket expeditions, and of course, Hermann Oberth’s original vision to use the giant mirror to generate electricity on Earth


There can be little doubt that the failure of Rudolf Hess’ peace mission to Britain on the eve of the attack on Russia created the unwanted two-front war that cost Hitler the victory.

After the failure of Hess’s ill-fated flight, his place in the Nazi hierarchy was taken by Martin Bormann.

Ten Days To Destiny:  The Secret Story Of The Hess Peace Initiative And British Efforts To Strike A Deal With Hitler

The dramatic fight of Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s infamous deputy, to England in May 1941 has been a mystery and a source of controversy for fifty years.
The official version maintains that this was the solitary adventure of a madman, unrelated to the course of World War II. But new archival research in Europe and the United States, substantiated by the author’s exclusive and unprecedented access to KGB files, reveals another story - one that shows just how close England came to making a peace deal with Hitler’s Germany.
In this latest of John Costello’s important and highly controversial re-examinations of modern history, "Ten Days to Destiny" reveals how Hess came to England at Hitler’s direction and with the connivance of the British secret service and powerful elements in British society, bearing a serious peace offer that would have allowed England to retain its empire in return for her support for Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union.
To understand the significance of Hess’s mission, Costello takes us back to 1940, to ten critical days during that summer of Dunkirk and the fall of France, when it was unclear whether England would survive the war.
"This was their finest hour" was how Winston Churchill described the spirit of the nation, enshrining the myth that his people and government would fight Hitler, whatever the cost. But declassified government archives, private diaries, and captured German documents reveal that Churchill’s toughest battles were actually with senior members of his own

administration, who had decided the time had come to negotiate a compromise peace.
Costello not only traces their secret maneuvering with Berlin [climaxing in Hess’s arrival the following year], but also details the desperate cabinet battle Churchill had to wage against them - which he came within a hairbreadth of losing.
"Ten Days to Destiny" can truly claim to be not only the first behind-the-scenes account of the agonizing history of 1940, but also the first major historical work to draw from actual KGB documentation.

It also reveals that Ambassador Joseph Kennedy was the prime suspect for 'The Doctor', the code name given by Hess’s staff to his source of reason why Hitler halted the advance on Dunkirk and details the German plot to bring the Duke of Windsor back to the throne.
And it exposes the masterful cunning of Churchill’s Machiavellian exploitation of American Embassy spy Tyler Kent both to silence his enemies and to blackmail President Roosevelt into helping England - supreme gamble that quite literally saved the Allied effort to stop Hitler.

These and many other revelations finally unlock the secrets of Hess’s mysterious mission.

It is a dramatic story, scrupulously researched and rivetingly told, that is certain to rewrite the history of the critical opening phase of World War II. 

- John Costello is a Cambridge-educated historian who has spent eight years researching "Ten Days to Destiny".

He is the author of a number of books, including "The Mask of Treachery", "The Pacific War", and the prize winning national best seller "And I Was There". He lives in New York City.

Some Nazi leaders, including Himmler and Bormann, became uncertain of victory and began laying plans for their survival. 

They also turned to science for new "Wunderwaffen", or wonder weapons, that might turn the tide of war in their favor.

Nazi Wonder Weapon

Just six days after the D-Day Invasion of Europe, on 12 June 1944, the residents of London were startled to hear a droning buzz in the skies over their city. They were more startled when the sound suddenly stopped and moments later a huge explosion rocked the East London neighborhood of Mile End, killing eight civilians.

It was the first of the V-1 Buzz bombs - a forerunner of today’s cruise missiles

The V-1 and the later V-2 rockets that terrorized London are two of the more famous examples of German war technology.

These Vergeltungswaffen [retaliation weapons] were developed at the secret German rocket facility Peenemünde and put into operation just after the D-Day landings in Normandy, France.

From 12 June 1944 -l 20 August, more than eight thousand of the V-1 rockets [each carrying a ton of explosives] rained down on London, inflicting 45,479 casualties and destroying 75,000 buildings.


The less numerous V-2 rockets -which, unlike the V-1, could not be seen, heard, or intercepted in flight- nevertheless produced more than 10,000 casualties in the British capital.

In addition to the vengeance weapons, the Germans produced a number of scientific breakthroughs in their quest for weapons technology during World War II.

German ingenuity and efficiency appeared capable of overcoming almost any obstacle.

One clear example may be found simply by comparing figures from its armaments industry. Despite constant bombing by the Allies, overall production of tanks, small arms, ships, and aircraft was higher at the beginning of 1945 than in 1941, when Germany was victorious on all fronts and America had not yet entered the war.

After the Battle of Britain, Germany's air domination over Europe began to decline, sliding down a slippery slope which ultimately resulted in one major reason for its defeat.

German means of industrial, arms, and energy production became increasing venerable to attack by Allied bombers. The munitions plants needed to produce the arms to maintain the war effort, such as tanks, airplanes and cannons were all targets of Allied air bombardment.

Likewise, high priority targets included oil production and refining facilities which produced the fuel and lubricants needed to make the war effort possible.


One way Germany responded to air attacks was by moving munitions facilities and high-value industrial plants underground. Some of these facilities were vast, encompassing miles of underground tunnels. They housed both the industrial means of war production and the workers themselves.

In addition to underground facilities, camouflage was used to hide numerous smaller facilities.

These many camouflaged and underground plants formed a web of sub-assembly producers.

Each sub-assembly facility sent their product to a larger or a more centrally located facility for further work. From there it might be transported again for final assembly.

Type XXI U-Boats were modular, being produced in pipe-like sections throughout Germany.

They were transported by rail to sites near the North Sea and only finally assembled at water's edge. Likewise, some types of aircraft were only finally assembled near the runway.

Further confusing Allied air Intelligence, the plants were constantly moving. Eventually everything of value was to be moved underground, to bomb-proof shelters.

Facilities were kept on the move until space was available for this underground re-location. These tactics worked for the Germans. There were simply too many moving targets for the Allies to completely stop German war production.

Of course the weak link in this scheme was transportation. The railroad system was the only practical and most energy efficient method of moving all these sub-assemblies. Trucking material was done but in a petroleum-starved Third Reich, it was not possible to sustain a truck-based transportation system necessary to meet all the requirements of wartime Germany. Recognizing this, the Allies bombed railroad centers using the heavy, four-engine B-17 bombers.

By mid-1943 the American P-51 Mustang was introduced into the field of play.

This aircraft could be thought of as a Spitfire which could fly for eight hours. Its range allowed it to escort Allied bombers to their targets throughout the Reich. After escorting the bombers to their targets the P-51s were released to attack "targets of opportunity". A P-51 can fly close to the ground and attack individual trains, which they did.


By mid-1944, it is a wonder that any trains within Germany could move at all. Some were forced to hide in mountain tunnels, as they did near the Jonas Valley, running at night or when there were no enemy aircraft reported.

As a result of these day and night air attacks, Germany found itself increasingly the victim of shortages of material and fuel, limiting its ability to make war.

Though Germany's air defense system was the best of any warring nation, it was clear that if Germany was to survive, improvement was imperative.

The Heinkel He 219 Uhu [Owl],  the best Axis night fighter, served with the German Luftwaffe in the later stages of World War II. A relatively sophisticated design, the He 219 possessed a variety of innovations, including Lichtenstein SN-2 advanced VHF-band intercept radar, also used on the Ju 88G and Bf 110G night fighters.

It was also the first operational military aircraft to be equipped with ejection seats and the first operational German World War II-era aircraft with tricycle landing gear.

Had the Uhu been available in quantity, it might have had a significant effect on the strategic night bombing offensive of the Royal Air Force but only 294 of all models were built by the end of the war and these saw only limited service.


The He 219 had an auspicious combat debut. On the night of 11–12 June 1943, Werner Streib flew the V9 and shot down five bombers between 01:05 and 02:22 hours, before crashing on landing.

Claims have been made that, "In the next ten days the three Heinkel He 219A-0 pre-production aircraft would shoot down a total of 20 RAF aircraft, including six of the previously "untouchable" de Havilland Mosquito fighter-bombers.

The first major production series was the He 219 A-0, although initially the pre-production series, it matured into a long running production series, due to numerous changes incorporated into the design, along with the cancellation of several planned variants. Production problems as a result of Allied bombing in March meant the A-0 did not reach Luftwaffe units until October 1943.

The A-0 was usually armed with two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannon in the wing roots and up to four 20 mm or 30 mm cannon in a ventral weapons bay.

The first 10–15 aircraft were delivered with the 490 MHz UHF-band FuG 212 "Lichtenstein" C-1 radar with a 4 × 8-dipole element Matratze antenna array. 104 He 219 A-0s were built until the summer of 1944, the majority of them at EHW (Ernst Heinkel Wien) or Heinkel-Süd in Wien-Schwechat.

The first planned version to reach production was the He 219 A-2 model, with two 30 mm [1.18 in] MK 108 cannon, as an offensive Schräge Musik upward-firing system in the rear fuselage. With Schräge Musik, the ventral weapons bay held two cannon due to space limitations.

The A-2 featured an updated, 90 MHz VHF-band Telefunken FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 radar system, complete with its larger, high-drag 4 × 2-dipole element Hirschgeweih aerials. It initially had a longer minimum range than the C-1 radar but improved accuracy and resolution and was also less vulnerable to chaff jamming, through the late summer of 1944. 

While the performance of the A-2 was not extraordinary—approximately 580 km/h [360 mph] speed—it was enough of an advance over the Messerschmitt Bf 110Gs and Dornier Do 217Ns, for the crew to chase several bombers in a single sortie.

To improve its ability to intercept the Mosquito, the He 219 had excess weight removed. With some weapon and radio systems deleted, the aircraft was able to attain a speed of 650 km/h [400 mph]. This version was given the designation A-6. None of these were produced.

The last major production version was the A-7 with improved, unitized DB 603E engines.

The A-7 typically had two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannon in the wing roots [inboard of the propeller arcs], two 20 mm MG 151/20 in the ventral weapons bay and two 30 mm [1.18 in] MK 108s as Schräge Musik. Production of 210 aircraft was to start November/December 1944 but the number produced is not known as original documents have been lost or contained no sub-version number.

The Germans already had jet and rocket interceptors and was experimenting with radically new types of air defense systems.

Anti-aircraft rockets, guided both from the ground and by infra-red homing devices were invented. Vortex cannons, sun cannons, air-explosive turbulence bombs, rockets trailing long wire to ensnare enemy propellers, numerous electronic jamming devices, and electronic devices designed to stop ignition-based engines were all under development as the conflict ended.

The Germans already had jet and rocket interceptors and was experimenting with radically new types of air defense systems.

Anti-aircraft rockets, guided both from the ground and by infra-red homing devices were invented. Vortex cannons, sun cannons, air-explosive turbulence bombs, rockets trailing long wire to ensnare enemy propellers, numerous electronic jamming devices, and electronic devices designed to stop ignition-based engines were all under development as the conflict ended.

As the conflict drew to its conclusion, military planners in Germany considered the idea of concentrating their ground and air defenses into specific fortresses for a last stand. This would buy them time. They needed time to perfect new "Siegerswaffen", super-weapons so powerful that they could turn the course of the war for Germany by themselves.

A mountain fortress or "Alpenfestung" was to be set up in the German held areas of Northern Italy, Austria and Germany in roughly the areas in which these countries converged with each other and Switzerland.

A fortress was to be set up in the Harz Mountains of Thuringia including several large underground complexes. This would extend from Nordhausen in the north down through Kahla and into the Jonas Valley.

Another similar fortress complex was scheduled for the Owl Mountains separating Poland from Czechoslovakia including "Der Riese". Another fortress was to be set up in the Black Forest of Southern Germany. Other minor islands of resistance were to be set up in Norway, the Bohemian forest and the Bavarian forest.

These fortifications were to house soldiers, mostly SS units. They would also provide underground hangers and bomb-proof overhangs for aircraft take-offs and landings.

Missiles, such as the V-l and V-2, and other weapons were to be mass produced there and fired automatically, right off the automated assembly line. Exotic weaponry was to be employed, along with especially trained mountain troops, defending the mountain passes into these fortresses.

History tells us the Alpenfestung never actually happened.

It did not happen because German construction was simply not able to make these places ready in time. What is important for us to realize is that the weaponry for these fortresses was being developed as the Second World War drew to a close. Few of these weapons reached the operational stage but many were in various stages of development.

Technological advances were seen in almost every area. The rate and quality was astounding.

Plastics, which only came into general use in the United States during the 1950s, were developed in Nazi Germany. Bakelite, polystyrene [under the name Trolitul], Plexiglas, Polyethylene (forerunner of today’s plastic Baggies and syringes), polyamide [Nylon], and Aldols [a derivative of Polyvinyl] were all produced during wartime.

The various forms of plastic were produced under a consortium of companies but led by I.G. Farben, which also in 1941 synthesized the opiate methadone and Demerol under the name “Pethidine”.

Television, which most Americans did not get to see until the early 1950s, was highly developed in Nazi Germany. More than 150,000 persons in twenty-eight public viewing rooms in Berlin saw clear television broadcasts of the 1936 Olympics.

They watched screens equipped with Fernseh 180-line cathode ray tube projectors that presented a picture about forty-eight by forty-two inches. In 1939, the German firm Fernseh began developing a miniaturized TV system that allowed pilots to guide both bombs and missiles after launching.

This system was used in the anti-aircraft rocket Wasserfall, or waterfall.

“Many of these tests failed,” noted author Joseph P. Farrell. “But by the war’s end, a successful test of the television-guided ‘Tonne’ missile was conducted by German scientists for the Allies in Berlin, with the target being a photograph of a little girl’s face. The test was successful, much to the impressed, and doubtless shocked, Allied observers".

Tanks, which began the war as little more than armor-plated bulldozers designed to support infantry, were developed into independent, thickly armored machines powered by gas turbines, with guns stabilized while moving, hydrokinetic power transmissions, and defenses against chemical and biological attacks.

Panther G - Night Fighting Tank

Some few Panthers were equipped with special infrared devices for night combat. The "Heereswaffenamt" WaPrüf 8, in cooperation with the AEG was dealing with this kind of optical equipment since 1936, but development was discontinued and the decision to further investigate in this area was not made until the Allies gained total air superiority in 1943. From now on much energy was invested in the project.


The results of these investigations, which were lead by Ministerialrat Dr.-Ing. H.Gärtner Heereswaffenamt/WaPrüf 8, were, that in 1943 the Wehrmacht equipped some few Panthers with 200 watt infra-red searchlights FG 1250 and a BIWA [Bildwandler - image converter], which converted the infra-red image into a visible reproduction.

In the first tests at the armoured forces school at Fallingbostel [North Germany] near Hannover the crews trained to drive and to aim at night.

Admittedly the searchlight, in combination with the infrared receiver/gun sight, had a range of up to 600 meters in clear weather at night, limiting the long range advantage of the excellent KwK42 75mm/L70.

Because of this reason the developers mounted an even greater 600mm searchlight on a halftrack, the Sd.Kfz. 251/20 "UHU", which was intended to be attached to each platoon to enhance the Night Fighting range of the platoon. 


Finally the Wehrmacht planned to use a halftrack called "FALKE" in combination with the vehicles mentioned.

This halftrack was intended to be the transporter for a Panzer Grenadier Squad, which was equipped with Night Fighting capable Sturmgewehr-44s called VAMPIR.

The Wehrmacht codename for this Kampfgruppe consisting of UHU/FALKE/VAMPIR was SPERBER and intended for night fighting at combat ranges up to 2500 metres. 

The Panthers of 3.Kompanie, 24th Panzerregiment, 116th Panzerdivision, In the summer of 1944 were equipped with UHU on the battle/excercise-area Bergen, and  trained in the use of the night fighting concept SPERBER.

Hitler planned the mission of this Kompanie to be during the Operation WACHT AM RHEIN [Battle of the Bulge] and actually some squads were transferred to the western front, but never saw action there.

Starting on 15 January 1945 all Panthers were to be outfitted with the FG 1250.

Some German tanks were so far ahead of their time, they were still being utilized in other nations as late as battles in the 1970s.

To counter the threat of modern tanks, the Germans developed simple, but very effective, portable rocket launchers armed with a hollow charge such as the Panzerschreck bazooka and the easily produced Panzerfaust, a forerunner of today’s hand-carried rocket-propelled grenade [RPG].

The innovative 9-mm German MP-40 Schmeisser machine pistol saw extensive use during the war, and its successors, the MP-43 and the MP- 44 assault rifles, became the forerunners of today’s ubiquitous AK-47.


Late in the war, some MP-44s carried an early but effective night-vision light and scope called the Vampir.

"Vampir" ZG 1229 Infrared System

The Vampir was not the first German Infrared System, but by the end of the war in 1945 it was the most compact and advanced system they had.

The technology dates back to around the start of the war:

Engineers had developed the first infra-red range-finder for German anti-tank artillery.

This was improved and some heavier direct-fire artillery was equipped with it as well.

By 1944 the Germans had developed a version flexible enough to be mounted on the Panther tank [Germany's most technologically advanced and complex tank].

The system, could transform a normal soldier to one capable of fighting in complete darkness, be it a cave or a moonless night, without revealing his position.

There is dispute over whether or not the Vampir was actually issued to combat soldiers.

Some reports claim it was given to special units of the Waffen-SS for testing, others claim it was issued to crews of the similarly equipped Panther. 

Probably that what few units were combat-ready were probably issued to the ultra-elite commandos of commanders like Otto Skorzeny and perhaps in the final defense of Berlin.

Chances are we will never know the exact truth as no photographs exist of troops utilizing the weapons in the field, but the system was proven to work.



Other notable secret Nazi weapons nearing completion in 1945 included"

The Messerschmitt-163 Komet and the vertically launched Natter rocket fighters, the jet-powered flying wing Horten Ho-IX and the delta-winged Lippisch DM-1.

Some of top-secret Nazi weaponry development was moved outside Germany, to such places as Blizna, Poland.

This was the same area where Allied aircrews first encountered the infamous “foo-fighters", small glowing balls of light that shadowed Allied bombers.

The “foo-fighters” soon caught the attention of the American news media.

"The New York Times", on 13 December 1944, reported news authorized by Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force.

"Floating Mystery Ball Is New Nazi Air Weapon,", read the headline.

The story stated:

"Airmen of the American Air Force report that they are encountering silver-colored spheres in the air over German territory.

"The spheres are encountered either singly or in clusters. Sometimes they are semi- translucent.

"The new device, apparently an air defense weapon, resembles the huge glass balls that adorn Christmas trees.

"There was no information available as to what holds them up like stars in the sky, what is in them or what their purpose is supposed to be".

According to author Renato Vesco, the “foo-fighters" were actually the Feuerball, or fire ball, which was, "a highly original flying machine... circular and armored, more or less resembling the shell of a tortoise, and was powered by a special turbojet engine, also flat and circular, whose principles of operation... generated a great halo of luminous flames....

Radio-controlled at the moment of takeoff, it then automatically followed enemy aircraft, attracted by their exhaust flames, and approached close enough without collision to wreck their radar gear."

Vesco claimed that the basic principles of the Feuerball were later applied to a "symmetrical circular aircraft" known as the Kugelblitz, or ball lightning, automatic fighter that became an "authentic antecedent of the present- day flying saucers."

He said this innovative craft was destroyed after a "single lucky wartime mission" by retreating SS troops.

Even though the public has been conditioned for more than sixty years to dismiss any notion of flying saucers, or UFOs, the accumulation of evidence available today makes it impossible to reject the reality of such craft out of hand.

Obviously, the Nazis were experimenting with new and exotic energy technology. The extraordinary development of the Feuerball may have provided the first public glimpse into the heart of Nazi super-science.

Several writers have produced articles about the Nazi development of flying saucers. British author W. A. Harbinson claimed that he got his ideas after discovering postwar German articles mentioning a former Luftwaffe engineer, Flugkapitän Rudolf Schriever.

According to information gleaned by Harbinson from articles in "Der Spiegel", "Bild am Sonntag", "Luftfahrt International", and other German publications, Schriever claimed to have designed a "flying top" prototype in 1941, which was actually test-flown in June 1942.

In 1944, Schriever said he constructed a larger, jet version of his circular craft, with the help of scientists Klaus Habermohl, Otto Miethe, and an Italian, Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo.

Drawings of this saucer were published in the 1959 British book "German Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Their Later Development", by Major Rudolf Lusar, an engineer who worked in the German Reichs-Patent Office and had access to many original plans and documents.

Lusar described the saucer as a ring of separate disks carrying adjustable jets rotating around a fixed cockpit.

The craft could fly vertically or horizontally, depending on the positioning of the jets.

Rudolf Lusar's book contains less than two pages of text in the section headed 'Flying Saucers', but its influence has been quite remarkable. Here, in full, is the text of that brief section: 

"Flying saucers have been whirling round the world since 1947, suddenly turning up here and there, soaring in and darting off again at unprecedented speed with flames encircling the rim of the saucer's disc.

They have been located by radar, pursued by fighters and yet nobody has so far succeeded in establishing the existence of such a 'flying saucer' or managed to ram or shoot one down.

"The public, even the experts, are perplexed by an ostensible mystery or a technical miracle. But slowly the truth is coming out that even during the war German research workers and scientists made the first moves in the direction of these ''flying saucers''.

"They built and tested such near-miraculous contraptions. Experts and collaborators in this work confirm that the first projects, called "flying discs", were undertaken in 1941.

"The designs for these ''flying discs'' were drawn up by the German experts Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe, and the Italian Bellonzo.

"Habrmohl and Schriever chose a wide-surface ring which rotated round a fixed, cupola-shaped cockpit.

"The ring consisted of adjustable wing-discs which could be brought into appropriate position for the take-off' or horizontal flight. respectively.

"Miethe developed a discus-shaped plate of a diameter of 42m in which adjustable jets were inserted.

"Schriever and Habermohl, who worked in Prague, took off with the first "flying disc'' on 14 February 1945.

"Within three minutes they climbed to an altitude of I2,400m and reached a speed of 2,000 km/h in horizontal flight. It was intended ultimately to achieve speeds of 4,000 km/h.

"Extensive preliminary tests and research were necessary before construction could be started.

"Because of the great speed and the extraordinary heat stress, special heat-resisting materials had to be found. The development, which cost millions, was almost completed at the end of the war.

"The then existing models were destroyed but the plant in Breslau where Miethe worked fell into the hands of the Russians who took all the material and the experts to Siberia, where work on these "flying saucers" is being successfully continued.

"Schriever escaped from Prague in time; Habermohl, however, is probably in the Soviet Union, as nothing is known of his fate. The former designer Miethe is in the United States and, as far as is known, is building "flying saucers" for the United States and Canada at the A. V. Roe works.

Years ago, the U.S. Air Force received orders not to fire at "flying saucers". This is an indication of the existence of American "flying saucers" which must not be endangered. The flying shapes so far observed are stated to have diameters of 16, 42, 45 and 75 m respectively and to reach speeds of up to 7,000 km/h.

"In 1952 'flying saucers' were definitely established over Korea and Press reports said they were seen also during the NATO manoeuvres in Alsace in the autumn of 1954.

"It can no longer be disputed that "flying saucers" exist. But the fact that their existence is still being denied, particularly in America, because United States developments have not progressed far enough to match the Soviet Union's, gives food for thought.

"There also seems some hesitation to recognise that these novel "flying saucers" are far superior to conventional aircraft -including modern turbo-jet machines- that they surpass their flying performance, load capacity and maneouvrability and thereby make them obsolete."

Schriever later said the Allied advance into Germany put an end to his "flying disc" experiments, with all equipment and designs lost or destroyed. However, a Georg Klein told the postwar German press that he had witnessed the Schriever disc, or something like it, test-flown on 14 February 1945.

Schriever reportedly died in the late 1950s and, according to a 1975 issue of "Luftfahrt International", notes and sketches related to a large flying saucer were found in his effects. The periodical also stated that Schriever maintained until his death that his original saucer concept must have been made operational prior to war’s end.

This possibility is acknowledged by British author Brian Ford, who wrote, "There are supposed to have been 'flying saucers' too, which were near the final stages of development, and indeed it may be that some progress was made toward the construction of small, disc-like aircraft, but the results were destroyed, apparently before they fell into enemy hands".

These accounts would seem to be corroborated by a CIA report dated 27 May 1954.

As reported in Nick Redfern’s 1998 book, "The FBI Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed", the document stated, "A German newspaper [not further identified] recently published an interview with Georg Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of 'flying saucers' carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.

Klein stated he was present when, in 1945, the first piloted ‘flying saucer’ took off and reached a speed of 1,300 miles per hour within three minutes.

"The experiments resulted in three designs - one designed by Miethe was a disk- shaped aircraft, 135 feet in diameter, which did not rotate; another, designed by Habermohl and Schriever, consisted of a large rotating ring, in the center of which was a round, stationary cabin for the crew. When the Soviets occupied Prague, the Germans destroyed every trace of the ‘flying saucer’ project and nothing more was heard of Habermohl and his assistants.

"Schriever recently died in Bremen, where he had been living. In Breslau, the Soviets managed to capture one of the saucers built by Miethe, who escaped to France. He is reportedly in the USA at present."

Another candidate for inventor of a German UFO is the Austrian scientist Victor Schauberger, who, after being kidnapped by the Nazis, reportedly designed a number of "flying discs" in 1940, using a flameless and smokeless form of electromagnetic propulsion called “diamagnetism.”

Schauberger reportedly worked for the U.S. government for a short time after the war before dying of natural causes. Prior to his death, he was quoted as saying, "They took everything from me. Everything." No one knows for certain if he meant the Nazis or the Allies.

That someone was flying highly unconventional disc-shaped objects shortly after World War II was made plain by the now-public comments of U.S. Army Lieutenant General Nathan Twining, then in charge of the Army Air Forces’ Air Material Command [AMC].

In mid-1947, two years after the war ended, “flying saucers” were being reported both in Europe and America. General Twining wrote that the "phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious".

He went on to describe attributes of such discs as having, "extreme rates of climb, maneuverability [particularly in roll], and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend[ing] belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely."

Allowing a small glimpse into the reality of such radical technology, Twining concluded, "It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge - provided extensive detailed development is undertaken  to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object which would be capable of an approximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds".

If technical knowledge in the 1940s was advanced enough to construct a workable flying saucer, the public was never to hear about it. Beginning in the late 1940s, a national security "lid" was placed on the subject.

But it is fascinating to recall that one of the first and best documented cases of mysterious abductions took place in September 1961, when Betty and Barney Hill under hypnosis recalled being taken aboard a circular craft manned by men in black uniforms.

Barney Hill described the leader as a "German Nazi" wearing a shiny black jacket, scarf, and cap.

Before anyone rushes out to proclaim that all UFOs are really secret Nazi technology, serious attention should be given to the wealth of public literature that clearly indicates that while some saucers, especially in the years following World War II, may indeed have been Nazi test vehicles, any objective review of the material suggests the presence of some unconventional source as well.

Another amazing -and chilling- aspect of Nazi technology involved their development of nuclear weapons. Researcher and author Josep P.Farrell concluded from new material released from the former East Germany that the Nazis were much closer to developing an atomic bomb than previously accepted by postwar writers.

He characterized the idea that the Germans had neither the talent nor the capability to construct an operational atomic bomb - recall the well-known story of the destruction of the heavy-water plant in Norway by commandos - an "Allied Legend" designed to distract the public from a horrible reality.

"[A]ll the evidence points to the conclusion that there was a large, very well-funded, and very secret German isotope- enrichment program during the war, a program successfully disguised during the war by the Nazis and covered up after the war by the Allied Legend," wrote Farrell, after concluding that the conventional story that "the German failure to obtain the atom bomb because they never had a functioning reactor is simply utter scientific nonsense because a reactor is needed only if one wants to produce Plutonium.

"It is an unneeded, and expensive, development, if one only wants to make a Uranium A-bomb".

Plus, there is the cryptic remark made by Kurt Diebner, a physicist involved with the Nazi atomic bomb project.

Surreptitiously recorded by British Intelligence during postwar internment at Farm Hall, England, Diebner mentioned a "photo-chemical process" to enrich uranium bypassing the need for a centrifuge. Since no modern researcher understands what process was referred to by Diebner, this may mean that the Nazis discovered a method of isotope separation and Uranium enrichment that even now remains classified.

Adding to the idea that the Nazis already had perfected a method of enriching Uranium are the words of nuclear scientist Karl Wirtz, who was also secretly taped at Farm Hall.

Upon learning of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Otto Hahn, who discovered atomic fission, commented, "They can only have done that if they have Uranium isotope separation." 

To which Wirtz agreed by responding, "They have it too," a clear indication that he knew of a German separation process.

Farrell noted:,

"Thus, there is sufficient reason, due to the science of bomb-making and the political and military realities of the war after America’s entry, that the Germans took the decision to develop only a uranium bomb, since that afforded the best, most direct, and technologically least complicated route to acquisition of a bomb".

Based on his research, Farrell wrote:

"American progress in the Plutonium bomb, from the moment [physicist Enrico] Fermi successfully completed and tested a functioning reactor in the squash court at the University of Chicago, appeared to be running fairly smoothly, until fairly late in the war, when it was discovered that in order to make a bomb from plutonium, the critical mass would have to be assembled much faster than any existing Allied fuse technologies could accomplish.

"Moreover, there was so little margin of error, since the fuses in an implosion device would have to fire as close to simultaneously as possible, that Allied engineers began to despair of making a Plutonium bomb work.... I believe a strong prima facie case has been outlined that Nazi Germany developed and successfully tested, and perhaps used, a Uranium atom bomb before the end of World War II,” Farrell concluded.

Farrell was not alone in this assessment.

In 2005, Berlin historian Rainer Karlsch, in a book titled "Hitlers Bombe", claimed that the Nazis indeed tested nuclear weapons on Rügen Island near Ohrdruf, Thuringia, site of a subsidiary concentration camp to the infamous Buchenwald.

Reportedly, many prisoners were killed during these tests, which were conducted under the supervision of the SS.  He produced Kremlin archives to prove that Soviet Intelligence reported the Ohrdruf tests to Stalin. 

Karlsh also produced the account of then still living witness Claere Werner custodian in 1945 of Wachtel Castle near Arnstadt.


Hitler "'created" an Atom Bomb that could be carried on a Flying Saucer
Nazi Gemany may have developed an atomic bomb which could have been carried by a 'flying saucer' in the dying days of the Second World War
By Jake Burman
Daily Express 
31 July 2015  

Hitler was believed to be close to creating an atom bomb which would have changed the outcome of WW2

A German TV documentary revealed the Nazis were incredibly close to developing the weapon of mass destruction.

According to the documentary, called 'The Search for Hitler’s Atom Bomb’, the research was so advanced that Russian prisoners of war were sacrificed to test the bomb's efficiency.

The documentary, which aired on the ZDF channel, quotes sealed records from Russia and the US which suggest that frenzied research brought the Third Reich within inches of producing the bomb.

It quotes Nazi scientists' interrogation reports, eyewitness accounts and records left behind by researchers.

Historian Matthia Uhl claims the race to create the A-bomb intensified in the last year of the war - with Germany being defeated on every front.

SS Gneral Hans Kammler who was in charge of the race for nuclear fission, who was one of a handful of Nazi officials who answered only to Hitler, was handed 175,000 concentration camp inmates for slave labour in the V-weapons factories, tank production lines and for building secret Bunkers.

One of Kammler's main projects was the Jonas Valley in Thuringia, east Germany, the alleged site of the Nazi's nuclear and space programmes.

One test was reportedly conducted at the beginning of March 1945.

The US has placed a 100-year secrecy order on the files concerning the valley and what went on in the secret tunnels the Nazis carved into it.

Conspiracy theorists believe the Americans found two things in the tunnels - a primitive nuclear bomb and a flying saucer designed to deliver it.

In the later stages of the war there were apparent sightings of flying saucers - dubbed "foo fighters".

ZDF quoted Soviet documents from Russian military Intelligence agents who spoke of two nuclear tests in Thuringia.

They said: “The Germans are in the throes of making and testing a new secret weapon, which has a large destructive force.

“The available bomb has a diameter of 1.5 meters. It consists of interlocking hollow balls”.

Another Russian report said: “Communicated by our reliable source from Germany: the Germans have conducted two explosions in Thuringia with great force”.

One report added: “[Russian prisoners of war] in the centre of the explosion were killed and often no trace remained of them. Also a strong radioactive effect has been observed".

However the documentary was unable to find where the Uranium the scientists would have needed came from - admitting many pieces of the story are still a mystery.

Karlsch’s primary evidence consists of "vouchers" for "tests" and a patent for a plutonium weapon dated 1941. He also claimed to have found traces of radioactivity in soil from the site.

A 1943 OSS report found in the Woods Memorandum to US secretary of State Cordell Hull also refers to a series of nuclear tests in the Schwabian Alps near Bisingen in July 1943. These tests are corroborated by seismic records.

Although Nazi armaments minister Speer was questioned about a mysterious blast at Ohrdruf during the Nuremberg war crimes trials, no significant information on a nuclear test was found, either because it never happened or because a postwar cover-up was quite successful.

Mainstream historians, at the mercy of carefully concocted cover stories in both Germany and the USA, have remained skeptical that Nazi scientists could have advanced their nuclear knowledge to the point of actual testing.

However, evidence that the Nazis were planning a nuclear strike near the end of the war came from varied sources, including a news article in the "Washington Post" dated 29 June 1945, which reported on an amazing find by Allied troops in Norway: "R.A.F. [Royal Air Force] officers said today that the Germans had nearly completed preparations for bombing New York from a 'colossal air field' near Oslo when the war ended.

"Forty giant bombers with a 7,000-mile range were found on this base - 'the largest Luftwaffe field I have ever seen,' one officer said.

"They were a new type bomber developed by Heinkel. They now are being dismantled for study. German ground crews said the planes were held in readiness for a mission to New York."

It should also be noted that the Nazis had two Junkers-390, a massive six-engine modification of the Junkers-290, known to have made flights to Japanese bases in Manchuria.

Claims that only one Ju-390 flew arise from the postwar testimony of two key people.

At a hearing before the British, on 26 September 1945, Professor Heinrich Hertel, chief designer and technical director for Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works, stated the second Ju 390 prototype was neither completed, nor had it been flown. The same thing was said by the aircraft's Chief Test Pilot Capt Hans Joachim Pancherz. That however may have just been splitting hairs. Following the first prototype, RLM recommended to Milch dispensing with further prototypes and commencing production for the Ju 390-A series. 

"In October 1943 a suggestion of Major Hoffmann was acted upon to commence a series production of the Ju 390 without having prototypes beforehand. The first aircraft of the series would be used for the usual tests. Milch then ordered the Ju 390 [into] series production without prototypes after Rechlin said they had no objections. This machine was demonstrated to Göring on 5 November 1943, and trials continued at Prague-Rusin..."

-- Manfred Griehl: "Luftwaffe over America", [Greenhill Books 2005] which was researched by the author in German archival material

Technically Hertel and Pancherz may not have been lying when they said the second prototype was not built. The British simply did not ask the right question. 

Documents found in the Junkers factory, dated 6 October 1944, relating to licensed construction manufacturing in Czechoslovakia clearly indicate other components which do not belong to the Ju 390 V-1

In late 1944, one JU-390 was flown from a base in Bordeaux, France, to within twelve miles of New York City, snapped photographs of the skyline, and returned - a nonstop flight of thirty-two hours.

What weapon was to be transported by these massive bombers? After the war, authorities discovered a feasibility study by the German Luftwaffe detailing the blast effects of an atomic bomb over New York’s Manhattan Island. The Nazi study was based on an atomic bomb in the fifteen-to seventeen-kiloton range, approximately the same yield as the Little Boy Uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If Nazi Germany had a nuclear weapon, they surely must have tested it, and a collection of disparate sources seems to indicate this was accomplished.

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, in a “Political Testament” written shortly before his death at the hands of partisans in April 1945, stated:

"The wonder weapons are the hope. It is laughable and senseless for us to threaten at this moment, without a basis in reality for these threats. The well-known mass destruction bombs are nearly ready.

"In only a few days, with the utmost meticulous intelligence, Hitler will probably execute this fearful blow, because he will have full confidence.... It appears there are three bombs - and each has an astonishing operation. The construction of each is fearfully complex and of a lengthy time of completion".

Mussolini’s mention of three bombs is intriguing because of a statement of a former Russian military translator who served on the staff of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky, the officer who took Japan’s surrender to the Soviet Union in 1945.

As reported by the German magazine "Der Spiegel" in 1992, Piotr Titarenko had written a letter to the Communist Party Central Committee, in which he stated that  three atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. One of these, dropped on Nagasaki prior to the blast of 9 August 1945, failed to detonate and subsequently was given to the Soviet Union by Japanese officials.

If Titarenko’s account is accurate, this would mean that America had three atomic bombs on hand in the summer of 1945. Yet, a report to Manhattan Project leader Robert Oppenheimer just days after President Roosevelt died on 12 April 1945, stated that not enough enriched uranium existed to create a viable critical mass for even one atomic bomb.

News stories in Britain point to a possible Nazi atomic bomb test in 1944.

An 11 August 1945, article in London’s "Daily Telegraph" reported: 

"Britain prepared for the possibility of an atomic bomb attack on this country by Germany in August 1944. It can now be disclosed that details of the expected effect of such a bomb were revealed in a highly secret memorandum which was sent that summer to the chiefs of Scotland Yard, chief constables of provincial forces and senior officials of the defense services".

Another odd story also was published in England’s "Daily Mail" on 14 October 1944, under the headline "Berlin Is ‘Silent’ 60 Hours, Still No Phones."

The story, filed by a correspondent from Stockholm, stated that all telephone service in Berlin had been interrupted for three days with "no explanation for the hold-up, which has lasted longer than on any previous occasion.

The story ended by saying, "It is pointed out, moreover, in responsible quarters that if the stoppage were purely the technical result of bomb damage, as the Germans claimed, it should have been repaired by now."

A modern readership would know that such disruption can be caused by the electromagnetic pulse associated with a nuclear detonation.

Other intriguing hints of a German atomic test came in the form of three separate intelligence reports.

A once-classified U.S. military Intelligence report dated 19 August 1945, and titled 'Investigations, Research, Developments and Practical Use of the German Atomic Bomb' details the experience of a German pilot named Hans Zinsser, a Flak rocket expert, while piloting a Heinkel bomber over northern Germany.

Note that his experience coincides with the dates of the Berlin telephone blackout.

Zinsser reported:

"At the beginning of October 1944, I flew from Ludwigslust [south of Lübeck] about 12 to 15 km from an atomic bomb test station, when I noticed a strong, bright illumination of the whole atmosphere, lasting about 2 seconds.

"The clearly visible pressure wave escaped the approaching and following cloud formed by the explosion. This wave had a diameter of about 1 km when it became visible and the color of the cloud changed frequently.... Personal observations of the colors of the explosion cloud found an almost blue-violet shade.

"During this manifestation reddish-colored rims were to be seen, changing to a dirty-like shade in very rapid succession. The combustion was lightly felt from my observation plane in the form of pulling and pushing.... About an hour later... I passed through the almost complete overcast (between 3,000 and 4,000 meter altitude).

"A cloud shaped like a mushroom with turbulent billowing sections [at about 7,000 meter altitude] stood, without any seeming connections, over the spot where the explosion took place.

"Strong electrical disturbances and the impossibility to continue radio communications turned up. Because of the P-38s operating in the area Wittenberg-Mersburg I had to turn to the north but observed a better visibility at the bottom of the cloud where the explosion occured [sic].

"It does not seem very clear why these experiments took place in such crowded areas".

Then there was the report of an Italian officer, Luigi Romersa, who claimed to have been present at the testing of a "disintegration bomb" on the night of 11/12 October 1944. Romersa was granted a special pass from Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or German High Command, to visit the test site on the island of Rügen.

Romersa was a special envoy from Mussolini, who had wanted more information since Hitler had mentioned to him, "a bomb with a force which will surprise the whole world";

According to Romersa, he and others were told the "disintegration bomb" was 'the most powerful explosive that has yet been developed" and that "nothing can withstand it".

They were sent to a Bunker about a mile from the actual test site.

He also was warned against radioactivity.

"Around 4 P.M., in the twilight, shadows appeared, running toward our bunker," recalled Romersa.

"They were soldiers and they had on a strange type of ‘diving suit.’ They entered and quickly shut the door. ‘Everything is kaput,’ one of them said as he removed his protective clothing. We also eventually had to put on white, coarse, fibrous cloaks. I cannot say what the material was made of, but I had the impression that it could have been asbestos. The headgear has a piece of Glimmerglas [mica glass?] in front of the eyes."

After making their way to the test site proper, Romersa stated, "The houses that I had seen only an hour earlier had disappeared, broken into little pebbles of debris. As we drew nearer [to the point of explosion], the more fearsome was the devastation. The grass had the same color as leather. The few trees that still stood upright had no more leaves."

Romersa’s credibility is supported by the fact that he eventually came to the United States, where he was granted a high-security clearance.

A third report dated 14 December 1944, but only declassified by the National Security Agency in 1978, is titled "Reports on the Atom-splitting Bomb."

-- Japanese Diplomatic signal intercept 12 December 1944 [Magic decrypt] Trans 14 Dec 44 (3020-B Stockholm to Tokyo, No. 232.9 December 1944 [War Department], National Archives, RG 457, SRA 14628-32, declassified 1 October 1978 (SRA = Japanese Attache)     

It reads: "This bomb is revolutionary in its results, and will completely upset all ordinary precepts of warfare hitherto established. I am sending you, in one group, all those reports on what is called the atom- splitting bomb. It is a fact that in June of 1943, the German Army tried out an utterly new type of weapon against the Russians at a location 150 kilometers southeast of Kursk.

"Although it was the entire 19th Infantry Regiment of the Russians which was thus attacked, only a few bombs (each round up to 5 kilograms) sufficed to utterly wipe them out to the last man.

"The following is according to a statement by Lieutenant Colonel... Kenji, adviser to the attaché in Hungary and formerly... in this country, who by chance saw the actual scene immediately after the above took place: 

''All the men and the horses [within radius of] the explosion of the shells were charred black and even their ammunition had all been detonated. Moreover, it is a fact that the same type of war material was tried out in the Crimea too. At that time the Russians claimed that this was poison gas, and protested that if Germany were ever again to use it, Russia, too, would use poison gas....Recently the British authorities warned their people of the possibility that they might undergo attack by German atom- splitting bombs. The American authorities have likewise warned that the American east coast might be the area chosen for a blind attack by some sort of flying bomb".

The Japanese report then goes into a remarkably accurate description of the splitting of the atom, ending with the statement, "[T]he German atom-splitting device is the Neuman disintegrator. Enormous energy is directed into the central part of the atom and this generates an atomic pressure of several tens of thousands of tons per square inch. This device can split the relatively unstable atoms of such elements as uranium. Moreover, it brings into being a store of explosive atomic energy.... That is, a bomb deriving its force from the release of atomic energy."

Some elements of the Japanese report were obviously in error, such as the confusion over descriptions of a fission versus a fusion bomb and the date of the Kursk offensive, which did not begin until 5 July 1943. Mistakes notwithstanding, it is clear that Japanese Intelligence was firmly convinced that the Germans had used a revolutionary type of weapon on the Eastern Front.

But if the Nazis had deployed a tactical nuke or other exotic weapon on the Eastern Front, why would the Soviets have kept such an attack secret? Farrell pointed out that had Nazi Germany used such a weapon, it would most likely have been against the Russians, whom the Nazis considered “subhuman” in Nazi ideology.

Fully one-half of the 50 million casualties of the war occurred in Russia, and several massive explosions, such as the one that destroyed a section of Sevastopol, have never been fully explained. It was announced that a hundred-foot below-ground ammunition Bunker was destroyed after being struck by a lucky shot from Dora, a 31 1/2- inch German railway gun considered the largest in the world.

Although not the largest calibre gun ever made, or the longest ranged, the 80cm railway gun "Dora" was the biggest. As far as is known it was used only sparingly, to shell Sevastopol in the Crimea, and later Warsaw.

Too large to be transported whole, Dora required several trains to transport it. 

Before assembly could begin, and this took several weeks to accomplish, a second track had to be laid at the chosen firing site.

Movable straddle cranes also had to be assembled, these were on their own additional rails.

The two 20 axle halves of the chassis were shunted onto the double tracks side by side, and coupled together. Only then could the cranes start putting the really big bits on. 

Once assembled Dora must have been an awesome sight, all one thousand three hundred and fifty tons of it. The barrel alone weighed 100 tons, the breech was also another 100 tons. It could fling a 7 ton shell about 45 km.

As a piece of static siege artillery there was no question of its effect, but even its creators, Krupp, admitted while it was a valuable research tool, as a practical weapon of war it was useless.

Such attacks were never reported by Soviet leader Josef Stalin, due to the fear of losing control over a panicked and war-weary Russian population.

The use of a super-weapon on the Eastern Front also might explain why more is not known about this issue. Accurate war news from Russia was extremely hard to come by during the war and grew more so during the Cold War.

To make public the use of a nuclear or unconventional weapon "would have been a propaganda disaster for Stalin’s government," noted Farrell.

"Faced with an enemy of superior tactical and operational competence in conventional arms, the Red Army often had to resort to threats of execution against its own soldiers just to maintain order and discipline in its ranks and prevent mass desertion.

Acknowledgment of the existence and use of such weapons by the mortal enemy of Communist Russia could conceivably have ruined Russian morale and cost Stalin the war, and perhaps even toppled his government."

If the Nazis had operational atomic weapons, is it possible they were transferred to the United States?

Documents exist showing that America’s secret development of the atomic bomb, the Manhattan Project, could not have produced enough enriched uranium to make a bomb by mid-1945. Since only a plutonium bomb was tested at Alamogordo, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, researchers have wondered where America acquired the Uranium bombs dropped on Japan less than a month later.

Some have speculated that the United States used a Nazi bomb or used Nazi enriched Uranium to manufacture its bombs.

The Trinity bomb exploded near Alamogordo, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, was a Plutonium bomb. Why would the United States first drop the Little Boy, an untested Uranium bombon on Japan on 6 August 1945?

"A rational explanation is [that] ‘Little Boy’ was not tested by the Americans because... [t]he Americans did not need to test it, because its German designers already had," surmised Farrell.

"This idea is supported by the statement of German authors Edgar Meyer and Thomas Mehner that J. Robert Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb," maintained that the bomb dropped on Japan was of “German provenance".

Of course, this idea would fly in the face of the long- accepted Allied Legend that Germany simply couldn’t manufacture an atomic bomb by the war’s end.

Where could the Nazis have obtained enriched Uranium for such a bomb?

One potential source was the secure underground laboratory of Baron Manfred von Ardenne, built in Lichterfelde outside Berlin, which contained a 2-million-volt electrostatic generator and a cyclotron.

In 1941, von Ardenne, along with Fritz Houtermans, had calculated the critical mass needed to create U-235.

It should be noted that Hitler visited the laboratory toward the end of the war, at a time when he spoke enthusiastically of a new wonder weapon that would turn the tide in Germany’s favor.

Some researchers contend that the Nazi development of a Uranium bomb was kept secret because the work was not part of the German military-industrial system but hidden within the German Postal Service.

According to Carter Plymton Hydrick, author of a well-documented book "Critical Mass - How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States’ Atomic Bomb":

"[A]ll of Ardenne’s facilities... were provided by and ongoing funding made available through, the patronage of one man, Reichminister of Post and a member of the Reich President’s Research Council on Nuclear Affairs, Wilhelm Ohnesorge".

Reportedly, Hitler once remarked that while his party and military leadership worried about how to win the war, it was his postal minister who brought him the solution.

Farrell explained that the Reichspost was, "awash with money, and could therefore have provided some of the massive funding necessary to the [uranium enrichment] project, a true 'black budget' operation in every sense."

Another source may have been a giant synthetic-rubber plant built by I.G. Farben next to Auschwitz, the notorious death camp. The site was chosen for its proximity to transportation hubs, both rail lines and rivers, as well as the nearby supply of slave labor found at the Auschwitz camp. This site probably was also selected with the idea that the Allies would not bomb a concentration camp, a supposition that proved correct.

Yet, despite the facts -established during the Nuremberg trials- that more than $2 billion in today’s dollars were spent; that 300,000 slave laborers had been used in both the construction and operation of this plant; and that it had consumed more electricity than Berlin, not one pound of Buna, or synthetic rubber, was ever produced.

So, what was produced?

"The facility has all of the characteristics of a Uranium enrichment plant," noted Hydrick,

"The various components of the German atomic bomb efforts could have been implemented with a high degree of secrecy, even from other high-level Nazis, given Bormann’s close-knit relationships with Ohnesorge; Schmitz, who was chief of I.G. Farben; [Rudolf] Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz; and Heinrich Müller, who, among his many other duties as head of the Gestapo, oversaw the supplying of forced laborers to Auschwitz."

A theory has been offered that, late in the war, certain Nazis arranged the transfer of enriched Uranium to the United States in exchange for immunity from prosecution. At the heart of this transfer theory lies the saga of a Nazi submarine - the U-234.

Bormann 's Special Evacuation Command and the Link to the Kammlerstab 

"The traditional history denies, however, that the Uranium on board U-234 was enriched and therefore easily usable in an atomic bomb. 

The accepted theory asserts there is no evidence that the Uranium stocks of U-234 were transferred into the Manhattan Project... And the traditional history asserts that the bomb components on board  [the] U-234 arrived too late to be included in the atomic bombs that were dropped on Jepan.

"The documentation indicates quite differently on all accounts".

-- Carter Hydrick

On 16 April 1945 the Type XB submarine U-234 departed Kristiansand, Norway for Japan direct. She had loaded at Kiel in January and February, and besides a strategic cargo in the region of 260 tonnes carried ten German and two Japanese passengers, all of whom were specialists in the military field or scientists.

It surfaced briefly somewhere in the mid Atlantic at a pivotal moment in its history -- 10 May 1945 -- to receive radio messages and find out what was happening in the European war.

The radio message, issued under the auspices of Admiral Karl Dönitz, former German U-Boat chief elevated to supreme commander after the death of Adolf Hitler, praised all U-boat crews for "fighting like lions" for more than six years and then informed them that the enemy's material superiority had driven Germany to defeat.

"We proudly remember our fallen comrades," Dönitz consoled. "Long live Germany!" He ordered surrender.

On 17 May 1945, Kptlt. Fehler decided to surrender his submarine to the US Navy, and arrived two days later at Portsmouth Navy Yard, New Hampshire.

What is principally of interest is the cargo, and in particular ten cases of "Uranium oxide" of 560 kilograms weight, and several items which were not included on the Unloading Manifest.

The Unloading Manifest (US NAT Arch, College Park MD, Box RG38, Box 13, Document OP-20-3-G1-A [Unloading Manifest] dated 24 May 1945] is a falsified document purporting to show the entire cargo aboard U-234. 

The true Manifests, both American and German, have never been declassified. 

Aa Manifest upon declassification would bear the censor's deletions where it was intended that certain items should not be displayed.

The USN alleged Unloading Manifest is clean of any deletions and purports to be the true Unloading Manifest. 

From a declassified cable, it is evident that 80 cases of Uranium Powder have been omitted, as was also, from the statements of the U-Boat crew members and Kptlt. Fehler, a two-seater Me 262 bomber aircraft brought from Rechlin and stowed in its component parts.

Carter Hydrick in "Critical Mass: the Real Story of the Atomic Bomb and the Birth of the Nuclear Age", theorized that it was none other than Martin Bormann who arranged the surrender of the U-234 and its precious cargo of enriched Uranium, infrared proximity fuses, heavy water, and possibly even atom bomb designs or an actual functioning atom bomb to the United States. 

[It should be noted that Hydrick does not maintain that the Nazis were successful in building and successfully testing an atom bomb during the war, much less of trying to transport blueprints or a functioning model to the Japanese in the U-234]

Recent research by Nick Cook would tend to corroborate Bormann's role in, and therefore probable accurate knowledge of, the full scope and extent of Kammler's secret black projects empire. Bormann's position as controller of Nazi Party finances as well as of Hitler 's estate would have given him control over yet another source of funding for these projects, a source completely independent of the state. 

It is in this total context of Carter Hydrick's meticulous research, as well as of Bormann's own plans for Nazi survival, that Bormann's 1945 establishment of a special SS evacuation Kommando, was an act that placed jurisdiction over the Ju 290 and Ju 390 long range air transport of Luftwaffe Kampfgeschwader 200 under the direct control of none other than SS General Hans Kammler.

The intention is clear: as much of the actual research files and equipment of the Kammlerstab as could be evacuated from Germany for destinations unknown was to be handled by Kammler personally. 

This special evacuation command held these aircraft in readiness near Lower Silesia in late 1945. 

By this point, Kammler's power, backed by the Reichsleiter himself, was so great that he could refuse a request by Reichsführer SS Himmler for the use of one of these aircraft.

Kammler, "with such aircraft at his disposal" would have been able to fly a large cargo of "documents, personnel and technology pretty much anywhere" that he wanted to. "Spain, South America - Argentina even- would have represented no problem to such a long-range platform". 

Cook himself quips, "What was the point of chasing Kammler, if he'd already shipped everything out?" 

This revelation, coming late in the story of research into "Nazi Secret Weapons and the Nazi UFO Legend" by Joseph P. Farrell, gives a clear indication that more than just money, bullion, gems, art treasures or personnel were involved in Bormann's survival plan.

Clearly, Bormann meant to preserve and continue the research already under way in the Reich by transplanting the technology and continuing its development elsewhere. 

If Carter Hydrick is correct that it was Bormann's intention to surrender the bulk of this technology to the United States then this puts Himmler's last ditch and clumsy efforts to negotiate a separate peace with the Western Allies via Sweden into a new light.

Himmler was perhaps offering them the vast cache of secrets he thought he controlled through Kammler's "think tank"

it is very possible that the American Intelligence community already knew of this treasure trove via their SS contacts through Allen Dulles and SS General Wolff, and had made "other arrangements" that included neither Himmler nor the British. 

Thus, by the time of Kammler's refusal to his SS boss to allow him the use of a Ju 290 or Ju 390, effective control and disposition of the SS black projects had slipped from Himmler's hands and into Bormann's. 

Himmler could neither surrender nor even barter for his life, because he had nothing left with which to bargain. Kammler, and Bormann, however, had a great deal to offer the Americans in exchange for their lives.

According to Nick Cook, Operation Paperclip, the covert project to bring former Nazi scientists and engineers to the United States to work on America's own aerospace and military black projects after the war, was the primary beneficiary of the Kammlerstab's think tank secrets, blueprints, and patents. 

"The state within a state had been transported four thousand miles to the west and somehow, I just knew, Kammler had come with it.

The intuitive feeling I'd experienced in all these years in obscure corners of the US aerospace and defence industry had suddenly acquired a face....

Unterseeboot-234, originally designed as a mine-layer, was converted to a cargo carrier prior to its only mission into enemy waters: the last German shipment to its ally, Japan. It sailed from Kiel in March 1945, with a most unusual cargo consisting of several high-level German officials, including Dr. Heinz Schlicke, the inventor of fuses for atomic bombs, and two Japanese officers - Air Force Colonel Genzo Shosi and Navy Captain Hideo Tomonaga.

Also listed on the boat’s manifest of 240 metric tons of cargo were two dismantled ME-262 jet fighters, ten gold-lined cylinders containing 560 kilograms of uranium oxide, wooden barrels of “water,” and infrared proximity fuses.

On 14 May 1945, six days after the German surrender, the U-234 was intercepted by the USS Sutton and taken into captivity. Oddly enough, the sub had been overflown several times by Allied aircraft but never fired upon. The circumstances implied a preplanned meeting and surrender. Here the mystery began. Who issued the orders for this enemy sub to surrender, and why to the Americans? Upon arrival at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, it appeared that some of the boat’s cargo was missing.

The two Japanese officers, after learning that the ship’s captain planned to surrender, had committed suicide and were buried at sea with full honors. But, suspiciously, the two ME-262s were missing, as well as the Uranium oxide. In fact, when the U.S. Navy prepared its own manifest for the U-234, there was no accounting for seventy tons of cargo.

Dr. Velma Hunt, a Colorado environmental scientist, said she uncovered information that the U-boat made a secret stop at South Portland, Maine, sometime between 14 and 17 May 1945, where the cargo in question could have been unloaded. There has been controversy as to whether this Uranium had been enriched enough for use as a weapon.

Cook noted that the gold-lined cylinders indicated the uranium was emitting gamma radiation, which meant the normally harmless Uranium oxide had been brought to enrichment through the use of a working nuclear reactor.

"And yet, officially, there had been no nuclear reactor in Germany capable of fulfilling this task," wrote Cook. "[At least] not in Speer’s orbit of operations."

Farrell further explains, "The use of gold-lined cylinders is explainable by the fact that uranium, a highly corrosive metal, is easily contaminated if it comes into contact with other unstable elements. Gold, whose radioactive shielding properties are as great as lead, is also, unlike lead, a highly pure and stable element, and is therefore the element of choice when storing or shipping highly enriched and pure uranium for long periods of time, such as a voyage.

"Thus, the Uranium oxide on board the U-234 was highly enriched uranium, and most likely, highly enriched U-235, the last stage, perhaps, before being reduced to weapons grade or to metallization for a bomb (if it was already in weapons grade purity.
[emphasis in the original]."

Adding weight to Farrell’s deduction is an anecdote regarding the German crew of the U-234. Some crew members were amused when they saw the Japanese officers bring 

They apparently thought their Japanese guests couldn’t even get the number of the boat correct. Some now believe the labels indicated the presence of Uranium 235, the only isotope found in nature that has the ability to cause an expanding fission chain reaction - in other words, the element needed for a Uranium fission bomb.

Uranium that has undergone an extraction process to boost its U-235 proportion is known as enriched Uranium.

Wolfgang Hirschfeld, radioman on the U-234, stated the submarine’s orders were "only to sail on the orders of the highest level. Führer HQ." He also revealed after the war that crew members believed Japan had succeeded in testing an atomic weapon before their departure from Germany in March 1945. The U-234 met an inglorious end in November 1947, when it was used as a torpedo target and sunk off Cape Cod.

Hydrick published copies of documents from the National Archives to show a connection between the Manhattan Project and the U-234.

One such document is a secret cable from the commander of naval operations directing that a three-man party take possession of the sub’s cargo.

In addition to two naval officers was the name of Major John E. Vance with the Army Corps of Engineers, the department of the army under which the Manhattan Project operated.

A few days after the visit by Vance, a manifest of the cargo indicated the Uranium was no longer in navy possession.

Furthermore, telephone transcripts between Manhattan intelligence officers about a week later stated a captured shipment of Uranium powder was being tested by a person identified only as "Vance."

"That there could have been another 'Vance' who was working with Uranium powder - especially 'captured' uranium powder - is improbable," noted Hydrick.

But author Henry Stevens found an even more disturbing cover-up. After receiving a statement from the National Archives denying that any canisters containing fissionable material was onboard the U-234,

Stevens, recalling that the submarine had surrendered to the 'USS Sutton', wrote to the Naval Historical Center at the Washington Navy Yard requesting a cargo manifest from the U-234 in the files of the Sutton.

For a $5 microfiche charge, Stevens received the manifest that was identical to the one from the National Archives except that the Uranium oxide canisters were listed.

This discrepancy in the manifests can only be explained by someone altering the documents.

A Plutonium bomb, such as the one Manhattan scientists were developing, required a critical mass to be achieved within 1/3000th of a second, a speed far exceeding the capabilities of fuses available at that time.

According to Farrell, there is evidence to support the idea that the necessary fuses were obtained from U-234 passenger Dr. Schlicke.

A message from the chief of Naval Operations to the authorities in Portsmouth, where the U-234 was taken after its surrender, indicated that Dr. Schlicke along with his fuses were to be taken to Washington accompanied by naval officers.

Once there, the doctor was scheduled to present a lecture on his fuses in the presence of a "Mr. Alvarez," apparently meaning Dr. Luis Walter Alvarez, the man who is credited with producing fuses for the plutonium bomb.

Alvarez and his student Lawrence Johnson are credited with designing the exploding-bridgewire detonators for the spherical implosives used in the Trinity bomb test as well as the Nagasaki bomb.t

On 3 March 1945, President Roosevelt received an ominous memo from Senator James F. Byrnes, a Democrat from South Carolina and a longtime confidant to the presidenThis "Memorandum for the President" stated, "I understand that the expenditures for the Manhattan Project are approaching 2 billion dollars with no definite assurance yet of production...."

Even eminent scientists may continue a project rather than concede its failure.

Byrnes, was voicing the concern of many that the atom bomb project was foundering and might even prove a failure. He may have been aware of a letter dated 28 December 1944, in which Eric Jette, chief metallurgist at Los Alamos, expressed reservations over the lack of sufficient amounts of uranium for the atomic bomb.

He wrote:

"A study of the shipment of [weapons grade Uranium] for the past three months shows the following.....At present rate we will have 10 kilos by 7 February and 15 kilos about 1 May."

According to Hydrick, Edward Hammel, a metallurgist who worked at Los Alamos, where enriched Uranium was made into material for the atomic bomb, reported that very little enriched uranium was received there until less than a month before the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Little Boy, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, carried 64.15 kilograms of enriched Uranium, virtually the entire quantity that could have been produced since mid-1944 by the enrichment facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, even working around the clock. One explanation for the lack of enriched uranium was that some of this fissionable material had been used to produce plutonium in Enrico Fermi’s breeder reactors at Hanford, Washington.

The mounting pressure on Manhattan Project directors to produce a bomb before the planned invasion of the Japanese home islands must have been terrific. If the submarine’s cargo did indeed include U-235 and Dr. Schlicke’s fuses, its acquisition by the United States solved two pressing problems of the Manhattan atomic bomb project - a lack of sufficient amounts of uranium and adequate fuses.

The American bomb-makers may have been greatly relieved that the two major problems facing the Manhattan Project were solved with the surrender of the U-234.

"The fact that U-234 arrived on American soil carrying 560 kilograms of uranium that was enriched and went on to be used in the bombs that were dropped on Japan can scarcely be argued any longer except by those who refuse to consider the evidence," concluded Hydrick.

While it may remain a controversy whether the acquisition of the U-234 was a fortuitous capture or the planned transfer of technology from Germany to the United States, the evidence strongly indicates the latter.

One of the best documentary pieces of evidence regarding UFOs is the "Twining memo”"of U.S. General Nathan Twining, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1955-58. In it [23 September1947, AF200-20 he wrote concerning UFOs: “The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious". 

Even General Douglas MacArthur said [NYT, 8OCT55]: “Because of the developments of science, all countries on earth will have to unite to survive and to make a common front against attack by people of other planets. The politics of the future will be cosmic, or interplanetary.” Such political subject-matter is now called exopolitics. 
In Britain, Commander in Chief of the Royal Air Force, Marshall Lord Dowding, ["London Sunday Dispatch", 11 July 1954]said: “More than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any ‘scientific’ explanation... I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on earth.”

In Canada, in a top-secret government memorandum of 21 November 1950, Wilbert Smith wrote: “The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.”
Exopolitics might be the most closely guarded secret, though other countries are more open about it.

These topics take engineers a long way from transistor circuit modeling, yet there is sufficient evidence to consider the matter seriously from a technical standpoint.

Some of the best investigators involved are engineers, such as Stanton Friedman  and Robert Wood.  The consequences for disclosure are enormous and some people are making the case that highly-advanced covert technology should be made public for the benefit of the world.

-- with material by Dennis Feucht
EDN Network
20 February 2014

At the turn of the current century, both Cook and the Polish military journalist Witkowski tracked Kammler and his top-secret Nazi energy work to the Wenzeslaus Mine, located about 215 miles west of Warsaw in Lower Silesia, near the border with Czechoslovakia.

This mine is in Ludwikowice Klodzkie, formerly Ludwigsdorf. The location was perfect for security purposes as it was outside Germany yet within the Greater Third Reich. 

Additionally, Kammler spoke fluent Czech.

During their journey, Witkowski revealed his access to a formerly classified Soviet document detailing the interrogation at the end of the war of a Rudolf Schuster, who had been a member of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, or Reich Central Security Office, Nazi Germany’s version of the Department of Homeland Security.

Schuster revealed that in June of 1944, he was transferred to a special evacuation Kommando called General Plan 1945, formed by Martin Bormann to evacuate valuable science and technology from the Reich. Schuster, who was not privy to the plan’s overall agenda, nevertheless located much of these evacuation activities in the area of the Wenzeslaus Mine.

Schuster’s testimony, coupled with other information, convinced Cook that the Bormann evacuation plan had been one of the Nazis’ greatest secrets.

"There has never been any official acknowledgment of the existence of the special evacuation Kommando," he wrote.

It was this unacknowledged evacuation operation that saved the Reich’s most precious technology. Once at the mine site, Cook and Witkowski found remnants of what once had been a secret SS testing and production facility that may have even included a giant early super-conductor.

In 1931, the Wenzeslaus Mine suffered an accident that caused bankruptcy and a takeover by the Polish government.

With the occupation of Poland, the mine was reconditioned by the Nazis as a gigantic science center.

"The whole area, in the center of which was located the main left shaft, proved to be the interior of a deep valley, which was accessible only through two 'mountain passes," noted Witkowski.

"Since the remnants of watchtowers could be seen in them, it was obvious that the whole area had been closely guarded, and its configuration caused that in this way the whole valley was physically cut off [from] the outside world."

This valley, about three hundred yards across, was bisected by rail lines, and lined with a variety of structures, concrete bunkers, and guard stations, many covered with dirt and trees to act as camouflage. Today the site is virtually ruins and overgrown with trees and vegetation.

Cook saw that, "the Germans had gone to a great deal of trouble to ensure that the place looked pretty much as it had always looked since mining operations began here at the turn of the last century, a clear indication that whatever had happened here during the war had been deeply secret...."

"Almost everything that was known about the Wenzeslaus Mine had been handed down from [SS General Jakob] Sporrenberg [the officer appointed to command the 'northern route' of General Plan 1945’s evacuation Kommando].

"It had been run by the SS, had employed slave-labor and had been sealed from the outside world by a triple ring of check points and heavily armed guards.”"

Sporrenberg’s testimony and affidavits, the only known description of the strange experiments at the mine, were given during a postwar trial in Poland. He was found guilty of war crimes and executed.

In the closing days of the war, most of the local population was evacuated westward. In fleeing the Russians, many of these refugees died during the fighting or froze in one of the coldest winters on record. Today, most of the local residents are newcomers with no recollection of what transpired at the mine during the war.

A central shaft led downward to the original mine as well as a labyrinth of additional underground facilities dug by Germans. But what most intrigued Cook and Witkowski was a huge circular concrete structure. Green camouflage paint was still visible on the edges. The circular structure was formed by twelve thick columns supporting a dodecagon-shaped reinforcing concrete ring about ninety feet in diameter.

Initially, Witkowski thought this might be the remains of a cooling tower. He abandoned this idea once he saw cooling towers at a different location on photographs of the area, taken in 1934. Next he thought of the structure as a “fly trap,” similar to those used to test helicopters and other hovering aircraft . Yet, this answer was not satisfactory either in that the researchers found a concrete duct containing thick electric cables leading to a power-generating station.

Learning that high-voltage current cannot be used in mines with the potential for flammable gas - such as the Wenzeslaus Mine - Cook and Witkowski determined that the structure had nothing to do with mining but was used in connection with the strange experiments described to his captors by the SS officer Sporrenberg.

These experiments centered around a bell-shaped object - appropriately enough codenamed Die Glocke, or the Bell - which was housed in a concrete chamber hundreds of feet underground. According to the research of Witkowski and Cook, the Bell was made from hard, heavy metal and cylindrical in shape with a semicircular cap and hook or clamping device on top.

Huge quantities of electricity were fed into it through thick cables dropping into the housing chamber from the outside. Inside the Bell was a thermos-like tube encased in lead and filled with a metallic liquid.

During operation, the Bell was covered by a ceramic material, apparently to act as insulation. Inside, two contra-rotating cylinders filled with a mercury-like and violet-colored substance spun a vortex of energy, which emitted a strange phosphorescent blue light and made such a buzzing sound that operators nicknamed it the Bienenstock, or beehive.

Due to the phosphorescent light and reports that operators suffered from nervous-system disruption, headaches, and a metallic taste, Witkowski concluded the Bell’s operation involved iodizing radiation as well as a very strong magnetic field of energy.

The scientists experimenting with the Bell would place various plants, animals, and animal tissue within its energy field.

"In the initial test period from November to December 1944, almost all the samples were destroyed," noted Cook.

 "A crystalline substance formed within the tissues, destroying them from the inside; liquids, including blood, gelled and separated into clearly distilled fractions."

Very little is known for certain about the Bell. However, it was given the highest - and perhaps most unique - classification possible in the Third Reich. In a few captured documents, experimenters with the Bell were said to be working on something "Kriegsentscheidend", or decisive for the war. Most top-secret German weapons, including the V rockets, were classified Kriegswichtig, or important to the war.

One major reason that so little is known about the Bell was the loss of the scientists involved in the project.

"They were taken out and shot by the SS between the 28th of April and the 4th of May, 1945," explained Witkowski.

"Records show that there were 62 of them, many of them Germans. There were no survivors, but then that’s hardly surprising.... It’s quite clear that someone had gone to great lengths to clean up."

The whole concept is a nightmare - Nazis tinkering with the building blocks of the universe. And it gets even worse.

To try and understand the purpose of the Bell requires a brief side trip into the amazing world of cutting-edge science and quantum physics. While discussions and articles about energy manipulation - whether termed cold fusion, anti-gravity, or free energy - have been generally discouraged as science fiction in mainstream America, many credible writers have dealt with the subject.

In his 2003 book "Winning the War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-9/11 World", Colonel John B. Alexander noted, "A potential link between superconductor quantum mechanics and gravity has been inferred from recent quantum gravity research. Another approach to modifying gravity involved the manipulation of the quantum vacuum ZPE [Zero Point Energy found in the vacuum of space] field. One proposed experiment to manipulate the ZPE involves the use of ultrahigh-intensity lasers to irradiate a magnetized vacuum. If any of these are successful it will change energy issues on Earth and our relationship with the universe by allowing deep space travel.

The idea of gaining mastery - and power - from the environment around us is nothing new.

Such ideas were advanced by American physicist Thomas Townsend Brown, who, in the early 1920s, experimented with antigravity based on his understanding that a charged capacitor tended to move toward a positive plate when sufficiently energized in the hundred kilovolt and upward range.

Brown contended that all matter is essentially an “electrical condition.”

"It fact, it might be said that the concrete body of the universe is nothing more than an assemblage of energy which, in itself, is quite intangible."

Brown’s theories echoed those of U.S. electrical engineer Nikola Tesla, whose discovery in 1888 of the rotating magnetic field led to alternating-current [AC] electricity transmission. Tesla foresaw limitless free energy by simply tapping into the Earth’s natural magnetic energy field.

In 1908, long before the idea of rotating magnetic fields was commonplace in science, Tesla stated: "Every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake. By being set in motion this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter. Its movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state [stillness].

"It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear. At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones spring into being.

"He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his [own] suns and stars, his heat and light, he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man’s grandest deed, which would make him the master of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny."

The belief that anti-gravity or other exotic technologies were passed from the Nazis to the Allies has been further supported by sporadic periodical coverage of antigravity in the late 1940s and early 1950s. This was at a time before the total blackout of news concerning energy-manipulation experimentation was enforced as a "matter of national security.".

Nick Cook's book, "The Hunt for Zero Point", Century/Random House, London 2001 is full of references to his own anxiety and the anxiety of many of the technical people and scientists he contacted that they would be painted as dreamers and idiots by their colleagues and the media if they let themselves become involved in investigations into a tabooed area of science that had acquired a very unsavory reputation due to its historical origins and connection with political fringe groups..

For 15 years or more, Nick Cook, now 42, has written articles on the newest developments in the weapons industry, with emphasis on aeronautics.

He is advisor to the world-wide leading journal for weapons and weapon systems "Jane's Defence Weekly" and editor of the air weapons section of that journal. His articles also appear in many of the larger British magazines, and his commentaries on weapons development and security issues are broadcast by the large TV companies of the world. He is considered one of the world's foremost experts in the area of military aeronautics. 

The English-language science program "Discovery Channel" broadcasted a two-hour report on the subject covered in this book, written and presented by Cook, in which he introduced the audience into secrets of the US weapons industry of which he had received knowledge or just made educated assumptions. 

Cook was educated at Eaton and has received a degree in Arabic and Islamic studies.

The author's lack of scientific training is the weakest point of this book, for it leads him to some obvious errors and misunderstandings, which undermines his competence. It is also irritating that Cook does not make any references to source literature, but attempts to allay the reader's skepticism with a bibliography only. However, a search of the Internet showed that this bibliography, short though it may be, should be a good starting point for investigation of the subject. 

Nearly 10 years ago, Nick Cook found a journal article by M. Gladych, dating from 1956, at his workplace at "Jane's Defence Weekly", which reported on the advanced state of development of gravity motors that would make possible nearly effortless travel and transport based on a technology which suspended the effects of gravity . Nothing has come of this, as we all know. Cook was bothered by the article: who had put it on his work desk and why?

What chiefly excited Cook's interest were statements in the article of technical persons in the US aviation industry who were apparently working on a project in the mid-1950s with the purpose to neutralize the force of gravity by means of an electro-magnetic apparatus with which one could cause things to float in the air.

Was this merely a journalistic hoax, or were leading US airplane manufacturers really working on such a project? Nick Cook tracked down the last one of the quoted technical authorities still living, but his anxious, nearly panicky, refusal to comment made the matter even more irresistible for Nick Cook. What was going on here?

In his book, Nick Cook describes his search for knowledge in this area move for move:

In the US archives he found evidence that at the close of the war the US government confiscated German "wonder" weapons technology and brought it to the USA, and that nothing has been heard of it since: beam weapons for anti-aircraft defense [apparently lasers] and various kinds of vaguely described flying objects.

He found eyewitness reports by US bomber pilots describing unknown flying objects and unusual optical and magnetic effects in German air space near the end of the war.

From diverse but obscure sources it is apparent that the Third Reich was working on the development of various experimental flying devices. Names such as Schriever, Habermohl, and Miethe appear - they were men who worked on secret projects at laboratories located in Bohemia and Moravia.

However, this line of inquiry led Cook into the proximity of politically dangerous groups who have cobbled together a substitute religion out of secret weapons development during the Third Reich, so he abandoned it and turned back to investigate the researches made in the USA and Canada after the war.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Canadian firm Avro conducted experiments with "flying saucers" that were later made public. The experiments were discontinued. But was this all? For example, what can one make of the numerous sightings of unknown flying objects since the end of the war? And do the secret proceedings at the famous-infamous Area 51, the top-secret US air base in the Nellis military test range in southern Nevada, owe anything to the development of new technology that was carried out in Germany in the 1940s?

With his excellent connections to the leading US weapons manufacturers, Cook attempted to get a look behind the curtains at the most secret projects under way, at companies and agencies such as Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, and the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. He made contact with various aviation and weapons development experts and received the almost conspiratorial support of researchers who, while not giving him useful information, told him he was definitely on the right track. 

Revolution in Physics

The weakest point of Cook's book -due to the author's lack of scientific training- is at once its most fascinating: considerations of certain areas of scientific research that could alter our scientific worldview fundamentally, if new theories that were regarded as mere speculations should prove valid.

Cook examines some of these areas with the help of a number of scientists. One point is that Einstein's theory of relativity may be in need of correction, since the proposition that objects can not move faster than the speed of light [ca. 300,000 km per second, or 1.08 million km per hour] may not hold.

The breakthrough in physical sciences anticipated for nearly a century with respect to the unification of the four natural forces (electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces) may be at the point of a practical [partial] realization, because experiments carried out by physicists in the last ten years may prove that gravity can be screened by electromagnetic devices, and thus things placed "above" an electromagnetic field may be made weightless, so as to hover.

Even more, one could even speak of a repelling effect here by which an object could be accelerated. The next step might be the generation of gravity beams which could cause things to have weight in certain directions.

There are a number of reasons to believe that our world is built in a way quite different than we have been accustomed to think. According to certain quantum theories, our world does not simply 'exist,' but is formed from the statistical appearance and disappearance of energy and material quanta, the so-called quantum background noise. Should it prove possible to tap this quantum noise [(the so-called zero point energy] before it disappears again into nothingness, it would be possible to extract energy quasi out of nothing.

What sounds like a perpetuum mobile, or rather, an apparatus that takes energy from the void-which contradicts all physics as now taught (the conservation of energy, the fundamental principle of thermodynamics) - would be relativized, since the theory assumes the existence of parallel universes, so that our 'energy from the void' pump would merely move energy from one parallel universe to another.

Moving faster than the speed of light, levitation, manipulation of gravity, tractor beams, parallel universes, hyperspace, zero point energy: does this all sound like the Star Trek? Yes, and if one believes it is real, that is what our future looks like. That is what Nick Cook thought when he published an article in "Jane's Defence Weekly", 'Warp Drive When?'

Science or Humbug?

One can easily imagine what our establishment physicists think of all this, as it would turn all physics from the last 2000 years upside down. Yevgeni Podkletnov, a Russian physicist, is one of the leading physicists in the area of "revisionist" physics. When his gravity screening experiments had progressed to such a point that he wished to publish an article in one of the worldwide leading journals for physical science ["Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics"], it caused an unexpected uproar that caused a set back for the whole project of at least five years.

Before the paper was published, Ian Sample of the "Sunday Telegraph" heard of the new revolutionary research and straightaway wrote a shocking article about it  published on 1 September 1996.

The term "anti-gravity" used in this article, which is regarded as extremely unscientific, shed a negative light on the whole project and was devastating. The "scientific community" launched a flurry of attacks and caused most of the other scientists involved in the project to get cold feet and withdraw their support for the article, leaving Podkletnov out in the rain. Further pressure from the 'scientific community' caused Podkletnov to lose his position at University of Tampere in Finland.

The same thing happened to other scientists who got near this subject: they were made ridiculous by their colleagues, ostracized, often stripped of their honor and dignity, and frequently even having their careers ended. These are behavioral patterns that are only too familiar to Historical Revisionists and explain why Nick Cook found it difficult to draw a technical expert into conversation, since in such matters they shun the media like the devil shuns holy water.

Podkletnov's experiments, however, were taken seriously enough that even NASA showed interest. Together with the University of Huntsville NASA carried out experiments along the lines Podkletnov had followed.

German Physics

After Cook received an experimental demonstration of "revisionist" physics that convinced him that he was dealing with serious research, he took up again the pursuit of physics in the Third Reich, which, he believed, would bring him to the origin of the new 'revisionist' physics.

Cook's reports on secret weapons research in the Third Reich are, as one might expect in the contemporary climate of opinion, colored with the usual polemic about the "Empire of Evi"l, but one should not ignore it.

The most interesting part of his investigation brought him into contact with the son of Viktor Schauberger, whose practical researches led to a number of revolutionary technologies, none of which were developed to the point of practical usefulness. Toward the end of the war, Schauberger collaborated on the development of German flying saucers.

It is true that Schauberger was brought to America at the end of the war by Operation Paperclip, a program to kidnap leading German scientists and to bring them to the USA, but due to his age he had little success in the replication of his research - that, at least, is the official version.

At the suggestion of a Polish researcher, Cook journeyed to Silesia and inspected a secret research facility whose purpose is now a mystery. Cook speculated on the basis of information he had collected that the site could have been a test stand for a prototype gravity-drive flying saucer.

Cook discusses briefly the desperate research conducted by the Third Reich in remote hideaways of science in the face of extremely limited resources in order to find technical solutions to their military problems. This despair had as one result that researchers were allowed to deviate from the accepted theories and to penetrate into areas deemed impossible by established physics.

According to Cook, the Germans may have succeeded in developing a technology for screening gravity and maybe even for tapping zero point energy, without being entirely aware of the theoretical basis.

Cook is effusively shocked at the possibility that the Third Reich, the "'Empire of Evi"l, may have been at the threshold of getting access to unlimited energy resources and transport methods, based apparently on the victory of quantum theory over relativity theory, the victory of applied research over theoretical science, or, as Cook puts it, the victory of "German physics" over "Jewish physics"' as it was then polemically called in the Third Reich. What a horror that would have been, indeed!

...But They Hover After All!

Podkletnov has returned to Finland and has recently published an article in which he reports on successful experiments on the generation of gravity beams.

He told Cook in a conversation that he had also succeeded in completely screening gravity from objects, thus enabling them to hover.

It appears that this technology has reached a point where practical applications are possible. Thus, Ning Li, who has done research for NASA at the University of Huntsville, Alabama, has withdrawn from the physics faculty of the University of Huntsville in order to devote herself to applying the results of her research to practical purposes. Cook stated that Podkletnov had received an offer from Toshiba to make his research results commercially useful.

Of course, there are many hangers-on involved here because this area of physics is new and little understood, it is difficult not just for the layman, but also for the technical specialist, to distinguish between serious research and charlatanry (see illustration). It should be kept in mind that specious promises of costless energy should not be lightly believed.


During a telephone conversation, Nick Cook told me what the reactions to his latest book were, which has become a bestseller in England. The book was favorably reviewed in the English daily newspaper "The Guardian", in the science magazine "New Scientist", and in a number of smaller English daily newspapers.

Cook's colleagues at "Jane's Defence Weekly" were thoroughly approving of his work, and some of them congratulated him on its success. The reaction from the aeronautics and weapons industries was divided. While some rejected his main thesis of the emergence of a new physics, others thanked him for having opened their eyes.

The "scientific community" was also divided. Some of them dismissed Cook's work as nonsense, while others were grateful that he had popularized this interesting and controversial theme and had rescued it from oblivion. The most negative reaction came from a UFO researcher who called Cook a "neo-Nazi" because he said the historical origin of flying saucer technology was in the Third Reich. [UFO researchers want to believe in little green men] This label is utter nonsense because Nick Cook's opinion of the Third Reich is, as has been stated, distinctly negative.

Nick Cook stated: "It would be a mistake to disregard the research in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s just because it was done in the Third Reich. This kind of suppression of facts would be unscientific and would be just as bad as the suppression of facts that happened during that era."

  So it may turn out that not only Otto, Diesel, Wankel, Jet and Rocket motors were invented in Germany, but also gravity motors - Nazis or no Nazis. 


Extract from Germar Rudolf, "On Third Reich Flying Saucers, German Physics, and the Perpetuum Mobile", first published in "Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung", [2001]; translated by Michael Humphrey

IIn 1956, the Swiss aviation journal "Interavia Aerospace Review" published an article titled “Towards Flight Without Stress or Strain... or Weight.”

The article carried the dateline of Washington, D.C., and stated, "Electro-gravitics research, seeking the source of gravity and its control, has reached a stage where profound implications for the entire human race begin to emerge. Perhaps the most startling and immediate implications of all involve aircraft, guided missiles and free space flight of all kinds".

The article added, "There are gravity research projects in every major country of the world. A few are over 30 years old." 

It also mentioned that, over and above theoretical research, there was empirical research into the, "study of matter in its super-cooled, super-conductive state, of jet electron streams, peculiar magnetic effects [and] the electrical mechanics of the atom’s shell".

The article stated that the weight of some materials utilized in this research had been reduced by as much as 30 percent by "energizing" them. But in a premonition of what was to come, it added, "Security prevents disclosure of what precisely is meant by ‘energizing’ or in which country this work is underway"..

Proving the ability of superconductors to produce anti-gravity effects, researchers at Pacific National Laboratory, in the late 1980s, cooled a ceramic superconductor with liquid nitrogen and levitated a round magnet in midair.

Some of the companies involved in this cutting- edge research, according to the Interavia Aerospace Review article, included:

• Lear, Inc.
• Glenn L. Martin Company
• Sperry-Rand Corporation
• Bell Aircraft
• Clarke Electronics Laboratories
• the U.S. General Electric Company

The names of these firms are especially noteworthy, because in his 2001 book on Zero Point energy, author Cook cited another 1956 magazine article naming aviation experts Lawrence D. Bell, George S. Trimble, and William P. Lear as stating that work was then under way with "nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity."

This article, from an unnamed publication and titled "The G-Engines Are Coming!" may have let slip mention of an incredible new technology.

"All matter within the ship would be influenced by the ship’s gravitation only," Lear was quoted as saying. "This way, no matter how fast you accelerated or changed course, your body would not feel it any more than it now feels the tremendous speed and acceleration of the earth."

During the 1960s and 1970s, public discussion of energy manipulation such as anti-gravity was virtually closed off, scorned as fantasy or conspiracy theory. Yet, it is clear that within government and military circles, work continued secretly in this area. Could it have been based on transferred Nazi super-science?

Bruce L. Cathie, a former New Zealand commercial pilot, theoretician, and an advocate of the existence of a worldwide energy grid, wrote in 1971:

"Somewhere, I knew, [my proposed energy grid] system contained a clue to the truth of [Einstein’s] Unified Field which, he had postulated, permeates all of existence. I didn’t know at the time that this clue had already been found by scientists who were well ahead of me in the play.... for many years they have been carrying out full-scale research into the practical applications of the mathematical concept contained in that theory." 

Cathie speculated:

"The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating, or altering, the very structure of space itself; altering the space-time geometric matrix, which to us provides the illusion of form and distance.

"...for distance is an illusion.

"The only thing keeping places apart in space is time. If it were possible to move from one position to another in space in an infinitely small amount of time, or 'zero time,' then both the positions would co- exist, according to our awareness. By speeding up the geometric of time we will be able to bring distant places within close proximity.

"This is the secret of UFOs - they travel by means of altering the spatial dimensions around them and repositioning in space-time."

One hint that the U.S. government experimented with such technology came in December 1980, when Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Landrum’s seven-year-old grandson Colby encountered a large, glowing, diamond-shaped object hovering in the air near the small town of Huffman, Texas.

The trio, supported by other witnesses in the area, said the object was surrounded by military CH-47 helicopters. Days later, the trio experienced painful swellings and skin blisters, along with headaches, nausea, and hair loss, all symptoms of intense electromagnetic radiation. In 1985, the three victims sought $20 million in damages from the U.S. government, but the following year, their suit was dismissed, based on denials by the government that any such craft existed in its inventory.

Yet another small public exposure to exotic energy manipulation may have come with the accidental discovery of single-atom (monatomic) elements in the 1970s by Phoenix-area cotton farmer David Hudson. His discovery was followed by several scientific papers exploring the mysteries of the atomic structure, nucleus deformation, and electromagnetism. Hudson himself obtained eleven worldwide patents on his "Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORME)."

Hudson found that the nuclei of such monatomic matter acted in an unusual manner. Under certain circumstances, they began spinning and creating strangely deformed shapes. Oddly, as these nuclei spun, they began to come apart on their own.

It was found, for example, that in the element rhodium 103, the nucleus became deformed in a ratio of two to one, which made it twice as long as it is wide, and entered a high- spin state. When all electrons are brought under the control of the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus attains a “highward,” or high-spin, state. When reaching a state of reciprocal relationship, the electrons turn to pure white light and the individual atoms fall apart, producing a white monatomic powder.

Using thermo-gravimetric analysis, it was found that a sample of Hudson’s monatomic matter lost 44 percent of its original weight when reduced to this white-powder state. By being either heated or cooled, it would gain or lose weight.

"By repeated annealing we could make the material weigh less than the pan weighed it was sitting in," said Hudson, ". . . or we could make it weigh 300–400 times what its beginning weight was, depending on whether we were heating or cooling it.... [I]f you take this white powder and put it on a quartz boat and heat it up to the point where it fuses with the quartz, it becomes black and it regains all its weight again. This makes no sense, it’s impossible, it can’t happen. But there it is."

British author Laurence Gardner noted, "Hudson was then asked to reverse the process fully by turning the powder back into a piece of metallic gold. It was like asking someone to remake an apple from a pan of apple sauce - seemingly impossible. Early trial led to some disastrous results.... By late 1995, the difficulties had been overcome and the figurative apple had indeed been rebuilt from the apple sauce.

"From this, there was no doubt that it was possible [just as in ancient metallurgical lore] to manufacture gold from a seemingly non-gold base product. From a commencing sample which registered as iron, silica, and aluminum, emerged an ingot which analyzed as pure gold. After centuries of trial, error, frustration, and failure, the Philosopher’s Stone of ancient times had at last been rediscovered."

Gardner amassed a wealth of material linking the white powder of gold to alchemists, the legendary Knights Templar, Solomon’s treasure, the manna of the Israelites, Moses, and ancient Egypt.

By the early 1990s, scientific papers were being published by the Niels Bohr Institute and Argonne National and Oak Ridge National Laboratories, substantiating the existence of these high-spin, monatomic elements and their power as superconductors.

Hudson also met with Dr. Hal Puthoff, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. Puthoff performs cutting-edge research into zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point fluctuation force. He and other scientists have theorized that enough energy exists in the space found in the atoms inside an empty coffee cup to boil all the oceans of the Earth if fully utilized.

Puthoff had also theorized that matter reacting in two dimensions should lose about 44 percent of its gravitational weight, exactly the weight loss found by Hudson. When it was found that Hudson’s elements, when heated, could achieve a gravitational attraction of less than zero, Puthoff concluded the powder was “exotic matter” capable of bending time and space.

The material’s antigravitational properties were confirmed when it was shown that a weighing pan weighed less when the powder was placed in it than it did empty. The matter had passed its antigravitational properties to the pan.

Adding to their amazement, it was found that when the white powder was heated to a certain degree, not only did its weight disappear but the powder itself vanished from sight. When a spatula was used to stir around in the pan, there apparently was nothing there. Yet, as the material cooled, it reappeared in its original configuration. The material had not simply disappeared; it apparently had moved into another dimension.

Hudson also saw evidence of perpetual energy through the use of a superconductor.

"You literally start the superconductor flowing by applying a magnetic field," he said. "It responds to this by flowing light inside and building a bigger Meissner Field [Walter Meissner in 1933 discovered that light flowing within a superconductor produces an electromagnetic energy field that excludes external magnetic fields] around it.

"You can put your magnet down and walk away. Come back a hundred years later and it is still flowing exactly as when you left. It will never slow down. There is absolutely no resistance; it is perpetual motion and will run forever."

This new technology dealt with the manipulation and control of basic energy.

Some scientists believed that such control at the atomic and subatomic level might do much more than offer new propulsion technology. It might open the door to antigravity, limitless free energy, a cure for diseases such as AIDS and cancer, an end to the aging process, faster-than-light speeds, and much more, perhaps even inter-dimensional and time travel.

Since science is coming to the conclusion that gravity and time are interconnected aspects of energy, it is possible that the Bell was used for experimenting with time travel. This possibility is not as outrageous as it sounds, as many notable scientists and authors have written seriously about the possibility of time travel.

Astronomer and Pulitzer Prize winner Carl Sagan, director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University at the time of his death in 1996, when asked about time travel, stated: "Right now we’re in one of those classic, wonderfully evocative moments in science when we don’t know, when there are those on both sides of the debate, and when what is at stake is very mystifying and very profound.

"If we could travel into the past, it’s mind-boggling what would be possible. For one thing, history would become an experimental science, which it certainly isn’t today. The possible insights into our own past and nature and origins would be dazzling. For another, we would be facing the deep paradoxes of interfering with the scheme of causality that has led to our own time and ourselves. I have no idea whether it’s possible, but it’s certainly worth exploring."

Jenny Randles, a science-oriented British author, presented compelling examples of recent discoveries in her 2005 book Breaking the Time Barrier, which indicate the very real possibility of time travel. She noted that "a race to build a time machine has been going on since at least the Second World War."

After discussing "worm holes" in time and space, and other possible means of time travel, she pointed out, "... [F]rom our understanding of physics - if you travel faster than light, then you can overtake the flow of events that light happens to transmit. Since the passage of these events forms what we interpret as time, then by traveling faster than light you ought to travel through time. Spaceships that outstrip light speed are always going to moonlight as time machines."

Today, more than one scientist has claimed to have broken the light barrier, though official acceptance has been lacking.
Time-Traveling Nazis

This horrendous idea sounds preposterous, but the science is there and the Bell did exist.

No wonder certain powerful persons would go to any lengths to obtain or conceal such knowledge. Just such attempts began in the closing days of World War II, as the victors sought to learn the secrets of Nazi super- science.

It is clear that certain members of the American military were keen to learn Nazi secrets, as shown by this portion of a 1945 letter from Major General Hugh J. Knerr to Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, the commander of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe: "Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research. If we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited."

Consider the rush into Czechoslovaki a by General George S. Patton’s Third Army even as the Europe an war wound to a close.

Mystery of the Long Runway

During the close of WWII, General Patton's army came upon an unusual find at a captured German facility in France [near the V1 and V2 launch sites].

This finding was described in Patton's biography.

It included specific data and photos, and also in an official document known as the "Patton memo".

In fact, General Patton specifically warned the U.S. military of unbelievable facilities being found. 

General Patton described coming upon a huge runway that was 200 feet wide, 11,300 feet long, and was made of concrete which was 14 feet thick.

The memo stated that the runway was built by the Germans using thousands of slave laborers, and took several years to complete.

The construction materials and labor force "surpassed that of the great pyramids".

The runway incorporated a unique feature at the far end. An upward turned "ski slope" was built into the runway to allow larger aircraft with heavy cargo loads to take off more easily.

This "ski slope" feature was later incorporated into the designs of British and Russian aircraft carriers.  

"The madcap, and some would say, militarily and politically indefensible, Allied dash away from Berlin and to south-central Germany and Prague are consistent with American knowledge, at some very high level, of Kammler’s SS Sonderkommando black projects and secret weapons empire," wrote Farrell.

Vernon Bowen, whose 1950s-era book on UFOs was classified by the U.S. government, relates how one of Patton’s officers, Colonel Charles H. Reed, organized the escape of the Lippizan horses from the Spanish Riding School at the end of the war, an event memorialized in the 1963 Disney film "Miracle of the White Stallions".

Bowen noted that Reed saved the horses, "while on his mission of persuading the head of German Intelligence to turn over to the U.S. the many truckloads of documents buried on the Czech-Austrian border - documents which are still secret today."

Could these documents have been Kammler’s technology files?

The Allies’ rejection of SS chief Himmler’s last-minute offer to surrender may not have been due to the "frantic attempts of a desperate mass murderer to avoid his inevitable fate," as described by mainstream historians, but instead because Himmler had lost real control over the exotic technology. After all, Himmler was too high-profile a person to be allowed to live on after the war. He reportedly committed suicide by taking a poison capsule on 23 May1945, after being caught trying to sneak through British lines disguised as a German Army private.

Hans Kammler, on the other hand, was largely unknown to the public, though he undoubtedly was high on the list of wanted Nazi war criminals, considering his involvement in the construction of concentration camps and their gas chambers as well as his participation in the leveling of the Warsaw ghetto.

"Unlike Himmler," noted Cook, "Kammler had something of value to deal - something tangible. By early April [1945], Hitler and Himmler had placed under his direct control every secret weapon system of any consequence within the Third Reich - weapons that had no counterpart in the inventories of the three powers that were now bearing down on central Germany from the east and the west."

"The deal had already probably been cut between Kammler’s representatives and OSS [the U.S. Office of Strategic Services] station chief in Zurich, Allen Dulles, or via General Patton himself," Farrell surmised.

If such a deal was made with Patton, he did not live to see the results.

On 9 December 1945, while riding in his 1939 Cadillac staff car, Patton suffered a head injury when his car was struck by a 2 1/2-ton military truck that turned in front of them. Patton’s driver and a passenger, his chief of staff Major General Hobart “Hap” Gay, were uninjured. Paralyzed from the neck down, Patton was taken to a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, where he died on December 21.

Since the war, there have been several conspiracy theories regarding Patton’s death - one being that he was killed by his own government. Most have concentrated on his vocal assertions that the United States should have carried the war on into Russia and put an end to communism, plus his public advocacy of reinstating ranking Nazis to help rebuild Germany.

Noting that Patton, whose forces drove straight to the heart of Nazi research in Czechoslovakia, may well have been aware of Kammler and his Nazi super weapons, Farrell stated that if Patton was deliberately silenced, "then surely this [knowledge of Nazi super-science] is the most plausible motivation for the deed".

Did knowledge of the incredible ability to manipulate energy die with top Nazis at the end of the war? Consider the fate of Hans Kammler.

As the war drew to a close, Kammler made no secret that he intended to use both the V-2 scientists and rockets under his control as leverage for a deal with the Allies. On 2 April 1945, on Kammler’s orders, a special train carried rockets and five hundred technicians and engineers escorted by a hundred SS troopers to an Alpine redoubt in Bavaria.

According to von Braun and Dornberger, Kammler planned to "bargain with the Americans or one of the other Allies for his own life in exchange for the leading German rocket specialists."

"[Kammler] came to me in early April in order to say good-bye," recalled Nazi armaments minister Speer.

"For the first time in our four-year association, Kammler did not display his usual dash. On the contrary, he seemed insecure and slippery with his vague, obscure hints about why I should transfer to Munich with him. He said efforts were being made in the SS to get rid of the Führer. He himself, however, was planning to contact the Americans. In exchange for their guaranty of freedom, he would offer them the entire technology of our jet planes, as well as the A-4 rocket and other important developments...."

On 4 April 1945, when von Braun pressed Kammler for permission to resume rocket research, the SS officer quietly announced that he was about to disappear for "an indefinite length of time."

He was true to his word: no one saw Kammler again. As everyone knows, von Braun and Dornberger, along with other scientists and many of the V-2 rockets, eventually made their way to the United States, becoming founding members of its modern space program with no help from Kammler.

Jean Michel, himself an inmate of concentration camp Dora, which provided slave labor for Kammler’s rocket program, wrote of Kammler: "The chief of the SS secret weapon empire, the man in Himmler’s confidence, disappeared without a trace. Even more disturbing is the fact that the architect of the concentration camps, builder of the gas chambers, executioner of Dora, overall chief of all the SS missiles has sunk into oblivion. There is the Bormann mystery, the Mengele enigma; as far as I know, no one, to this day, has taken much interest in the fate of SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler."

Michel, along with others, wondered, "Why had the "'cold and brutal calculator" described by Speer so abruptly discarded the trump cards he had so patiently accumulated?"

As the war drew to a close, Kammler, "had the good fortune to inspect the Czechoslovakian stretch of the front," wrote Witkowski. "After this event, nobody knew what became of him. Perhaps he died, though it is unlikely that this would never have been recorded."

The reports of Kammler’s death are varied and mutually exclusive.

One version has him committing suicide in a forest between Prague and Pilsen two days after Germany surrendered, while another said he was shot by his own SS aide in Prague. Another version was that he died in a shootout with Czech partisans. The Red Cross initially reported Kammler as "missing," but this was later changed to "dead" upon the testimony of a relative. The one common denominator regarding Kammler’s various death reports was that he was last seen in north central Czechoslovakia, in close proximity to the Wenzeslaus Mine - and the Bell.

Despite the lack of a body, no effort appeared to have been taken to establish the truth of Kammler’s death and, unlike his superior Bormann, Kammler was not tried in absentia at Nuremberg.

Kammler was not alone in his escape. Dozens of high-ranking former SS or party members simply disappeared. Many of them were associated with advanced technology programs.

Did Kammler and his cohorts escape with weapons plans for the amazing Bell project? Whoever controlled such secret technology was certainly in a strong position to strike a deal with one of the Allied nations.

With secret projects in the hands of the fanatical SS and with factories and research facilities scattered over - and under - the countryside, it is entirely conceivable that saucers, uranium weapons, the Bell, and other exotic technologies could have been developed without the knowledge of anyone except Himmler, Bormann, and Kammler. The high-profile Himmler had been taken out of the loop as far back as 1943.

The fates of Martin Bormann and Hans Kammler remain unproven.

"[T]he evidence is strong enough to suggest collusion at the highest levels between the United States and Nazi Germany governments - and that collusion extends down to those within U-234, its officers, crew and passengers - and has been maintained by powerful parties with vested interests on both sides of the Atlantic ever since," stated Hydrick.

If the highest circle of America’s ruling elite indeed obtained Nazi super-science in the wake of World War II, it came with a price - one these prewar, pro-Nazi sympathizers were willing to accept.

When American authorities realized the alternative and nonlinear physics within Nazi science, they knew it was beyond the frame of reference of most U.S. scientists, which is why they recruited so many Germans and brought them to America.

"The trouble was," recounted one government insider, "when the Americans took it all home with them, they found, too late, that it came infected with a virus - you take the science on, you take on aspects of the ideology as well."

The intense interest of the Nazi leadership in occult or hidden subjects -from ancient artifacts to legends of prehistorical high-tech super-races- is well documented.

One legend suggests that the Holy Grail eventually became one of the prized possessions of the Cathars, a group of Gnostics who were exterminated in 1244 by a crusade organized by Pope Innocent and his Inquisition.

According to this legend, leading up to their final decimation on 1 March1, the Cathars took their most sacred books and artifacts, which included both the Holy Shroud and the Holy Grail and then sought refuge in their nearly impenetrable mountain-top fortress of Montsegur, the principal seat of the Cathar Church since the year 1230.

While their fortress was under siege by soldiers of the Inquisition, two or more Cathars are believed to have clandestinely escaped down the side of the mountain with many of the Cathar treasures, including both the Shroud and Mary’s Holy Grail, and then to have hid them in the surrounding countryside.

The recovery of the Cathar relics in southern France has been an obsession of treasure hunters ever since.

In 1931 Otto Rahn was sent to Montsegur by Heinrich Himmler to search for the lost Cathar treasures.

Rahn discovered tunnels and caverns beneath Montsegur, but he died mysteriously before he was able to extract any of the treasure interred within them. Another SS officer, Otto Skorzeny, was then dispatched by Himmler to complete the job, and according to one eye-witness account he was later seen leaving Montsegur with a plane load of relics headed for Himmler’s secret fortress of Wewelsburg.

Then, states an additional eye witness account from the end of World War II, a German Heinkel 277 V-1 left Salzburg, Austria, bound for the East, possibly Nepal or Tibet, with a plane load of cargo believed to include the ancient Cathar relics. According to Howard Buechner, a retired U.S. Army Colonel, on board the German plane were also “twelve stone tablets of the Germanic Grail, which contained the key to ultimate knowledge".  

The Holy Grail could, therefore, currently either reside in either southern France or in the Far East.

But one alternate ending of its odyssey asserts that the Nazis eventually transported the Holy Grail from Berchtesgaden to Antarctica by a clandestine submarine and it now resides within a stone obelisk marking a cave in the Mühlig-Hoffman Mountains. This mysterious cave, known as the Emerald Cave, is supposedly linked by tunnels to caverns inside the Earth, where legends imply a subterranean civilization may exist. I

nterestingly, the Antarctic cave’s association with an emerald links the Holy Grail with the Stone of Heaven, a large emerald referred to by Wolfram Eschenbach in "Parzival" as being the true Holy Grail.

If additional Uranium was obtained from the U-234, this would have provided more than could ever have been produced by the Manhattan Project, and the equivalent of about eight Hiroshima bombs.

It also means the German nuclear program was much further advanced than believed by conventional historians.

In late July 1945, atomic bomb components -and perhaps additional German uranium bombs- were delivered to Tinian Island in the Pacific following a secret and rushed voyage from California by the 'USS Indianapolis'.

After delivering its deadly cargo, this Portland-class heavy cruiser suffered the largest single at-sea loss of life in U.S. naval history and became the last American ship sunk in World War II after being torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in the Philippines.

Farrell voiced the suspicion the Indianapolis may have delivered much more than America’s atomic bomb.

It may have carried a German bomb in addition to its cargo of Uranium and fuses.

Stevens, wrote  the, "unexploded German atomic bombs fell into the hands of the Americans at the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, two months before the "first" explosion of an atomic weapon in the New Mexico desert.

What a present for the Americans!

"All they did was to put new tail fins on the bombs, repaint them, and drop them on Japan. Naturally, the American scientists involved with the Manhattan Project were given credit".

But, if the Nazis had developed a working atomic bomb, why was it not used as Allied armies closed in on Germany? One answer seems to be that they did not have a reliable delivery system in place.

The Nazis’ V-3, a smooth-bore 150-mm gun dubbed the Centipede, designed to launch large-finned shells into London, along with its multi-stage A-10 rocket, was still undependable.

Witkowski voiced his suspicions that the fatal flight of Lieutenant Joseph Kennedy, older brother to the future president, might have been an ill-fated attempt to destroy the V-3 complex at Mimoyecques, France. The giant airfield in Norway, home to the massive six-engine bombers, had not yet been completed.

This idea was echoed by Stevens, who became convinced that the Third Reich produced an atomic bomb.

"The Germans did make atomic bombs," he stated emphatically. "Not only did they make atomic bombs, they made Uranium as well as Plutonium bombs and other atomic weapons which remain somewhat of a mystery. What the Germans could not do, in these dying days of the Third Reich, was to match up one of these nuclear weapons with an effective delivery system. The reasons for this differ with each weapon, individually, and run the [gamut] from mistake to treachery to incompetence".

One thought that must have crossed the minds of Nazi leaders was the total destruction of Germany that would have resulted from the use of a nuclear weapon.

An incurable lung disease brought Otto Skorzeny to Heidelberg in 1975 for medical treatment. There, Hans-Ulrich Rudel and Waldemar Schütz were his last comrades, visiting him before his return to Spain eight days before his death.

He told them on this occasion about his visit in the Führerhauptquartier in the autumn of 1944, when the Führer was ill and received him at his bed. The Führer told him that day that Germany had not built the atom bomb, because he did not want to take the responsibility for mankind being destroyed by such a "Teufelswerk":

"Do you know Mr Skorzeny, that the energy which will be freed through the splitting of the atom's nucleus and the additional radioactivity from such a bomb might destroy our planet? .... The effects would be dreadful. Even if one could control the radioactivity and could use atom splitting as a weapon the results would be dreadful.

"When Dr. Todt visited me I read that the energy set free by such a bomb could destroy the whole of Arizona or make as big a crater as the meteor had caused in Siberia. That means that all life within such an area would be destroyed, not only humans but all life. Animals and plants would not be able to live within a radius of 40 km for hundreds of years due to radiation.

"That would mean an Apocalypse. No land, no group of civilized people could bear the responsibility for such a slaughter. In battle after battle human beings would destroy themselves if such a bomb were used. Only in remote places like Amazonia and the jungles of Sumatra would people have a chance of surviving such a bomb".

The devastation of London or New York would not have materially altered the course of the war in the spring of 1945.

And the retaliation of the Allies would have been unimaginable. 

High-ranking Nazis, such as Hitler’s secretary Martin Bormann, who by war’s end had become the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, realized the war was lost, and used advanced technology as a bargaining chip with the Western allies.

Hydrick proposed just that intriguing possibility: that the U-234 was purposely handed over to U.S. authorities on the order of Bormann in exchange for immunity as part of a covert plan for the continuation of Nazi research.

Although there was criticism over Hydrick’s technical descriptions of both the atomic bomb and its detonators, his mass of documentation concerning the transfer of nuclear technology from Germany to America is compelling.

Hydrick’s claim is supported by Farrell, who wrote, "I have argued that most likely all of it [extra uranium and even atom bombs] came from Nazi Germany, courtesy of Nazi Party Reichsleiter Bormann and SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler."

But Farrell had an even more horrifying thought about why the Nazis did not drop an atomic bomb. Considering Nazi research into quantum physics and energy manipulation, Farrell speculated that their atomic bombs "were being developed as detonators for something far more destructive".

Since only a few scattered plans to Nazi super-science were recovered after the war, the question arises, "What became of their advanced technology?"

There has never been a public answer.

However, the answer to this question may be found by studying the man in charge of Germany’s high-tech weapons programs, Dr. Engineer Hans Kammler.

Until recently, finding reliable information about Kammler and his work has been very difficult, and most biographies and stories are a mix of speculation, meta-fiction and/or conspiracy theory. In 2000, however, a number of documents relating to the last days of World War II in Germany were declassified and authors such as Nick Cook–editor for "Jane’s Defense Weekly" the world’s leading military affairs journal] and author of "The Hunt for Zero Point", have begun to piece together information about Kammler’s life and work in the last days of World War II.

Moreover, they have traced the migration and activities of members of the Kammlerstab [Kammler’s staff] after the war to places such as Lockheed/Martin, Bell Labs, General Dynamics, and Boeing. Thus, according to Cook, although Kammler himself disappeared without a trace on 18 April 1945, technical information about secret weapons projects that he had gathered and hidden during the last days of the war began to reappear at various defense contracting companies in the United States in the 1950’s.

Kammler, whose name has been largely lost to history, may have played a large role in developing and hiding away the technology secrets of Hitler’s Third Reich. Kammler did not have higher purposes in mind when he set out to develop rockets and energy manipulation. He was searching for new weapons.

Born in 1901, Kammler completed engineering studies at a technical university and began working for the German Air Ministry. Aft er joining the Nazi SS, he managed finances and construction for the SS until 1942, when he became chief of Group C under the Wirtschafts und Verwaltungshauptamt, or the Economic and Administrative Central Offi ce [WVHA] of the SS, one of five key branches of the Black Shirts.

This branch controlled all economic enterprises as well as all concentration and extermination camps. Beginning in 1943, Kammler took control of all “special tasks,” which included “Kammler special construction” - the creation of secret underground facilities as well as exotic weapons programs. His official title was SS Obergruppenführer, or lieutenant general, and he had worked his way up to command the Third Reich’s most precious war time secrets.

In mid-1943, SS chief Heinrich Himmler sent a letter to armaments minister Speer. "With this letter, I inform you that I, as SS Reichsführer... do hereby take charge of the manufacture of the A-4 instrument," it read. The A-4 rocket was later designated by Hitler as the V-2. Himmler then placed Kammler in charge of the project, one of Germany’s most secret high-tech weapons systems.

Due to the devastation brought on by incessant Allied air raids, by the end of 1944, Kammler had taken control of weapons research as well as the construction of underground factories and concentration camps.

"Thus - just a few weeks before the end of the war - he had become commissioner general for all important weapons", wrote Speer, who later bemoaned the fact that Himmler’s SS gradually assumed total control over Germany’s weaponry, production, and research.

In connection with his new responsibilities, Kammler created an SS Sonderkommando, or special command, independent from the normal German military and bureaucracy.

The breadth of technology projects under Hans Kammler was immense; they included not only von Braun’s rocket works at Peenemünde but also secret physics experimentation in Thuringia, in large underground facilities. Near the end of the war, General Patton’s tanks did not head for Berlin but for Ohrdruf in Thuringia, where Auschwitz provided a pool of forced labor for the underground facilities. 
One of the secret weapons under development was the atomic bomb. The Establishment history teaches us, and correctly as far as it goes, that Heisenberg and the other highly visible Nobel-prize-winning German physicists did not have the resources in their heavy-water experiments to develop the bomb; Germany, it seems, did not have an adequate industrial base. However, this is a misleading half-truth, for Kammler had developed the Bomb, as reported in an article that appeared in the "Evening Standard" on 7 August 1945, one day after the Little Boy atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, titled "Germans Timed Atomic Bomb for October". 

The article reads as follows:
"The Germans had an atom bomb which would have been ready by October. A colossal blast effect was claimed for the German bomb. It was said it would wipe out everything inside a radius of six miles, said B.U.P. to-day. The German atomic plans were uncovered four months ago, when an Allied search party walked into a small silk factory at Celle, north of Hanover. A laboratory of two rooms was buried away in the heart of the factory. A famous research scientist was still at work. He was flown to Britain the same day. This man, with others, had been working on the atom bomb for months. The Nazi Government poured out money on it. Apparently they did not expect immediate results". 

Dr. Mario Zippermayr, an eccentric Austrian inventor working at an experimental establishment at Lofer in the Tyrol, designed and built a series of highly unorthodox anti-aircraft weapons that were observed very closely by the Reichsluftfahrtamt  [Office of Aeronautics)]in Berlin. Due to the overwhelming numerical air superiority of the Allies every effort was made during the last year of the war to find ways of exploiting any known phenomenon that could bring down the heavy bombers of the USAAF and RAF.

Dr. Zippermayr constructed both a huge Wirbelwind Kanone [Whirlwind Cannon] and Turbulenz Kanone [Vortex Cannon]. Both had the same goal - to knock down enemy bombers through clever manipulation of air.

To achieve this, the “Wind Cannon” used a detonation of hydrogen and oxygen to form a highly compressed plug of air that was channeled through a long tube that was bent at an angle and fired like a shell towards enemy aircraft. Impossible as this may seem the Wind Cannon did particularly well on the ground - breaking one inch thick wooden boards from a range of 200 yards! This promising development, however, meant nothing against the Allied bombers that were flying at 20,000 ft! Nevertheless, taken from the Hillersleben Proving Grounds the Wind Cannon was used in defense of a bridge over the Elbe River in 1945. Either there were no aircraft present or the cannon had no effect because it was still intact where it was found.
The Turbulenz Kanone, by comparison, was a large caliber mortar sunk into the ground with fired coal dust and slow burning explosive shells to create an artificial vortex. This also worked well on the ground but again the problem was the same - how to generate a large enough effect to reach the aircraft. Zippermayr did not know if the pressure changes of this device would be sufficient to cause structural damage to an aircraft but the vortex would definitely have an effect on the wing loading as even clear air turbulence had brought down civilian airliners.

Even though Zippermayr could not make either of these weapons any more potent, three outcomes came from his research. The first was the coal dust shell application used with light artillery in the Warsaw Ghetto which involved nothing more than shortening the barrel of the artillery piece and detonating the shells in flight. The improvised weapon was named “Pandora” and was sadly used to deadly effect against the Jewish freedom fighters.

Major Rudolf Lusar, who was involved with German disc development with Schriever’s Flugkreisel Projekt had seen the test footage of both the Wind Cannon and Vortex Cannon in action. He was especially interested in the vortex effect and destructive power of coal dust. Many late-war German fighter projects were to be powered by coal-fired ramjets including Dr. Alexander Lippisch’s Lp-13b and Skoda-Kauba P.14-01.

Major Lusar investigated the coal dust produced vortex as a means of exotic propulsion and considered if it might be applied to one of the Flugscheiben [Flight Discs].
But the second and third outcomes have remained highly-guarded secrets until now

A virtually unknown engineer working on the Flugkreisel Projekt named Gerhard Faulker came up with an idea that could have revolutionized aerial warfare in 1945. He proposed that a giant 100 meter diameter disc be constructed that would not only use Zippermayr coal dust vortex as the main power plant but also to produce a giant fire cloud through the bomber streams by ejecting coal dust explosive propellant through vents in the spinning external ring and then igniting the mixture with ring-tip burners.
Ing. Faulker named his design the Feuersturm [Firestorm]. It was proposed in late 1944 but abandoned by the spring of 1945 during the collapse and thus could not be constructed. The design was also nicknamed the “Zyclope” [Cyclops] due to the heavily shielded gyroscopic ball cockpit “eye” that would rotate as the craft literally flew in a widening arc to create the long burning cloud trail that would engulf the enemy bombers.
The Feuersturm is also unique due to its landing gear. The disc would have stood on a central coil stand made up of a series of hydraulically-retractable concentric metal rings with various diameters up to 50 meters. When extended, these formed the huge Turbulenzrohr [vortex pipe] with a huge blast plate/exhaust orifice at the bottom.

When the craft went into attack, the entire collapsible hydraulic ring system retracted up into the belly of the disc with the blast plate protecting the bottom of the disc as the vortex effect generated inside the disc now drove the spinning external fire ring. For defense in the VTOL role the Feuersturm would carry four internal launch tubes that would vertically fire coal dust explosive shells. They were to be pre-loaded before launch.

The Feuersturm would have been a point-defense interceptor disc designed to quickly climb vertically to the altitude of the approaching bomber stream and then arc sideways creating an immense burning fire cloud into the path of the bombers.
One disadvantage to this proposal was the desired result. If the Feuersturm worked and all 1,000 bombers plus 500 escorts plunged to the ground on fire, the devastating effect on the locals could have been actually worse than the bombing run!

The Luftwaffe had already proposed a similar idea in 1943 with the development of the world’s first aerosol bombs (known then as vacuum bombs), but none were actually used during the war, probably due to same reason. The British found several SC bomb casings that contained aerosol dispersion canisters, but none were filled in 1945. Only the lone Kugelblitz downed a small group of B-24 bombers with an aerosol ejector gun in one incident to which the Allies accused Germany of using “firedamp” artillery shells.

The third outcome of Zippermayr’s work was even deadlier. The proposed Flak shells containing coal dust powder were to be developed into a super bomb.

The SS took Zippermayr’s basic idea and enlarged it into a bomb containing 60% liquid oxygen and 40% fine coal dust powder. This alone would create immense destruction but the SS pushed the idea further by adding a waxy reagent to the mix.

When detonated the bomb would create a huge explosion with a latter unnatural electrical storm effect at ground level, consuming all oxygen and burning everything alive in a 4.5 km radius - a form of plasma weapon. However, the decision to proceed with this bomb was only granted on 9 March 1945 and was to be constructed at the Jonastal S-3 complex as well as the German discs. The complex was never finished in time and work stopped that same month, even after 25-50 kg test versions of the bomb were detonated in remote locations near the Baltic.

Postwar, Ing. Faulker was not heard of again. He was captured by the Russians in the advance and taken to the USSR. The Russians had considered the development of coal dust explosives too but decided against it and developed their own “thermobaric” weapons which ultimately were tested in Chechnya. No Russian flight disc development seems to have resulted from Faulkner’s capture.

 -- Rob Arndt

Aerospace engineering combines with nuclear and quantum physics in the possible development under Kammler of propulsion which combined electromagnetics with gravity. One of the main goals of physics that has persisted into the 21st century is to find a theoretical means for unifying gravity with the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces (or electronuclear force). There is some evidence that this has already been accomplished covertly - and possibly as far back as in Kammler’s efforts.

Nick Cook, former editor of the well-regarded "Jane’s Defence Weekly" magazine set out to find what evidence remained for the development of electrogravitic or magnetogravitic propulsion in Nazi Germany. His search took him to Poland and what was left of a large concrete cradle associated with a device Cook refers to as Kammler’s “Bell”. 

"The Bell consisted apparently of two counter-rotating cylinders, and resembled a Bell in its general shape.

It stood approximately 12 to 15 feet high, and was approximately 9 to 12 feet in diameter.

Into this device, an unknown purplish metallic-liquid looking substance known only as "Xerum 525" or "Serum 525" was poured, apparently to be mechanically rotated at high speed, and possibly electrically rotated as well, by the device.

The result was that organic objects placed within the field of the Bell swiftly decayed without putrefaction, decomposing into a black goo, and then finally, into dust, within a matter of hours, and not several weeks.

"So strong was the field that resulted from the Bell, that on its first test the technicians and scientists involved were all killed.

Subsequently, the Bell was operated only for one or two minutes at a time, and housing below ground in a room bricked and tiled with ceramic tiles, which were then covered in thick rubber mats.

After each test, the mats were burned, and the room washed down  with brine.
"When [Nick] Cook was shown the installation in which the Bell was housed, he was also informed of its high electrical consumption. 

"Allegations have surfaced concerning the neutron emitting properties of so-called "red mercury" or mercury antimonate oxide, supposedly a source for detonating thermonuclear warheads without the necessity for detonating an atom bomb, and a powerful conventional explosive in its own right.

Whatever the mysterious substance was, it seems clear that it was highly radioactive, and that the Germans were subjecting it to extremely high mechanical and electrical rotations to study the resulting field effects, effects that Cook's advisors could only qualify as "torsion" fields. These fields are thought by some contemporary physicists to have direct relevance to the study of gravity, and of time.
"Close to the Bell's underground testing Bunker the Germans had built a large concrete Henge-like structure, in the pillars of which were high grade steel hooks, an obvious testing frame for what must have been an extremely powerful propulsion device. What happened to the Bell? No one knows. Like Kammler, it goes completely missing at the end of the war, and its scientists were murdered to a man by the SS to keep whatever precious secrets it, and they, had uncovered".
Kammler had extremely wide authority in Germany, not only over rocket development but over nine underground laboratories, one of which was destroyed and the other eight missing at the end of the war along with thousands of Germans whose absence could not be accounted for by war mishaps. The Germans had, before WW II, an interest in planning for every contingency including the possible loss of the war. A German military expedition was sent to Antarctica and from this large project it is believed that some part of what is now Queen Maude Land [Neuschwabenland] became the Nazi Redoubt to which not only the laboratories and many persons but also one of the two giant Junkers aircraft and the large freighter-sized submarines disappeared. 
One year after the war, when America was depleted and in recovery, a major military expedition, Operation Highjump under the command of Admiral Byrd, went to Antarctica for what resulted in a prematurely terminated operation. Byrd’s comments point to having encountered an unexpected threat that Byrd intimated involved advanced aerospace technology. Today, the USG South Pole station is run under tight security and is conducting what are essentially covert operations there.

And what does Farrell think happened to Kammler and his work?
"...the secret weapons think tank, the Kammlerstab, survived the war more or less intact, and continued its work in a variety of host countries, most particularly in the United Kingdom and even more so in the United States, either in concert with them, and sometimes independently of them". 

The technology of large underground working spaces was first pioneered in modern times by the Nazis and has been vastly expanded by the USG, though almost all of it is unknown to the public. Dr. Richard Sauder has made it his quest to explore this undisclosed topic. The Nazis would have had the tunneling technology required to go underground [or under ice] in Antarctica, though this intriguing aspect of post-WW II Nazis in Antarctica, Argentina and Chile is a topic for future coverage.

The second undisclosed area -the biggest secret within the USG- is further outside the box than what actually happened at the end of WW II and requires some mental preparation to consider seriously. It relates to what Farrell and some others think was an incident involving secret post-WW II Nazi technology: the Roswell incident in New Mexico. Others think it was an event involving extraterrestrials. 

Zero Point Decoded 
A review of Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point 
by Colin Bennett 

I think certainly that the "Hunt For Zero Point" is a great book indeed despite its faults, a few of which are sadly, more than superficial. As Jack Sarfatti has pointed out, the references to a Nazi laser in 1945 is surely over the top. Nick Cook in his e-mail to me says that he meant a “directed energy weapon” and not a laser in the modern sense.

It does indeed appear preposterous of course for the 1940's with The Third Reich crumbling having access to a science at least 30 - 50 years ahead of its time barring some neo-Nazis coming back from the future and giving Kammler and the other monsters some future technology.

I myself have studied the Nazi military resource spectrum (specializing in armour and aircraft) for twenty-five years and I can find no hint that the kind of resources described in "The Hunt for Zero Point" were available to any one at all in the last years of World War 2. That is unless what Cook describes consists of hurried and confused misinterpretations of conventional experimentation. There were many lurid and spurious tales spun after the War by starving people anxious for a handout and a paid-for passage to America courtesy of the CIA via Operation Paperclip.

To do big expensive things in Nazi Germany as described by Cook, you had to have the backing of two people: Albert Speer, the Industrial and Armaments Minister, and/or Himmler, the Head of the SS.

Göring might have made a third power base, but after Stalingrad, he lived in semi-retirement at Karinhall. Given Speer’s ego, and streak of organizational genius (he was within historical hours of being head of IBM but was jailed as a token sacrifice], he would have told of every move in the book if only for the money and the attention he would have got. He was not SS, but Waffen SS resources alone, given their total battle commitment, would not have been sufficient.

There was a desperate shortage of money, both before and during the War [see "I paid Hitler" by Fritz Thyssen and "When Nazi Dreams Come True" by Robert Herzstein].

This is just one of the reasons why the Auschwitz-Birkenau slave labour complex was made into a Joint Stock Limited Company with shares! Nazi Germany was very much a capitalist state, and the money flow [which I have studied extensively] was of vital importance, if only because the country was not trading, and never did trade, not even before the War.

The money that could have been made from world exports of the Volkswagen saloon car alone would have been considerable, but the elitist Nazis only made a few hundred for their staff and officials.

Through not taking such opportunities [for racially-motivated political reason]) it could be said that between 1933 and 1945 Germany was technically bankrupt and suffered from hyperinflation. It lived off slave labour and what it could steal. Another problem was the native German tendency to bureaucracy. The Gauleiters of each separate “racially colonised” area [such as Danzig] were worse bureaucrats than the Communists. Not a lorry or cart could move without many kinds of complicated documentation.

The Allgemeine SS [General SS] officials were even worse.

Like the Soviet Commissars, this low-level [and most corrupt] Party apparatus blocked anything anyway which way. The result was that the Nazi State was bleeding to death by 1944.

As Heisenberg himself said, you could not move a lorry without moving through stacks of documentation.

Otto Skorzeny said his proposed V4 piloted version of V1 [Reichenberg] scheme collapsed because no fuel was available.

Reichenberg IV with Porsche 109-005 Jet Engine

The Ardennes campaign [the last big offensive in the West] was stalled for the same reason.

Thinking that complex, sophisticated, very expensive experiments were conducted in this atmosphere in total secrecy is somewhat optimistic, particularly since the fantastic experiments and devices Cook describes in the main were not directly applicable to the battlefield.

Ex-corporal Hitler was a tactical thinker. He wanted instant bangs for not many bucks.

The dreadful Himmler was much more imaginative, ready to believe and give permission for the wildest of technological adventures.

But William Manchester in his exhaustive "The Arms of Krupp" gives no hint of exotic technologies as described by Cook, and neither does Josef Garlinski in his equally definitive "Hitler’s Secret Weapons". We must remember that Hitler was quite an Intelligence asset. He tended to boast publicly of super-technologies and super weapons, all of which were fully propagandised by Göbbels.

But at no time did he boast of the kind of things Nick Cook is talking about.

We have invisible aircraft, submarines, colossal tanks and cannon, unbelievably powerful rockets, and a bomb with a working that will astonish the whole world. The enemy knows this, and besieges and attempts to destroy us. But we will answer this destruction with a storm and that without unleashing a bacteriological war, for which we are also prepared.... All my words are the purest truth. That you will see. We still have things that need to be finished, and when they are finished, they will turn the tide.  

-- Adolf Hitler, 13 March 1945, addressing officers of the German Ninth Army

The ex-Nazi spy chief Reinhard Gehlen [turned round by Bill Donavan’s OSS] talks momentarily about post-war reports of “motorless aircraft,” and there are the remarkable statements made by von Braun published in Timothy Good’s "Above Top Secret".

There are also other statements supporting Cook made by hundreds of reconstructed Nazis who were to hold top positions in post-war American air and space industry, courtesy of Operation Paperclip. But as Cook demonstrates, the schizophrenic state of the Nazi mind was never to be underestimated. Despite the conditions previously described, they went often against every single rule in the book.

The result of this was that at one end of the scale of absurdity they produced the ridiculous 100-ton Maus tank, which could hardly move under its own power, and also the quarter-mile long V3 pump gun [which fertilised the mind of the assassinated Gerald Bull].


More effectively, they produced the Me 262 jet fighter, and their abandoned wind tunnels contained perfect models of F-16 shapes.

The hundreds of prototypes found on blueprints alone were going towards "Star Trek" territory.

The Stealth B-2 Spirit bomber is derived directly from the Horten Brothers flying-wing twin-jet prototypes [such as the unbelievably advanced HO IX] found abandoned in German workshops in 1945.

But they all show conventional power plants.
Samuel Goudschmit was head of a secret U.S. mission to investigate the state of German experimental physics in 1945.

His book "Alsos" [1945] is one the best books on Nazi physics available.

"Alsos" shows pictures of the Nazi nuclear reactor at Heigeloch being taken apart piece by piece.

Fortunately, whilst in Nazi hands the pile did not go into fission.

However, Goudschmit also made another fascinating find in the basement of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin.

There stood a complete pile-frame, ready to be stacked with pressed Uranium-oxide cubes that stood nearby.

The very best physicists and engineers in Germany worked under Heisenberg on the nuclear project.

they were very thoroughly debriefed after the War.

These papers are available, but they contain nothing about the matters Cook talks about.
Many high level German military folk were captured and made prisoners of war at Trent Park in Britain. Dennis Felkin the Intelligence officer in charge had all their rooms bugged.

There was one whispered mention of secret weapons yes, but it was thought to refer to the V weapons and nothing exotic.

For those connoisseurs of coincidence, the profoundly UFO-sceptical Goudschmit served on the Robertson Committee apparently under protest. 

Like Philip Corso’s "The Day After Roswell", Nick Cook’s "The Hunt For Zero Point" is one of those books that is difficult to dismiss. 

There is a complete signal running through that unlocks it.

The book has a rhythm: It varies from almost total absurdity [1945 lasers] on the one hand, then back to what is verifiable [Stealth technology] on the other.

The author repeats this carrier signal time and time again. It carries as it were all his modulations. This is the key to the book - going from almost no-knowledge to partial knowledge and then back again. The pattern is repeated throughout. Once this signal is detected, the book opens out like Chinese dried flower dropped into a glass. In the range between the peaks and lows of these two signals, Cook cleverly exploits a wide range of modern pressure points.

The ghosts of many men and machines appear, often lost as prehistoric species of old experimental endeavors of which we have only a few bones to ponder on. We have the vortex machines of Viktor Schauberger, the “flying saucers” of Rudolf Schriever, and the work of Townsend Brown and Podkletnov.

Seen through the eyes of Cook, history becomes a grey scale of claims and counter-claims representing an unstable and anarchic view of technology and endeavour in which nothing is certain. The size and complexity of utterly fantastic claims of one sort or another involving would-be super-technologies are as equally fantastic as the men and the machines themselves.

A certain Dr. Paul A. LaViolette, for example says that the B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber is powered by an “electrogravitic drive system” instead of four General Electric F118-GE-100 engines described in its general specification sheets. The USAF would of course deny LaViolette’s claim, but then if Cook’s book tells us anything at all, it is that official denials have a somewhat chequered history.

Certainly, the critical “solution” to this important book is to evaluate it in terms of what has emerged over the past forty years as a powerful new genre: factional intellectual eroticism. This genre was pioneered by the classic "Morning of the Magicians" by Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels.

Though "The Hunt For Zero Point" is far less complex and lacks such sophistication, if we get a tenth out of it as much as past generations got out of "The Morning of the Magicians" then the read will have been more than worthwhile. It certainly sets off many a tantalizing hare chase. Like Bergier and Pauwels Cook is a brilliant metaphysical dramatist.

He has vision, a most rare thing, and there are some indeed who would argue that such an octave of almost-events as expressed by "The Hunt for Zero Point" induces a far superior way of coming to knowledge than the “facts” of a particular situation. 

This appears to be Cook’s Law – that the disturbances within the inventors [and they are all brilliantly disturbed, as are most inventors] make the machines work.

Further, what they have given birth to is so intimately involved with their personality that when that personality dies, then some metaphor is no longer triggered within the advertising construct within the machines, and the machines die like the men who made them. Therefore we may have to throw overboard the two-state click of astronaut-talk involved in absolute “yes and no” assumptions, and prepare to consider an intermediate state in which a machine works partially for a limited period of their inventor’s vital inspirations. 

Such machines as Cook describes operate on that knife-edge of suggestion called media. In this sense, the decisions of Commissar-like overseers of fact and fiction are in no way relevant to a society soaked in media such as our own. They belong to a passing world of clear and separate processes within both science and technology, where chains of ideological causation are both tangible and visible within the product-manufacturing links and the research spectrum.

This was a world where “objective truth” in the mechanical sense could be reached by piling factual sand grain upon factual sand grain and equating the dangerously unstable pile to what is commonly perceived as “reality.” This late industrial process [essentially pre-quantum, pre-media] relates to a time when a citizen could be seen clearly in terms of understandable mythology within landscapes of Western time past and time present.

Now more or less, he is a viewer, not a participant, and he is engaged in a game show of audience participation of which the unique phenomenology of banned and denied events, thoughts, and indeed whole cultures, such as Ufology, is prominent.

We are now beginning to look upon the deterministic “reality” of the mechanical engineer as a mediaeval friar looked upon the Ancient World. The greatest compliment Cook can be paid is that within a vision of half a century, he enters the interstices of seeing and cognition to introduce new laws of anomalistic perception regarding machines, ideas, and the men who create both. Good books about the ideological and socio-historical aspects of exotic technologies are rare indeed.

Cook has given us a phenomenology of the fabric and texture of atmospheres, journeys, and characters, invaluable for insights into the psychology of anomalies and their Ufological substrata. As such, "The Hunt for Zero Point" is pure media.

Nick Cook's 2001 book "The Hunt for Zero Point" was unprecedented. Here was the Aviation Editor of "Jane's Defence Weekly", the most reputable defense-industry publication in the world, asserting that flying saucers were real, that they used advanced anti-gravity technology, and that they were a follow-on of German research conducted during World War Two. Cook had either turned into a lunatic fringe kook, or had blown the lid off the greatest military secret in the world. 

Yet the world seemed to pay the book little attention. There were no recriminations. Cook continued his work as a distinguished writer on defense matters. What is one to make of this?

First, to summarize Cook's conclusions and a quick assessment of each point: 

  • Flying saucer technology, as first described by Rudolf Lusar, was perfected during World War II, by Richard Miethe, probably including flight tests.
  • The work was conducted in enormous secrecy under SS General Kammler. Assessment: Possible, for a turbojet-powered, saucer-shaped craft. 
  • An antigravity drive for saucers was developed in the same period by Austrian Viktor Schauberger and tested at Wenceslas Mine, Ludwigsdorf, in what is now Poland.
  • Assessment: Unlikely, and the "test rig" Cook viewed at the mine has been shown conclusively to have been merely a Third-Reich-standard water tower base. 
  • After the war the German technology was taken on by the Americans. Assessment: Likely. 
  • There were separate American home-grown "anti-gravity" developments.
  • Those publicly known included Thomas Townsend Brown's Philadelphia Experiment in 1943 and his public work in the late 1950's.
  • Assessment: This is undeniable, but it has not been shown that Brown's effect was actually antigravity or led anywhere. 
  • Kammler actually led the postwar developments in America in great secrecy, or at least the American system of deep black technology development was taken on from the SS. Assessment:
  • Neither allegation seems anything but speculation. 
  • Avro Canada developed the German saucer technology on behalf of the Americans.
  • Assessment: This seems nearly undeniable, at least if you're talking about the turbojet-powered version.
  • It also seems to have led to a dead end, having no overwhelming advantage over conventional turbojet designs. 
  • The US government has been flying prototype saucers with some type of antigravity drive using quantum zero-point energy for decades…. but the technology has proven difficult to master.
  • The only operational application so far has been a kind of anti-gravity field that boosts the performance of the B-2 bomber far beyond published data.
  • Cook makes some technical arguments here in regard to the B-2's low thrust/weight ratio and range. Assessment: Northrop's original flying wing [or any pure-wing] design has similarly outstanding performance parameters, without the need of invoking anti-gravity. 
  • There is a vast black development apparatus in the United States devoted to research on this topic.
  • Lurid tales of ships disappearing during the Philadelphia Experiment, of aliens and crashed alien saucers at Area 51, are products of US government disinformation campaigns to cover this work.
  • Assessment: it does seem very likely that a lot of saucer lore is the result of US government disinformation operations. 

In the end, Cook's book seems to be a tour of a wilderness of mirrors of which his book is an integral part. It seems more like a disinformation exercise, designed to take the focus off whatever is really going on, or at least add greatly to the background noise that is keeping the truth obscured.

Whether that truth is conventional black aircraft, alien spaceships, or as Cook asserts, American antigravity technology - who can say? The whole point of disinformation is to make the truth unknowable. 

The other leading defense publication, "Aviation Week and Space Technology", is also subject to leaks every few years on exotic [albeit non-Nazi, non-antigravity] aircraft. None of these aircraft ever seems to be made public or become operational. None of them is remembered by the time the next breathless article appears. And, sixty years after research is said to have begun, flying saucers are not filling our skies

Hitler’s Wonder-Weapons: Fact, Fiction and the Nazi UFO Mythos

Micah Hanks
14 October 2016

There are an entire host of conspiracy theories that involve the Third Reich, particularly toward the end of World War II, and the supposed technologies the Nazis may have been designing at that time. Ranging from nascent physics and aeronautics innovations capable of producing flying saucers and elaborate underground bases, to the possibility that the Nazis had been planning their own design for a WMD on par with the Manhattan Project, there appears to be a mixture of fact and fiction regarding what, precisely, Hitler and his minions may have had in the works.

In 2010, the "Daily Mail" reported on the alleged sighting of a “mysterious flying disc” seen in 1944, observed as it flew at low altitude over the River Thames.

"The incident was reported in numerous credible sources that included the "New York Times", though perhaps most tantalyzing of all had been that there were said to be photographs that accompanied the "Times" story, detailing the craft’s path as it proceeded “at high speeds over the city’s high-rise buildings”.

Arguably, it wouldn’t be very difficult to recover such images from the "Times" own archives, if such images did exist. The fact that they haven’t surfaced yet is, perhaps, the best evidence that the story may be based entirely in rumor. But could such strange technologies really have been utilized by the Nazis prior to the end of the War?

While there is at least some anecdotal evidence that supports various advanced projects the Nazis had undertaken, the truth is that there had likely have been other technologies—and far more destructive than supposed “flying discs”—that they intended to build.

The "Daily Mail" article from 2010 outlined what the Germans had supposedly been developing, which included plans for putting their flying discs in the airspace over Europe:

“[T]he Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which, to their amazement, '‘did actually fly’.

"The project was called the Schriever-Habermohl scheme. Rudolf Schriever was an engineer and test pilot, Otto Habermohl an engineer. It was based in Prague between 1941 and 1943. Initially a Luftwaffe plan after Hitler ordered his airforce chief Hermann Göring to come up with a super-weapon, it was eventually taken over in 1944 by [Hans] Kammler”,

Hans Kammler, a high-ranking officer of the SS, had been placed directly in charge of the Nazi’s V-2 missile program toward the end of the War, though by 1942 he had already had a hand in the majority of the secret engineering projects the Nazis had been undertaking. These included advanced aviation projects, as well as Nazi underground bases, concentration camps, and other facilities for which clearance levels had been ultra-sensitive.

Opponents of the Nazi–UFO connection have argued, however, that if the Nazis had indeed been developing super weapons during the war, it is strange that their field-tested aircraft, captured by Allied forces following the War, were often inferior in terms of their structural design, employing, for instance, wooden components within cockpits that could have benefited greatly from the sturdiness that metal framework would provide.

Of course, the reason for such material deficiencies had much to do with the fact that Nazi resources had been dwindling greatly toward the end of the conflict; arguably then, it would have been difficult for the Nazis to construct anything as advanced as the flying discs many purported to be seeing.

In large part, the stories of Nazi flying discs appearing during wartime [and even those featured by more credible news sources] would only be published well after the actual conflict.

As researcher Kevin McClure had written of this angle to the mystery, there is literally “not one claim of flying Nazi discs [that] pre-dates 1949 and the increased US media interest in reports of flying saucers”.

The very fact that such stories of Nazi UFO technologies remain mere “conspiracy theories” seems to warrant the idea that these technologies, if they did exist, would still be considered highly secretive even today. Thus, it would have been odd that mainstream media sources would be providing commentary on the alleged appearances of such craft.

On the other hand, what if the “appearances” of Nazi flying discs during the War Years had never really occurred, but instead, the reports were fabricated for other purposes… perhaps for use as propaganda?

How better to evoke paranoia from an enemy nation than to have a major media source carry stories about the alleged appearances of Nazi secret weaponry which, arguably, had seen a continuance with the ongoing reports of flying saucers throughout the late 1940s and into the height of the Cold War years.

Nothing might be of greater concern to any major superpower than to create a public impression that the Nazis may have harnessed secretive technologies… and that someone else might have captured these technologies after the War, improved them, and was now putting them to good use.

While the debate over whether Nazi scientists were building flying saucers remains inconclusive, it is without question that the Reich had their sights on other more potentially devastating technologies.

In fact, while it is widely understood that the development of atomic weaponry by the United States had been the key technological development that turned the tides in favor of the Allies, over the years evidence that suggests the Nazis were working on developing their own devastating nuclear technology has actually come to light.

There are a number of declassified documents from West German and DDR archives which indicate the importance of the Ohrdruf site in the last months of the war.

In particular, it is beyond doubt that it was to be the last Fuhrer HQ. Allied files on Ohrdruf are closed for a minimum of 100 years, which suggests the importance of the location.

Colonel Allen, Patton's adjutant, described the fantastic underground locations in his book "Lucky Forward" published in 1947 - and that is the last we ever hear of them. 

According to the DDR documents, it seems clear that some kind of extraordinary explosive substance was tested at Ohrdruf on 4 and 12 March 1945 and that an A9/10 30-metre long rocket was test fired there later that same month.

Eye-witness reports about the effects of this explosive do not encourage one to believe that it was "atomic" although popular writers [and publishers and TV documentary makers!] in Germany and elsewhere have recently climbed aboard the "German atomic device" band-waggon. 

Patton's 3rd Army took the Ohrdruf region around 7 April 1945.

Patton was surprised at the level of resistance he encountered, and at the fact that the Germans had put up veteran SS mountain troops to oppose him.

This was 6th SS Division "Nord". These troops were used to gain time to blow up the underground installations at Ohrdruf. 

The sudden increase in American weapons-grade uranium stocks in June 1945 has led to speculation that the extra must have come from German arsenals.

This is uninformed nonsense. To understand about the American A-bombs one has to bear in mind always the question of the detonation device. 

Leading US atomic scientist Oppenheimer had calculated that between 50 kgs and 100 kgs weapons grade Uranium was necessary for a Uranium bomb if detonated using the "gun-type trigger".

On the other hand, if an efficient "implosion fuse" were invented, a uranium bomb would only need 14 kgs. weapons-grade Uranium.

The Plutonium bomb could only be detonated at all by implosion. No implosion device was invented until June 1945. 

At the end of 1944, the United States had enough weapons grade Uranium "for three atom bombs" according to military project head Lt-Gen Groves, but would not be able to explode them until "the end of 1945".

This means that by the end of 1944 they had about 42 kilos of weapons grade Uranium, enough for three U-bombs with an implosion device, or half a bomb with a gun-type device. They also had plutonium, but could not set the bomb off. 

The Manhattan Project was a failure until June 1945 in that it could make material for atomic bombs, but lacked the technical ingenuity to set them off. 

In June 1945, the Manhattan Project finally came up with an implosion fuse known as the Electronic Bridging Wire.

This was the brainchild of American physicist Alvarez in cooperation with Professor Heinz Schlicke, a German expert in electronics who had been aboard the captured submarine U-234. 

The US now had the means of testing one, and dropping one, plutonium bomb, and of dropping probably three or four Uranium bombs using the new implosion fuse. It will be seen, therefore, that the large "increase in weapons grade uranium stocks" in June 1945 was due entirely to the discovery of the EBW implosion fuse.

On 15 April 1945, a German submarine Type XB U-Boat known as U-234 departed from Kristiansand on a course for Japan, carrying along with their German crew a pair of Japanese Lieutenant commanders and two aircraft specialists.

Of greater interest than their unique “guest” passengers had been the half ton of Uranium oxide later recovered by Allied forces, upon the submarine’s surrender off the coast of Newfoundland one month later.

[Radio contact with the captain of a sister vessel, German U-873, had resulted in a message confirming that Adof Hitler had been killed, hence the decision of the crew of U-234 to surrender to America].

While the discovery of the large amount of Uranium oxide aboard U-234 suggested that the Nazis may have intended to use it for a super-weapon, this information was suppressed throughout the majority of the Cold War years; it is nonetheless suspected that the recovered uranium stock contributed to the atomic weapons being developed in the states under the Manhattan Project.

Researcher Joseph P. Farrell has taken the theory a bit further, developing a hypothesis that involves scenarios such as the spiriting of Nazi Uranium out of Germany, which was deliberately handed off to American forces in an agreement that might have promised immunity to some of the compliant German officers.

Other information that has appeared in various affidavits and official testimony suggests that at least one test of a high-powered explosive device over the Baltic Sea may have occurred before the end of the War, further lending to the fire under the theories of a Nazi atomic weapons program.

So had the Nazis actually managed to build a functional WMD?

Again, the notion seems remote, at least in more conventional interpretations. This doesn’t rule out forthcoming data which might alter the narrative:

In an article from the British "Daily Mail"ldated 13 July 2011, the discovery of 126,000 barrels of nuclear waste material in an abandoned salt mine 2000 feet below the Earth’s surface led to new evidence regarding the extent of the Nazis’ supposed nuclear program:

“A statement by a boss of the Asse II nuclear fuel dump, just discovered in an archive, said how in 1967 ‘our association sank radioactive wastes from the last war, uranium waste, from the preparation of the German atom bomb"

“This has sent shock waves through historians who thought that the German atomic programme was nowhere near advanced enough in WW2 to have produced nuclear waste in any quantities”.

This new information does seem to point toward the historical accuracy of theories that propose the Nazis had taken the necessary steps toward weaponizing their nuclear program:

Although the war hampered their work, by the fall of the Third Reich in 1945 Nazi scientists had achieved a significant enrichment in samples of Uranium.

Mark Walker, a US expert on the Nazi programme said:

"Because we still don’t know about these projects, which remain cloaked in WW2 secrecy, it isn’t safe to say the Nazis fell short of enriching enough Uranium for a bomb. Some documents remain top secret to this day.‘Claims that a nuclear weapon was tested at [the Baltic island of] Ruegen in October 1944 and again at [the Ohrdruf underground bunker complex in Thuringia] in March 1945 leave open a question, did they or didn’t they?"

With a large amount of secrecy still appended to various clandestine programs the Nazis may have been undertaking, it stands to reason that far more may have been going on behind the scenes than many today even realize. This almost certainly had to do with weapons of mass destruction, which could have ended up being on par with the weapons the United States used to bring an end to the conflict.

In all likelihood, there are remaining facets of the Nazi experimental weapons programs that are still hidden from public view; one can only guess what elements have been kept out of view, whether by secrecy, or perhaps intentional destruction that occurred in the final throes of the war. But despite remaining hidden, it is also likely that these innovations–whatever they may have been–have continued to have their technological influence on society, even since the end of the last great global conflict in modern history.

Flying Discs over Neuschwabenland?

Talking  about German miracle weapons, most people think of the V1 and V2, used since 1943 and 1944 as "Retaliatory Weapons" against England.

While the un-manned V1, the first cruise missile in history, could still be intercepted relatively easily at a maximum speed of 650 km / h, there was no defense against the V2, the first missile with a warhead.

However, the fact that the V2 was only the beginning of  much more advanced secret weapon research of the Third Reich is often overlooked.

Under the project title V3 / A4 existed a further development of the V2, which would be able to reach even America. In addition, there were a whole series of radio-controlled rockets, flying wings and delta aircraft and other weapon systems, which were in  different stages of development -among other things, several jet aircraft, the "Amerika Bomber", intended for the dropping of an atomic bomb, which had already been tested in various variants since autumn 1944- but was never used.

Recently, more and more information about already existing types of aircraft, which were previously known as merely planned or existing on the drawing board, seeping to the public.

One of the most amazing projects is a Delta jet named? P 13 B, desiged by Alexander Lippisch, which could have reached a speed of Mach 1.8. It isnd evidenced in the US documentation list from the so-called "Lusty" files, and was captured.

In addition to the development of rocket- and jet-driven projects, there was also the development of aircraft, which today are known under the name of "Flugrad" [Flying Wheel].

Although this has already been the subject of early discussion in various journal articles and publications, there are still no clear documents to verify this so far, since academic research has so far avoided this issue. Not so, however, the lay research, which very often drifted into the field of barely comprehensible speculation. Very often, one of them wrote off another author, so that one could cite each other as a source, without thereby increasing the truthfulness of the speculations

Today, these aircraft are is known as the "Flugscheiben".

The official version?

Based on the scarce sources and comparing the numerous publications on this subject, the following facts arise:

Even before the outbreak of the Second World War, there were several researchers who dealt with the question of the best possible flight system and due to the flight characteristics observed, some, independently, came up with the possibility of a discus-shaped Aircraft, a flying disc.

While there were theoretical theoretical references to this problem worldwide, the first practical experiments were undertaken in Germany. In 1939, on the occasion of the first national competition for model airplanes,.

It was the so-called flying wing AS 1, presented by the designer Arthur Sack. However, it had very poor flight characteristics and could not start independently.

At the encouragement of the then Air Force Commander-in-Chief Ernst Udet Sack developed the prototype AS 6 / V1 [the latter as designation of the 1st prototype], which was a  conventional aircraft, but with round wing shapes. Flight tests in April 1944 were a failure due to the facet the  too weak propeller engine could not lift the plane off the runway.

This project, funded by the Air Force, may have been discontinued due to this bad experience, but it proves that even the Luftwaffe experimented with discus-shaped aircraft.

The designer Andreas Epp, who worked on discus-shaped aircraft as well, handed Ernst Udet 1941 a discoid model aircraft, which was sent to Peenemünde, without Epp officially being commissioned with more extensive plans.

On the other hand, more promising attempts were made by a design team working on an "impeller concept".

The BMW Impeller - forerunner of the "Flying Wheels"

Dr. Richard Miethe, Project Manager and Aerodynamics Specialist, Dr. Ing. Otto Habermohl, expert for vertical take-off and autogyro, Dipl. Ing. Guiseppe Belluzo, specialist in heat-resistant alloys and Dipl. Ing. Rudolf Schriever, chief test pilot of the project, .between 1939 and 1945, developed various prototypes of the so-called BMW Impeller, which was equipped with jet engines and a rotor with 16 trapezoidal blades, which revolved around a central cockpit body. duration.

The maiden flight of the last prototype, BMW II V1, was said to have taken place in Prague on 14 February 1945, when it was said that only a low altitude had been reached.

While Belluzo died in 1952, the designer Miethe went in the 50s to the United States, where he was involved in the development of the Avro-VZ 9 Flugdiskus, which should also have been discontinued after negative test series. Habermohl, on the other hand, is said to have been captured by the Soviets in April 1945, and since then there has been no trace of him. Rudolf Schriever gained some notoriety in Germany by publishing some reports about the Flugscheibenprojekte and the construction of the disc aircraft, played no larger role. 

This actually ends the conventional presentation of the flying disc technology as far as it can be reconstructed from different sources.

However, there are still many questions beyond these sparse facts: Alternative theories and speculation.

Flight disc development after Miethe? 

Under what command did Miethe's design team work, and why was there a parallel research on the Sack design? Why did the Allies become interested in research that was  to prove useless - and why were over 700 scientists involved in Overcast and and Paperclip -including several researchers who worked on Flugscheiben- specially brought to the US?

Where did the numerous sightings of unknown flying objects beginning in 1945 come from, which were often described as discus-shaped? What was really being researched in the US secret research laboratory S-4, in the notorious Area 51 since 1945 - especially against the background that there was an S-III program in the Jonastal area in Germany, while precursors of the S-4 in the US are missing ?

There is a clear answer to the first question: as in other areas of military technology, there were simultaneous trials of various types in the aeronautical field, however, research by the Luftwaffe on a propeller-powered type until 1944 indicates that the trials of the jet-powered aircrafts was carried out on behalf of another organization.

At the same time, today's military technological research, for example, on the US, also recognizes the procedure according to which a promising new system, which is to be kept secret for as long as possible, is officially closed, and then research is 
secretly promoted,

In this case, the Sack model and the lack of future viability would have been openly presented to the public and Allied Enlightenment.
The other unanswered questions could be elucidated by taking a cautious look at the alternative portrayal of 3rd Reich flying disc research.

Accordingly, in February 1945 would have promoted not a prototype of the BMW Impeller, but a functional flight disc of the type V7, which is said to have reached an altitude of 12,400 meters and a speed of 2,000 km / h.

Other flying discs with designations Vril I-II and Haunebu I-III would also have been planned.

To underline this assumption, a series of design drawings and plans are often presented, which circulate in particular on the Internet, whose origin, however, can not be clarified beyond doubt. Nonetheless, many publications speculate cheerfully, about Andreas Epp from time to time, but also the group of sciientists he belonged, who should have developed these types of aircraft.

On the other hand, speculations by separate groups of researchers, one about Otto Habermohl, and one about Dr. Miethe,  who could have worked together,  at times go in different directions. 

The Habermohl and Schriever disc together with the model of Josef Andreas Epp, built as a prototype based on a flight gyroscope, were then tested in Peenemünde, before the trials were relocated to Vienna.


An article in the Swedish newspaper, "Aftonbladet" of 10 October 1952, stated the test flight under command of Wernher von Braun, should have taken place In the summer of 1944

Epp is said to have had two prototypes flown by the pilots Heinz Dittmar and Otto Lange against an American bomber attack at Leuna/Merseburg, which is allegedly confirmed by an American testimony.

With the appointment of SS-Brigadeführer Hans Kammlers to special plenipotentiary for the production of all jet aircraft in March 1945, a series production of the Habermohl Flugkreisel and a Flugdiscus developed by Miethe in Prague is said to have been ordered.

According to the involved technician Heinrich Fleißner, on 24 April 1945, four flying disks were supposed to have lifted off from Berlin with unknown targets under heavy bombardment - this brings us close to the speculation that Hitler had escaped with the help of flying discs.

The test pilot Hans-Joachim Röhlike, for example, is named by the author Klaus-Peter Rothkugel as another eyewitness for the advanced status of flying-disc technology: 

Röhlike  entrusted his daughter after the war with the fact that he had seen the earth from above - which probably means a flight beyond the hemisphere.

In addition, there are a number of testimonies that speak for an actual existence of flyable and also used flying discs: In addition to former German soldiers also Allied prisoners of war.

For example, the statement of Georg Klein, which was, however, revealed as faulty:

On  14t February 1945, at 6:30 in the morning, the launch took place at the Holice Exhibition Center. The special envoy Klein looked anxiously at Habermohl, who turned away from his co-workers Mühlens and Schreiber as well as six employees, who had to make the necessary preparations, and approached the flying ring with the Einflieger Röhlke.

.. Habermohl and his co-workers stared at their wrist watches, Röhlke waved his hand, and then the flying ring set in motion with a deafening noise. It swung vertically in the air and then jumped straight up in a steep flight . 

More credible are the statements presented by Rothkugel in a letter from Prof. Phys.-Ing. Friedrich Lachner to a friendly scientist: 

"Many thanks for your letter with the Flugkreiselablichtungen. In the war I heard about it in professional circles. In the Wiener-Neustädter Aircraft Factory, which was a subsidiary of the Messerschmitt-Werke, a test model of 5 m diameter was produced, which probably also made test flights to Vienna".

It is also said that lachner's wife was able to watch the flight of such a device. She had noticed that the flight behavior of this object was very different than usual, namely it could suddenly make sudden changes in direction. She also realized that the missile had something left in the middle.

Prof. Lachner continues: 

"Immediately after the heavy bombing of the aircraft factory, which I saw from the mountain near Fischau, my cousin, the medical officer Oskar L., was inside to help injured people. saw such a badly damaged model and did not know what it was then".

A former design engineer who worked at WNF also confirmed that the factory had a flying disk, according to the letter. Prof. L. mentions that an engineer, Kühnelt, who was an aircraft engineer, had seen such a device with a diameter of 15 m. He also heard about a 30 m diameter device. Lachner writes that he had met a flight engineer Klein, who was involved in the testing of flying disks. 

"Once he [Klein] crashed a few meters in front of me. Although the plane broke, not much has happened to it. I met the flight director right then"..

Unconventional drive types|

Other sources speak of another researcher, who dealt with the question of alternative energy production and new types of propulsion: Viktor Schauberger is said to have made a rotor model of copper in Vienna as early as 1940 in order to test various energy effects. In connection with Schauberger there are theories according to which various of his propulsion modes would have been tested in connection with flying discs, whereby the term "anti-gravitational energy? shows up.

This reversal of gravity, which is physically not possible at all, according to the research of the English author Nick Cook has now been proven by various researchers - although only with a repeal of 1-5% of the weight, but this should be increased, once the right principle has been found.

Although Cook gives in to  the all too fantastic speculation  that on the drive types based Flugscheiben even space flights was possible, and even a  flight to another time dimension, that is due to the review of Schauberger's diary references to actually existing research into drive types for flying disks elicit:

Thus, Schauberger is supposed to have developed a flying disc with an integrated anti-gravity drive by May 1945, which, however, could no longer be tested by the end of the war.

Also relevant in this context is the "Coanda Effect" achieved by Schauberger, which goes back to attempts by the Romanian aeronautical engineer M. Coanda of France, to accelerate airflow over the periphery of a concave disc, a patent that was  pending in 1938. In fact, after the German occupation of France Coanda is said to have been committed to German aviation research, but no reliable sources could be found.

More frequently, however, there is talk of so-called "suction principles" with LPG or nuclear propulsion, which would have allowed Flugscheiben to operate outside of the airspace of the earth. For this purpose, a research mission of the OKH with the research group of the Deutsche Reichspost can be demonstrated, which dates to 5 October 1942.
In this context, we meet again the visionary Alexander Lippisch, who presented ready plans for a space station after his commitment to the US defense industry after the war. 

Lippisch was also involved in planning  non-orbital flight technology, which was in connection with flying discs, working in Prague on various weapons developments.
Further locations for the construction and testing of aircraft include Wiener Neustadt, Wroclaw, Jonas Valley and Peenemünde. Peenemünde, which was under the command of Wernher von Brauns, it could have been completely cleared after increased Allied bombing raids only to pretend to continue secret research.

For a long time, the underground facilities in Jonastal near Ohrdruf in Thuringia were seen as the project of a Füihrer's headquarters before the extent of the subterranean V and secret weapon production became apparent bit by bit. For example, on behalf of Kammler, research on flying disc projects as well as the testing of smaller atomic weapons could have taken place in addition to V-weapons.

Speculation about a German Neuschwabenland base

In 1938/39 an official German expedition to the Antarctic took place, in the course of which a sub-region was officially proclaimed "Neuschwabenland" as the property of the German Reich.

Where the initial spark came from in the Antarctic, and if a German base had been built, can no longer be verified today.

One of the first to spread this story was South American journalist Ladislao Szabo, who in 1947 wrote a book called "Hitler Lives" describing Hitler's alleged escape to a base in New Swabia. Since the hypothesis of Htiler's suicide had not been widely accepted so shortly after the end of the war, the statement met with great interest.

In addition, there were rumors that two former Antarctic expedition participants said they had made further trips to the South Pole after 1939. An alleged quote from Dönitz appeared, in which he reported to havea "built for Hitler an impregnable fortress on the edge of the world",

Tthis hypothesis was further fueled by the 1947 US-led Operation Highjump, with Richard Evelyn Bird as one of the commanders to formally test military equipment under Antarctic conditions.

A total of over 4,000 men with several destroyers, torpedo boats and airplanes, divided into three groups, approached from the southern direction of the ice continent and pushed on the coasts to the Queen Maud area, in which also the German Neuschwabenland is located.

While, according to many accounts, the expedition had to be hastily halted after the loss of several Aircraft and a torpedo boat, Byrd wriote in a big report in the "National Geographic" from October 1947 only about one aircraft accident.

In fact, there were other accidents, including a helicopter crash, that Byrd obviously concealed.

In press conference after the expedition, Byrd's alleged testimony was always voiced, warning of future planes that could fly in from either pole, and also that Antarctica posed a threat to peace. 

Even the alleged statement of Dönitz turned out to be a fairy tale, as lDönitz denied them.

Nevertheless, since the 1950s, there has been a lively literary Neuschwabenland scene, which is primarily associated with the name Wilhelm Landig, who lent color to the story in a fictional trilogy based on "true facts".

According to Landig, towards the end of the war, a squadron of the latest type XXI submarine, capable of snorkeling and self-propelling electric motors, would have traveled a long way without surfacing, accompanied by some flying disccs, with a group of SS men for the German Reich base in New Swabia. Along the  way another US squadron of subs would have been destroyed.

In an interview shortly before his death, Landig reiterated the truthfulness of the existence of this base, claiming that it was created after 1939 and abandoned in the middle of the 1950s for another base in South America. 

The extent to which Landig is credible must remain an open any case, he actually seems to have been involved in German secret weapons research since 1943 in Vienna.

For the ctuall possibility of constructing an underground fortresses in the Antarctic,  is unthinkable given the pack ice lying off the coasts, but on the other hand, submarines could have found ice-free lakes that lay within the Antarctic continent.

Gilbert Sternhoff lists about 10 different submarines which, according to various testimonies, embarked at the end of the war with various targets from Kiel and the Norwegian Kristiansand.

The best-known of these was U-234, which set course for Japan with various plans and models of advanced weapons systems, accompanied by two Japanese officers. However, after declaration of nullity of the German-Japanese agreements after the German capitulation surrendered on 19 May in Portsmouth.

According to various opinions, the Uranium compound, also on board, is said to have been used for the first US nuclear weapons.

Two other notorious boats were the U-530 and U-977, which arrived in Argentina in July and August, with speculations on stops in Neuschwabenland or the landing of high-ranking Nazi personalities, some even calling for  Hitler as a passenger, in Argentina.

There also reports of encounters of civilian ships with German U-Boats, long after the end of the war,

Their voyages  -more likely to South America than to a base in Neuschwabenland -  were  quite plausible, since Argentinian Prime Minister Peron as a former employee of the security service of the SD, allowed many German immigrants to enter officially.

Aircrafts for an escape in addition to the conventionalones, designed as "Amerkca Bombers", were the long-range aircraft Me-264 and Junkers Ju 390, whose a prototype V2 actually disappeared without a trace, and the nozzle-driven prototype series Ju 387.



Agoston, Tom Teufel or Technocrat? Hamburg 1993 
Cook, Nick: The Hunt for Zero-Point. Potsdam 2006 
Der Spiegel "And they fly," Der Spiegel 13/1950 
Epp, Joseph A. The reality of the flying discs. Peiting 2002 
Farrell, Joseph P. The SS Brotherhood of the Bell. Kempton (Illinois) 2006 
Gehring / Rothkugel The flying-disc myth. Schleusingen 2001 
Gehring / Zunneck flying discs over Neuschwabenland. Rottenburg 2005 
Georg, Friedrich Hitler's Siegeswaffen. Bd. 1. Schleusingen 2001 ² 
Landig, Wilhelm Wolf time around Thule . Vienna 1980
Lusar, Rudolf The German weapons and secret weapons of World War II and their further development. Munich 1958² 
Mattern, Walter Ufos - last secret weapon of the 3rd Reich. Toronto oJ 
Mayer / Mehner The fear of the Americans before the German nuclear bomb. Rottenburg 2007; Secret Reich thing. Rottenburg 2004 
Miranda / Mercado: German circular wing aircraft, aircraft profiles 23 
Ratthofer, Norbert time machines. oO 
Ritscher, Alfred (ed.) German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39. Berlin 1942 
Rothkugel, Klaus-P. The secret of German flying discs. Peiting 2000; 
The UFO Phenomenon, In: DMZ 24
Nice, Heinz myth Neuschwabenland. For Hitler at the South Pole. Selent 2006 
Serrano, Miguel The Golden Band. Esoteric Hitlerism. oO 1978 
Sternhoff, Gilbert The future has long since begun. Rottenburg 2007 
Stoll, Axel high technology in the Third Reich. Rottenburg 2004 
Witkowski, Igor The truth about the miracle weapon. London 2003 
Zunneck, Karl-H. Secret technologies, wonder weapons and the earthly facets of the UFO phenomenon. Schleusingen 1998


The German Atomic Bomb

In the early 1990s, a German researcher set out on the trail of legends about a German atomic bomb.

What Harald Fäth discovered  came into question when he said that Germany had not pushed ahead with the development of an atomic bomb.

According to his findings, a V-2 successor rocket was being used to transport a nuclear warhead to America.

For decades it was said that the development of a German nuclear bomb was stopped during the war, as the starting materials, including heavy water by blowing up a Norwegian production factory on 28 February 1943, were no longer accessible. In addition, Werner Heisenberg stated that the German nuclear program had already been officially terminated in 1941.

The fact that, in addition to the officially known research group led by Werner Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and Otto Hahn at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, there were other groups of scientists involved in nuclear research, was known, but was neglected due to obvious insignificance:

Besides one of Kurt Diebner led institution of the Army Weapons Office in Kummersdorf, later Stadtilm,  Paul Harteck also worked at the University of Hamburg on the construction of a Uranium experimental reactor.

Thomas Mehner and Edgar Meyer, inspired by Fäth, found out in years of research that there must have been a group of researchers under the command of the SS, which was more advanced in their work than the officially presented group of experts.  

The research was confirmed by the Berlin historian Rainer Karlsch:

In the last two years of the Second World War, several hundred prisoners of war and prisoners were killed in "nuclear explosions" in Thuringia and on Rügen, as he cited his book "Hitler's Bomb" according to previously unknown sources in Russian archives and results of GDR amateur researchers indicates.

According to Zeit-Online, a total of five physics professors have confirmed by measurements that "there are traces of a nuclear event in Ohrdruf".

Despite all doubts about a successful German nuclear weapons program -at least as far as the production of nuclear bombs is concerned- the burden of proof is too overwhelming:

In addition to eyewitness reports on German nuclear weapons tests and small-atom weapons,  it is above all Allied military reports that speak for the successful completion of atomic bomb construction. However, the question remains, why was this weapon not used?    

"Operation Avalon" - conspiracy against Hitler

One possible explanation at the same time points to the nuclear power program of the SS, which until now has largely remained unconstrained.

As Thomas Mehner and Edgar Mayer suggest, there are good reasons for the assumption of a conspiracy against Hitler and also Himmler by Party and SS circles, in which the German atomic bomb played an essential role. In addition to Karl Wolff, Martin Bormann, Albert Speer and Hans Kammler - three of the few ostensible survivors of the war from Hitler's closest circle - were also involved.

The scenario outlined by the authors under the code name "Operation Avalon" involves the existence of an operational atomic bomb in the last weeks of the war. This would explain both Hitler's enthusiasm and that of his confidants Himmler and Göbbels.

The long-announced "war-critical" miracle weapons were not limited to conventionally equipped V2 or similar rockets, but related to atomic weapons, either as the warhead of an A-10 Amerika rocket or atomically equipped long-range bomber.

But instead of using the weapon against the Allies, the three mentioned protagonists would have teamed up to use the weapon as a pledge against the enemy - in exchange for their own immunity. This, in turn, could explain Hitler's sudden change of mood after Speer's last visit to Berlin on 20 March 1945.

According to the theory, Speer had either given pure wine to Hitler, or at least conveyed to the Chancellor the message that the nuclear weapon would definitely not be used any more. Although Speer himself served 20 years in prison, he was able to retain his identity as well as his previous life in his homeland.

He could probably have been spared imprisonment if he had decided like Kammler and Bormann - both disappeared from the scene without leaving a trace.

But not only that: For both, legends of death were constructed in advance, which should be told by remaining comrades.

In the case of Bormann's alleged death -on the run from the bunker in Berlin- this worked better than in the case of Kammler, because about the latter  at least three different death legends soon circulated. H

Have some agents here messed up something?

Be that as it may, the fact is that Kammler, despite his important role in managing the special weapons mission and his responsibility for the deaths of many forced laborers, did not receive closer attention at any of the post-war tribunals. Instead, there are strange evidence that speak of a German origin of the American Plutonium of the two used US atomic bombs: According to that the Uranium [fissile Uranium 235] come from aboard the submarine U-234, which in April 1945 was on the way to Japan.

A story that in fact seems devious - if there had not been a whole series of undisputed peace negotiations on the part of various German circles with the Allies.

It is certain that during the last months of the war, circles in the SS also engaged in active diplomatic activity. Both Gottlob Berger, head of the SS Main Office, and Heinrich Himmler himself extended feelers for a separate truce with the Western Allies. Berger had already tentatively proposed negotiations with the Soviet side in a confidential letter to Himmler of 26 September1944, "to get his back free in the East", he speculated in response to an English war exit.

When this proposal remained unanswered, Berger turned his attention to the Western Allies and sent emissaries to Switzerland in early 1945 to conduct negotiations with US officials. In April 1945, he agreed with Eisenhower on the transfer of prominent prisoners who were allegedly to be shot on Hitler's orders.

Although he was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in the "Wilhelmstraße Trial" in 1949, he was released in 1951. In addition, the Americans donated a bronze plaque of gratitude to his grave in Gerstätten as thanks for the rescue of the prisoners.

Just like Berger, Richard Hildebrandt, the last chief of the RuSHA, and Georg Erbrecht, SS and police chief in Königsberg, were among the conspirators.

The latter, however, had turned to the Soviets and apparently rendered them a service, as he was later on  the Stasi files as a "peacemaker".

The main objects of negotiation to extort concessions from the Allies were either prisoners, especially of Jewish descent, high technology and weapons, as well as art treasures seized in the East. These included an icon collection from Kiev and perhaps even the legendary Amber Room, which has been lost since its evacuation from East Prussia.

Another trace in the context of art treasures as a pledge in secret peace negotiations with the Allies leads to Martin Bormann.

This covered the Gauleiter of East Prussia Erich Koch in securing the said icon collection before Alfred Rosenberg. And Hans Kammler was also involved: Together with Himmler and his foreign espionage chief Walter Schellenberg, he met in October 1944 in Switzerland with a representative of Orthodox American rabbis about the delivery of 600,000 Jews against 5 million Swiss francs or tractors and agricultural equipment to bargain.

What makes a co-operation between Kammler and Bormann more comprehensible is the fact that both knew each other from their time together at the beginning of the 1920s in the Free Corps Rossbach.

Kammler had been offered an offer by the US side to help set up the rocket industry in the US, even before the Allies were able to oversee the actual scale of the Kammler staff's research, given its importance for V-weapons production in the last few months of the war as Kammler's wife stated after the war.

In order to secure himself, however, Kammler made contact with the Soviets at the same time to conduct negotiations on the delivery of weapons material. According to Georg, this is also the reason why both sides suspected each other after the war to have taken in Kammler. It is certain, however, that a whole series of researchers from the Kammler staff in the occupation of Pilsen in early May 1945 was captured by forces under the command of General Patton and later taken over in American services.

Another part had dropped off as well as the rocket technicians around Wernher von Braun to Bavaria. Kammler, who had made his farewell visit to Hitler on 3 April, had already set up a quarters near Munich and informed Albert Speer why it was better for him to join him. In fact, attempts have been made for some time to build a final defensive bastion in southern Bavaria against the Allies, the so-called Alpine fortress.

Today, this -as well as the actual retaliatory weapons- is called a myth. Nevertheless, there are indications that only incidents in the last days of the war prevented an activation of the Alpine fortress:

Just what conspiracy was directed against Hitler by three of the most powerful men of these last days of the war?

Independently of Mehner and Mayer, Nick Cook confirms exactly this conspiracy:

"But then Kammler informed the Reich Minister for Armaments and Ammunition that efforts were underway to eliminate the Führer. He intends to contact the Americans and offer them everything in exchange for his personal freedom - jet planes, the A4 rocket and other significant developments".

Speer himself had rejected this offer. 

Scientists and Saucers

Ialtn 2015, a book entitled "Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II" was published, written by Stephen Quayle.

Quayle has a history of tossing around questionable ideas, and is known by most as a conspiracy theorist, pseudo-historian, and doomsday fearmonger, among other labels.

His book  explores the idea that some Nazi leaders and scientists, including Hitler himself, could have escaped Germany in the final days of the conflict and sought refuge in a secret base in Antarctica, from which they intended to use new advanced aircraft—primarily flying saucers—to continue the war.

Much of this operation would have been orchestrated by SS General Hans Kammler, an engineering expert who oversaw the construction of the secret base and the development of the flying saucers.

As unlikely as it might sound, this theory is based on a few verifiable facts: the Nazis engaged in highly advanced aeronautics research, there was a German expedition to Antarctica during the Nazi era, there was U-Boat activity in the southern hemisphere at the end of the war, and there remains some mystery regarding the fates of Hitler, Kammler, and other top Nazis.

Quayle is not alone in the theories he presents. His main sources are other conspiracy theorists who he refers to as “historians", many of whom began making outlandish claims about the Nazis decades before Empire was written. These names include Joseph P. Farrell, Doc Vega, Nigel Graddon, Jerry E. Smith, and several others throughout the 500-page book.

Aviation journalist Nick Cook also addresses many of the same issues in his book "The Hunt for Zero Point", albeit with slightly more rationality than Quayle and his sources.

Though some of these authors cling to the same basic ideas, they often contradict each other on specific facts. Quayle attempts to reconcile these by pulling together what presumably makes the most sense to him.

His claims are dubious at best, often appealing to supernatural explanations, but they deserve some consideration, given their implications. This consideration will begin with commonly known facts about the state of Germany at the end of the war, and will proceed with rational examination of the available evidence regarding the more outlandish theories.

altFrom the start of the war in 1939 to mid-1942, the Axis powers were largely successful

Germany and its Allies absorbed most of continental Europe, and Germany went on to invade a significant portion of Russia.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, which lasted from August 1942 to February 1943, the war on the Eastern Front was turned against the Germans. The Red Army began an unstoppable push west, and closed in on Berlin by April 1945.

British and American forces, invaded Italy in September 1943 and Normandy in June 1944,  gradually engulfing the western and southern portions of German-occupied Europe, meeting the Soviets along the Elbe while the siege of Berlin raged.

Fighting in the streets of the Third Reich’s capital city was ferocious.

The weakened German forces in and around the city were supplemented by the police, the Hitler Youth, and the Volkssturm militia.

Russian artillery reduced much of the city to rubble, and Hitler was forced to seek refuge in his Bunker under the Reich Chancellery with a small handful of associates.

Other members of his inner circle resided in nearby Bunkers, making journeys to the Führerbunker for occasional meetings with Hitler.

They awaited a miracle from somewhere outside Berlin to scatter the Russian forces and liberate the city.

Much of Hitler’s faith had been placed in the development of advanced weapons, known as “Wunderwaffen”

As early as 1942, when the tides began to turn against Germany, top military strategists decided to depend on new technology to counter their enemies’ numbers.

In his article “Wunderwaffe – How The Nazi’s [sic] Planned A Futuristic ‘Super War’”, historian N. H. Mallett mentions the massive Schwerer Gustav railway gun, the V-1 and V-2 rockets, and the Me 262 jet fighter as the first manifestations of this super rweapons program, but says that “these technological marvels were only the beginning of what the Nazi regime was planning to unleash”.


Still on the drawing board at the end of the war were submarines capable of launching missiles, helicopters, monster tanks [the "Maus"], space shuttles, and more.


Science historian Kristie Macrakis writes in her book "Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany" that the Germans also developed their own nuclear weapons program immediately following the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938. This program was unsuccessful by the end of the war due to mistrust between scientists and politicians, and a lack of resources.

The Allies were well aware of Germany’s supe rweapons program and its potential for destruction. Thousands of V-1 and V-2 rockets were fired at England and Allied territories in France and Belgium after the Normandy invasion. Me 262 fighters took to the air in 1944, claiming 562 kills, according to William Green’s "Warplanes of the Third Reich". These weapons were terrifying, although limited in their impact on the course of the war.

In her book "Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists" to America, Annie Jacobsen quotes Dwight D. Eisenhower’s statement that “it seemed likely that, if the German had succeeded in perfecting and using these new weapons six months earlier than he did, our invasion of Europe would have proved exceedingly difficult, perhaps impossible”.

As these weapons were more advanced than anything in use by the Allies at the time, they were eager to get their hands on them. The Russians raced to Berlin while American forces swept into southern Germany and Austria, claiming the cities of Nuremberg and Munich, and capturing rocket and jet technology in the nearby regions. According to Clarence G. Lasby in "Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War", the United States sought to enlist everyone it could “to assist in shortening the Japanese war and to aid our postwar military research”. The war in the Pacific went on after Germany’s surrender, and even before the United States was done fighting with Japan, there was concern that a war with the Soviet Union would soon follow.

Operation Paperclip, originally called Overcast when it began in July 1945, was the concerted effort to bring German scientists and engineers to the United States, especially those involved in aeronautics research and development. Jacobsen cites the “Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act” as well as original German documents, pointing out that many of the scientists brought to America were active Nazis, and some were guilty of war crimes. The U.S. government was well aware of many of these individuals’ criminal activity, but gaining an advantage over the Soviet Union was considered more important than punishing these people.

Some of them, such as the esteemed engineer Wernher von Braun, were forced to join the Nazi Party to continue their research despite having some objections to Nazi ideology. Others, however, were guilty of participating in human experimentation on concentration camp inmates, developing chemical weapons [including Zyklon B, which was used in the gas chambers at the extermination camps] and making use of slave labor. The V-2 facility at Nordhausen, among others, was built and maintained using slaves from local concentration camps. The ethics of the German scientists, and the Americans who recruited them, were dubious at best.

altMost of the scientists and engineers brought to the United States were exonerated of any alleged involvement in war crimes.

There were some war criminals sought by the American recruiters who could not have escaped blame so easily, including the talented engineer Hans Kammler, who oversaw the construction of Nordhausen.

He told his staff to “pay no attention to the human victims… The work must proceed and be finished in the shortest possible time”.

Kammler was praised by Albert Speer for his engineering achievements, noting that the use of slave labor in his construction projects helped to ensure secrecy, since slaves had no contact to the outside world.

According to journalist Nick Cook, Kammler was a member of the Reich Air Ministry until 1941, when he joined the SS as head of the Building and Works Division.

In this position, he was in charge of constructing SS barracks and concentration camps.

In 1944, he was made the sole commander of the V-2 project, “from design through manufacture to deployment and offensive operations against England and the Low Countries”.

By April 1945, as the end of the war drew near, Kammler was given control of all of Nazi Germany’s aeronautics research and development.

Hitler put into Kammler’s hands the responsibility of saving the Third Reich, utilizing the “Wunderwaffen” developed in his secret facilities to turn the tide against the Allies.

This promotion was too little too late, as there was nothing Kammler could do to prevent Germany’s capitulation a month later.

As the United States began scooping up as many scientists and engineers as it could, Kammler was one person the recruiters would inevitably have been interested in.

His engineering expertise and knowledge of the V-2 program made him a perfect target for Operation Paperclip.

Quayle quotes conspiracy theorist Henry Stevens as saying that, when Albert Speer was asked about the V-2 rockets, he told the interrogators to direct those questions to Kammler.

“They never did, however, because the 42-year-old General Kammler had disappeared”.

In "The Hunt for Zero Point", Nick Cook corroborates the fact that Kammler’s whereabouts after the war were unknown.

Kammler told Speer sometime in April 1945 that he planned to surrender himself and his projects to the Allies, hopefully in exchange for amnesty.

He assembled what he could in Upper Bavaria, and waited in Munich for the U.S. troops to arrive.

However, he made an unexpected journey to Prague at the beginning of May, after which he disappeared. Several accounts of his death surfaced soon after, but inconsistencies quickly arose.

Having been involved in the building of gas chambers and crematoriums at the extermination camps, and the use of slave labor in the construction of scientific and industrial facilities, it seems that Kammler should have been tried at Nuremberg or one of the subsequent trials.

According to the paper 'Ein inszenierter Selbstmord' [A staged suicide], written by Rainer Karlsch and published in "Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft", Kammler was included on the United Nations’ “List 13” of war criminals.

Karlsch also mentions that Kammler’s widow did not have him declared dead until September 1948.

She used the testimonies of Kurt Preuk and Heinz Zeuner, Kammler’s driver and one of his aides, respectively, to secure a pension from the court.

At that point in time, almost all of the trials were over or already underway. If Kammler’s whereabouts were unknown before then, he should have been tried in absentia, as was Martin Bormann, but this did not happen. Further suspicion arises upon analyzing the different accounts of Kammler’s death.

According to Karlsch, they are inconsistent with each other, his body was never found, and his personal belongings vanished after the war. These things suggest that he did, in fact, succeed in striking a deal with the Allies, in which he traded all of his technological resources for his life.

Hans Kammler has been a main figure in the narratives like Quayle’s because of his domination over Germany’s secret weapons research and development. The scientists working under him were at the forefront of aeronautics technology, and indeed experimented with many radical designs. Aside from rockets and jet planes, the Germans experimented with disc-shaped aircraft, as outlined in a document from 1936 entitled “On Wings of Circular Design,” an English translation of which was released by NASA in 1979.

This experimentation led to the design and testing of a circular-winged plane in 1940, the Sack AS-6. In 1944 they also constructed a jet-powered flying wing, the Horten Ho 229.


This is the aircraft that most likely inspired the later American-built Northrop B-2 bomber. Suspicions that the Germans were experimenting with even stranger technology arose when Allied pilots began spotting “foo fighters” in the sky in late 1944. These mysterious balls of light appeared to follow Allied aircraft, and they were assumed to be a new air defense weapon employed by the Germans.

Quayle suggests the possibility that these were not balls, but saucers, a new type of aircraft under development by Germany’s advanced aeronautics program.

Nazi UFOs have become a cliché among conspiracy theorists and science fiction writers, but Quayle attributes a great amount of credibility to the idea; the cover of "Empire" features an image of a flying saucer bristling with guns and adorned with Nazi symbols. Quayle assumes that the Nazis are largely responsible for UFO sightings after the war and attaches supernatural overtones to the development of flying saucer technology.

He connects the mystical ideologies of the Vril and Thule societies to the creation of these vehicles, stating that they were not only intended to be weapons of war, but were also intended to help the Nazis reach “their Aryan brothers living in a distant star system”.

In spite of the vividness of these speculations, which Quayle attempts to reinforce by citing other conspiracy theorists, there is little to no documentation for the existence of flying saucers created by the Nazis. Cook explores the subject in more detail, citing a book written by Rudolf Lusar in the late 1950s, "German Secret Weapons of the Second World War"|

 In this text, Rudolf Lusar describes technology developed by the Germans that was more advanced than what the British and Americans had at their disposal at his time of writing (Cook 44-45). He mentions a disc-shaped aircraft created by the scientists Rudolf Schriever, Klaus Habermohl, and Richard Miethe, which was tested in 1942. However, there is no evidence outside of Lusar’s book that the latter two people, Habermohl and Miethe, ever even existed, let alone that they designed a successful flying saucer.

Kammler’s name turns up again in the writings of Igor Witkowski, a Polish historian whose work is thoroughly examined by Cook. Witkowski claims to have gained access to the testimony of SS officer Jakob Sporrenberg who was handed over to the Polish government after being arrested by the British.

Sporrenberg confessed to being part of a team tasked with evacuating “high-grade technology” from the Lower Silesia region, and claimed to be responsible for the murder of 62 scientists at an underground facility to prevent their capture by the Russians between 20 April and 4 May 1945.

This facility, known as Der Riese [the Giant], was constructed by Kammler for the secret development and production of weapons. It was only partially finished in April 1945, but because above-ground factories were frequently targeted by Allied bombing raids, the Germans moved operations underground as quickly as they could.

The primary device at this facility that Sporrenberg was tasked with retrieving was called “Die Glocke” [the Bell].

Witkowski provides the details given by Sporrenberg about this device, but points out that Sporrenberg was no technician, and he would not have fully understood the technology. He describes it as being a large bell-shaped object “made out of a hard, heavy metal… filled with a mercury-like substance”.

It apparently glowed during tests, used large amounts of electricity, caused electronic disruptions, and produced large amounts of radiation.

Allegedly, this device would levitate during testing, as if it produced some sort of anti-gravitational field.

Anti-gravity research is considered absurd by most modern scientists, but it very well may have been conducted by Nazis who considered Einstein’s theory of relativity to be “Jewish science,” and developed quantum mechanics as their own approach.

The possibility of anti-gravity experimentation is evidenced by a circular structure located above ground near the Riese facility which resembles a test rig of sorts.

Skeptics claim that it was merely the base of an unfinished cooling tower, but Witkowski claims to have discovered traces of radiation in the concrete, which suggests that the device described by Sporrenberg was tested there.

However, as adamant as Witkowski has been in his research, there have been no other sources corroborating the existence of the Bell, and it seems that nobody else has been able to find the same Polish documents to which he refers.

Whether the Bell existed or not, Kammler’s fate remained mysterious until former OSS agent Donald Richardson claimed to have been the one who personally arrested Kammler.

Richardson made this claim shortly before his death in 1997, but it was not discussed publicly until his son, John Richardson, mentioned it in an interview in 2014.

If Richardson is to be trusted, then Kammler’s attempt to appeal to the Allies using his access to “jet planes, as well as the A-4 [V-2] rocket and other important developments”, as he told Speer, was successful. His death was faked, his life was spared, and he was brought to the U.S. under a new identity as part of Operation Overcast/Paperclip.

Cook suggests that the Bell was one of the “other developments” Kammler mentioned, but this can not be verified; it is only safe to assume that the information about rocket and jet technology in Kammler’s possession were enough to bargain for his life.

Quayle asserts that some of the top Nazis who were not accounted for most likely fled to a secret base in Antarctica, taking their radical aerospace projects with them, instead of letting themselves and their technology fall into Allied hands. He cites an article written by Herbert W. Armstrong in "The Plain Truth", published in 1952, describing a secret Nazi refuge in Antarctica.

Supposedly, as Armstrong says, “the Führer’s Shangri La” was carved into an icy mountain, and Hitler, if he had actually died, might return as “the ‘Beast" of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation”. Setting the supernatural claims aside, Quayle uses a few verifiable facts to justify the idea of an Antarctic stronghold.

There was a German expedition to Antarctica in 1938-1939; Germany laid claim to an area known as Neuschwabenland, approximately 230 square miles of the continent.

The territory was named after the ship Schwabenland, and the expedition made their claimed territory clear by planting flags along the coast and dropping a few inland by flying boat. The Nazis, especially Kammler, became experts at building underground facilities, and those skills could have been used to construct a base under the ice. There was U-Boat activity in the southern hemisphere after the end of the war.

Finally, the U.S. launched Operation Highjump, the largest ever expedition to Antarctica, immediately following the war. Quayle assumes that the Nazis did indeed build a base there, that some Nazis [perhaps including Hitler] fled there at the end of the war, taking their “exotic weapons” with them (25), and that the postwar Operation Highjump was an effort to root out the last remnants of the Nazi regime.

According to Quayle, Admiral Karl Dönitz once referred to a mysterious “Station 211”, calling it an “impregnable fortress”. Quayle assumes that this “Station 211” was the base in Antarctica. He cites Dr. Howard A. Buechner and an alleged U-Boat captain, W. Bernhard, as the source of this information.. Quayle goes on to quote Ursula Seiler about the operations involving this base:

“In early 1939 the ship Schwabenland began a commuter service between Germany and the South Pole continent, whereby they not only transported the most modern mining engineering, trolleys, rails and gigantic tunneling presses, but also brought in scientists from different fields, engineers and highly skilled workers”.

According to these writers, the base in Antarctica was a humongous complex, big enough to house weapons development projects, aircraft, U-Boats, and hundreds of personnel. All of this was supposedly hidden away in the icy mountains several miles inland.

Contrary to the claims of conspiracy theorists, Colin Summerhayes of the Scott Polar Research Institute, with Peter Beeching, wrote a paper in 2006 entitled “Hitler’s Antarctic base: the myth and the reality.”

The article states that the Schwabenland’s expedition, which took place from 17 December 1938 to 12 April 1939, led by explorer Alfred Ritscher, was approved by Hermann Göring as part of an economic development plan. The goal of the expedition was to seek locations for a potential whaling station; whales were needed for “oil, lubricants, glycerine, margarine, and other essential products”.

As a secondary goal, the expedition was also supposed to investigate islands off the coast of South America for potential landing places for U-boats. Two consecutive expeditions were planned in 1939-1940 and 1940-1941, but because of the outbreak of war, these were never carried out. The Schwabenland was given to the Luftwaffe stationed on coast of France, then Norway, where it was attacked by a British submarine in 1944. Summerhayes and Beeching say that “there was no official German activity in Antarctica until after 1959".

The 1938-1939 expedition was by no means secret. The crew of the Schwabenland mapped the claimed territory, and their work was widely published and used to update maps of Antarctica. “Theirs was a voyage of discovery in which they made their maps and went along. And without a map it is not possible to plan to build a base,” write Summerhayes and Beeching. The ship was off the coast of Antarctica for only one month, and the crew only made three landings on the continent, each less than one day.

The article also points out that other bases in Antarctica took at least two or more weeks to build. Given that the Schwabenland was only off the coast for 30 days, and that the inland mountains [which the crew did not know about prior to the expedition] were 10 days’ travel on foot from the coast, the crew would only have had 10 days to construct the base (8) which, according to Quayle and his sources, was supposedly a massive, sprawling facility, dwarfing any other ever constructed on the continent.

The construction of such a facility would simply have been impossible. Furthermore, the article asserts that there is no documentation for the Dönitz quote about an “impregnable fortress,” that it seems like Quayle and other authors are simply quoting each other.

Quayle assumes that Operation Highjump, the American expedition to Antarctica after the war, was an attempt to root out the Nazi stronghold.

His chapter on the operation begins with a clearly fictional narrative about a meeting between President Truman and Admiral Richard E. Byrd, an explorer and naval officer. In this meeting, Truman informs Byrd that many top Nazis escaped to the icy fortress, taking with them new advanced aircraft. Truman assigns Byrd as the commander of the operation to destroy this remnant of the Third Reich.

Once he ends the narrative, Quayle gives a few verifiable facts about the operation. It was the largest ever expedition to Antarctica, consisting of 13 ships, 26 aircraft, and around 5,000 sailors, scientists, and naval infantry. He states that the operation was billed as a scientific expedition, but the fact that it mostly consisted of military personnel instead of scientists suggests otherwise.

He provides a statement given by Byrd to a Chilean newspaper, saying that the U.S. “should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions”.

This, Quayle claims, is evidence that U.S. Intelligence knew of the existence of a Nazi base in the region, and the presence of advanced aircraft therein.

Lasting from August 1946 to February 1947, Operation Highjump was a covert expedition, largely hidden from public knowledge according to Quayle. He speculates that it could have been hidden from the public because war-weary Americans wouldn’t want to continue fighting in Antarctica, or perhaps because the U.S. forces involved were embarrassingly defeated by the Nazis with their advanced technology. 

Quayle quotes Doc Vega’s article, “A Secret War with UFO’s Part II”, which describes heavy losses suffered by American forces during the operation, as well as a Russian documentary by Vitaly Pravdivtsev detailing the eyewitness account of one Lt. John Sayerson. Sayerson, from the deck of the Casablanca, apparently witnessed Nazi flying saucers sinking the destroyer 'Murdoch' with something like a ray gun after emerging from the icy water off the coast of Antarctica. Despite the lack of evidence that the Germans actually created flying saucers, several writers have stuck to the idea of a battle between Nazi UFOs and the U.S. Navy off the coast of Antarctica.

The falsehood of these claims becomes evident upon a simple search for the two ships involved in the alleged UFO attack. Neither ship appears on the list of units that participated in the operation. In fact, the Casablanca had been decommissioned in June 1946, two months before the operation began, according to the Naval History and Heritage Command database. The Murdoch, on the other hand, never even existed; no ship in the U.S. Navy has ever been given that name. The idea that U.S. forces were trying to locate the Nazi base is also doubtful considering the location of Operation Highjump’s activity.

The expedition focused on the area around the Ross Ice Shelf, located near 180˚ longitude. The supposed stronghold in Neuschwabenland, what is today Dronning Maud Land, would have been on the opposite side of Antarctica, closer to 0˚ longitude. Summerhayes and Beeching point out that maps of American aircraft and ship movements show that the expedition hardly came near the supposed location of the Nazi base. The military focus of the operation was to train the navy in polar conditions, which was considered a “strategic imperative” for a potential war with the Soviet Union.

It was the Russians that Byrd was concerned with when he mentioned “hostile planes coming from the polar regions,” not Nazis piloting flying saucers (14-15). Finally, Highjump—although documents regarding the operation were confidential—was not a totally secret operation, as Quayle claims. Eleven journalists were part of the expedition, taking publicity photos and transmitting over 2,000 messages to Radio Washington. With these facts in mind, the conspiracies about Highjump are almost farcical.

Questions remain as to the activities of U-Boats in the Southern Hemisphere after the German surrender in early May 1945. Quayle mentions the submarines U-530 and U-977, which surrendered to Argentina in hopes of finding favorable treatment there. The two U-Boats arrived at different times during the summer, but their surrender so long after hostilities ceased suggests they may have been up to something between the end of the war and the time they arrived in South America.

Of course, Quayle assumes these submarines were delivering supplies, technological components, and perhaps personnel to the base in Antarctica. He proposes that Hitler himself may have been transported to Neuschwabenland, and the U.S. may have learned about the stronghold and planned Highjump upon interrogating the U-Boat crews after they had been handed over by the Argentinians (70). Other writers have also suggested that Hitler was taken directly to Argentina by the submarines, since other Nazis are known to have fled there.

Historians have good reason to be suspicious of the movements of U-Boats in the closing days of the war. Jacobsen notes that the submarine U-234 was captured on 14 May 1945 on its way to Japan, laden with Uranium, plans for V-1 and V-2 rockets, a dismantled Me 262, and Dr. Heinz Schlicke, who would later be recruited through Operation Paperclip. Summerhayes and Beeching mention that a Hungarian exile, Ladislas Sazbo, was the first to claim in 1947 that the submarines U-530 and U-977 had taken Hitler to the purported base in Antarctica, which explains why they took so long to arrive in Argentina. On the contrary, Summerhayes and Beeching state that the times taken by these two submarines to reach Argentina were reasonable without making a stop in Antarctica. U-530 had been operating in the New York area in April.

“When [Captain] Wermuth learned that Germany had capitulated on 8 May, he decided to flee to Argentina… leaving the New York area on the 10 May and arriving in Argentina on 10 July” .

U-977 left Norway on 10 May, but was short on fuel and had to travel more slowly over a longer distance, arriving in Argentina on 17 August. Furthermore, the months of June through August are winter in the Southern Hemisphere; the ice shelf around Antarctica would have extended up to 3,000 kilometers from the coast. Neither U-530, a type IXC/40 U-boat, or U-977, a type VIIC, could have traversed that distance without coming up for air, and neither of the submarines were reinforced to punch through the ice at the water’s surface. The crews of both submarines were interrogated in Argentina before being handed over to the United States, and the interrogators were convinced that no high-ranking Nazis or suspicious cargo had been transported by either crew.

There is a substantial lack of evidence for Nazi flying saucers, the stronghold in Antarctica, or Hitler’s escape via U-Boat. However, Quayle raises more questions about Hitler’s fate.

Thomas J. Dodd, who was on the Trial Board at Nuremberg, said, “No one can say he [Hitler] is dead,” and Joseph Stalin told U.S. President Harry Truman that Hitler was alive during the Potsdam Conference, which lasted from 28 July to 1 August, 1945.

Stalin never believed the rumors of Hitler’s death. He launched Operation Myth in late 1945, an extremely thorough investigation of Hitler’s life conducted by the NKVD. The final report, which covered the Führer’s activities from 1933 through 1945, consisted of 413 pages, but has never been accessible to anyone outside of Russia 

Because of this, it is not possible to know for sure what conclusion was drawn by the NKVD, but rumors have persisted among the Russians that Hitler’s death had been faked using a body double. The theories of Hitler’s escape to Antarctica or Argentina have arisen since then, but their infeasibility suggests that the commonly accepted narrative of Hitler’s suicide in the Führerbunker is true.

The situation in Berlin was dire by the end of April 1945. Fighting in and around the city was fierce, and those inside Berlin desperately awaited relief. H. R. Trevor-Roper, author of "The Last Days of Hitler" states that, in spite of the confusion, events within the Führerbunker can be “ascribed with certainty to days and hours” based on all of the available evidence.

Hitler’s emotional state was extremely volatile, leading to unexpected outbursts of anger and sadness. It seems clear that his mental capacities were suffering as well, as he moved defunct armies around on his map, expecting his generals to work miracles with the bits and pieces that remained of their forces.

General Felix Steiner was ordered to attack the vastly larger forces under Marshal Zhukov encircling Berlin from the North, but Steiner knew this would have been suicide, and instead retreated. Feeling betrayed, Hitler invested his hope in Walther Wenck’s 12th Army, which was already exhausted from fighting with the Americans further West.

Trevor-Roper writes that “no one except Hitler still believed in Wenck’s army" but that Hitler’s confidence led others in the Bunker to not “disagree with his assurances”. Nobody wanted to take the risk of agitating the Fuehrer’s already frayed nerves.

Hitler had been convinced that as long as he stayed in Berlin, the city would not fall. However, all hope was lost when news arrived at the Bunker of Wenck’s failure to break through. He confided a few days prior in Hanna Reitsch, who was visiting the Bunker, that he and Eva Braun had already made plans to commit suicide if Wenck did not succeed in relieving Berlin. On the night of 27-28  April,  he gathered with others inside the Bunker to rehearse their suicide plans, and his associates affirmed their oaths to Germany and their Führer.. He declared any escape from Berlin to be impossible on 29 April.

The events on the following day, 30 April, were grim. Hitler had his three pet dogs put down first, one killed with poison and the other two shot. He gave cyanide capsules to his two secretaries, Frau Junge and Frau Christian. Around two in the morning, he called the inhabitants of the nearby Bunkers for one last meeting, where he shook hands with them all in silence..

“When he had left, the participants in this strange scene remained for a while to discuss its significance. They agreed that it could have one meaning only. The suicide of the Führer was about to take place,", writes Trevor-Roper.

Before killing themselves, Hitler and Eva determined that they would not allow their remains to be left behind, having heard of the humiliating treatment of the corpses of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress. He ordered his adjutant, Otto Günsche, to ensure their bodies were disposed of. Around 3:30 in the afternoon, Hitler shot himself and Eva took a cyanide capsule. Heinz Linge and Martin Bormann were the first to see their corpses, as Linge recalls in his memoir, "With Hitler to the End".

Günsche and others carried the bodies out of the Bunker and placed them in a ditch, where they were doused with 180 liters of gasoline and burned. Trevor-Roper lists several people who witnessed the cremation of the Führer, including the head of the Hitler Youth, Artur Axmann, and three police guards: Erich Mansfeld, Hermann Karnau, and Hans Hofbeck.

The gasoline should have burned off all of the bodies’ skin and features, leaving their bones mostly intact. At the time of Trevor-Roper’s writing in 1947, no remains were known to be found, and it was presumed that they were probably scattered or hidden somewhere outside of Berlin.

Since then, reports have emerged that the Soviets did manage to find what was left of Hitler’s body, and that it was incinerated in 1970, according to Antony Beevor’s "Berlin: The Downfall 1945".

With Hitler gone, the atmosphere in the Bunker dramatically changed. Many who had committed themselves to suicide along with the Führer ended up not going through with it. Their commitment “was mostly humbug,” and the “artificial emotion and corresponding verbiage” was solely inspired by Hitler, who seems to have been the only one expressing genuine emotions in the final days in the Bunker.

Some did go through with their vow to commit suicide, including Josef Göbbels and his wife, after killing their children with cyanide. Most who remained in the Bunker attempted to flee north-west, passing through Russian lines in an attempt to reach American forces, who they knew would treat them more civilly. Of those who tried to escape, some died, some were captured by the Russians, and some were able to surrender to the Americans.

General Helmuth Weidling, who was left in charge of the defense of Berlin, surrendered on the morning of 2 May, and the rest of the German forces capitulated on 7 May. The nightmare that was the Second World War had finally come to an end.

Trevor-Roper writes that a full investigation of what happened in the Führerbunker was not conducted until five months afterwards, and that “imagination and conjecture” had begun to fill the gaps in that time.

Even now, after 80 years of historians digging up and analyzing everything they can about Nazi Germany, dubious theories like those presented by Quayle and his sources persist. Based on the facts, it can be concluded that most of Quayle’s claims, though based on some historical grounds, are largely unfounded.

The Nazis were involved in highly advanced aeronautics research, and they might have experimented with some sort of anti-gravity device, but they did not develop flying saucers.

There was a German expedition to Antarctica, but its intentions were to find a place for a future whaling base, not to build a secret stronghold.

There were U-Boats active in the southern hemisphere at the end of the war, but they would not have had time to visit Antarctica, and they carried no suspicious cargo or high-ranking Nazis. Finally, Hitler’s psychological condition in April 1945 would not have been conducive to any attempt to escape, and if he had tried to do so, he most likely would have been captured or killed by the Soviets.

Quayle’s discussion of flying saucers and Antarctica only makes up the first 200 or so pages of his 500-page book.

Afterwards, he shifts towards more and more fantastical ideas. There is Chapter 10, all about the Hollow Earth; Chapter 12, entitled “Nazi Stargates”; and the following chapters cover the power of crystals, thought projection, the occult and mysticism, alternate universes, and demons.

He writes that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built to store information like a computer, ascribes Nietzsche’s writings to demonic influence, and asserts that Hitler will be resurrected by Satan as the Antichrist.

"Empire" ultimately reads as a descent into absurdity, if not madness, as Quayle commits himself to increasingly infeasible theories, and cites increasingly untrustworthy sources, up until the book’s end. He closes with a passage from the Book of Revelation in an attempt to inspire readers to continue fighting against evil, and to be wary of the coming of the Antichrist. His intentions may be good, but his logical fallacies and dependence on false information have led him to conclusions that an objective historian would never have reached.

Recent revelations about the Nazis have helped to dispel some of the mystery surrounding figures like Adolf Hitler and Hans Kammler. The fact that beliefs like those professed by Quayle persist in spite of these discoveries only demonstrates their irrationality.

Quayle’s book is entertaining at least, and the themes of Nazi UFOs and mysticism certainly make for good fiction, but they should not be confused with actual history.

Jumping to supernatural conclusions is logically fallacious, and if there was truth to extraordinary claims about the Nazis, it would be verifiable through extraordinary evidence.

Because such evidence does not exist beyond the speculations of conspiracy theorists, a good historian is forced to consider more rational conclusions.

The grotesque and mysterious nature of the Nazi regime has inspired great curiosity in the minds of many.

The number of people who have sought to understand this part of history from different angles is probably appropriate, considering how much of it still isn’t understood with certainty. However, the widespread interest garnered by the Nazis has inevitably led to people coming up with dubious theories, attempting to—as Trevor-Roper says—fill the gaps with “imagination and conjecture”. 

In studying history, it is important to come to conclusions based only on what can be reasonably verified by the available evidence, and to accept the fact that some things simply can’t be fully explained. With that in mind, new information is discovered every year that helps clear the fog that looms over the past. While the Nazi regime may never be fully understood, the scope of our understanding will inevitably continue to grow and dispel unfounded claims about the past.


Beevor, Antony. Berlin: The Downfall 1945. London: Penguin Books, 2007. Print.
“Casablanca (CVE-55).” Naval History and Heritage Command. N.p., 27 Apr. 2016. Web. Apr. 2017.
Cook, Nick. The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology. New York: Broadway, 2003. Print.
Green, William. The Warplanes of the Third Reich. New York: Exeter, 1990. Print.
Jacobsen, Annie. Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America. New York: Back Bay, Little, Brown, 2015. Print.
Karlsch, Rainer. “Ein Iinszenierter Selbstmord.” Zeitschrift Für Geschichtswissenschaft 62 (2014): 485-505. Web. Mar. 2017.
Lasby, Clarence G. Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War. New York: Atheneum, 1975. Print.
Linge, Heinz, Geoffrey Brooks, and Roger Moorhouse. With Hitler to the End: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler’s Valet. New York: Skyhorse, 2013. Print.
Macrakis, Kristie. Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. Print.
Mallet, N. H. “Wunderwaffe – How The Nazi’s Planned A Futuristic ‘Super War’.” N.p., 18 June 2013. Web. Apr. 2017.
Quayle, Stephen. Empire beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II. Bozeman, MT: End Time Thunder, 2017. Print.
Summerhayes, Colin, and Peter Beeching. “Hitler’s Antarctic Base: The Myth and the Reality.” Polar Record 73 (2007): n. pag. Web. Mar. 2017.
Trevor-Roper, H. R. Last Days of Hitler. New York: Macmillan, 1947. Print.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. On Wings of Circular Design. N.p.: n.p., 1979. Print.


Junkers Ju 390: The German Bomber That Almost Brought the Blitz to New York
During WW2, the Germans were developing a long-range bomber to reach U.S. soil. This was called the Junkers Ju-390 and it would have been a terrifying prospect.
By  Christopher McFadden
2 November 2017

The Junkers Ju-390 could have brought the horrors of the London Blitz to New York. Despite several prototypes being built and tested, they were never used in anger.

The program would ultimately be a failure but the idea of a transatlantic "New York Bomber" was a very interesting one.

If it had succeeded it could well have turned the tide of the war. Both from a tactical point of view but also a psychological one.

Would Germany have used them to bring the Blitz to America?

Would they have begun a terror campaign on the cities of the U.S.? Could they have delivered nukes?

We will never know. 

The Plane

The Junkers JU-390 was intended to be a long-range heavy bomber designed to strike far-off targets like America's East Coast during WW2.

The idea was to bring the horrors of massed bomb strikes to the civilians of America.

She was, in fact, a further development of her predecessor the Ju-290.

Both of these aircraft were multi-engined planes designed to deliver large amounts of ordnance to bear on the enemies of Third Reich.

Sources conflict as to how many aircraft were built and what their operational record was. Most state that a total of three aircraft were built, with the first two prototypes being the ones that flew.

 These two were built in 1943, the first prototype flying in August from Dessau and the second in October from Bernburg, while a third prototype was started in 1944 and converted into the Ju390A-1, a bomber/reconnaissance aircraft. 

This was intended for the Japanese Army Air Force and carried an armament of eight MG151/20 cannon, two each in three turrets and one in each beam position along with four MG131 machineguns in both nose and tail turrets, and 3,960lbs [1,800kg] of bombs.

Another source states that a total of eleven aircraft were built as Ju 390 aircraft were conducting missions across Europe that would have been extremely difficult for just two aircraft to cover.

This source states that an aircraft [presumably the first prototype], flying in a round trip between the 27 and 29 August 1944, flew from Norway across the Atlantic and part of Canada to take pictures of American industrial plants in Michigan.

After finally being discovered by the USAAF as it flew over New York, it disappeared back across the Atlantic, to be landed at an airfield near Paris by the co-pilot, Anna Kreisling. 

Other sources state that the second prototype had an even longer fuselage and carried a FuG200 Hohentwiel search radar, five 20mm MG151/20 cannon and three 13mm [0.51in] MG151 machineguns. 

This aircraft was delivered to Fernaufklärungsgruppe 5 based at Mont de Marsan in January 1944 for operational evaluation, with a test flight being conducted in that same month, flying from Bordeaux to within about 12 miles [19km] of New York before retuning. 

This proved that the specification for a bomber capable of attacking New York from European bases was entirely feasible but the scheme did not proceed any further.

The Junker Ju 390 would have also been used in other logistical roles for the German war effort.

These included the strategic bombing of course but also patrol and reconnaissance duties as well as long-range transportation of men, equipment, and supplies.

The Ju 290A-5 was a fully operational combat aircraft, and appeared in the spring of 1944.

It had protected fuel tanks, armour plating for the crew positions, and redesigned beam gun positions. 

Three Ju 290A-5s were retracted from FAGr.5 after delivery. All their armament was removed, and additional fuel tanks installed.

They made a non-stop trip to Manchuria, and a similar flight back, to exchange documents and strategic materials with the Japanese.

They flew from Odessa and Mielic and carried aero engines and "special" cargoes out and rare metals and raw rubber and other strategic materials back. 

- "German Aircraft of the Second World War"  by Anthony Smith and  J.R. Kay

Neither the raid to New York nor the trip to Manchuria happened with the FAGr 5 unit. 

- Official sources in the BA/MA archives in Freiburg covering the unit;s particpation during the war with the Ju 290 and 390 aircrafts.

Three aircraft  were converted with extra fuel tanks in Spring 1944 at Finsterwalde, and re-termed Ju-290-A9 variants.  

They had been transferred to I/KG200 in April 1944 and  the claims refer to their alleged flights to Manchuria after FAG.5 service.

They were flown by  Major Gartenfeldt and Hauptman Braun;  Hpt Braun's co-pilot was Lt Pohl. 

They were based at Vienna's Neustadt airport and Prague's Rusyne airport under the codename CARMEN. Actually the book also mentions long range missions over Russia flown from Roumania. 

Other units also flew Ju-290 prior to 4 April 1944 were Luft Transport Staffel 5 and Luft Transport Staffel 290. 

Hauptmann Braun of LTS-290 apparently later flew Manchukuo missions for I/KG200 so is it possible that flights from Odessa were flown by LTS-290 before Odessa fell to the Russians ? 

 The Führer's Kurrierstaffel which is known to have flown special missions to Japan with an Me-261 aircraft early in the war also operated Ju-290 aircraft and the Me-264 which was supposed to fly Hitler into exile in Japan. 

Athor William Stevenson reported in his book "The Bormann Brotherhood" that Maj Gen Wilhelm Monkhe was negotiating capitulation of Northern Germany and Denmark to Soviet forces in return for Hitler's escape into exile in Japan in 1945. 

An armed long distance reconnaissance version [Me 264A] would have been equipped with three Rb 50/30 cameras, and armed with one MG 130/2, one DHL 151Z, one MG 151 and perhaps two MG 131 for the lateral positions.

According to a study dated 27 April 1942, the long distance aircraft should be able to fly reconnaissance missions as far as Baku, Grosnyj, Magnitogorsk, Swerdlowsk, Tiffis or Tshejabinsk in the USSR, and flights to Dakar, Bathurst, Lagos, Aden and southern Iran were also reachable. 

Not only were New Jersey and New York in the U.S. within range, but also targets in Ohio, Pennsylvania and even Indiana. 

In addition, there were plans to station some Me 264s on Japanese bases on islands northeast of the Philippines, to fly reconnaissance missions as far as Australia, India and much of the Pacific area.

A fourth Ju-290 aircraft was transferred to I/KG200 and then converted back to a "civilian" aircraft on Lufthansa's fleet.

Ju-290 A-5 werk no 110178 served with FAGr.5 [Ffernaufklärungsgruppe] from February 1944 until 4 April 1944. 

It then became 9V+DK with I/KG200 from 4th April 1944. 

It was withdrawn and rebuilt at Tempelhof into a civil aircraft in September 1944 and completed October 1944. 

Flugkapitän Paul Sluzalek flew this aircraft from Prauge to Barcelona on 26 April 1945.

It may have carried SS Lt Gen Hans Kammler and SS Col Adolf Eichmann as some of its passengers.

Regarding the supposed Ju 390 flight to Manchuria under Lufthansa [civilian airliner] markings, the story goes that there were problems with planning this that went beyond the merely technical.

The best route and the one initially [supposedly] considered, would have been from northern Norway east across the frozen Arctic Ocean, with a final jog south over Siberia.

The Japanese, however, were practically hysterical at the thought of a German overflight of Russia to Manchuria provoking Russia to declare war on Japan.

The second route would have been a southern one, slightly more direct but infinitely more dangerous, across the Caucasus from forwarding German bases in the Balkans or Ukraine. 

The plane used would have to have been the V. 2, whose range was enough to make the trip. In-flight refueling tests were made with the Ju 390, and it was at least theoretically possible to get there. 

Based upon a German newspaper article from the 1950s, with testimony of persons involved, Ju-290 flights, in Deutsche Luft Hansa [civilian aircraft] markings, were conducted from Bulgaria to Nighsia [now Ningxia]. 

On the Black Sea coast at Bourgas the French built a an extremely long runway for long range flights in the 1920s. 

Until 5 September 1944, Bulgaria was ostensibly neutral and maintained diplomatic relations with both Moscow and Berlin. For that reason a Deutsche Luft Hansa flight from Bulgaria to China would not have caused Japanese objections. 

The route from Bourgas beneath the Crimea, northern Caspian and Arial Seas then down to Ninghsia is approximately 3,500nm which is within the 3,800nm capability of a standard Ju-290. 

Those aircraft converted for the Manchurian flights had a range of 4,200nm and therefore a safe reserve of 700nm.

From 1942 Japan objected to overflights of the Soviet Union by Luftwaffe aircraft, so subsequent connecting flights were made by aircraft in DLH registrations. 

In February 1944 former Deutsche Luft Hansa pilot Luftwaffe Flugkapitän Rudolf Mayr was placed in charge of the Manchurian flight operations. 

Trial flights to China began with Ju-290A-5.  It adopted a civil code for DLH operations to Ninghsia, China. This aircraft was destroyed by air raids at Reichlin in 1945. I

In March 1944 three other Ju290 aircraft were converted for flights to China. 

One, from February 1944. became T9+VK. It was attacked on the ground at Finsterwalde in April 1944 and scrapped at Travenmünde in September 1944. 

 T9+UK, was lost whilst on the ground refueling to straffing fire by four Soviet flown Hurricanes near the village of Utta, near Astrakhan. 

The third conversion, T9+WK, was attacked over the southern eastern front in May 1944 and returned from the mission beyond hope of repair. 

In December 1944 Ju 290A-3  was converted for a mission to China to carry VIP Ulrich Kessler, but work on the aircraft was interrupted by Allied air raids and the aircraft was blown up in May 1945 to prevent capture.

Albert Speer spoke after the war about a Ju-390 flight via the Polar route - the date mentioned was 28 March 1945. 

Plans for Japanese manufacture of the Ju-390 were to be shipped by U-Boat after the deal was concluded 28 February 1945. 

The only U-Boat to Japan after this date was U-234. 

This U-boat suffered an underwater collision with another U-Boat in the Kettegat in March 1945 so had to put into Christiansand in March 1945 for repairs. 

U-234's radio man Wolfgang Hirschfeld wrote in his book "Atlantic Farewell" that after the collision urgent cargo was offloaded for a proposed flight to Japan.

An ItalianSavoia-Marchetti SM.75, was prepared for a Rome-to-Tokyo flight. 

Ready on 9 June 1942, it was designated the SM.75 GA RT [for "Rome-Tokyo"]. 

Its pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Moscatelli, was placed in charge of the overall operation, which in addition to providing Italy with propaganda about Italian aviation prowess was to carry new codes for communications between Japan and her Axis partners; the Italians believed the British had broken the existing codes.

The flight was made difficult to perform by the extreme distance involved and the need to fly thousands of kilometers through the airspace of the Soviet Union, a country with which Italy was at war.

Taking off from Guidonia Montecelio at 05:30 hours on 29 June 1942, the SM.75 GA RT landed later that day 2,030 kilometers [(1,260 mi] away at Zaporozhye in German-occupied Ukraine, the easternmost airfield available to the Axis powers.

At 18:00 hours on 30 June 1942, carrying no documents or correspondence that might embarrass the Japanese [who were not at war with the Soviet Union] and with its crew under orders to burn the aircraft and its documents if forced down in enemy-held territory, the overloaded SM.75 GA RT made the difficult and potentially dangerous takeoff from the grassy 700-meter [,297-foot] runway at Zaporozhye. 

Operating under strict radio silence, the aircraft continued unscathed through the night—despite encountering Soviet anti-aircraft fire, bad weather conditions, and a Soviet fighter, probably a Yakovlev Yak-1—flying over the north coast of the Aral Sea, skirting Lake Balkhash and the Tarbagatai Mountains and over the Gobi Desert.

Maps of Soviet positions proved inaccurate, and Moscatelli had to climb to 5,000 meters [16,404 feet] to avoid detection, causing the aircraft's oxygen supply to run out earlier than planned. 

A sandstorm over Mongolia also endangered the SM.75 GA RT, but its crew sighted the Yellow River at 22:00 hours on 30 June 1942 and, on the last of its fuel, landed 6,000 km [3,700 mi] east of Zaporozhye on the 1,300-meter [4,270-foot] runway, at Pao Tow Chien, in Japanese-occupied Inner Mongolia, at 15:30 hours on 1 July 1942. 

The aircraft was repainted with Japanese markings so that it would be safe in Japanese airspace, took an interpreter aboard, and then flew the final 2,700 km [1,700 mi] leg of the journey to Tokyo.

The SM.75 GA RT departed Tokyo on its return journey on 16 July 1942. 

Arriving at Pao Tow Chien, its Japanese markings were removed and replaced with Italian ones. It took off at 21:45 hours on 18 July 1942 from Pao Tow Chien, retraced its route, and, after 29 hours and 25 minutes in the air and having covered 6,350 kilometers [3,950 mi], it landed at Odessa in the Ukraine. 

Moscatelli then completed the operation by flying the aircraft on to Guidonia Montecelio. 

The Italians publicised this event on 2 August 1942 despite the Japanese government's reluctance for diplomatic reasons, which cooled relations between the two countries; Tthe Italians made no attempt to repeat the flight.

IIn response to the flight made by the Italian Savoia-Marchetti S.M.75GA. the Japanese decided to forge a link with Europe, but wished to avoid Soviet-controlled airspace. 

The easiest route was that taken by the Italians, following the great circle route, but General Tojo opposed this because it implied a violation of Soviet airspace. Japan was not at war with the Russians and Tojo wished to avoid either provoking them or asking their permission. 

Development work was restarted on the A-26/Ki-77 project, and the first of two prototypes flew on 18 November 1942. The prototype suffered from persistent oil cooling problems which required many changes before being solved, delaying further flights into July 1943; while working on these engineering issues, Tachikawa built a second aircraft.

Colonel Saigo considered the so-named "Seiko" [Success] mission absurd and suicidal, but the crew was aware of the hazards of the mission; they even had a personal dose of poison to kill themselves if forced down in enemy territory. 

The pilot was Juukou Nagatomo, the co-pilot was Hajime Kawasaki, Kenji Tsukagoshi and Noriyoshi Nagata were flight engineers, and Motohiko Kawashima was the radio operator. 

Three Army officers were also carried as passengers, two of whom were military attachés. They departed Japan on 30 June 1943 for Singapore, where the airstrip had to be lengthened by 1,000 meters to assure a safe takeoff. Finally, the aircraft took off at 7:10 on 7 July 1943 with eight tons of fuel, ample to reach Europe.

Their intended destination was the German airfield at Sarabus [now Hvardiiske, Crimea] but they were to disappear over the Indian Ocean. 

British fighters likely intercepted them as they were aware of the flight and its route thanks to the ULTRA analysts at Bletchley Park decoding intercepted German communications to Sarabus warning of their impending arrival.

Slow, unarmed, without armour protection and with a substantial amount of fuel on board, the Ki-77 would have been vulnerable to Allied fighters, even had no mechanical problems occurred.

Two prototypes flew of a radically modified derivative, the Ju 390.

The idea behind this was simple: The wing center section panels, complete with engines and landing gear, where fitted twice. The fuselage was elongated.

In this was the four-engine Ju 290 was modified into the six-engine Ju 390. 

The Ju 390V1 was equipped as as a transport aircraft, and the Ju 390V2 as a long-distance maritime patrol aircraft.

Only two prototypes were ever completed, the V1 and V2 and were quickly dubbed the "New York Bomber". 

Ju 390 project pilot Haupt Hans Pancherz claimed after the war that only one Ju-390 was ever flown. 

At a hearing before British authorities on 26 September 1945 Professor Heinrich Hertel, chief designer and technical director of Junkers Aircraft & Motor Works also asserted the Ju390 V2 had never been completed. 

German author Friedrich Georg claimed in his book that Test pilot Oberleutnant Joachim Eisermann recorded in his logbook that he flew the V2 prototype [RC+DA] on 9 February 1945 at Rechlin air base. 

The log is said to have recorded a handling flight lasting 50 minutes and composed of circuits around Rechlin, while a second 20-minute flight was used to ferry the prototype to Lärz.

The development of this mighty aircraft made the concept of trans Atlantic bombing a distinct theoretical possibility.

Thankfully for the U.S., it was to ultimately become yet another failed proposal in Germany's "Amerika Bomber" series of projects.

Right place, wrong time?

At the time of the Junker Ju 390 development, the philosophy of the German high command was to concentrate on medium bombers and fighter-bomber hybrids.

Partly because of this the full potential for the plane was never really appreciated. 

The Ju 390 was, in effect, just a slight "upgrade" of the Ju 290 airframe with bigger wings [50 m wingspan] and a couple of extra engines.

This might also have contributed to the project's failure.

Compared to its predecessor, the Ju 390 also had a lengthened fuselage of 112 feet [34 m] to assist with its long-range capabilities. 


The aircraft's defensive capabilities were also beefed up.

The Ju 390 had two 13mm machine guns in the ventral gondola and two 13mm machine guns on her beam, or waist, gun positions. 

It would also have been equipped with a pair of 20mm cannons in a dorsal turret and single cannon on the tail.

All of this hardware was to be manned by a crew of ten.

These were spread between the flight crew and dedicated gunners.

No records exist about the intended bomb payload. 

Powering the New York Bomber

Each full production Ju 390 would likely have had a similar complement of engines to the prototype Ju 390-V1.

The V1 was powered by 6 BMW 801D radial piston engines. Each engine could churn out about 1,700 HP [1,268 KW]. 

The prototypes had a maximum top speed of 314 mph [505 km/h] and provide an operational range of around 6,030 miles [9,700 km].

The aircraft also had a service ceiling of around 19,685 feet [6,000 meters]. Accordingly, the prototypes had an empty weight of 87,083 lbs [39,500 kgs] and a maximum take-off weight of 166,449 lbs [75,500 kgs]. 

Though each prototype might have varied slightly in specifications.

The Junkers Ju390 V1's first recorded flight was on 20 October 1943. This test flight was rather promising for the future of the project.

Her sister, the V2, was also test flown the same month. Testing of both aircraft is thought to have continued into 1944 when the project was officially canceled.

Fate of the Junkers Ju 390

Initially, an order for 26 of these mighty bombers was submitted but the cancellation of the project would never see this aircraft used in battle.

During June of 1944 resources were becoming very stretched for the Wehrmacht meaning any and all non-essential resources were to be focused on more pressing projects.


The Empire of Japan was also given permission to take on local production of the JU-390 in 1944. However, none were completed by the time of the end of the war in 1945.

Japan and Germany were using the "Harteck Process" of gaseous Uranium centrifuges.

Germany in 1944 was shipping both Uranium ores and centrifuges to Japan by U-Boat.

Design work was carried out on a bomber-reconnaissance version of the Ju 390. 

Considerable interest was displayed in this ultra-long range aircraft by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force.

 In the autumn of 1944, the Japanese government acquired a manufacturing license for the Ju 390A-1.

Under the licensing agreement, detailed manufacturing drawings were scheduled to be handed over to the Imperial Japanese Army's representative, Major-General Otani, by 28 February 1945.

There is no record of this part of the agreement having been fulfilled. 

No reference can be found to this Major General Otani mentioned by Russian historians, however ULTRA decrypts of diplomatic signals from Japan's embassy in Berlin concerning the voyage of Japanese submarine I-52 refer to a General Kotani in Germany requiring return passage in connection with transport back to Japan. 

Masao Kotani [14 January 1906 –  6 June 1993] was a Japanese theoretical physicist, known for molecular physics and biophysics.

These same signals refer to other passengers with higher priority.

James P O'Donnell interviewed key characters from Hitler's Bunker immediately after the war. O'Donnell made a point of tracing 250 survivors of Hitler's Bunker after the war and interviewed 100 of the most important ones.

He recounted in his book "The Berlin Bunker", interviews with Reichsminister Albert Speer and Hitler's pilot Hans Baur.

He reported Baur being coy about the Ju-390 aircraft but also said that right up to the last day at Berlin he could have flown the Führer anywhere in the world. 

O'Donnell quotes Speer saying that Baur was fascinated with the Ju-390. 

Speer also said "a Luftwaffe test pilot had flown a Ju-390 non-stop from Germany to Japan over the polar route. Baur would have known of this secret flight..." 

At this point in the war, Germany was on a defensive footing.

The need for the long-range offensive bomber was far from a priority. In 1945 the Junkers-390 was officially stricken from the Luftwaffe's lists. The V1 prototype was destroyed on the ground as Allied forces were moving closer to the development facility.

The V2 was later captured by the Allies but her propellers had been removed to disable it.

Did the JU-390 make it across the Atlantic?

The most interesting part about the Ju 390 is that it may have actually been test-flown across the Atlantic.

The 'legend' goes that one of the prototypes, probably the V2, made it safely into American airspace and returned home without being detected. 

The flight is supposed to have taken place between Mont-de-Marsan to a point around 20km from New York, and back.

This, however, is hotly debated. However, some tantalizing evidence points to a potential sighting in 1944.

Both prototypes were probably capable of making the round trip but to do so undetected is probably highly dubious.

Also, the recorded range of these planes is not quite far enough to make a round trip. From Mont-de-Marsan to New York is about 5,865 km, well over half the distance of its maximum range.

The final word

Despite two prototypes being built and tested the project would ultimately be terminated during the final stages of WW2.

If the aircraft's potential had been realized by high command earlier, the tides of war could have run out very differently.

Adolf Hitler badly wanted to bomb New York City. The Luftwaffe also had a prime target further in on the US mainland: the major automotive plants in Michigan busy churning out four-motor bombers that were wreaking havoc on the German homeland. 

The generic name for development in this area was the "Amerika Bomber".

Both targets were within theoretical reach by war's end, but territorial losses and industrial damage prevented these ambitious objectives from ever being realized.

If even a few of the "New York Bombers" had bombed continental US targets, the US would undoubtedly have instituted costly air patrols, perhaps putting up observation and barrage balloons off the coast, and instituted naval surveillance for air attacks. 

This could even have involved diversion of an aircraft carrier or two from the Pacific, picket lines of destroyers, and the like.

Such an additional defense programme would have cost the US greatly and diverted resources from other pressing tasks [just as Operation Paukenschlag forced costly coastal convoys and coastal air patrols on the US for the last few years of the war].

It never happened, though, with the JU-390 project basically abandoned once the Allies captured the French airfields in August 1944. 

Could you picture swarms of Junkers Ju 390's assaulting and flattening American coastal cities like the Blitz of London?

What about if Germany had also completed its nuclear fission project?

Probably best not to.

According to Thomas Powers's book "Heisenberg's War" the idea of using the Me 328 as a parasite bomber within the Amerika Bomber program was explored.

It was to be carried by or towed behind either an Me 264 or a Ju 390 to attack New York City. 

Plans for this tactic were hatched from a meeting between Generalfeldmarschall Erhard Milch and Generalmajor Eccard Freiherr von Gablenz at Berlin on 12 May 1942.

After release, the Me 328 pilot would release a bomb over Manhattan and then ditch at sea near a U-boat. 

It would be a one-way trip for the Me 328, using all of its fuel in a one-way dash to New York Cit., with the host lane not having to get too close to shore in order to avoid detection. 

Why this could not have been done much easier with a U-Boat carrying a small plane [the Japanese had lots of these aircraft carrier submarines, one of which they used to bomb Oregon twice and the French had one or two as well} is a bit unclear.

The idea was dropped in August 1942.


Manfred Griehl's "Luftwaffe Über Amerika" [Greenhill Books, 2004] contains details of the mid-air-fuelling project in Germany from its inception. 

Trials were conducted over the Atlantic successfully in mid 1944 using Ju 290s. 

The tests were conducted with Ju 290 V5 and a FW 58, then with two Ju 290s and one Ju 290 in Dessau and continued with another Ju 290 and Ju 390 V1 in Prague-Rusin. all in autumn 1943.

Further tests were planned in Mont-de-Marsan during the period May-July 1944, but there is no documentary evidence they actually happened. 

It seems likely from the archive documents that there was a second Ju 390 aircraft, Ju 390 V-2. 

Two test flights at Rechlin are recorded in the log of Oberleutnant Joachim Eisenmann for March 1945: an SS report at the Berlin Document Centre states that this second prototype was at Schweidnitz near Breslau in April 1945  for the evacuation of Kammler's Bell project.

It was known to have flown from there to Bodo in Norway after which German records are silent. 

In an English language summary to his book on German advanced wartime technologies in Poland, Igor Witkowski, wrote: 

SS-Sturmbannführer Rudolf Schuster was an officer of SS-RSHA Abt.III.

Schuster´s direct superior,  SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Neumann, masqueraded under various aliases post-war and was well known to the Intelligence authorities in Argentina.

From 4 June 1944 he was responsible for transport with SS-ELF [Special Evacuation Commando]., subordinated to Lower Silesia Gauleiter Karl Hanke [appointed successor to Himmler in Hitler´s Last Will and Testament].

The Commando performed transport duties under the cover name  "Agricultural Fertilizers-Oskar Schwartz & Son'" 

"In the Berlin Document Centre I found the officer's service sheet. From this it appears he was also at the 'Special Duty Office', SS-WVHA Amt A-V zbV. 

"In his interrogation he told Allied investigators that in the second half of April 1945 a Junkers Ju 390 aircraft of KG 200 had taken materials related to the 'Chronos' and 'Laternenträger' projects to Bodo airbase in Norway. The aircraft was painted pale blue and bore Swedish Air Force markings. 

"It took off from the airfield close to Schweidnitz [Swidnice] near Fürstenstein [Ksiaz]. and before the flight was heavily guarded by SS and covered with canvas. 

"In Norway the transport was supervised by SS-Obergruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg".

Eisenmann's flight-log is the most convincing evidence, that a second Ju 390 was completed. It states two test-flights on 9 February 1945, one flight of 55 minutes in Rechlin and the other 22 minutes with take-off in Rechlin and landing in Lärz nearby. 

The flight-log does not state the registration numberof the aircraf, although it was obligatory to state it in the flight-log.

According to Eisenmann the aircraft remained in Lärz. Crew-members of the Ju 290's of FAGr. 5, who were in Lärz between 20  March 20 and  12  April  1945, do not remember having seen a Ju 390 there. And there is no known photo of Ju 390 V2, all existing photos of Ju 390 have been identified as showing V1.

The Argentine archive contains one single document reporting the arrival of a multi-engined German transport aircraft at a private aerodrome near Gualeguay, Entre Rios province, in May 1945 and carrying a device and materials which link it to Kammler's Polish project.

The Argentine Government made it known that it was anxious to receive weapons and technical projects from Germany immediately post-war and had a large budget for co-operation. 

When Brazil entered the war in 1942, Argentina felt sufficiently threatened by Brazil to request the purchase from Germany of six U-Boats and a number of maritime reconnaissance aircraft. General Pistarini was behind the request. 

While Hitler agreed in principle, on the advice of the German Foreign Ministry he ruled that it could not be done openly for fear of compromising Argentine neutrality, and Argentina would have to deal "under the counter" with the various suppliers, i.e. none of the production nor sales would be booked. 

Exactly what was supplied is unknown. 

There are no photographs nor records indicating that anything at all was supplied, except after the war four Second World War U-Boat engines were discovered in the Mercedes plant at Gonzalez Catan, where they were being used to supply the factory's power, and whose origin is unknown and undocumented.

This point to activities connected to Argentina which everybody involved is still at pains to conceal.

This document is from the Economics archive. 

The very strong evidence for the arrival of "a multi-engined German transport aircraft" at Gualeguay, Entre Rios at the war's end appears in a 1945 Argentine Iintelligence document. 

This document describes the laboratory equipment known as "the Bell" aboard the aircraft, and its purpose. 

The information about the Bell did not become public knowledge until 1998, when the Polish archives released certain information about the experiments which matches precisely the Argentine description.

During the period 1943-1944 an air shuttle operated between Madrid and El Palomar military aerodrome, Buenos Aires, FW 200 aircraft were used.

The possibility that a very long range secret version of the Ju 390 aircraft had been constructed was suggested by Wolfgang Hirschfeld in his book "Atlantik Farewell: Das Letzte U-boot". 

Oberfunkmeister Hirschfeld sailed aboard U-234 for Japan direct. The submarine carried a cargo of secret war material for the Japanese war effort and surrendered to a US Navy destroyer in mid May. 

Hirschfeld stated that a "special version of the FW 200" with additional fuel tanks had been built to tranship the most important items of U-234 cargo to Japan, with a fuelling stop in Manchuria. 

The idea had been scrapped when it was determined that it was not possible to reach Manchuria without overflying Soviet airspace. 

Manfred Griehl also mentions FW 200 designs with trans-oceanic range enabled by long range tanks inside the aircraft hull. 

The greatest known distance for a non-stop FW 200 flight occurred on 10 August 1938 when a passenger version flew from Berlin to New York. 

lHirschfeld may have been confused between the types of aircraft to be used, or assumed it would be an FW 200, or deliberately misled. 

Griehl mentiones "designs" but that does not mean anything proceeded beyond the blue-print stage.

The important point about not crossing Soviet airspace after the aircraft was converted was the designated cargo. The material to be shipped aboard the aircraft was the famous ten cases of "Uranium oxide". 

This material could not be allowed to fall into Soviet hands under any circumstances, and the containers would have survived a land crash [being lead cylinders lined with gold]. 


The shuttle service between Madrid and Buenos Aires was known as Operation Condor. 

The distance is about the same as that between Norway and Manchuria, and so if the FW 200 aircraft alluded to by Hirschfeld actually existed, no refuelling stop would have been necessary. 

CEANA, the Argentine Congressional Committee enquiring into Argentina's Nazi connections post-war alleged that regular flights occurred between Spain and Argentina between 1943 and 1945. 

This is supported by US Intelligence documents which describe the organisation and says it has a list of the pilots, although this has never been published. 

 Senator Santander led the accusations, but the Argentine armed forces, mainly Fascist dominated then and for decades afterwards, rejected any such flights as "impossible", since German aircraft of the time did not have the range to make the flight non-stop.  [General Carlos van der Becke: "Destruccion de una Infamia"]. 

Argentine writers allege a refuelling stop in Spanish Sahara.

The Ju 290 was the likely choice, although the commencement date of 1943 does not make one aircraft more likely than the other.

Spanish Sahara is significantly nearer Buenos Aires than Las Palmas. 

Professor Ronald C Newton in "El Cuarto Lado del Triangulo" [Ed. Sudamericana, publ Bs As 1995] mentions the courier service ran between S America and Europe [Rome and Madrid respectively] direct until suspended at the end of 1941. 

The service was run by the Italian airline LATI and the German Condor airline. Diplomatic material was conveyed by both airlines. 

The Ju 290 was the likely choice, although the commencement date of 1943 does not make one aircraft more likely than the other.

Spanish Sahara is significantly nearer Buenos Aires than Las Palmas. 

There is a document at NARA [CF-OP-2315, Naval Intelligence Box] "German Disembarkations at San Clemente del Tuyu" dated 18 April 1945 which mentions two FW 200 aircraft. 

It reads: 

"22.5.1944. General Faupel acting for Martin Bormann in Argentina wrote referring to two reports, one from Leute [German financier] and General Pistarini [Argentine Chief of General Staff] suggesting two FW 200 Condors since over-land shipments Spain/Cadiz no longer possible". 

There is no doubt that U-Boats disembarked passengers in Argentina during the war:

The Abwehr/SS ran a lobster boat, the "Santa Barbara" which made two round trips between Europe and Argentina in 1943 and 1944.

This should have been impossible but is now undoubted and is one of the great mysteries of the Second World War. 

This suggests that two FW 200 Condors were available, making the flight from Madrid to Buenos Aires possibly with the intermediate refuelling stop in the Spanish Sahara.

Documents from Junkers archives indicate the Ju 390 could have reached New York in January 1944, but not with any useful bomb load.


A Biography of Air Marshal Erhard Milch by David Irving notes that Milch favoured operating a New York mission by refuelling in Greenland..

The Junkers Ju 390 was extremely slow, limited in fuel consumption by the two-stage super-chargers on BMW801E engines to a practical ceiling of just 21,000ft, much too low to survive air defences around New York.

One of the Ju-390 Junkers test pilots, Flugkapitän Hans Werner Lerche referred to the Ju-390 as suffering from wing flutter in any but the shallowest of turns, thus it could not evade fighter defences on a bombing mission. 

The Ju 390 was however an exceptional long range transporter. Ju390 test pilot Flugkapitän Hans Pancherz flew one to South Africa and back, via the Spanish port town of Villa Cizneros [modern Dhakla]

The second of at least three Ju-390 built appears to be located in waters off Owls Head, Maine where it went down, apparently on fire during a Hurricane in September 1944.


In September 1969 the "Daily Telegraph newspaper" published an article on the New York flight citing an interview with Junkers Test pilot Hans Pancherz who said he flew ''one of the Ju-390 transports'' [plural] on a test flight to South Africa and back in early 1944. 

The V3 aircraft was flown to Japan who expressed an interest in 1943 to acquire the bomber version and produce it in Manchuria. A number of people such Armament Minister Albert Speer Flug and Hauptman Lerche claimed a Ju 390 was flown to Tokyo in January 1945.

Missions flown to Japan were the preserve of Sonderkommando Nebel. Speer said the Ju390 mission to Tokyo in 1945 was flown by test pilots, not millitary service pilots.

Evidence for Nazi airfield in Greenland

Germans are known to have operated weather stations in Greenland, however American units sent to eliminate these operations came under attack in December 1944 from two German bombers believed to be He 177 aircraft:

On 15 December 1944 Swedish newspaper "Sud Svensk Dagbladet Snällposten" carried a Reuters report about fighting on land in Greenland between US and German forces.

During one such skirmish the Americans were attacked by two-engine bombers which indicates a German airfield on Greenland. [Report, ABC, Madrid, 15.12,.1944]

It may be therefore that the Germans intended for a long range type to land and refuel in Greenland on a return flight or even perhaps on the outbound flight?

Ju 390 Bomber version

There was indeed a Bomber version of the Ju 390 recorded in Junkers archival material and reports were found describing actual flight testing of this bomber version. 

However, the aircraft which reports alluded to have never been found.

The Ju-390 V1 prototype was parked up and abandoned at Dessau in November 1944 where it was photographed stripped of propellers. This aircraft was torched in January 1945.

After destruction of the derelict Ju390 at Dessau there are at least three further historical sightings of a Ju390. 

Two Ju 390 test flights at Rechlin were recorded in the log-book of Oberleutnant Fritz Eisenmann for March 1945. The first flight was for pilot familiarisation, the second for transfer of the aircraft from Reichlin to ärz.

A 1945 report of the interrogation of an SS officer, archived at the Berlin Document Centre states a Ju 390 in Swedish markings took off from Schweidnitz near Breslau, Silesia in April 1945 bound for Norway.:

The arrival of a Ju3 90 at el Palomar air base was also cited from an Economics Ministry document at hearings by CEANA, the Argentine Congressional Committee enquiring into Argentina's Nazi connections post-war.

This alleged that regular flights occurred between Spain and Argentina from 1943 to 1945, flown via Vila Czneros on the Spanish Sahara coast. 

The document cites the arrival of a multi-engined German aircraft at a private aerodrome near Puntas de Gualeguay, Entre Rios province, in May 1945, carrying laboratory equipment referred to as a “Bell” linked to Kammler's Polish project. 

From this landing in Argentina the Ju390 finally flew east across the Rio Uruguay to land at a German owned ranch 60km east of Paysandu city near the village of “19 de Abril” where it was broken up. Parts were dumped in Rio Uruguay.

The Ju-390 V2 meanwhile was apparently the aircraft flown to within 12 miles of New York from France in January 1944.

The aircraft found in waters off Owl’s Head, Maine must have been either the V3 or the V4 prototype.

Junkers was paid in September 1944 by the Luftwaffe Quartermaster General for six completed Ju390 airframes [source author Geoffrey Brooks, "Argentina"] from the V2 to V7 protypes inclusive. 

This payment is recorded in a contract let for series production of the Ju390 in September 1944.

A report dated March 1944 indicated Junkers Dessau would turn out 26 examples of Ju 390 by March 1946. The Luftwaffe series aircraft were referred to as A-series and examples for export to Japan were termed as B-series. 

The Luftwaffe Quartermaster General on 1 December 1943, referred to the V2 aircraft as the first series production Ju390 aircraft. Plans for series production Ju390-A appeared with the contract issued in Septemer 1944.

All bomber production was halted by orders of Herman Göring 3 July 1944, however the Quartermaster General of the Luftwaffe issued a new contract to build a bomber version of the Ju 390 in September 1944, after bomber construction were supposedly halted

A Japanese airbase on Matua Island in the Kurils is today littered with German fuel drums dated from 1943 and German manufactured electrical transformers. 

It may be that this was the eastern terminal of an air bridge performed by Ju-290/Ju-390 aircraft from Norway.

Göring planned to use these with suicide pilots to deliver a small nuclear weapon to New York.

The weapon in question had a 5kg sub critical nuclear device described in the famous Stockholm signal to Japan, sent between the Japanese embassy in Sweden and Tokyo 9 December 1944 describing the German “Uranium atom smashing bomb”

Air Marshal Erhardt Milch favored staging a New York attack through a refuelling airfield in Greenland. There are photos in existence of a Ju-390 on an airstrip in far northern Greenland.

II is known that both the Ju 290 and Ju 390 were capable of carrying extra auxilliary tanks inside the cabin, however whilst the New York flight was feasible with extra fuel tanks, this meant there was no payload, or bombload. 

Any attack upon New York was either a one way flight or had to stage a landing in Greenland. Likewise flights to Japan probably required an intermediate refuelling stop.

Hybrid Me-264

The Me 264 was a four engined long range maritime reconnaissance bomber with very poor bombload capability, requiring extremely long runways by the standards of WW2.

Ultimately one was operated from northern Norway or northern Finland on a courier service to Japan, but the Me 264 was not the intended Amerika Bomber. 

It is known that Sonderkommando Nebel operated long range Me264 missions over Russia after the V1 prototype had been destroyed which imply a second Me 264 prototype was flown.

Late in the war Me 264 wings fabricated at the Messerschmitt plant in Oslo, Norway were to be retrofitted to He 177 fuselages to create a hybrid aircraft of which little is known.


He-277 the real Amerika Bomber

The real aircraft design intended to launch an aerial attack on North America was the He-274 built at Toulouse in France by Heinkel.

In effect this aircraft was the He-177H also referred to as the He-177 A-4 with a pressurised cabin. 

It was decided to fit production He 77 bombers with MW-50 equipped DB 603 engines, the aim being a delivery rate of 200 planes a month by January 1944.

 In fact by January 1945 Heinkel five He 277 had been produced, out of an ultimate 14 aircraft.

After WW2 two prototypes were completed and used by the French Air Force for high altitude research.

The Nazis completed seven He 277 aircraft -close relatives of the He 274- and by 1945 Germany shifted these He-277 to Gardermoen airbase near Oslo, operated by the SS, not the Luftwaffe.

The purpose of these aircraft was to launch Tromsdorff D6000 hypersonic cruise missles from high altitude at New York.


Following WW2 the French continued to experiment not only with the He-274 aircraft, but also developed the Tromsdorff D-6000 concept.

Sadly the French scrapped their perfectly airworthy He-274 at Marsailles in 1953 along with several Ju-88 and Do-217 test aircraft.

The He274 is visibly similar but much different in proportions from the He277

Before any of these weapons systems could be used in anger, in July 1944 the US conveyed a threat to Hitler through the German legation at Lisbon to drop America’s Atomic bomb on Dresden within 6 weeks unless Hitler entered peace negotiations. 

Reference to this was listed in the Project Epsilon transcript of secretly recorded conversations between Nazi nuclear scientists at Farm Hall in August 1945. It has also been corroborated since the war by Dr Paul Harteck.

It is ironic that the first load of spent fuel rods harvested from the Hanford Nuclear reactor were too contaminated with Plutonium-240 in 1944 for USA to carry out this threat, but Hitler had no idea of these problems.

This threat however prompted Hitler to open direct communication with London via the Romanian political opposition via radio in August 1944.

Churchill added a further threat to respond to any nuclear attack by ordering the RAF to drop Anthrax all over Germany.

Hitler was deeply intimidated by the Allied threat to use Anthrax which led during August 1944 to secret surrender talks with western allies excluding the Soviets. 

The Soviets however captured Romania’s Marshal Antonescu who had been a conduit for such talks in September 1944 and through him learned that Washington had duped Moscow. This betrayal of Soviet Russia led directly to the annimosity of the ensuing Cold War.

People who speculate upon Germany’s Amerika bomber project miss the vital ingredient that these German aircraft were never intended to fly a return mission across the Atlantic. 

Rather they were intended to launch pilotless cruise missiles.

The Amerika-Bomber project was an initiative of the German Reichsluftfahrtministerium to obtain a long-range strategic bomber for the Luftwaffe that would be capable of striking the United States from Germany, a distance of about 5,800 km [3,600 mi]. 

The concept was raised as early as 1938, but advanced, cogent plans for such a long-range strategic bomber design did not begin to appear in Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring's offices until early 1942.

Various proposals were put forward, including using it to deliver an atomic bomb [which Germany ultimately never developed], but they were all eventually abandoned as too expensive, and potentially consuming far too much of Germany's rapidly diminishing aviation production capacity after 1942.

How the Amerika Bomber might have looked


The Japanese effort was also directed towards bombing the US but like Germany’s project was also abandoned for lack of resources.

The Nakajima G10N Fugaku, was a planned Japanese ultra-long-range heavy bomber designed during World War II. 

It was conceived as a method for mounting aerial attacks from Japan against industrial targets along the West Coast [San Francisco], Midwestern [Detroit, Chicago, and Wichita] and Northeastern [New York and Norfolk] of the United States. 

The Nakajima NK11A 18 cylinder radial engines never left development and proved highly unreliable.

Japan's worsening war situation resulted in the project's cancellation in 1944.

Nakajima G10N: How it might have looked

Consideration by all three major combatants was given to an intercontinental bomber but only the Americans began actual work on one.

B-36 'Peacemaker'

The genesis of the B-36 can be traced to early 1941, prior to the entry of the United States into World War II.

At the time it appeared there was a very real chance that Britain might fall to the Nazi "Blitz", making a strategic bombing effort by the United States Army Air Corps against Germany impossible with the aircraft of the time.

The U.S. would need a new class of bomber which would reach Europe and return to bases in North America - a combat range of at least 5,700 miles [9,200 km], the distance of a Gander, Newfoundland–Berlin round trip.

The USAAC therefore sought a bomber of truly intercontinental range.

The Convair B-36 "Peacemaker" was a strategic bomber built by Convair and operated solely by the United States Air Force from 1949 to 1959. The B-36 is the largest mass-produced piston-engined aircraft ever built.

 It had the longest wingspan of any combat aircraft ever built, at 230 ft [70.1 m].

 The B-36 was the first bomber capable of delivering any of the nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal from inside its four bomb bays without aircraft modifications.

With a range of 10,000 mi [16,000 km] and a maximum payload of 87,200 lb [39,600 kg], the B-36 was capable of interc-ontinental flight without refuelling.

Entering service in 1948, the B-36 was the primary nuclear weapons delivery vehicle of the Strategic Air Command until it was replaced by the jet-powered Boeing B-52 Stratofortress from 1955.

Wunderwaffe [wonder weapon] and was a term assigned during World War II by the German Propaganda ministry to a few revolutionary weapons

Most of these weapons however remained more or less feasible prototypes, or reached the combat theatre too late, and in too insignificant numbers [if at all] to have a military effect.

Aircraft carriers

  • Graf Zeppelin - a 33,550 ton aircraft carrier laid down in 1936, never completed
  • Flugzeugträger B - planned sister ship to the Graf Zeppelin


H class battleship - a series of proposals for battleships, culminating in the H-44, a 140,000 ton battleship with eight 20 inch guns


  • Rocket U-Boat - a planned ballistic missile submarine
  • Type XVIII   - a U-Boat designed to use air-independent propulsion; several were under construction when the war ended
  • Type XXI     - "Elektroboote" [Electric boat] - the first U-Boat designed to operate completely submerged, 118 were built
  • Type XXIV   - a planned U-Boat designed to use air-independent propulsion
  • Type XXVI   -  a U-Boat designed to use air-independent propulsion; several were under construction when the war ended
  • Type XXII    -  a U-Boat designed to use air-independent propulsion; two were under construction
  • Type XXIII   - a U-boat designed for littoral missions

Type XXV U-boat - a planned all-electric U-Boat designed for littoral missions

Submarine aircraft carrier

Type XI - a U-Boat designed to carry the Arado Ar 231 collapsible floatplane; four were laid down but canceled at the outbreak of World War II

Anti-aircraft weapons

Flakpanzer "Kugelblitz" [Ball Lightning] - a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun

Anti-tank weapons

Sturer Emil - an experimental tank destroyer


Panzer IX and Panzer X - planned tanks

Super-heavy tanks

  • Landkreuzer P. 1000 "Ratte" [Rat] - a planned super-heavy tank, weighing 1,000 metric tons and armed with two 280mm cannons
  • Landkreuzer P. 1500 "Monster" - a planned super-heavy tank, weighing 1500 metric tons and armed with an 800mm cannon
  • Panzer VII "Löwe" [Lion] - a planned super-heavy tank, weighing 90 metric tons and armed with a 105mm cannon
  • Panzer VIII "Maus" [Mouse] - a super-heavy tank, weighing 180 metric tons and armed with two cannons of 128mm & 75mm calibre, two operable prototypes completed
  • Panzerkampfwagen E-100 - a planned super-heavy tank, weighing 140 metric tons and armed with 170mm cannon


Junkers Ju 322 "Mammut" [Mammoth] - a flying wing heavy transport glider.

Piston engine aircraft

  • Focke-Achgelis Fa 269 - a planned tilt-rotor VTOL fighter
  • Focke-Wulf Ta 152 - a high-altitude interceptor
  • Focke-Wulf Ta 400 - a planned Amerika Bomber with six radial engines and two jet engines with a range of 13,000 km in bomber configuration
  • Heinkel He 111Z - a five engined aircraft created by combining two He 111s and designed to tow large gliders
  • Heinkel He 274 - a high altitude heavy bomber with four in-line engines with a range of 3,440 km
  • Heinkel He 277 - a planned, advanced long range bomber design, intended to be an Amerika Bomber candidate, to be powered with four BMW 801 radial engines
  • Junkers Ju 390 - an Amerika bomber with six radial engines with a range of 9,700 km
  • Junkers Ju 488 - a heavy bomber with four radial engines with a range of 3,395 km
  • Messerschmitt Me 264 - an Amerika bomber with four radial engines and a range of 15,000 km
  • Messerschmitt Me 323 "Gigant" [Giant] - a heavy transport with six engines

Jets and rocket-propelled aircraft

  • Arado Ar 234 - the first operational turbojet bomber
  • Arado E.555 - a planned jet-powered Amerika bomber
  • Bachem Ba 349 "Natter" [Adder] - a rocket-powered vertical take-off interceptor
  • Blohm & Voss P.178 - a turbojet dive bomber
  • DFS 194 - a rocket-powered experimental aircraft
  • DFS 228 - a rocket-powered high altitude reconnaissance aircraft
  • DFS 346 - a rocket-powered research aircraft
  • Fieseler Fi 103R "Reichenberg" - a manned version of the V-1 flying bomb
  • Focke-Wulf Fw "Triebflügel" [Powered Wing] - a planned ramjet tailsitter interceptor
  • Focke-Wulf Ta 183 "Huckebein" - a planned swept wing turbojet fighter
  • Focke-Wulf Ta 283 - a planned swept wing ramjet and rocket-powered fighter
  • Heinkel He 162 "Volksjäger" [People's Fighter] - a turbojet fighter
  • Heinkel He 176 - a rocket-powered experimental aircraft
  • Heinkel He 178 - the first turbojet aircraft
  • Heinkel He 280 - the first turbojet fighter
  • Heinkel He 343 - a planned four engined jet bomber based on the Arado Ar 234
  • Henschel Hs 132 - a planned turbojet dive bomber and interceptor
  • Horten Ho 229 - a turbojet flying wing jet fighter/bomber
  • Horten H.XVIII - a planned flying wing jet bomber based on the Horten Ho 229
  • Junkers EF 132 - a planned turbojet bomber
  • Junkers Ju 287 - a forward-swept wing turbojet bomber
  • Lippisch P.13a - a planned ramjet delta wing interceptor
  • Lippisch P.13b - a planned ramjet delta wing interceptor developed from the Lippisch P.13a
  • Messerschmitt Me 109TL - a turbojet fighter designed as an alternate/back-up for the Me 262
  • Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" [Comet] - the first and only operational rocket-powered fighter
  • Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" [Swallow]- the first operational turbojet fighter/bomber
  • Messerschmitt Me 263 - a rocket-powered fighter developed from the Me 163
  • Messerschmitt Me P.1101 - a variable-sweep wing ramjet fighter
  • Messerschmitt Me P.1106 - a jet fighter based on the Messerschmitt Me P.1101
  • Silbervogel [Silverbird] - planned sub-orbital antipodal bomber


  • Flettner Fl 184 - a night reconnaissance and anti-submarine autogyro
  • Flettner Fl 185 - an experimental helicopter
  • Flettner Fl 265 - an experimental helicopter
  • Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" [Hummingbird] - a reconnaissance helicopter
  • Focke Achgelis Fa 223 "Drache" [Dragon] - an anti-submarine, search and rescue, reconnaissance, and freight helicopter
  • Focke-Wulf Fw 61 - an experimental helicopter

Bombs and explosives

German nuclear energy project


  • Schwerer Gustav Heavy Gustav] - an 800mm railway gun
  • V-3 cannon "Hochdruckpumpe" [High Pressure Pump] a supergun


  • A1 - the first German experimental rocket
  • A2 - an experimental rocket, gyroscopically stabilizer
  • A3 - an experimental rocket with an inertial guidance system
  • A4/V-2 - the first ballistic missile and the first human-made object to achieve sub-orbital spaceflight
  • A4-SLBM - a planned submarine-launched ballistic missile
  • A4b
  • A5 - an experimental reusable rocket
  • A6 - an improved A4b
  • A7 - an improved A4
  • A8 - a planned submarine-launched ballistic missile
  • A9 Amerikarakete - a planned intermediate-range ballistic missile to be used to strike the eastern United States
  • A10 - a planned lower stage for the A9 to upgrade it to an intercontinental ballistic missile
  • A11 - a planned satellite launcher
  • A12 - a planned rocket, capable of putting 10 metric tons into low Earth orbit
  • Enzian - a planned surface-to-air missile with infrared guidance
  • Feuerlilie F-25 "Fire Lilly" - a surface-to-air missile
  • Feuerlilie F-55 "Fire Lilly" - a two-stage, supersonic surface-to-air missile
  • Fieseler Fi 103/V-1 flying bomb/Vergeltungswaffe 1 - the first cruise missile
  • Fliegerfaust "Pilot Fist" or "Plane Fist" / Luftfaust "Air Fist" - the first man-portable air-defense system
  • Fritz X - an air-launched anti-ship missile
  • Henschel Hs 117 Schmetterling [Butterfly] - a manually guided surface-to-air missile
  • Henschel Hs 117H - a manually guided air-to-air missile
  • Henschel Hs 293 - a manually guided air-to-ship missile
  • Henschel Hs 294 - a manually guided air-to-ship torpedo
  • Henschel Hs 298 - an air-to-air missile
  • R4M Orkan "Hurricane" - an air-to-air rocket
  • Rheinbote "Rhine Messenger"- the first short-range ballistic missile
  • Rheintochter "Rhinemaiden" - a manually guided surface-to-air missile
  • Ruhrstahl X-4 - a wire-guided air-to-air missile designed for the Ta 183
  • Taifun "Typhoon" - a planned unguided surface-to-air missile
  • Wasserfall Ferngelenkte Flakrakete "Waterfall Remote-Controlled A-A Rocket" - a supersonic surface-to-air missile
  • Werfer-Granate 21 - an air-to-air rocket


Sun gun - a parabolic mirror in orbit designed to focus sunlight onto specific locations on the Earth's surface


  • Jagdfaust - an automatically firing airborne anti-bomber recoilless rifle for use on the Me 16
  • Mauser MG 213 - a 20 mm aircraft mounted revolver cannon
  • Mauser MG 213C - a 30 mm aircraft mounted revolver cannon
  • Sturmgewehr 44 - the first assault rifle
  • "Krummlauf" - a curved barrel for the StG44
  • Sturmgewehr 45 - prototype

Mission equipment

  • Zielgerät 1229 "Vampir" - active infrared for the Sturmgewehr 44
  • FG 1250 Tank Mounted night-vision equipment

